
Emperor Style(Working on it)

Fate a powerful concept of life. as proved by myths and history. The more you try to hinder it, the stronger it becomes. Born from two beings that should have never Met. He became an abomination, something that should have never existed. My first book, so please if I make any grammatical errors, or write anything that you feel is wrong, bear with me. and help me in pointing out my mistake. Discord link: https://discord.gg/G8v2ghWU5g

Hamzat_11 · Fantasía
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36 Chs

Zhu yang return

author POV

Going into the dark side, Maria and Liam looked back.

The other side still looked the same, bright and day-like, taking in deep breaths.

Maria and Liam continued moving on without looking back this time until they could not be seen from the day-like side.

unknown location

"The remaining trace of him just disappeared" yelled a shadowy figure while throwing a box-shaped device at the ground.

"How dare you stress me" he yelled again, with red eyes filled with rage and hatred.

"When I find you, I will make sure to torment you to your last breath, hahahahaha," he said laughing crazily.

Heaven maria resident

After Maria left, mercy spent her time thinking about how everything went. "Mercy" came a thundering voice, and with that yell, the whole castle shook like an earthquake was coming.

Jolting up from Maria's bed mercy hid under the bed, though playful she could tell that whoever was calling her name is strong and pissed.

"You can't hide from me," said the newcomer dragging her from under the bed, and taking her towards the courtroom direction.

"I didn't do anything" Mercy cried out, "it was just a prank, we didn't mean anything bad" she continued in a rushed tone, contradicting her first statement.

"Come to the courtroom," said the newcomer in a quiet and soft tone, and just as if she used something to magnify her voice it reached all the people she needed.

'why is the clan head so angry, did she find out about our exploit' thought mercy.

Yes, it's the clan head mary, after her battle with bloom and his vanishing into thin air, she lost track of Maria.

Having no other choice she decided to come back to heaven and use other means to track them.

Without wasting time she reached the door of the courtroom, which opened on its own, and surprisingly everyone was already seated, this was enough to show anyone that they respected her or feared her a lot.

Letting mercy go, she walked towards her throne, with everyone present in the room bowing their heads and some even kneeling.

After taking her seat she rouse her arms to the sky, and with that everyone returned to their seats.

"What is the problem my lady," asked an old-looking woman who was standing very close to Mary.

"Something big," Mary said in a solemn tone.

Looking a bit surprised the woman brought her head down.

After taking the throne everyone knew that Mary changed completely, she hardly shows any emotions on her face.

And seeing the anger and sadness on her face, they could tell that things are not good.

"Is it because of Maria your highness" inquired Felisha while standing up, with a look on her face that said; I knew it.

"It seems you know my daughter more than me sister," Mary said, in a sarcastic tone.

"I've been with her since she was a little girl, saying I know her more than you will be an understatement.

I will say I know her very well," said Felisha, sounding more sarcastic than Mary.

'If not for the fact that killing you will do more harm than good, I would have done that a long time ago' Mary thought, glaring at Felisha intensively, but without dwelling too much on that matter.

"Maria eloped with a demon, and not just any demon, the speculated future ruler of the demon clan," Mary said.

*Gasp*, with their mouth wide open and shock written on their faces, mercy especially.

Though her thoughts were different '*awwwwn* Maria finally found love what a surprise, I wish her luck and wish I would find mine too' she thought, with a cheerful expression on her imaginary face.

"How, and why didn't we know anything about this" an elder asked, in an exasperated tone.

"That's not the main topic here, why did you help her out?" Mary asked looking at mercy.

"She said she wanted to get something and the court was stopping her.

So she requested that I impersonate her," Mercy said.

She was not foolish, she knew what to say and what not to.

And since it happened that way, they could not find any lies in it.

"I want you guys to keep it a secret for now.

And start preparing resources for tracking them down," Mary said to all in the court.

"Yes your majesty," they said, responding in a chorus.

Some minutes after they left.

*creak* With the door opening, a handsome male walked in.

Having white hair which was a trademark owned by the majority of angels.

"You called for me your highness," said the newcomer.

"Yes," said Mary, looking at him " Maria eloped " she continued.

"Who?" he asked, with gritted teeth, and clenched fist.

"A demon," Mary said not wasting time, she seemed to want to go straight to the point.

"what do I have to do?" he asked, understanding Mary thought process.

"I believe you know that Zhu yang, do what you think you have to do," she said, with a slightly devilish smile on her face.

To identify and imagine the characters I decide to look for reference art. there are not mine if by chance there belong to you and you don't want me to use them again tell me and I will remove them.

the one in the chapter comment is for Lilith I will try to look for more and introduce it.

thanks for reading.

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