
Emperor Style(Working on it)

Fate a powerful concept of life. as proved by myths and history. The more you try to hinder it, the stronger it becomes. Born from two beings that should have never Met. He became an abomination, something that should have never existed. My first book, so please if I make any grammatical errors, or write anything that you feel is wrong, bear with me. and help me in pointing out my mistake. Discord link: https://discord.gg/G8v2ghWU5g

Hamzat_11 · Fantasía
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36 Chs


Maria POV

I feel like a caged animal, with everyone just trying to use me for their gains, sometimes I wonder if she's my mom; Mary Micheal the ruler of angels.

Looking at her I felt pissed, and I also promised myself to be a better mother to my child.

"Are you hiding something," Mary said, sounding more like an order.

"I think I have the right to remain silent," I said with confidence, looking directly at Mary.

Looking at me and shaking her head, with an expression that looked like she was pitying me and later shifted towards the scornful side.

"Is it because of the life you are carrying?" she said.

Shocking not only me but everyone in my sight.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice, I didn't get where I am today for nothing.

Why don't you tell us the father of your child, maybe I can decide to let it live" she continued trying to give me a reason to say everything.

I know the moment I call it father's name, my child would be gone so the only way out is to buy time and find a way out of here.

"Zhu yang," I said not thinking much and giving the most plausible answer.

"Zhu yang," Mary said, with clear doubt written on her face.

"If I am right you never let him come close to you," she said trying to tell me am not saying the truth.

"I didn't want it to go public, but since you figured it out and exposed us I will have to say it.

I decided to do it with Zhu yang to bring forth a good heir for our clan" I said, sounding like a good Samaritan.

"I think the solution is simple," said Felisha, it was not surprising due to my thought about her being a snake in green grass.

"We just have to call Zhu yang," she said trying to make her point clear.

"I don't have a problem with that, but he's currently not in the clan and I don't think he can make it back here in minutes.

So if you don't mind I would like to return to my residence in the meantime," I said, sounding tired and stressed out.

"You can return for now I will call you back when I need you," Mary said, to which I replied with a nod and exited the hall.

authors POV

"Can we trust her," one of the elders said looking a bit dejected?

"No, we just have to wait for Zhu YANG to return and everything would be solved," said Felisha, looking toward the exit.

Mary as the clan leader knew about the politics and games of her clan, but she didn't care. Her main focus was the father of the child.

"Keep an eye on her" mary said, looking at her spouse.

"Are you scared? "asked her spouse, giving her a smirk.

"No, just hope she did not do anything foolish," mary said.

Shaking his head, he left the room like he wasn't there in the first place; like a ghost.

Maria POV

I don't know why this is happening, but I have to stay strong and I can't involve Liam now.

There's a chance that they can detect any external communication means, so not to alert them I think it would be best to leave this heaven of a place before trying to communicate with him.

Right now Mercy is the only one that can help me out, don't know if I can trust her with this, but this is my last chance.

author POV

After deciding to use Mercy's help she started her journey toward her residence which was in the same castle as hers.

Mercy is just like a friendly neighbor, cheerful and charismatic in a way, she is currently the only true friend of Maria in a sense.

And just like Maria, she's one of the prodigies of their generation, though still lower than Maria in a lot of places.

She has the appearance of a girl in her twenties and also has a great affinity for affection. to put it shortly she's your friendly neighbor next door.

Maria POV

Mercy has always been a cheerful girl sometimes she acts naive, which I still find hard to believe.

How can someone be so innocent in such a dangerous society, can't say much maybe she has some kind of charm that protects her from bad guys.

Reaching a door in the hallway, not too flashy but still good enough to show the occupant of the room has influence.

Ringing the doorbell I was answered shortly with a tight hug from a very beautiful and cheerful girl, "maria-san you finally decided to come to see me" she said happily.

"Sorry I just had a lot of things on the table, I hope you are not mad at me," I said not wanting to hurt her feelings.

"Aww if anyone were to see this they wouldn't believe you could care so much for a person," she said, smiling "can I come in," I said.

"Sorry for my slip up, I was just too excited," she said while holding her ears, I would have preferred that she use the time to welcome me in, but what can I do, but hope for the best?

"Oooh I forgot, please come in," she said in a hurry while bowing down repeatedly.

If my reflexes weren't good I would have already been head-butted.

Taking in a deep breath I walked in hoping for the best.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Hamzat_11creators' thoughts