
Emperor Style(Working on it)

Fate a powerful concept of life. as proved by myths and history. The more you try to hinder it, the stronger it becomes. Born from two beings that should have never Met. He became an abomination, something that should have never existed. My first book, so please if I make any grammatical errors, or write anything that you feel is wrong, bear with me. and help me in pointing out my mistake. Discord link: https://discord.gg/G8v2ghWU5g

Hamzat_11 · Fantasy
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36 Chs


Liam POV

The carriage was not bad, to be honest only a few got the chance to enter such carriages in the demon city 'monolith'.

Though it can't be helped if I don't get such treatment don't know who will.

Getting in, with Lilith not even waiting for me to invite her in, she sat down next to me too close for my comfort.

Creating a little space between us, I drew close to the door trying not to make it too obvious that I am avoiding getting close to her.

I could feel her gaze on my body, though I couldn't tell her facial expression, avoiding eye contact was the best cause of action in this situation.

"Hey what do you think of our engagement?" she said, trying to create a conversation.

"Nothing really, I didn't have much of a choice," I said still looking through the window, with a rude tone to my words.

"Why are you always like this?" she said pouting, I won't lie she looked really cute.

Black silky long hair, beautifully colored purple eyes, and an oval-shaped face emphasizing her beauty.

When it comes to bodily structure, I can say she's one of the best in our world, though still far behind Maria.

Her breast was of the right proportion, just by looking at them through her outline, I could tell they will fit perfectly in my hands.

Her perky butt can make any normal guy go crazy, and I will appreciate it if you don't tell Maria I thought about any of this, she's the jealous and feisty type trust me you wouldn't want to get on her bad side.

Bringing me out of my thought was the carriage stopping in front of a castle-like building, to sum it up our whole clan gained its name because of this building.

It looked like an ancient structure with dark colors being its main components, some will see it as a witch house due to its characteristics and gloominess.

Walking through the gate with Lilith following closely behind me, I could feel the strength of the people around us.

In short guards or servants, with most of them being peak mortal rankers, and few being beginners stage low rankers (1st_3rd stage).

They looked like veteran warriors from their appearance.

Walking past them without paying any close attention to them, they all bowed in unison, not saying a single word.

On reaching the main door to the monolith, it opened automatically, I guess.

Since the only person standing on the other side of the opened door was a Butler, with his head bowed slightly.

"Welcome back Lord Liam," he said while doing a curtsy.

"it has been long since I had the opportunity of leading you to the hall" he continued not waiting for my response to his first sentence.

"Yes, Delion, it's been long, but I don't understand why you have to lead me.

You know I stay here and I've been to those Chambers a lot of times," I said not trying to hide my discontent with their stupid ethics.

"Sorry my Lord but rules are rules," he said still sounding respectful, and still with a slightly bowed head.

Delion is one of the main butlers of our clan, though his power level was around the same level as mine.

I could not still tell who would win during a fight, he looked more experienced, and though hidden well I could tell that he's a lion in sheep's clothing or more like a fox.

He's one of the butlers trained to become the next head butler and take care of the soon-to-be-appointed clan head, being older than the clan head is one of the criteria, just like the present head butler and the clan head.

Coming out of my thought I walked in, letting him lead the way.

Passing through familiar corridors and passages we reached a giant door with a lot of scary cavings of human skulls.

Demons with huge horns tormenting lower beings in existence, for demons this is the best view you can get after all violence is one of the main essences of our existence.

With the huge door opening up, a room came into sight, with people sitting at all corners leaving the middle space wide and empty.

Walking in with Lilith behind me and the butler stopping at the entrance, a big throne came into sight with a man sitting on it.

There were two thrones beside him, one to the left and the other to the right, more often than not those sits were empty, same as today.

"Liam," the man sitting on the throne said with his voice sounding hoarse.

"Lord Damien, I would like to know the purpose of this meeting," I said giving him a slight bow, with me sounding like a busy man that had many things to do.

"Simply, we want you to get married to Lilith soon," he said, going straight to the point and not getting provoked by my words.

Maybe he's used to it or just tolerating it for the sake of his dearest daughter.

Turning my head to look at Lilith with suspicion written clearly in my eyes, but after seeing her reaction I could at least tell that she didn't expect the topic to be about us.

Looking at me, and maybe reading my expression.

"Let me explain," she said in a rush, "I didn't know anything about this," she said again trying to prove her innocence.

"I can't get married to your daughter," I said looking back at Damien, trying to sound as polite as my character permitted.

With his eyes glowing red for a second and releasing a little of his pressure on me, I felt my bones and inner organs in turmoil.

With a figure coming in front of me, the pressure seized like it didn't exist.

"Dad" Lilith yelled, not even bothering to look at Damien. She started trying to attend to my wounds.

From the little view I got of him I could tell he was angry and pissed, but I didn't care.

Suddenly the ring on my finger, the necklace on my neck, and a strange energy inside my heart reacted, though it was not the first time.

This time it didn't signify love or a miss-you sign, what it signified was danger.

Without wasting any time I used all the energy in me, channeling as much miasma as I could from my core and utilizing the surrounding energy to give me a very high speed to reach my destination in time.

Due to my sudden actions, the defensive formations in the court reacted, trying to chain me down it was an annoying experience when you had somewhere to be fast and quick.

Taking out my sword I severed the magical chains with great speed and accuracy, using the sword to form a hole in the barrier, I increased my speed with the whole world slowing down around me.

I saw Damien reacting to my actions, maybe because I was in a hurry or something precious to me was in danger I could see all his movements.

using one of my greatest moves known as 'demon king' I went all out suppressing all demons within my domain including Damien.

I could see the shocked expressions of the few people I caught sight of, especially Damien.

Not bothering to look twice I moved towards the rift in the barrier only glancing at the crying Lilith.

Maybe this will be the last time I will see her, I felt bad for her maybe it was sympathy, but I wished I could wipe the tears away from her beautiful face.

another chapter

thanks to those that are still with me

Hamzat_11creators' thoughts