
Emerald Ocean

{Announcement} Got a notification about being put in some kinda promising books event or whatever which I guess could be considered feedback so I'ma get to work on this book again... Gotta finish that there last arc... My little Gieco Lizard deserves death!!! --- Inside a garden full of towering trees untold years old that sadly have inferiority complexes caused by the never ending giant tower that supports the sky that the garden sits in front. Upon the branch of one of the smallest trees in the garden, the last of it's kind of the tallest it's breed of tree was ever been able to grow as well as the oldest, sits a beautiful fairy who seems but the size of a squirrel emotionless sipping tea watching the leaves fall off the leaves of the tree as if having already given up on life when suddenly a wind passes by the eternally still garden and everything gently quakes as the infinite number of lines along the towers base lights up gently with a blazing emerald flame that is bordering on black. As if struck by a earth quake the woman falls out of her chair unbearably shaking as her eyes lock upon a thing far away in the infinitely large garden not a plant, not a tree, but the ground itself. A crazy and hopeful fire begins to burn deep within the beautiful fairies eyes as reaches out her hand and with a determined look shatters the very core of her soul sending a piece of herself out into the earth and herself tumbling listlessly into a deep sleep alone on the branch. Hope still burning in her eyes even as they slowly close and a twisted smile upon her lips. Like a bolt of lightning the core of her soul that was a part of her soul but not at the same time takes flight towards the sky circling around the crown of the small tree twice before gently bumping into the already sleeping woman as if in sorrow before flashing away faster then the eye could see reaching a distance so far you wouldn't be able to walk it in a million years even if you could travel at the speed of light and diving into the soil of a solitary mound of dirty diving deeper and deeper it eventually stops and flashes so bright it can even be suttly seen from the garden above as the deep blue light like the ocean fuses into the very core of an single solitary atom inside the soil as if slipping through a crack. Across a vast and unending expanse of sky a brilliant flash of blue light up the very core of a universe before zooming away in the exact instant it appeared as if nothing their ever mattered not the massive throne, the unending number of people fighting for it, nor the ghastly little hut that's door has never opened in all of its existence and that space has warped the top of that no eyes made of flesh has ever seen and no man has ever hoped to enter. One, Ten, A Hundred, A thousand, A Million, A Billion, an untold number more stars pass by as they begin to trail together before the light finally find a crack. Not in space, not in time, not in anything but itself simply existing like it's always existed. The space between filled with nothing. Diving into the crack without even slowly down the blue light seems to fade from existence as if it was never there. Slowly but surely as the blue light fades so does the crack before with it's last peek a suttle flash of Emerald escapes being vanishing from sight. The gentle beam of light flew out never stopping till it struck a nearby planet. As the light was absorbed by that planets inhabitants something... Awoke.

Jocom · Fantasía
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122 Chs

Ch.66 Ants Quake the World

After a few hour of meditating I look over to Alex. Hey show me my exp bar along with my current health and mana please Alex.

"Level 12/16 exp 2874/3000

HP: 1399/1400 MP: 924/932"

Ah room for some proper hunting. That's good otherwise I'd be entirely defenseless. I hate having to work around being entirely unable to kill any of my attackers. Now that I've got about fifteen thousand exp till I go over I can probably just anything weak enough for me to fight without worry. Or not... wasn't that last guy I got forcibly overloaded to a nineteen thousand? As I question whether I'm safe or not I feel a sudden lurch in my gut as if I was just sucker punched in my stomach quickly closing my eyes and feeling about I feel like something huge has entered my territory as I focus more to figure out what it is I realize it's not... In horror and amazement I feel around at the sea of serpent like beasts flying about on two bird like wings and a fish like tail that causes my mist to be forced away as they flap it back in forth a humongous storm of wind following closely behind the sea of serpents. As all the wind from their individual flapping fish tails gathers at the end of the group joining together to form of cluster of tornados that devastate everything in their path. Quickly figuring out what is going on I immediately form ghost claws around the tie and open up the hatch as fast as possible whilst slapping Ellie in the fast. "HEY!!! I'm sleeping here what's wrong?" Getting up grumpily and wronged I quickly form a cloud before her whilst emitting a faint light so she can see the giant blacked sky and series of storms that follow the cluster of beasts as I push her towards the exit after folding and tying up the backpack for her with claws and throwing it on her shoulder and putting the little hood on for her. As she stumbles about in shock and panic looking at the cloudy scene before her. After catching my meaning she fumbled and in a panic grabs her climbing to and begins to climb down from the tree that I 've already set up a cloud path down.

As she gets down and looks up towards the sky above her face darkens even more as she sees the appearance of the night sky the stars slowly being eaten away by a spreading shadow. Without thinking she follows the arrow I had already formed before her as she rushes along the cloud path I refuse to remove it from our path quickly draining my limited mana. As Alex runs I use the mist that's about to be pushed away to invade the swarms head and attack them whilst clearing the path ahead as quickly as possible with cloudy claws. Draining my mental stamina almost as fast as my mana.

"Areotail Swarmer lvl 3 slain exp 5"

Well they have shit exp but clearly they are endless so I can't complain. As the thought crosses my mind I notice three more go down. Ellie running as fast as she can my once stable mount becoming a bumpy ride as I sit on her bony shoulder.... at I made it comfier with the backpack hood that conveniently drapes over both her shoulders. A few minutes of none stop running and killing as I direct Ellie along a angled cloudy path outside the direction swarm of lizards but also away from the swarm it's self as it's hot on our tail goes by before I get dizzy and sleepy as my cloudy constructs slowly begin to fuzz out. Looking over at Alex I notice that I have run out of mana. At 10 a second of cloud path with 900ish mana I made pretty good time... Sigh... It wasn't a issue during travel as I could take breaks without an issue but now it's not so good. Checking the distance between us and the swarm I exclaim inside noticing we've pulled a good distance ahead as I use my old steering method of directing Ellie by climbing up on the back of her neck and placing my wings on the sides of her head after feeling the heavy sensation and the arrow before her slowly fading Ellie began to panic as her pace slowed but feeling the slight pulling sensation that my weak body gives to hers as I direct her towards the straight path we have left to go before we make it to safety she nods her head inadvertently banging my head against the top of the hood which didn't hurt but was quite annoying as I fall into the furred section of the backpack and have to grab the fur with the sides of my claws very carefully not to cut them the world around me shaking violently as Ellie runs before I can manage to climb my way back up onto my proper seating with an exhausted face.

As I lay down on Ellies shoulder with my little claws holding onto the 'cushion' I made and my tail wrapped beneath it wrapping around half of her shoulder and ending up with the end of it buried into her armpit Ellies immediate reaction is to be expect as she is suddenly started but seeing it's just my tail she ignore it and focuses back on running forward. Ignoring her, I focus on my mist as the swarm envelops and throws the mist I left behind far into the distance as the storm covers it. Feeling something peculiarly inside the storm my mist gathers as best it can along a long pike that is being flung about realizing that the storm picked up my bee spear that I planned to go fishing with I get an evil idea as I try to gently maneuver the speak that my mist is clinging to tightly so that it's spear is pointed towards the swarm after a long struggle I get the storm to fling the spear forward skewering a long trail through the storm as it punches through them and then strikes the ground before them as the swarm moves on and the storm picks up the spear again and it gets flung forward again by a tornado... Well it's not fishing but it works. With a sigh I notice we've finally made it out of their path and I slap Ellie with my wing then point it forward towards a nearby hole in the bottom of a tree that's got a large wolf sleeping in it. With enough mana for a few seconds after the journey I cast cloud path on the ground between Ellie and the wolf as she pounces forward on the poor sleeping beast using wolf fangs shaped into daggers to penetrate the neck of a wolf... Poor guy... As she stabs the fangs into either side of it's throat and tears along it she severs the jugular and vocal cords together as the wolf wakes to the pain with the inability to make a sound Ellie has already made her way to the back of the wolf and stabbed both her daggers downward toward the spine of the wolf as it's legs give out it's body suddenly going limp as it's spine is severed after the wolf has been pulled out of the cave Ellie goes to get inside but sees me struggling to pull the large corpse back towards the cave after her with my pathetic little body because I have no mana she joins me and we both end up hiding inside the little cave beneath the trees roots that was obviously dug out the cave entrance blocked by the wolfs corpse that is stuck at an odd angle and large rocks have been wedged in-between the wolf and wood tightly to hold it in place as screeches can be heard from the distance a howling sound of wind comes by as we avoid the direct impact but it becomes impossible to avoid the violent winds around the storm.