
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Cómic
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42 Chs

Unbreakable Oath

The morning came for Axel, and the group gathered their equipment and confidently strolled to the guild, intending on asking information about the generals of the Demon King, it was time to start their attack after a year of preparation.

The group stood in the guild, their expressions a mix of disappointment and frustration as Luna, the guild receptionist, shook her head apologetically. "I'm sorry, but we don't have any specific information about the generals of the Demon King. Their identities and locations are kept closely guarded, even from us."

Jack sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I was hoping we could gather some intel before we set out. It seems we'll have to rely on our own efforts and encounters."

Kazuma crossed his arms, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "So, we're going in blind? That's not very reassuring."

Aqua, always ready to express her discontent, huffed. "I can't believe we prepared so much, only to be left without any leads. This is just typical!"

Megumin, determined as ever, spoke up. "We can't let this setback discourage us. We've faced challenges before, and we've always come out on top. We'll find a way, even if it means starting from scratch."

Yunyun, with a glimmer of determination in her eyes, nodded. "Megumin is right. We've trained hard, and we have each other's backs."

Darkness, her voice filled with unwavering resolve, added, "Let us not forget that our goal is to defeat the Demon King and protect this world. We cannot afford to falter now."

Chris, leaning against a wall with a smirk, chimed in. "Well, if there's no information available here, perhaps we should expand our search elsewhere. We'll find those generals, one way or another."

Jack looked at his companions, a spark of determination igniting in his eyes. "You're all right. We won't let this setback stop us." Jack motioned for them to follow him. "Let's just eat breakfast for now. We can decide what to do afterward."

The group followed Jack's lead, their spirits slightly lifted by the prospect of breakfast. They made their way to a nearby café, where they settled around a table and began perusing the menu.

As they placed their orders, their conversation shifted to lighter topics. They discussed their favorite meals, shared stories of their past adventures, and engaged in playful banter.

Jack looked around the table, a smile playing on his lips. "No matter what lies ahead, I'm grateful to have all of you by my side. We may face challenges and setbacks, but as long as we have each other, I believe we can overcome anything."

Aqua raised her glass, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "To Radiant Erebus, our fellowship! May our bond grow stronger with each step we take towards our goal."

The others lifted their glasses and joined in the toast. "To Radiant Erebus!"

Darkness rested her head on her hand as she looked at Jack feeding a clearly flustered and embarrassed Megumin with jealousy. She liked Jack, but she never had a chance to pursue her love. She was too afraid of what he would think if he knew the true her. And then, Megumin and Jack got together."

As the group continued their breakfast conversation, Darkness couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as she observed Jack's interactions with Megumin. She rested her head on her hand, her gaze fixed on them with a mixture of longing and resignation.

Her feelings for Jack had always been a complex tangle of emotions. She admired his strength and unwavering sense of justice, finding herself drawn to his noble nature. Yet, her own insecurities and fear of rejection had held her back from pursuing her feelings.

Watching Jack tenderly feed Megumin, Darkness couldn't help but wonder what could have been. She yearned for the warmth and affection she saw between them, but her heart felt heavy with the weight of unspoken desires.

Lost in her thoughts, Darkness sighed softly, her eyes flickering with a hint of sadness. She knew she had missed her chance, that her hesitations had allowed someone else to capture Jack's heart. It was a bittersweet realization, tinged with regret.

Darkness pulled her pendant, a proof of her faith in the goddess Eris, and held it close to her chest. Perhaps this was some kind of punishment for masking her impure intentions while shouting for all to hear about the duty of a crusader. She silently made an oath to Eris herself that she would never falter, no matter what, and that she would ensure Jack could achieve the happy ending he wanted.

In her heart, Darkness found a sense of peace and a renewed sense of purpose. She would be the unwavering shield, the steadfast guardian, and the loyal companion that her friends needed. She would support Jack and Megumin in their love, even if it meant silently bearing the weight of her own longing.

Darkness closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, and with her hand clutching the pendant tightly, she whispered a prayer to Eris, seeking guidance and strength to fulfill her oath.

Darkness got up from her seat and closed her eyes. She had to internally clench her heart, for this was very painful. This kind of pain... she didn't like it at all. She smiled so no one could see her sorrow and grabbed Jack's hand, getting down on one knee, a gesture that surprised everyone.

"I, Lalatina Dustiness Ford, do solemnly swear upon my honor and integrity to pledge my unwavering devotion and steadfast loyalty to Jack, my charge, and esteemed companion." Everyone was more than a little shocked by the turn of events and Darkness' name. Kazuma repeated it silently.

Darkness remained determined to finish her oath. "I vow to be their unwavering shield, to stand resolute against the tides of adversity, and to safeguard them from harm's way. With unwavering courage, I shall bear the weight of their worries and fears, offering solace and protection in times of darkness." Jack got up from his chair and looked at Darkness, who was still kneeling at him in bewilderment.

"I shall be a beacon of unwavering strength, a bastion of unwavering resolve, and an unyielding sword against the foes that dare threaten their well-being. With righteous fervor, I shall confront and vanquish all obstacles that dare to challenge the sanctity of our bond." As Darkness spoke her heartfelt oath, her voice resonated with determination and sincerity. Her words carried the weight of her unwavering loyalty and the depth of her devotion.

Jack nodded at her, uncertainty filling his face. He knew this was important for Darkness, but there was something else that caught his attention. "You... are a noblewoman, aren't you? There is no way... that you aren't with such a hip name... Dark-Lalatina. You swore your loyalty to me, a commoner." Jack placed a hand on his chest. "I—why?"

Darkness looked at Jack with a mix of emotions swirling in her eyes. She took a deep breath before speaking, her voice filled with a blend of vulnerability and determination.

"Indeed, I come from a noble family," Darkness began, her voice steady. "But titles and social standing do not define the true worth of a person. It is their actions, their character, and their heart that truly matter."

She paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts. "Jack, I have been burdened by the expectations and responsibilities placed upon me due to my noble status. I have always felt confined by the confines of societal norms and the pressure to uphold a certain image."

Darkness took a step closer to Jack, her eyes never leaving his. "But when I met you, when I became a part of this group, I felt something different. I discovered a sense of freedom, a chance to truly be myself without the weight of noble expectations."

Her voice softened, filled with sincerity. "You see, Jack, I have grown tired of the shallow world of nobility and the pretenses that come with it. I long for something genuine, something real. And in you, I found that authenticity."

Darkness placed her hand gently on Jack's chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. "You may be a commoner, but you possess a rare quality that transcends social status. Your kindness, your courage, and your unwavering dedication to our cause have touched my heart in ways I cannot fully express."

She took a deep breath, her voice trembling with emotion. "I swore my loyalty to you, not because of your title or your standing, but because of who you are as a person. You have shown me a world beyond the confines of nobility, a world where true bonds are forged, and where love and loyalty are not defined by birthright."

Darkness looked into Jack's eyes, her own filled with a mixture of hope and vulnerability. "I know this may be difficult to understand, but Jack, I want to be by your side, not as a noblewoman, but as Darkness, the crusader who is fiercely devoted to you. My love for you knows no bounds, and I am willing to face any challenges that lie ahead to protect and support you."

She paused, her voice filled with determination. "So, Jack, if you'll have me, I would be honored to continue this journey with you, to stand by your side as your loyal companion and as someone who loves you deeply."

Darkness took a step back, her gaze unwavering. "But I understand if this is too much for you. I will respect your decision, no matter what it may be."

Megumin started to choke on her drink from the shock Darkness' words caused her. Then, she began rapidly glancing between Darkness and Jack while still coughing. "Dar—Darkness!" she coughed again. "What is the meaning of this?!" She pointed at her, finally recovering. "That was a love confession just now, wasn't it?"

Darkness turned to face Megumin, her expression resolute yet filled with vulnerability. She took a deep breath before speaking.

"Megumin, you are correct," Darkness admitted, her voice steady. "What I just expressed was a confession of my love for Jack. I have realized that my feelings for him go beyond mere admiration or friendship. They run deeper, and I cannot deny them any longer."

She looked at Jack. "Jack has captured my heart in a way that I never thought possible. His kindness, his unwavering support, and his ability to see beyond social status have touched me deeply."

Darkness paused for a moment, her voice softer now. "I understand that this may come as a surprise to you, Megumin, and I apologize if it has caused any discomfort. But I felt it was important to be honest about my feelings and to express them to Jack."

She turned back to Jack, her gaze unwavering. "Jack, please understand that my confession does not diminish the bond we share as friends and comrades. I treasure our friendship deeply, and I would never want to jeopardize that. But I cannot deny the love that has blossomed in my heart."

Darkness took a step closer to Jack, her voice filled with sincerity. "I respect your feelings and your choices, Jack. If you do not share the same romantic feelings towards me, I will accept that with grace and continue to support you in any way I can. Our friendship is valuable to me, and I do not want to lose it."

She looked at Megumin, a mix of determination and regret in her eyes. "And Megumin, I hope that you can understand and accept my feelings for Jack. I would never want our friendship to be strained because of this. Your friendship means a great deal to me, and I would never do anything to hurt or betray you."

Darkness took a deep breath. "I simply felt that it was important to be honest about my feelings and to give Jack the opportunity to make an informed decision. I trust in Jack's judgment and his heart, and I will respect whatever choice he makes."

She turned back to Jack, her voice filled with love and devotion. "Jack, the decision is yours. Please take the time you need to consider it. No matter what, I will continue to stand by your side, as your loyal friend and companion."

Megumin reached for her staff, but Kazuma practically materialized at her side and grabbed her to prevent her from doing anything rash. However, he was smiling with pure joy. "Woah! Is this divine retribution or something?" His smile was radiant. "Let's see how you deal with this, Jack! You shouldn't have looked and acted like an Otome love interest!"

Jack chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. "Well, I didn't expect things to turn out this way. But hey, it's not like I can control how people feel, right?" He glanced at Darkness, a mix of gratitude and uncertainty in his eyes. "Darkness, I appreciate your honesty and your unwavering loyalty. You've always been there for me, and I treasure our friendship dearly."

He turned to Megumin, giving her an apologetic smile. "Megumin, I'm sorry if this complicates things for you. I never intended to cause any turmoil or hurt feelings among our group." He sighed softly. "Love can be complicated, and I never anticipated finding myself in the middle of it."

Jack took a moment to gather his thoughts. "I need some time to think and sort out my own feelings. I care about both of you deeply, and I don't want to make any hasty decisions or hurt anyone in the process. Please understand."

Kazuma, still holding onto Megumin, grinned mischievously. "Oh, I understand, Jack. You've got quite the predicament on your hands now." He laughed heartily. "But don't worry, I'll be here to support you through it all, and to annoy you mercilessly, of course."

Megumin, though visibly flustered, couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "You've really done it this time, Jack. I'm curious to see how you'll handle this mess you've found yourself in." She looked at Darkness, a mix of playfulness and sincerity in her eyes. "But let's not let this ruin our friendship. We've been through so much together, and I wouldn't trade that for anything."

Kazuma and Yunyun made eye contact and both nodded. "By the way, I was actually hoping we could see who can unleash the most destruction using their magic. There can't be two strongest wizards after all," Kazuma remarked. Megumin twitched at his words. "Maybe it's time we put that to the test. What do you think, Yunyun?"

"I-I won't lose to Megumin anymore!" Although she was very nervous, Yunyun still managed to throw a challenging smile.

Megumin crossed her arms and looked at Kazuma and Yunyun with a determined expression. "You're both underestimating my explosion magic. Prepare to be amazed!"

"Ah, we will also be needing you, Aqua, in case something happens," Kazuma added as an afterthought. It seemed like she would stay there and watch the drama unfold, just like the clueless idiot she was.

Aqua pouted, crossing her arms. "Hmph! Fine, I'll be there to make sure you don't blow up the entire forest and yourselves. You can always count on me to clean up your messes." She smirked playfully, knowing full well how chaotic their magic battles could get.

Jack realized what they were trying to do and turned his gaze toward Chris, intending to stop her in her tracks... only to realize she had already vanished while no one was looking. Jack found himself alone with Darkness. The atmosphere grew quiet, and the weight of the situation hung in the air.

Jack took a deep breath, breaking the silence. "Darkness, I want you to know that I value our friendship immensely. You've always been there for me, supporting me with unwavering loyalty and bravery." He walked closer to her, his eyes filled with gratitude. "But I also want to be honest with you. My heart is torn, and I need time to sort out my feelings."

Darkness nodded, her expression a mix of understanding and determination. "I appreciate your honesty, Jack. I won't force anything upon you. Your happiness is what matters most to me, even if it means setting aside my own feelings."

Jack smiled warmly, touched by Darkness' unwavering dedication. "Thank you, Darkness. Your friendship means the world to me, and I don't take it for granted. I promise to give this situation the careful consideration it deserves, and I hope that our bond remains strong regardless of the outcome."

Darkness shook her head and smiled earnestly at him. "For now, I am your knight, and I will always be yours, Jack. This is one thing no one will be able to take away from me." She placed a hand on her chest, sighing in relief.

Jack's heart swelled with gratitude as he looked at Darkness, realizing the depth of her unwavering devotion. He reached out and gently took her hand in his. "Thank you, Darkness. Your loyalty and dedication mean more to me than I can express."

Darkness nodded, her eyes shining with determination. "Yes, Jack. Let us face the future with courage. I will always be here to protect you and support you, no matter what."

Bound by honor, integrity, and trust. In this vow, we place our faith and thrust.

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