
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Cómic
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42 Chs

The Mistress of Shadows.

Aqua was visibly overjoyed while exploring the grand manor; it was their base and their new home. "Hm! This pleases me, Jack! You really did a good job," Aqua said, looking at everything with childlike fascination, while Jack smiled at her in amusement. Aqua pulled out a coin. "This is my most valuable treasure. Look! It's a coin with my face on it!" she smiled as she placed the coin in Jack's hand.

Jack chuckled at Aqua's excitement, finding her childlike wonder endearing. "Well, I'm glad you're pleased, Aqua. It was a team effort, you know. But I won't say no to a reward from my beloved goddess," he replied with a playful wink.

Jack chuckled as he examined the coin with Aqua's face on it. "Wow, Aqua, this is truly a precious treasure. I'm honored to receive it from you," he replied sincerely.

He carefully held the coin in his hand, appreciating the craftsmanship and the significance it held. While it may have seemed like a simple coin to others, Jack understood the deeper meaning behind it. It was a symbol of Aqua's trust and gratitude towards him.

"Thank you, Aqua," Jack said with a warm smile. "I'll keep this close to me as a reminder of our friendship and the adventures we share."

Aqua beamed with joy, happy to see Jack's appreciation for her gift. "You're welcome, Jack! Remember, as your goddess, I'll always be here to protect and guide you. And with this coin, you'll have a piece of me with you wherever you go."

Jack nodded, understanding the sentiment behind her words. "I'll cherish it, Aqua. And I'll continue to support you and the rest of our party to the best of my abilities."

Aqua waved dismissively at Jack and the others. "I'm going to stay here drinking my wine. You guys go ahead," She said while hugging her bottle. The others shrugged and went along with her antics. As they started walking away to explore, Aqua's eyes began to glow with a radiant hue. "I want to watch you try, Demon King. No one touches my property," she muttered to herself, then started drinking her wine happily.

Meanwhile, Kazuma and the others were busy exploring the manor. "Say, Jack, something this big could surely use some workforce to maintain it in top shape, right? How about we hire some maids?" Kazuma tried to keep his face neutral, but Jack could feel his intentions.

"You just want to hire some cute faces, don't you?" Jack shot back drily, to which Kazuma chuckled nervously. "Well, I won't deny that having some maids would add a touch of elegance to this place, and having them to help with the chores and maintenance would be practical too, right?

Chris, who had been listening to their conversation, chimed in with a mischievous smile. "Well, if you're looking for some 'cute faces,' I might know a few talented individuals who could lend a hand. They could add some charm to this place."

Kazuma's eyes lit up with curiosity, but he quickly composed himself. "Hey now, I'm not just looking for cute faces! We need skilled maids who can keep this manor in order. Talent comes first!"

Jack and Chris exchanged knowing glances, both aware of Kazuma's weakness for beautiful women. They couldn't help but tease him a little. "Of course, Kazuma, of course," Jack said with a smirk.

Megumin, who had been silent all this time, chimed in. "While that's well and good, you forgot the most important thing, Jack!" She pointed at Jack's face, which caused him to look confused.

"Really? I thought I covered everything. What's missing, Megumin?" Jack scratched the back of his neck.

"Where is the pit of lava surrounding our castle and the bridge? The flag symbolizing our organization, and the deadly traps?" Megumin quickly listed the "flaws" in their base.

Jack couldn't help but burst into laughter at Megumin's suggestions. "Oh, how could I forget such crucial elements? A pit of lava, a flag with our emblem, and deadly traps are essential for any self-respecting organization!"

Kazuma raised an eyebrow, unsure if Megumin was being serious or just joking. "Uh... Megumin, we're not exactly an evil organization or a villainous group. We're just a bunch of adventurers trying to make a living and have some fun along the way. Lava pits, deadly traps, and menacing flags might not be the best idea for our base."

Megumin pouted, crossing her arms. "But it would be so cool! Just imagine the entrance, with explosions and smoke!"

"But the flag is a great idea! We can design something cool to represent our team!" Jack chimed in, agreeing with Megumin on at least one point.

Megumin grinned, pleased that Jack liked her idea. "Alright then, the flag is a must! And maybe some small, harmless traps for fun?"

Jack nodded in agreement. "We want our base to be a place of relaxation and comfort, where we can unwind after our adventures. Maybe we can add some personalized touches, like a training area or a library, but let's keep it practical and safe."

Megumin sighed, reluctantly conceding. "Fine, I suppose a cozy library and training area would be nice too."

Chris pulled Jack's shirt. "Hey, do you have a moment?" Jack slowly nodded his head, unsure of what Chris wanted, and excused himself from the others. Megumin threw suspicious glances at them.

As Jack followed Chris, he noticed Megumin's suspicious glances and gave her an assuring smile before walking with Chris to a quieter corner of the manor.

Once they made sure they were alone, Chris jabbed her finger at Jack's chest. "Promise me one thing, Jack. You will not share any knowledge you have outside this group."

sensing the seriousness in her tone. He nodded and replied, "I promise, Chris. Whatever knowledge or information I possess, I won't share it outside of our group. You have my word."

Chris seemed relieved by his response, her expression softening. "Thank you, Jack. It's just... there are things we need to protect, and not everyone can be trusted with that knowledge. I believe in our group, and I trust you. Let's keep our secrets safe."

Jack placed a hand on Chris's shoulder, conveying his understanding. "I understand, Chris. We're in this together, and we'll do whatever it takes to protect what's important to us. You can count on me." Jack noticed there was something different about Chris, but decided to go along with what she said for now.


Everyone was in the guild, having rested enough and ready to go monster hunting again to level up. "Alright, what quest shall we take?" Jack asked, looking at the guild board.

"Excuse me, are you Radiant Erebus?" Jack used all his willpower to avoid physically recoiling upon being reminded of that name. He really should have thought more about what to name his group.

Megumin froze when he turned around and saw who it was. "Yunyun?! What are you doing here? Did you come all the way here to stalk me?!"

"Huh? Is it someone you know, Megumin?" Jack's interest piqued.

Jack's curiosity was piqued as he watched the interaction between Megumin and Yunyun. He had heard Megumin mention Yunyun's name before, but he hadn't met her in person until now.

Megumin let out an exasperated sigh. "Yunyun is a fellow Crimson Demon, and she has a habit of following me around. She's always seeking to challenge me and prove herself. And Yunyun, you forgot to greet properly as a proud member of the Crimson Demons."

Yunyun's face flushed bright red as Megumin pointed out her forgetfulness. "Ah, um... I, the one known as Yunyun, the Crimson Blazer of Darkness, have come to join the esteemed group, Radiant Erebus!" she proclaimed with a dramatic flourish. "Together, we shall conquer the realm of magic and unleash the flames of ultimate destruction!" Yunyun declared, trying her best to match Megumin's chunibyo-style theatrics.

Aqua, who had been observing the whole exchange from a corner of the guild, couldn't contain her laughter any longer. She burst out into a fit of giggles, pointing at Yunyun and Megumin. "Oh, this is priceless! Megumin, you've found your perfect rival in Yunyun, the Crimson Blazer of Darkness! I can already see the sparks flying!"

Megumin's face turned a shade of red, partly from embarrassment and partly from frustration. "Aqua, don't encourage her!" She shot a glare at Yunyun, who looked both apologetic and determined.

"I-I'm sorry, Megumin, but I'll do my best to prove myself worthy of the Crimson Demons!" Yunyun said, her voice tinged with determination.

Kazuma, who had been watching the entire exchange, couldn't help but snicker at Yunyun's embarrassment. "So, you guys are all chunibyos, huh? I guess it's fitting for a group that named themselves Radiant Erebus."

Jack glared at Kazuma before letting out an exasperated sigh, knowing he couldn't really reprimand him for that. He decided to pay attention to what Yunyun had to say. "You said, "prove myself worthy of the Crimson Demons." What do you mean by that, Miss Yunyun?"

Yunyun's determination wavered slightly under Jack's stern gaze, but she quickly regained her resolve. "Well, you see, I... I come from a long line of powerful and esteemed Crimson Demons. However, despite my heritage, I haven't been able to achieve the same level of magical prowess as my family members. I have always admired Megumin's strength and her ability to cast powerful explosion magic, and I want to prove that I can be just as capable."

She looked down at the floor, feeling a mix of embarrassment and sincerity. "I want to show my fellow Crimson Demons that I am not a disappointment, that I can contribute something valuable to our group. That's why I've been seeking out challenges and trying to improve my magic skills."

Jack smiled warmly, understanding Yunyun's feelings. "Of course, Yunyun. You're welcome to join our group, and we'll do our best to help you on your journey. We value the bonds we form and the growth we achieve together."

Aqua, who had momentarily stopped giggling, chimed in with a cheerful tone. "That's right! Yunyun, welcome to our guild of greatness! With our combined powers, we shall reach even greater heights!"

"Alright! Now I just need to walk up to them and speak," Yunyun gathered all the courage she could muster. However, as she was about to approach them, she realized they were long gone. She sighed, thinking to herself, 'Another failure.'

Yunyun stood there, disappointed, as she watched the empty space where Megumin and the others had been just moments ago. She couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness and frustration at her missed opportunity. She had psyched herself up, only to find that they had already left.

Yunyun's heart sank as she watched her opportunity slip away, the imagined conversation playing out only in her mind. Her inner thoughts swirled with frustration and disappointment as she chided herself for missing the chance once again. "Why can't I just find the right moment to approach them? I'm such a failure," she murmured to herself.

Gathering her courage once more, Yunyun started walking briskly, her mind set on finding Megumin and the others. She knew that she had to take the first step, even if it meant overcoming her shyness and putting herself out there.

"Hm, what should I do?" Jack had detected someone's gaze on him for a while now but decided to deal with it himself. 'Stalk the stalker?' he thought as he scratched his head. Initially, he intended to leave it alone after confirming that it wasn't someone with malicious intentions, like a thief. However, his attention was caught when he overheard the girl referring to herself as a failure.

Jack couldn't ignore the girl's self-deprecating words. As much as he wanted to respect her privacy, he couldn't bear the thought of leaving someone feeling that way. He decided to approach her gently and see if he could offer some support.

With a calm and friendly smile, Jack walked over to Yunyun, making sure not to startle her. "Hey there," he said in a warm tone, "I noticed you've been around for a while. Is there something you need or someone you're looking for?"

Yunyun's cheeks flushed as she realized she had been caught observing him. "Ah, um, well..." She fumbled for words, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude for Jack's concern.

"Don't worry," Jack reassured her, "I'm not upset or anything. I'm just curious about what brought you here."

Yunyun hesitated for a moment before finding her voice. "I, uh, I'm sorry for intruding. I didn't mean to bother you. I was just... well, I've been wanting to talk to you and your group, but I couldn't gather the courage. I didn't want to interrupt your conversation earlier."

Jack smiled kindly, understanding her situation. "It's alright. We were just catching up with some friends. But since you're here now, is there something you'd like to say or ask? We don't bite, I promise."

Yunyun took a deep breath, feeling a bit encouraged by Jack's friendly demeanor. "I... I wanted to introduce myself," she said, trying to sound more confident, "I'm Yunyun, a member of the Crimson Demons, just like Megumin."

Jack's eyes lit up with recognition. "Ah, you're Yunyun! It's nice to meet you officially. I'm Jack, the leader of Radiant Erebus. You don't have to be shy around us. We're all friends here, and we'd be happy to get to know you better."

Yunyun was stunned for a few minutes, the phrase "We're all friends here..." playing on her mind in a loop. She had always been by herself, feeling her presence was unnecessary to everyone. She felt worthless and constantly made efforts to ensure her friends' comfort by buying them food or giving them her money. Eventually, everyone left her, but she understood, thinking, "Who would want to be friends with someone like me?"

But as she stood there, Jack's kind words lingering in her thoughts, something inside her began to stir. A glimmer of hope started to emerge, a tiny spark of belief that maybe, just maybe, she deserved friendship and acceptance.

Jack wore a big, friendly smile as he looked at Yunyun, all the while thinking, "I know a loner when I see one. Now, why would someone like her have such a heavy gaze? she is even... envious of me? Ah, perhaps because I'm surrounded by friends while she has none? I can't let someone like her suffer from loneliness."

With genuine concern and a desire to help, Jack approached Yunyun with a warm smile. "Hey, Yunyun, would you like to join us? We're always happy to have more friends. You don't have to be alone anymore."

Yunyun's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and hope flickering within them. She looked at Jack, studying his sincere expression and the outstretched hand he offered her.

"Me... join you?" Yunyun's voice quivered slightly, disbelief and a glimmer of newfound hope evident in her tone.

Jack nodded, his smile unwavering. "Absolutely! We're all friends here, and we'd be glad to have you as part of our group. You don't have to struggle on your own anymore. Together, we can support and encourage each other."

Yunyun started playing with the hem of her skirt nervously. "How... how much money do you want?"

Jack's eyes widened in surprise at Yunyun's question. He quickly shook his head and reassured her with a gentle smile.

"Oh, no, Yunyun! We don't want your money. Friendship is not about buying or selling. It's about genuine connections, trust, and support. I'm not asking for anything in return. I genuinely want you to be part of our group because we believe you would be a great addition."

Yunyun blinked, her earlier skepticism slowly fading away. The concept of friendship without any ulterior motives was foreign to her, but Jack's sincerity began to break down the walls she had built around herself.

Jack continued, his voice warm and reassuring. "We value your companionship, not your money. We want to get to know you, share experiences, and support each other. We believe that everyone deserves true friendship, and you're no exception."

Yunyun's eyes shimmered with a mix of relief, gratitude, and a hint of disbelief. She had spent so long believing that she had to earn friendship through material offerings, but now, in this moment, she felt a glimmer of hope that things could be different.

"Thank you, Jack," Yunyun whispered, her voice filled with both vulnerability and gratitude. "I... I'm sorry for doubting your intentions. It's just that... I've been through experiences where people only approached me for money. Your words mean a lot to me."

Jack reached out and gently placed a hand on Yunyun's shoulder, offering her reassurance. "I understand, Yunyun. It's not easy to trust after being hurt before. But I promise you, Radiant Erebus is different. We genuinely care about each other, and we want to be there for you too. You don't have to go through this journey alone anymore."

Yunyun's eyes welled up with tears, this time not of sadness, but of hope and relief. She nodded, her heart filled with a newfound sense of belonging and acceptance.

Meanwhile, the others were relaxing in the shade provided by a tree, waiting for the guild's workers to come and recover the remains of the monster. "Guh!" Megumin grabbed her chest. "I felt a disturbance in the force." She quickly got up and started looking around. "What... is this ominous feeling?"

As Megumin scanned her surroundings, her uneasiness continued to grow. She couldn't pinpoint the source of the ominous feeling, but it sent shivers down her spine. Her eyes narrowed with suspicion, and she glanced at the others, wondering if they felt the same.

Kazuma, noticing Megumin's restlessness, raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong, Megumin? You seem on edge."

Megumin hesitated for a moment, then decided to voice her concerns. "I don't know... It's just this strange feeling. Like something is about to happen, or someone is watching us."

Darkness, always ready for action, stood up with a determined expression. "Should we be on guard then? Perhaps there is a threat nearby."

Aqua, oblivious to the tension, continued sipping her drink. "Oh, come on, Megumin! Don't be so paranoid. We're just relaxing here. There's no need to overthink things."

Megumin's gaze flickered towards the distance, her instincts urging her to investigate further. "I can't shake off this feeling. I'm going to take a quick look around. You all stay here for now."

Without waiting for a response, Megumin walked briskly towards the outskirts of the area, her staff in hand. She scanned the surroundings, her eyes sharp and alert, searching for any signs of danger.

Shadows will leave you alone when you go to the darkness.

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