
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Cómic
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42 Chs

Reflections on Hearts and Souls

Kazuma was tossing and turning on his bed, he was sleeping "Oh Kazuma, you didn't need to intervene in any way. The girl would have been just fine since the tractor stopped in time," were Aqua's mocking words.

'Even my own family laughed at my own death. Did they find it hilarious? Was it a good laugh? Laugh it all you want, dear dad and mom. Your son has become stronger than you ever would have imagined, not on my own, but my party can even hunt a dragon. I'm not the shut-in afraid of being betrayed.'

Kazuma's mind was consumed by conflicting emotions as he lay in his bed, reminiscing about his past and contemplating his present circumstances. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of bitterness towards his family, whose lack of faith and support had once made him doubt his own abilities.

Aqua grabbed her own stomach while laughing with all her strength, until tears streamed down her face from the laughter. "You died from the shock! You thought it was a truck when, in reality, it was only a tractor. How pathetic!"

'At that moment, I was stunned by her words. She had truly angered me to such an extent that I chose her as my target instead of a power or magical object. I yearned to bring her down from her throne and make her taste defeat.'

In the end, this was way before Kazuma and Aqua came to Axel. It was during Kazuma's transportation from Japan to this new world, before Jack's attitude changed Aqua and Kazuma as well.

Kazuma slowly opened his eyes, rubbing them with his sleeve. 'Why did it have to be that dream?' He got up and looked out of the window. 'Mom... Dad, did you really feel joy from seeing me leave like that?'

Kazuma's gaze lingered on the moonlit sky as he contemplated his past and the emotions stirred by the vivid dream. He couldn't help but wonder about the true feelings his parents harbored when he was transported to this new world. Doubt and sadness welled up within him, the lingering effects of a childhood filled with ridicule and disappointment.

Deep down, Kazuma longed for a connection with his parents, a sense of understanding and acceptance that had eluded him for so long. As he stared at the moon, he whispered into the night, "I've come a long way since then. I've found friends who value me, despite my flaws and eccentricities."

Kazuma turned away from the window and headed back to his bed. As he drifted off to sleep once more, he resolved to focus on the present, cherishing the bonds he had formed and the adventures that awaited him in this new world.

In another room of the inn, an arch wizard was currently ignoring her tiredness in favor of finishing her new theory about magic, more specifically, a new way of implementing her brand of magic.

Megumin was reviewing her notes. 'Hmm, if I do this, the energy will be conserved in that spot. What would happen if I unleash a barrage of small explosions?'

Megumin scratched her head with a pencil and sighed. 'Not good. All I want is to test it out and let my amazingly wicked and dark energy run rampant, but I promised Jack I would wait at least until the afternoon.

Megumin let out a frustrated groan, her desire for immediate experimentation conflicting with her promise to Jack. She knew he had valid reasons for asking her to hold off, especially considering the potential destructive power of her explosions. But the anticipation and excitement were gnawing at her, making it difficult to resist.

She glanced at the clock on the wall, noting that it was still morning. "Just a few more hours," she muttered to herself, trying to find solace in the passage of time. "I can use this time to review my notes again and make sure everything is in order. Patience, Megumin, patience."

With renewed determination, Megumin focused on her research, meticulously going through her theories, calculations, and sketches. She double-checked every step, ensuring that she had accounted for all the variables and potential outcomes. It was a painstaking process, but she knew that proper preparation was essential for both her safety and the success of her experiments.

As the hours ticked by, Megumin's excitement gradually transformed into a sense of calm and anticipation. She reminded herself that the wait would be worth it, as it would allow her to fully unleash her magic in a controlled and calculated manner, maximizing its potential and minimizing any potential risks.

Outside the inn, not caring about the rain or how early it was, a crusader diligently swung her sword. Her body ached from the extended duration of her training, but she didn't care about that. In fact, she relished the feeling as training was one of the few ways she could satisfy her desires.

However, despite her enjoyment, her face didn't reflect it. Instead, she glared at the wooden dummy she had been trying to hit since she started. Not once had she come close to hitting the mark, and it greatly frustrated her.

The rain poured down on Darkness as she continued her rigorous training, her sword slicing through the air. Her frustration grew with each failed attempt to hit the wooden dummy, as she struggled to find the accuracy and finesse she desired.

With a clenched jaw and narrowed eyes, Darkness repositioned herself, analyzing her stance and grip. She knew she had the strength and skill, but something was missing. It was as if her strikes were perpetually inches away from their target, teasing her with their proximity.

As the rain soaked her hair and armor, Darkness pushed herself harder, refusing to give up. Every missed strike fueled her determination, transforming her frustration into a fierce resolve. The sound of her sword slicing through the air echoed in the empty courtyard, a testament to her unwavering determination.

Her desire for improvement and perfection drove her, but it also fueled her frustration. Darkness was a crusader, trained in the art of combat, and yet she struggled to hit a stationary object. It was a blow to her pride.

And as she continued her relentless pursuit of mastery, she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the challenges that pushed her to grow. The rain-soaked training session was a testament to her perseverance and her unwavering desire to become the warrior she aspired to be.

With each swing of her sword, Darkness found solace in the rhythm of her movements, knowing that every strike brought her one step closer to her ultimate goal.

Someone else was watching the spectacle from the shadows. The figure was smiling to herself. 'You have really grown a lot, Darkness. You have my gratitude, Jack,' Chris said as she walked away, her destination known only to her.

Chris walked silently through the rain, her steps purposeful and determined. The sight of Darkness's training had brought a smile to her face, a mix of admiration and gratitude. She knew that behind Darkness's struggle and determination, there was a guiding hand, a mentor who had played a significant role in her growth.

In her heart, Chris felt indebted to Jack. She had witnessed firsthand the impact he had on their group, on each of them individually. His guidance and support had shaped them into stronger and more capable adventurers.

But there was more to it than just knowledge and training. Jack had shown them kindness and understanding, offering a supportive presence that went beyond the realm of combat and quests. His genuine care for their well-being had touched them all, including Chris.

Aqua was looking out of the window from her room, entranced by the droplets of water. There was no trace of goofiness on her face since her mind was preoccupied by something else. 'If Jack is my knight, that would make him an honorary member of the Axis Order... Why do I find that thought annoying? Shouldn't I be happy that my best friend is a devoted follower of mine?'

As the rain continued to fall, Aqua let out a sigh, trying to make sense of her feelings. Perhaps it was the way Jack approached his devotion that bothered her. He never flaunted his loyalty or tried to gain any special treatment because of it. Instead, he treated her as a friend and an equal, rather than putting her on a pedestal like some worshippers might do to their deity.

This equality and familiarity might have irked her on some level, as she was used to being revered and adored by her followers. She wondered if, in some way, she felt her status as a goddess was being undermined by Jack's easygoing and friendly attitude towards her.

But deep down, Aqua knew that wasn't the truth. In fact, she cherished their friendship and camaraderie. Jack's unassuming nature had allowed them to form a bond that went beyond the conventional relationship between a deity and their follower.

Lost in her thoughts, Aqua realized that she was overthinking things. The rain outside seemed to mirror the storm of emotions inside her. She decided to set aside these conflicting feelings for now and focus on the present.

No matter what Jack's role was or how she felt about it, one thing was certain: she valued him as a friend and a companion on their adventures. Their journey together had been filled with ups and downs, but they had always faced everything as a team.

While everyone was preoccupied with their own things, Jack was resting on the bed he shared with Megumin. He watched her scribbling down notes while striking poses from time to time and muttering to herself. He might have been worried about her mental state had he not gotten to know her. This was her way of facing the harsh reality they lived in. Maybe he was just assuming things, but he felt quite confident in his ability to read people.

Megumin's explosive magic and striking poses were not just a means to defeat enemies; they were her way of embracing the power within herself and asserting her presence in a world filled with danger and uncertainty. It was her way of showing that she refused to be overshadowed by fear or despair.

With a small smile, Jack reflected on his journey alongside Megumin and the rest of their party. Each member had their own way of dealing with the harsh reality they faced. Kazuma used humor and wit to deflect the challenges, Darkness sought solace in her desire for pain and humiliation, and Aqua, well, she had her own unique way of approaching things.

While Jack may have been assuming things to some extent, his intuition and perception of people had rarely let him down. He had an innate ability to see beyond the surface and connect with others on a deeper level. It was a skill that had helped him forge strong bonds with his companions and guide them towards their full potential.

As he watched Megumin diligently scribbling down notes and striking poses, Jack felt a surge of pride and admiration for her unwavering spirit. He knew that she had the strength to overcome any obstacle and reach her goals, even if it meant facing ridicule or being misunderstood by others.

I originally wasn't planning on a chapter like this, but then I suddenly had this urge to do it. You can call it a filler if you want, but I thought it was something needed.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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