
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Cómic
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42 Chs

Peace for the damned

It was nighttime, and Jack found himself alone at the cemetery. He overheard Luna talking with one of the adventurers about sightings of ghosts, which piqued his interest. Unlike everyone else who had been fighting powerful monsters, he had been taking it easy, a suggestion driven by his common sense and the group's concerns.

He wouldn't have come here if it weren't for Luna's explicit refusal to ask him directly. The fact that she didn't approach him intrigued him, but he didn't mind intervening to see what the ruckus was all about.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Jack decided to investigate the reported ghost sightings. He moved stealthily through the cemetery, blending with the shadows, as he sought out any signs of supernatural activity. The night was quiet, and the moon's soft glow illuminated the gravestones, creating an eerie atmosphere.

As he wandered deeper into the cemetery, he heard faint whispers and strange noises. Jack's instincts kicked in, and he stayed alert, ready to confront any potential threat. The whispers seemed to be coming from a particular area among the tombstones.

Carefully, he approached the source of the sounds and saw ethereal figures moving in the moonlight. It was indeed ghosts, or at least some form of apparitions. Jack had encountered many things in his adventurous life, but ghosts were a rare sight even for him.

He observed them silently, trying to understand their purpose or intentions. They appeared to be lost souls, trapped between the realms of the living and the dead. Some seemed restless, while others wore expressions of sadness and regret.

One of the ghosts, a young woman, caught his attention. She looked different from the others, her presence more vivid, and her eyes held a glimmer of hope. Jack approached her cautiously, trying not to startle her.

"Hey there," he said softly, "Are you lost?"

The ghost turned to him, surprised by his presence. "Who are you? Why can you see us?" she asked, her voice filled with both curiosity and hope.

"Hmm, based on what you said, I can guess it's not normal for others to see you? Do they see a formless figure and run away?" Jack asked the ghost. This was an interesting piece of information.

The ghost nodded in response to Jack's question. "Yes, most people cannot see us at all. To them, we are like faint whispers in the wind or fleeting shadows. Some may feel a slight chill or sense a presence, but they cannot perceive our true form."

Jack's curiosity piqued even further. "And what happens when someone does see you? Do they react with fear or disbelief?"

The ghost sighed softly. "It varies. Some may be terrified and run away, thinking they have encountered something supernatural. Others might dismiss it as a trick of the mind or their imagination. Very few are open-minded enough to engage with us, like you have."

The young woman explained that she had been wandering the cemetery for a long time, unable to find peace and move on to the afterlife. She had some unfinished business and couldn't rest until it was resolved.

Jack was about to suggest a few solutions when all the ghosts stopped wandering around, even the ghost he was talking to. They all started floating in a single direction. Seeing this unexpected development, Jack stood still for a few seconds before deciding to follow them.

Jack immediately discarded his relaxed and intrigued demeanor when he saw a hooded person attracting all the ghosts. He became very suspicious about their intentions.

He cautiously approached the hooded figure, keeping a safe distance. His instincts told him that this person might have some connection to the sudden gathering of the spirits.

As he got closer, he noticed the hooded figure engrossed in some kind of ritual, channeling the energy of the gathered spirits into a circle. Jack's suspicions grew stronger, and when he saw the ghosts disappear, he moved.

Brimming with anger, Jack conjured fire to surround the mysterious person, ready to confront them after witnessing the spirits disappear. His eyes glowed as he locked his gaze upon the person standing before him. "Who are you, and what gives you the right to manipulate the ghosts?" Jack's suspicions heightened, as he sensed something unsettling emanating from them—a stagnant and foul feeling.

As the flames danced around the hooded figure, they lifted their hands in a gesture of surrender. The fire did not seem to faze them, but they understood the urgency of the situation. The hooded figure then slowly lowered their hood, revealing the face of a kind-looking woman with brown hair.

"My name is Wiz," she said, her voice soft and gentle. "I am a shopkeeper, and I've been helping these restless spirits find peace. The church has been neglecting them, leaving them trapped and tormented. I couldn't stand idly by, so I decided to take matters into my own hands."

Jack's anger wavered as he studied Wiz's face. He had heard of her, but they had not met in person before. Her sincerity was evident, and he could sense the compassion in her eyes.

"Why would the church neglect such important duties?" Jack asked, lowering the flames slightly but still keeping a watchful eye on Wiz.

Wiz sighed, "I'm not entirely sure. It's possible they are overwhelmed with other responsibilities, or they simply lack the necessary expertise in handling spirits. Regardless of the reason, these poor souls have suffered long enough."

"Alright, Wiz," Jack said, a hint of understanding in his voice. "I'll trust you for now. But remember, if I sense any malicious intent or harm being done to these spirits, I won't hesitate to intervene."

Wiz nodded gratefully. "Thank you for understanding. I only wish to bring them peace."

Jack thought about something; he wanted to confirm his suspicions. So, he got closer to Wiz and extended his hand, offering a handshake. Although unsure at first, Wiz decided to accept the handshake. When that happened, Jack channeled light attribute magic throughout his whole body, causing Wiz, who was touching his hand, to fall to her knees.

"I knew it. So, you are an undead," he let go of her and crossed his arms. "And you also know who I am. Don't think I didn't notice the look of fear you threw at me when you saw me."

Wiz, surprised by Jack's sudden revelation, looked up at him with wide eyes. She struggled to find the words to respond. After a moment of hesitation, she finally spoke, her voice trembling slightly, "You... You're right. I am an undead, a lich. And yes, I do know who you are."

Jack's expression softened as he saw the genuine fear and uncertainty in Wiz's eyes. He slowly extended his hand once again, this time in a gesture of peace. "I apologize for my aggressive approach. It's just that encountering undead beings is quite rare, and I had to be cautious. But I'm willing to hear your side of the story."

She hesitantly reached out and grabbed Jack's hand. She regained her composure and stood up, her voice steadier this time. "Thank you for giving me a chance to explain. I am Wiz, the lich, and I've been residing in this town as a shopkeeper. I have no ill intentions towards anyone. In fact, I've been helping these lost spirits find peace, as the church neglected their proper services."

Jack listened intently, his initial anger subsiding as he considered Wiz's words. He could sense a genuine sincerity in her voice and see the remorse in her eyes. "I see," he replied, his tone softer now. "I apologize for misjudging you. It's just that as a protector of this town, I must ensure the safety and well-being of its inhabitants."

Wiz nodded, understanding Jack's concerns. "I completely understand, and I appreciate your dedication to the town's safety. I never meant any harm, and I only sought to provide closure to these restless spirits."

"So... why did Luna help you hide from me?" Jack noticed how Wiz visibly paled at that. "You are honest to a fault. I didn't know that, but thank you for confirming it." Wiz nodded fearfully. "Look, I'm not out to kill all monsters. It would be foolish to consider every monster as evil. Case in point, you're wasting your time doing something that is the responsibility of the church out of compassion for these restless spirits." Jack smiled at Wiz.

Wiz swallowed nervously, her fear still apparent. She mustered up the courage to respond, her voice barely above a whisper, "Luna... She sympathizes with my situation. She understood that I didn't have malicious intentions and wanted to help the spirits find peace. Luna has a kind heart."

Jack nodded, his smile growing warmer. "I admire your compassion, Wiz. It takes courage to go against the norm and follow your heart. The church's negligence in this matter is disheartening, but your actions have shown me that there is still hope for a better world, where everyone is treated with compassion and understanding."

Wiz's fear was replaced with a sense of gratitude and relief. "Thank you, Jack. Your words mean a lot to me. It's comforting to know that I'm not alone in this pursuit."

Jack decided to ask something that had made him curious. How did someone like Wiz end up becoming a Lich?

As Wiz began to share her story with Jack, he listened intently, captivated by the tale of her past. She spoke of her time as the Ice Witch and how she had sought to defeat the Demon King to protect her companions and the innocent. But as powerful as she was, the forces of evil were overwhelming, and her efforts alone couldn't save them.

With tears welling up in her eyes, Wiz recounted the moment of desperation when she faced one of the Demon King's formidable generals, Beldia. He had the power to control life and death, and in a last-ditch attempt to save her friends, Wiz made a fateful decision. She struck a desperate bargain with Beldia, offering her own life in exchange for sparing her companions.

Beldia, driven by his own malevolence, accepted the deal, transforming Wiz into an undead creature—a Lich—bound to serve him and the Demon King. But even in her undead state, Wiz's love for her friends and her compassion remained undiminished. She couldn't forget the friendships she once had and the bonds that tied her to the living world.

Jack listened to the story with a mixture of empathy and admiration. Wiz's sacrifice and unwavering devotion to her friends were inspiring. "Wiz, your story is both heartbreaking and courageous," he said softly. "To endure such a fate and still hold onto your humanity and compassion is truly remarkable."

Wiz nodded, wiping away her tears. "Thank you, Jack. It's been a long and difficult journey, but I've found some solace in helping others as a shopkeeper and assisting the spirits in finding peace. I just wish I could do more."

"You've already done so much," Jack reassured her. "And now, together, we can find a way to break free from the hold of the Demon King and bring about a better future for you and the town."

She looked into Jack's eyes for a moment before smiling and deciding to trust him. "Um, after I became a Lich, I started working for the Demon King to maintain the barrier around his castle. Of course, I only accepted the job after making it clear that I had no intention of harming others." Jack frowned for a moment, then nodded and motioned for Wiz to continue. "I'm telling you this because Luna has informed me about your objective. If you defeat the other Generals, please come and inform me. I will immediately stop supplying the barrier"

Jack's frown deepened as he absorbed Wiz's words. The revelation that she had been working for the Demon King, albeit in a limited capacity and with good intentions, was troubling.

"I appreciate your honesty, Wiz," Jack replied, his voice tinged with determination. "Rest assured, I will do everything in my power to confront the other Generals and put an end to the Demon King's reign. And when that time comes, I will seek you out immediately to ensure the barrier is no longer supplied."

Wiz nodded gratefully, a sense of relief washing over her. "Thank you, Jack. It means a lot to me that you understand my predicament. I have faith in you and your companions to bring about the change we all desire."

With their trust in each other solidified, Jack and Wiz forged a new alliance—a partnership built on the common goal of freeing Wiz from the clutches of the Demon King and securing a brighter future for their world.


While Jack decided to engage in some 'paranormal' activity, as he put it, Kazuma and the others opted for quests. However, these quests quickly became monotonous, and before they realized it, monster hunting lost its thrill. The only one who remained satisfied was Megumin, with her constant use of explosions. They realized they needed a break, especially since the base was almost done with their hunting spree, as Luna had mentioned. They had no reason to continue, aside from leveling up, but that wasn't a pressing matter.

The group gathered around a table at the guild, their expressions tired and worn out. Kazuma was the first to speak up, "I think we all need a break. Hunting monsters day in and day out is getting old, and we've got enough funds for the base now."

Aqua nodded, looking relieved. "I agree. My divine powers could use some rest and rejuvenation. Plus, I'm sure the hot springs near the base are perfect for that!"

Megumin chimed in, "I can't deny that I've been having a blast with my explosions, but even I need to take a break sometimes. Besides, the base isn't complete yet, so it's better if we rest for a bit."

Darkness blushed slightly, "I-I wouldn't mind some time off as well. My body could use a break from all the fighting."

Chris added, "It's settled then. We'll take a break from quests and focus on preparing the base and ourselves. A little relaxation won't hurt."

Jack, who had returned from his "paranormal" activities, listened to their suggestions with a smile. "I think it's time we take a breather and enjoy ourselves. We've come a long way, and we deserve a bit of relaxation. Let's plan a trip and have some fun together."

let us cherish their sacred release,

Their journey to serenity, a bittersweet peace,

For in the realm where shadows cease,

The departed find solace, eternal ease.

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