
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Cómic
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42 Chs

Little sparks

Currently, Jack and Yunyun were walking alongside each other. "So, Yunyun, you mentioned you are a Crimson Demon. Megumin let slip a thing or two about Crimson Demons, like where they live and such. What are you doing all the way here in Axel? With your power, you could go literally anywhere else. Ah, not that I want you to go away," he gave her a reassuring smile.

Yunyun blushed slightly at Jack's words, feeling a mix of embarrassment and appreciation for his concern. She glanced down at her staff and twirled it nervously in her hands.

"Well, you see, I came to Axel because... because I wanted to prove myself as a Crimson Demon," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of determination. "Back home, I always felt overshadowed by the others. They have incredible magical abilities, and I wanted to show that I can be just as strong. So, I left the Crimson Demon village and embarked on a journey to challenge myself and gain experience."

"So you have a need to prove yourself to your folks back home, huh? Well, why don't we go hunt some monsters so you can showcase your power to me? I might not look like much, but I have a good eye for magic, you see." Jack winked at her while holding his index finger up and summoning a little wisp of light—the element he has high hopes for in his fight against the Demon King.

Yunyun's eyes widened in surprise at Jack's offer. She hadn't expected him to take such an interest in seeing her abilities firsthand. A mix of excitement and nervousness coursed through her veins as she looked at the wisp of light Jack summoned.

"Really? You'd be interested in seeing my magic?" Yunyun's voice quivered slightly with a mix of anticipation and eagerness. "I-I would be honored to showcase my abilities to you, Jack!"

With newfound determination, Yunyun raised her staff and focused her magic. A surge of crimson energy enveloped her, crackling with power.

However, Jack quickly raised his hand to interrupt her. "Hold on, Yunyun. As much as I'd love to witness your magic right now, we're still in town. It wouldn't be wise to unleash such powerful spells here. We don't want to cause any unnecessary damage or put innocent people at risk. I know you're excited, but cool your jets, kid," Jack said, shaking his head.

Yunyun's excitement deflated, but she nodded, understanding the importance of Jack's words. "You're right, Jack. I didn't consider the consequences. I apologize for my impulsive suggestion."

Jack smiled warmly at her. "No need to apologize, Yunyun. It's great that you're eager to showcase your abilities, but be mindful of your surroundings. We'll find an appropriate time and place for you to demonstrate your magic, where I can fully appreciate its power."

Yunyun nodded while looking at the ground shyly. This was the first time someone had shown her so much kindness, and she couldn't thank the stranger who gave her clothing advice enough. "I have another question, Yunyun... Why are your clothes so revealing?" Jack couldn't keep his curiosity to himself; something didn't seem right.

She was wearing, after all, a low-cut blouse, an ultra-short pink miniskirt, dark-toned pink stockings, and brown boots. For someone so young to be dressed like that while being so shy around strangers, Jack could sense the signs of deceit.

Yunyun blushed, feeling self-conscious under Jack's gaze. She tugged at her clothes, suddenly aware of how revealing they were. "Ah... Well, you see, I... I didn't choose this outfit. Someone gave me advice, saying that wearing these clothes would make it easier for me to make friends. I thought it would make me more approachable and help me make friends."

Jack's expression turned serious, his brows furrowing with anger. He clenched his fists, a surge of protective indignation welling up within him. "Who would do such a thing? Taking advantage of someone's innocence and tricking them into wearing something they're uncomfortable with... It's despicable!"

Yunyun blinked in confusion, not fully understanding the extent of the manipulation she had fallen victim to. "I... I don't know who did it. They said it was a popular style and that it would help me fit in. I thought they were trying to be helpful."

Jack took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He didn't want to direct his anger at Yunyun, who was simply caught in someone else's deceit. "Yunyun, I'm really sorry to hear that someone misled you. True friendship shouldn't be based on superficial appearances."

To Jack's surprise, instead of feeling completely embarrassed, mad, or even sad, Yunyun smiled. "I don't mind. It helped me catch a glimpse of how beautiful friendship is." Jack remained silent, dazzled by such an innocent smile, and his anger was extinguished. It doesn't mean he won't hunt down the scumbag who tricked Yunyun, but now he won't make them disappear.

He smiled back at her, a warmth spreading through his heart. "You have such a wonderful perspective, Yunyun. Friendship truly is a beautiful thing, and I'm glad I can be a part of that with you." Yunyun's smile widened, radiating a newfound confidence.


"Alright, so here we are. Since I didn't know how long it would take me to talk to you, I told my friends to just hunt some toads and any rookie hunters they come across." Jack looked around and spotted some craters, presumably from Megumin's magic, which made Jack sigh. "Someone still enjoys destroying things with their magic, it seems. Anyways, why don't you go ahead and show me what kind of magic you can use?"

Yunyun hesitated for a moment, her cheeks turning slightly pink. "Um, well, I mainly specialize in intermediate magic, but I know a few advanced spells too." She raised her staff and shouted, "Lightning!" Generating a bolt of lightning that scorched the ground.

Jack watched as Yunyun summoned a bolt of lightning, impressed by her display of magic. He clapped his hands, giving her an encouraging smile. "That was amazing, Yunyun! You have the potential to become a formidable mage."

Yunyun blushed at the praise, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Th-thank you, Jack. Coming from you, it means a lot." She looked down at her staff, feeling a renewed sense of confidence. "I want to become stronger so that I can fulfill my duties as a Crimson Demon and prove my worth to my family."

Jack gave her a smile. "Why don't you go ahead and show me your strongest spells?" Yunyun nodded and gripped her staff like a wand excitedly. She had never received so much attention or had someone who was interested in her abilities.

"Hah! 'You have the potential to become a formidable mage?' She already is. Are all Crimson Demons just absolute beasts when it comes to magic? Or have I casually encountered the most outstanding ones?" Jack was flabbergasted by Yunyun's display of magic. She went from summoning a lance made of pure light that made a tree explode to summoning a powerful and large burst of fire, and even dark lightning.

Jack was in awe as he witnessed Yunyun's incredible display of magic. He couldn't help but be impressed by the variety and power of her spells. Each one showcased her skill and control over different elements, leaving Jack even more fascinated by the capabilities of Crimson Demons.

"Yunyun, that was incredible!" Jack exclaimed, a mix of excitement and admiration in his voice. "Your magical prowess is truly extraordinary. I've never seen such a wide range of spells executed with such precision and power. You're a force to be reckoned with!"

Yunyun blushed at the praise, a mixture of pride and humility in her expression. "Th-thank you, Jack. I'm glad you think so. It means a lot to me."

Jack couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for Yunyun. He had seen her transform from a shy and self-doubting individual into a confident and skilled mage once she started waving that wand around. Jack placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'll say it again, welcome aboard. It seems like I'm gonna have to up my game if I want to teach you like I did with the others."

"Thank you, Jack. I'll do my best to learn from you and become even stronger," Yunyun said, her voice filled with determination.

Jack smiled warmly at Yunyun. "I have no doubt that you will surpass even my expectations. With your talent and dedication, there's no limit to what you can achieve. Together, we'll push each other to new heights."

"Objection! I say Objection!" Megumin, who was listening to the conversation, started running towards Jack and Yunyun and quickly jumped on them, causing both of them to fall to the ground. "Why, you! Now you're trying to steal my teacher, you catwoman?!" Megumin grabbed Yunyun by the shirt and started shaking her.

Startled by Megumin's sudden outburst, Jack quickly tried to defuse the situation. "Megumin, calm down! Yunyun is not trying to steal me as your teacher. She's just joining our group, and I'll be guiding her alongside you." He gently pried Megumin's hands off Yunyun's shirt, trying to separate them.

Megumin quickly got up and formed an 'X' with her arms. "Denied! She doesn't even need guidance; she is just fine by herself," Megumin declared. Jack paused at Megumin's words.

Jack glanced between Megumin and Yunyun, sensing the tension in the air. He realized that there might be more to their relationship than he initially thought. With a calm expression, he spoke softly, trying to ease the situation.

"Megumin, I understand that you have your reservations, but Yunyun has expressed her desire to learn and grow alongside us. If she wishes to join our group, I believe it's important to give her a chance." Jack's words held a gentle yet firm tone, as he tried to reason with Megumin.

Megumin made an unreadable expression, then she turned towards Yunyun. 'Very well, if you wish to join my ranks, then you will have to defeat me.'" Yunyun started to get nervous and brushed her clothes.

"I..." Yunyun looked between Jack and Megumin before nodding to herself and gathering courage. "I understand... so what is it gonna be? Rock, paper, scissors?" Yunyun started getting into position, but Megumin did something that surprised both Jack and Yunyun.

Megumin gave Yunyun a smile full of hostility and tilted her hat. "Wouldn't you like that, Miss High Class?" She twirled her staff and hit the end of it on the ground. "This time it will be your magic against mine!" She billowed her cape.

Jack turned slowly towards Megumin and looked at her closely. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Megumin? What are you trying to pull here?" He placed a hand on his hip.

Although Megumin felt like a child being scolded, she refused to back down. "Stay out of this, Jack. This is a clash between mages. It will decide our destinies, and the winner will be remembered in history!"

Jack turned towards Yunyun to gauge her reaction. Yunyun herself was gripping her wand against her chest. "So I see, but... are you aware that things could get out of hand? I know exactly what you are capable of, Megumin. It's no exaggeration to call you a natural disaster, and Yunyun herself is very powerful in other avenues of magic."

Jack crossed his arms after both remained silent. 'What is this? I'm getting mixed signals here. Do they hate each other or not?' He sighed. "Fine, I know when my opinion isn't needed. But don't think that I will leave you two alone while you try to blast yourselves to oblivion."

Megumin hesitated for a moment before nodding in acceptance. "I suppose it's only fair that you would want to appreciate the beauty of my magic as it overpowers all others."

Yunyun nodded. "Megumin, I've always admired your explosive magic and how confident you are in your abilities. I've always wanted to be like you, and now..." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I will defeat you!"

Megumin's hand twitched. "We shall see." and her crimson eyes started to glow as she locked eyes with Yunyun.

Jack tilted his head, and suddenly something clicked in his mind. 'Are they... rivals?' He looked at them again and nodded in satisfaction.

"Alright, I'll only be here to make sure neither one of you dies. Actually, don't do anything while I bring Aqua!" And with that, Jack sped away. Now that he confirmed it was a duel between rivals, he started to get excited.

Let the flames of youth burn wildly!

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