
Elites From Another World

A fairy tale about a Forgotten Knight remembered by many, reuniting with his Heavenly Saint, who is known by none. A cursed tale about a damned youth encountering the demon of the battlefield. Both tales tell different stories, but only the people involved know what truly happened, and what stories remain untold. ... Fate? What does that have to do with anything? Sometime we meet the most unusual people, and other times we meet people we've met once before, but had no idea we did. Arcane High is a place which has a lot of "fate" surrounding it. For a place which falls outside the bounds of a normal school, it managed to do what any normal school always did. Bring people together. Ean, Heaven Kinston is the Third Young Miss of the Kinston family. She has never gone to any normal school before, and her first is Arcane High. Due to unusual circumstances, she manages to get into this school, and she meets the most unusual people by… fate? Despite the grandeur of the Kinston family, their youngest daughter, Heaven Kinston, is pretty much unknown by everyone but everyone somehow knows her. Her life until she gets to Arcane high can be described in one word, Unknown. Ean's life is unknown to so many people, including herself. How so…? Her life, though it had its ups and downs, had seemed very normal to her, until she gets to Arcane High and starts to realize how sheltered she's been. Sometimes, she wonders if she's ever met anyone apart from the people she currently knew. Other times, she forgets she ever has such thoughts. And most times, she recalls fleeting memories of those thoughts, that was probably one of the reasons she had agreed to go to Arcane High. Calm seas appears calm to whoever looks at its surface, but only those who go into it, know how turbulent it is within. The saying can describe Arcane High's current situation. Unbeknownst to everyone else, not just Ean, Ean's entry into Arcane High set something into motion, which uncovered more secrets than those who were involved knew existed. Come along and unravel the mystery behind the word "fate", and what role it plays in this unusual tale lived by one and many others.

AOFD · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Who is she?

Heaven POV

I walked in after resting outside for a bit and to my surprise, students were still moving up and about, roaming the school grounds whilst chatting. And that was definitely not the way normal people act when they are late.

I looked at the time on my watch 8:44am, I frowned and mentally insulted myself for coming 6 minutes early, but Crystal said class wasn't starting till 8:30am.

So why weren't they in class? Ahh I was tricked again. I closed my eyes in realization and decided to go on ahead like that.

I should have known. You never know with Crystal, one moment she's a loving sister, the next she's a mischievous psycho. Irrespective of all the time we've spent together, I still have a vague idea of who she actually is.

With no plausible plan in mind, I decided to find my classroom and in the process verify my registration, just in case Crystal pulled another trick on me.

I was planning on coming late to school, or getting to class while the teacher was teaching, in order to set a bad record on my first day.

Unfortunately, Crystal was one step ahead of me, and somehow found a way to get me to come early.

"Had I known, I wouldn't have wasted all that energy running to school. I should have just waited for the car…", I muttered defeatedly.

I practically played into Crystal's hands, I knew the car would never arrive but still decided to come to school! All because I didn't want her to win…

My thoughts were interrupted by the surrounding students whispering and uncomfortable stares directed at me. Some chatted whilst staring and pointing at me, some giggled like goblins and were even laughing out loud, while others stood still and observed me.

All the attention I was getting was somehow new, what felt new about it was the weird feeling I got from it.

I frowned when I met the gaze of one of them, who stared at me provokingly. "Are they trying to intimidate me or are they making fun of me?"

I knew I was acting weirdly, because of my thoughts and situation, but I didn't think that warranted all these attention. Do they know who I am?

But then something struck me, and a smile appeared on my face, "Of course, they don't know who I am"

I had heard rumors about this school, and the kind of students it had, but hearing is clearly different from experiencing it yourself.

My smile wilted as quickly as it blossomed, because I had to keep both my thoughts and identity under wraps, well at least for the meantime, in case the former somehow reaches Crystal.

Taking a deep breath, I decided to ignore them but before I took another step past the gates, someone called my name, no the person called out to me, but I ignored them and continued to walk on.

But the person aggressively drove their motorcycle into the school premises, and stopped it right in front of me, forcing me to come to a halt.

I stood still just as the person wanted, and waited for them to unhelm themselves with little curiosity.

The cyclist removed his helmet, and swung his hair from left to right. The morning rays poured down on him and it highlighted his figure even more in the crowd. The movement of his hair was perfectly in sync with his body movements, and trust me when I say, it was very pleasing to the eye.

My hand subconsciously reached out for the wisps of hair, that was tucked behind my ear when running, I released them and appeared much more normal.

I glanced at the boy, who had finished his ceremony and was ready to give me an explanation, "How did you get here first?", he asked with curiosity.

I stared in confusion at the unwavering blue eyes of the hazel haired boy, who stared right back into my eyes with confidence, and repeated the word he used to call out to me, "Silver?".

"Oh my bad, What's your name? Mine's Mason Ha-", I interrupted Mason with no intention of continuing the conversation.

"Not silver", I didn't know what I was registered as, so I couldn't give any direct answers. Hence, I decided to rebut him.

"What? That doesn't qualify as a nam-", Mason was interrupted by the some approaching figures from afar.

"Mason!! Is that you on the bike?!", One of them called out to Mason, and he seemed frightened as he just recalled something.

"Ahh the bike", he voiced out in alarm and quickly got off it.

I looked at them then at Mason, who was wondering what to do with the bike, then walked away.

I've never been nervous like this before, but then again this is my first time coming to a place like this.

I patted my cheeks to dismiss those thoughts and inwardly reproved myself, "Where was my courage when I burnt Mr Lenny's house down, or when I threatened to kill him… No that came out wrong. Where was my courage when I was contesting for the bid of the bridge project or when I used such a tricky sum to win a bet?"

"Why the heck am I getting cold feet now?", I muttered in disapproval as I wondered what the problem was.

"It must be the environment, this school seems interesting", I rubbed my gloved hands together, as a hint of curiosity flashed through my eyes.

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