
Elites From Another World

A fairy tale about a Forgotten Knight remembered by many, reuniting with his Heavenly Saint, who is known by none. A cursed tale about a damned youth encountering the demon of the battlefield. Both tales tell different stories, but only the people involved know what truly happened, and what stories remain untold. ... Fate? What does that have to do with anything? Sometime we meet the most unusual people, and other times we meet people we've met once before, but had no idea we did. Arcane High is a place which has a lot of "fate" surrounding it. For a place which falls outside the bounds of a normal school, it managed to do what any normal school always did. Bring people together. Ean, Heaven Kinston is the Third Young Miss of the Kinston family. She has never gone to any normal school before, and her first is Arcane High. Due to unusual circumstances, she manages to get into this school, and she meets the most unusual people by… fate? Despite the grandeur of the Kinston family, their youngest daughter, Heaven Kinston, is pretty much unknown by everyone but everyone somehow knows her. Her life until she gets to Arcane high can be described in one word, Unknown. Ean's life is unknown to so many people, including herself. How so…? Her life, though it had its ups and downs, had seemed very normal to her, until she gets to Arcane High and starts to realize how sheltered she's been. Sometimes, she wonders if she's ever met anyone apart from the people she currently knew. Other times, she forgets she ever has such thoughts. And most times, she recalls fleeting memories of those thoughts, that was probably one of the reasons she had agreed to go to Arcane High. Calm seas appears calm to whoever looks at its surface, but only those who go into it, know how turbulent it is within. The saying can describe Arcane High's current situation. Unbeknownst to everyone else, not just Ean, Ean's entry into Arcane High set something into motion, which uncovered more secrets than those who were involved knew existed. Come along and unravel the mystery behind the word "fate", and what role it plays in this unusual tale lived by one and many others.

AOFD · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs

First Day

This should be where it all began, right?

Heaven POV

I stood in front of the school and used my knee as support, breathing unsteadily because I ran here.

I stood properly, then gazed at the school's monument which read Arcane Elite High School, then at the plaque which read Arcane High School.

A smirk appeared on my face when I thought of how long I'll be staying in this stuck up school.


A military hummer was seen on the street, it was raven black in colour and had a very low-key streamlined design, but its luxuriousness could not be mistaken.

It drove rather it sped down the street, then gradually it started to slow down, till it came a stop. The driver immediately came down, and checked the booth searching frantically for something. He froze when he heard the passenger door opening, "shit I'm dead" he thought.

Then a teenager came out dressed in a navy blue and plum coloured school uniform, her features were outstanding, her long silver hair packed in a high ponytail, and she had a few loose strands at the front of her head.

She had double coloured irises within her doe eyes, and there was a light smile on her face as she gazed at the sky.

She was dressed in a knee-length plum coloured skirt and a crisp white shirt, which was complemented by a navy blue blazer, and styled with long white socks and a hidden striped tie.

The emblem on the jacket and socks exuded a mysterious aura and conveyed a sense of dignity, while the complete uniform gave off an air of sophistication and vibrancy.

She seemed aloof, but still emitted a playful yet noble aura.

The driver felt cold sweat breaking out on his body immediately she came outside. "What happened?" She asked in a low voice full of annoyance.

If not for the precarious situation at hand he would have loved to say, "Ha! The Third Young Miss' voice is indeed sweet and melodious". But now he felt like it was the devil asking "Are you ready to go to hell now?" he shivered at the thought of that and instantly replied, "I don't know". The driver said in a hushed tone, but it was still loud enough to hear.

She leaned a bit on the car showing her lazy side and a lack of determination to stand on her own to the driver nevertheless it added to her beauty and asked, "You don't? Didn't you check it before we left?".

Another person dressed in a suit hurriedly came out of the driver's seat of the car, and said in a rush, "Second Young Miss prepared this car for you, and we supposed everything was alright since she too was in support of you going to school but..." Ms. Gigi, Heaven's assistant, voice gradually toned down as she realized what had happened.

Heaven sighed when she heard her voice, then stepped away from the front passenger door she was resting on. She glanced at Ms Gigi who had rushed up to her side, then placed her hands on the roof of the car, and watched the passing vehicles as she listened to Ms Gigi's explanation.

"Sigh, don't trust Crystal next time" Heaven said with a frown, when Ms Gigi stopped talking.

"Third young mistress, I suggest we bring another car may..." Ms. Gigi was interrupted. "Never mind, that's what she wants me to do, Wait", she said in annoyance before continuing, "Plus it wouldn't arrive early since she decided to pull this stunt. I bet she must have something else in store for me"

"No no no, quite the contrary I'll tell them not to let the second miss be aware of the car request and to bring it over in less than 20 minutes, I assur…" Ms. Gigi said in a rush, afraid of being interrupted but was still cut off by heaven.

"Okay okay I know, so how much more is the distance to school?" Heaven asked with a hint of frustration in her voice.

"Umm… about 4.4km it should take you about fifteen no twenty minutes if you were to run there, but young miss that would take about 20 minutes and you'll be tired and sweaty, and I don't think that would be a good first impression", Ms. Gigi said with concern in her voice. This was her Young Miss first time going to school, she could not let her give off a bad first impression.

Upon hearing that, Heaven's interest was piqued, and she concluded in her mind that she would run to school.

She glanced at Ms Gigi who was expecting her positive reply and thought, ' I'd need to convince this nanny of mine before I can go on with my plans.'

Heaven turned to Ms Gigi with a determined look on her face. "But if we were to bring the car it wouldn't take up to 20 minutes right?", Heaven stretched lightly as she asked.

"Yes Yes that's right", Ms. Gigi nodded and began to wonder why Heaven was being so reasonable. "But then again if Crystal were to know… I might as well start running now", Heaven said, attempting to take her bag from the car, but Ms. Gigi blocked her by standing in front of the door, spreading her hands out as if she wanted to hug her.

Heaven stopped, frustration was written all over her face she forgot how hard it was to convince this assistant of hers, "Since Crystal did something to this car she would know that we would need another one but she also knows that I won't wait for it and if I do I won't receive it so the best thing to do is to go there myself or don't you agree with me?" Heaven said it all at once without stopping and breathed in some air, she hadn't talked this much in a while.

"Yes Yes the Young miss idea is brilliant" said the driver, who had found a way out. He had been standing at the sidelines, worried he would lose his job, but it seems the Third Young Miss was not as angry as he thought she'd be.

Ms. Gigi handed her a bottle of water and thought about her proposal "Okay… but please be careful and-", immediately after hearing Ms Gigi's affirmation, Heaven passed Ms Gigi by and took her school bag from the car before Ms. Gigi could complete her sentence.

She faced the street preparing to cross the road, and wore her bag at the same time. Seeing Heaven preparing to dash off, Ms Gigi shouted at the top of her lungs, "Young miss please be careful, if the Madam were to know something happened to you because I let you run to school then then… just be careful!", Ms Gigi was really scared, and wondered why Heaven was so eager to go to school.

Heaven turned around, waved then continued moving, but Ms Gigi's outburst made her attract attention from passersby and that brought a flush of red to her face.

"Have you made the call? If not let's take a taxi." Ms. Gigi proposed.

"Yes I have, but let's just get going." The driver said and went forward to hail a taxi. Once they found one, they went off.


At a busy food stall, a handsome teen just collected his steamed buns from the food vendor's blushing daughter.

There was a light smile on his face as he ate a bun with relish. He had been sitting on his motorcycle for quite a while, waiting for his steamed buns, while watching Heaven with interest.

He gently nibbed on the bun and didn't seem to be in a hurry to do anything. He looked reserved and the gentle aura emanating from him was full of youthfulness.

The vendor's daughter couldn't help but blush miserably at this sight.

"Ahh", he sighed he wanted to give her a ride, because he reasoned they went to the same school when he saw her uniform.

Become the hero saving the beauty, but he couldn't leave without buying his buns. They had the best buns here and he had even invited them to become his personal cook but they refused and claimed they enjoyed cooking for other people, who relied on their food as breakfast such as himself.

He apologized for being selfish and since then they had been on friendly ties. Once he saw heaven dash off he felt bad for not helping out.

Seeing his face full of gloom and disappointment the vendor's daughter tried to cheer him up, by saying she would reserve some buns for him tomorrow.

He gave a small smile then set his motorcycle up so he could leave. He waved goodbye to the vendor, and his daughter before he zoomed off.


A young man who seemed to be in his early twenties, was sitted by the window of a cafe opposite the building which the hummer was parked by. He watched every action that occurred with Heaven and Ms Gigi, with furrowed eyebrows till they left.

His beautiful brown eyes stared blankly at space as he was engrossed in his thoughts, he gently stirred the coffee before adding more sugar into it. "How did she know? How did she know they'd be there?" He muttered in confusion before he looked back up to look at the Black hummer.

He stared at the glass in front of him and could roughly make out his reflection through it. His brown eyes assessed his looks and he started to re-evaluate himself.

He had beautiful brown eyes which complimented his outstanding brown hair to which the colour of brown has yet to be discovered, the sunlight passed through the glass and when it rays landed on his hair, it looked like a light shade of brown but in the shade of the cafe, it seemed like dark chocolate, in between it was a warm and comforting shade of brown, his eyes were the same colour. And the aura he gave off was one of a calm, innocent and refined gentleman.

His features were outstanding and he looked even more handsome and gentle while lost in thought.

Immersed in thought while drinking coffee, he frowned because of the taste and subconsciously added more sugar, "It's sweet".

He smiled a little but seemed a little gloomy, just as he brought the coffee to his lips again, a sudden call with a strange ringtone disrupted his movements and snapped him out of his thoughts.

The fine air of a responsible gentleman vanished as he picked the call up in disarray.

"He-hello Second Young Miss… yes it's just like you said she did not wait for the car… uh-huh she let her go by herself… okay I'm still in the cafe alright I'll be there. But what about the car… of course as your assistant it's my job to take care of you, and keep you from trouble… yes yes I'll wait for the tow truck. Okay, but that would mean I'll come later than expected… Oh okay- {beep} by-e"

"She hung up before I could say anything concerning our outing. She really doesn't want me around, does she?", a despondent sigh followed his barely audible mutter.

He looked at the busy streets through the windows, then at the cup's reflection. "I'll go when I'm done with this", he thought as he reached out for the cup and moved the sweetened coffee to his lips.

I edited this chapter and I'm planning on turning all of the not so important POVs to "Author's POV"

Remember, this story is about Ean but it doesn't revolve around her alone. That's why it is necessary to tell it from other points of view.

Anyways, tell me what you think about the story from this chapter or how you think the story will progress.

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