
Elemental Ninja

Our Mc finds himself in a world beyond what he hoped for. Does he have what it takes to survive what the future has in store for him. A.U. ---------------- This is my first fic so be nice please. or don't idc. synopsis is mid. Do some stuff in the comments or stones or something.

OofMySenpai · Cómic
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17 Chs

Chapter 14: Shinobi

"what do you think that meeting between the Hokage and that rep was about, has your father said anything?" Fujino asked Irano

"Nah, I haven't talked to him since this morning and I had no idea this meeting was taking place until we got the mission." Responded Irano.

It had been a few hours since they had gotten back to the village, and the representative had since completed the meeting with the Hokage and did a little exploring. The genin of the team were currently in a room adjacent to the room the rep was sleeping in.

The rep had planned on staying a whole extra day just to explore, but after that ambush, he wanted to get back to the safety of the capital as soon as possible.

Moriyama sitting in a corner speaks to the room "I wonder when sensei will be back, he's taking forever?" Itachi had left the team with the rep while he went to speak with the Hokage.

"Oh, he has been on the roof for like an hour. Irano answered while gazing out the window at the streets below, seeing nothing noteworthy he looked to the sky, "Looks like it's gonna rain tomorrow." looking back at his friends in the room he spoke out again, "You guys should rest I'll take first watch."

The night proceeded without any mishaps and now it was time to return the rep to the fire capital. Standing at the main gate the team could be seen signing out. "Looks like you were right, might even get some thunder too," Moriyama stated looking up to the sky with one hand above her eyes. Even though it was almost mid-day it was already pretty dark.

As they were making their way to the capital the genin were conversing. "Hey Irano, doesn't your sensory "Jutsu" work on vibrations, How will that work when it rains?" Fujino asks. "Oh you don't need to worry, although you are right and the rain would make it harder for me to "see" through that one, that's why I have multiple sensory Jutsu," Irano answers.

"When it rains, I kind of connect with the water, more or less. As the rain comes down hitting everything it creates an outline of what it lands on, I have been trying to use it in tandem with my, let's call it tremor sense for the places where the rain can't reach." He continues.

As Irano is explaining parts of his sensory abilities, enough to placate his teammates, he feels a drop fall on his cheek then another this continues as the rain starts coming down hard, and the others put up the hoods on their coats.

The heavy rainfall made the trek to the capital more of a hassle than the bandit attack. The carriage got stuck in the mud multiple times before Irano just resorted to hardening the mud under the wheels as it moved along. And now they were stuck again, only now they were standing where a bridge used to be.

"Looks like the river took out the bridge, I imagined this would have happened with how hard the rain has been coming down," Itachi stated. "If so why didn't you have us detour sensei?" Fujino asked looking miffed.

"Because I can just make a bridge and calm the water that's why," Irano says as he jumps up on top of the carriage, creating a bridge of earth wide enough for everyone to pass, then lowering and slowing down the torrential water so it doesn't crash into the carriage as they pass.

As everyone is passing over the bridge all is well, until suddenly all the water in the river flys out in front of them creating a thick wall of water, just as the genin and rep a wondering what is going on they can see through the water 2 big balls (tee-hee) of fire coming at them. As the fire hits Irano surrounds it with water making sure none of the steam can escape, and before the ball of water filled with superheated steam could explode hurting the team, Irano makes a small opening in the direction of where one of the fire balls came from.

(A/N: I don't think this is how superheated steam is made but it sounded cool in my head)



-----POV Change-----



'It's about damn time, this rain is starting to piss me off.' A figure crouched in a tree thought as he saw a group of shinobi crossing a bridge with a carriage. Signaling to his team to get ready for the attack, he and another go through the same hand movements launching fireballs at the group.

Only for a wall of water to appear and wrap around the fireballs. 'I've never seen any jutsu like that before.' looking at the water bubble as it starts to open up he gets ready to move closer, only for him to hear one of his teammates scream out in pain.

Looking over he sees it was the one who did the fire jutsu with him, A third of their body was burned, their clothes scorched and the parts that weren't covered by clothes he could see third degree burns. 'What the hell happened I didn't even see them attack!?' he thought but had no time to stop and help as his other two teammates were already out in the open ready to fight.



-----POV Change-----



"Four total, one incapacitated, condition unknown!" Irano shouted to the others. Seeing only two on the path ahead Itachi tells his team to take them out while he deals with the others. Fujino and Moriyama rush ahead to stop the charging Shinobi in their tracks, while Irano uses his bending to push the carriage ahead quickly and then putting it in a cocoon like before.

Sprinting forward Irano can see that Fujino is struggling a little while Moriyama is holding her own, turning in the direction of Fujino he sends out a mud whip targeting the enemy shinobi's eyes. Seeing this the enemy Shinobi kicked Fujino away and went to block his face.

Seeing the enemy block his face Irano quickly changed the trajectory of the whip so that it wraps around their leg and lifts him into the air. Before the Shinobi can cut the mud whip freeing himself Irano throws him towards a tree. "Go help Moriyama, I got this guy." Irano says looking to Fujino.

After Fujino ran off to help Moriyama, Irano created multiple water whips to overpower the Shinobi. Just as the Shinobi was pushing themselves off the tree they just smashed into they were hit in the shoulder, leaving a large gash from the shoulder down to the forearm.

"Ahhh" The Shinobi screamed out as they jumped back wanting to get as far away from those tentacles as possible. But just as his feet hit the ground the mud under his feet moved in opposite directions of each other causing him to do the splits.

Seeing him stuck in that position Irano combined the water whips into one and slashed down at the Shinobi splitting him in half. Taking a second to make sure that the guy he killed was the real thing, Irano can see that he isn't coming back so he turns to help his friends but they are finishing up too.

"That was surprisingly easy, you'd think that genin would put up a better fight than that." Irano stated nonchalantly. "What the heck are.you talking about, they were at least low level chunin!" Fujino shouted somewhat indignantly as he was struggling against the same Shinobi earlier.

"Yeah I don't know what you are talking about, it took Fujino distracting that guy for me to finally land a good hit." Moriyama added looking surprised at Irano.

He only squinted at them and gave them a light hmmm. Before slowly turning around, to their sensei coming their way.

"Let's go, we can talk on the road." Itachi gave a short order.