
Elemental Ninja

Our Mc finds himself in a world beyond what he hoped for. Does he have what it takes to survive what the future has in store for him. A.U. ---------------- This is my first fic so be nice please. or don't idc. synopsis is mid. Do some stuff in the comments or stones or something.

OofMySenpai · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 15: S.O.S

"You really couldn't tell that those guys were chunin, Irano?" Moriyama asked as they continued on the road.

"Nah, they genuinely felt weak, this must be a side effect of being so goddamn strong." He said while flexing. Looking over towards Itachi he asks "So sensei did you find out anything about who attacked us? I couldn't see any distinguishing marks."

Itachi kept walking for a few seconds without answering for a few seconds before finally speaking, "They were after the documents the Daimyo's representative is currently in possession of." Looking at his sensei he asks another question, "What is up with the tight lip sensei, don't we deserve to know if we are getting attacked by a squad of chunin for it."

Itachi kept walking in silence again before giving a deep sigh. "I'm surprised you haven't come to the conclusion yet, In three months time the chunin exams will begin, the documents the representative holds, contains everything that pertains to the fire Daimyo's and the village's security details for said chunin exams.

"As for our attackers... It's strange their memories only go back so far. But what I got from them confirms that they were the ones who had those civilians attack us." Itachi finished.

"Oh yeah, we are next for hosting the chunin exams, but that still doesn't explain why you were so quiet about it," Moriyama said with a look of realization.

"I was planning on telling you when we returned to the village, But I believe all of you are ready and I wanted to enroll you in the chunin exams," Itachi says pulling three papers out of his vest.

"I thought that you had to be a shinobi for more than a year before you could enroll in the chunin exams," Fujino asked taking the papers into his hand and passing the others to his friends.

"That's more of a recommendation, A Jonin teacher can choose to put forth their team if they think that they are ready, and I believe that you all are ready," Itachi says as he stops moving to look back at them. "When we return to the village I will be increasing your training for the time leading up to the exams, That is unless you don't think you are ready." He continues questioningly.

Looking at his teammates Fujino can see Irano has a wide smile and Moriyama has a smirk. "I believe we are ready for it sensei." Said Fujino "Yeah, the chunin exams sounds like an easy run through seeing as we just fought some chunin." Irano adds. "Easy for you freak, the training would do wonders for us." Says Moriyama.

The journey to the fire capital continued without any more interruptions and they dropped the representative off at the Daimyo's court. The representative had thanked them profusely, he hadn't thought a simple meeting would be so fraught with danger.

Jumping through treetops at high speed the team was making good headway back to the village Irano noticed something coming at them fast. "Incoming." He said notifying his team.

They all spread out to surround the incoming person, as soon as the person appeared they saw that it wasn't a person, it was a dog, a small pug-like dog with brown fur and a dark brown snout and ears, wearing a blue vest with a heno-heni-moheji seal on it and a leaf village forehead protector.

"Oh shit a dog, hey doggy," Irano says moving forward to pet the dog. Snapping at his hand the dog then speaks, "Watch your mouth kid, and get that hand away from me it's filthy." Pulling his hand away from the dog before it could bite him Irano speaks again, "What the hell you can talk Freaky deaky."

Itachi steps forward seeming to know the talking dog. "Pakkun, why are you here? What's wrong?" He questions. "Itachi, it's Kakashi he sent me for help he said you would be the closest. He's run into some unexpected trouble, now he's on the mend and trouble is on the horizon. The now-named Pakkun answers.

"Lead the way." Irano chimes in.






Team 7 had finally arrived in the land of waves and were on their way to Tazuna's home when Naruto jumped into a ready position as he heard the sound of a bush rustling.

The team was surprised to see Naruto ready to fight holding his kunai, only for a snow-white rabbit to jump out of the bush he was looking at. As Naruto and Sakura start bickering over stopping because of a little rabbit.

As they are bickering Kakashi yells out for them to duck, as they drop down a giant sword flys overhead embedding itself in a tree. And a tall muscular man lands on the handle he had short spiky black hair and wore bandages as a mask, and he wore a forehead protector loosely on his head.

Zabuba Momochi a missing-nin of Kirigakure, Kakashi realising the danger that he poses to his team revealed his Sharingan knowing he would need it. Zabuza, honoured by Kakashi's willingness to go all out for their battle, stated that he would consider it a testament to his own skill if he were to kill Kakashi.

Zabuza ended the conversation with his Hiding in Mist Technique, summoning a thick veil of mist from the nearby lake in order to hide himself from the Sharingan. Kakashi ordered Team 7 to protect Tazuna, though Zabuza asserted that such protection was useless, instantly appearing in the centre of their formation. As Zabuza was about to make an attack with his sword, Kakashi raced toward them and stabs Zabuza in the stomach with his kunai just before his stroke could fall. Water poured out of Zabuza's body and it collapsed into a puddle as the real Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi, revealing that Zabuza had used the Water Clone Technique to fool Kakashi. Zabuza proceeded to slice Kakashi in half, but Kakashi's body too dissolved into water, surprising Zabuza as he realised that Kakashi's Sharingan must have copied the Water Clone Technique as Zabuza charged toward him. Kakashi appeared behind Zabuza, mocking him by saying that it was over.

To everyone's surprise, a second Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi and grabbed him, and the first Zabuza reverted to a pool of water. Kakashi attempted to break free of Zabuza's grasp, but was instead thrown into the nearby lake. As he emerged, Zabuza trapped him within his Water Prison Technique, leaving Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura to defend against another of Zabuza's clones. Kakashi told the genin to run, but Naruto remembered the oath that he had made to himself, and entered the fight so that they could save Kakashi and keep Tazuna alive. Naruto created a number of shadow clones that proceeded to completely surround Zabuza's water clone. Zabuza's clone swung his sword, and the shadow clones scattered and disappeared, forcing the only remaining Naruto to reach into his backpack and pull out a fūma shuriken, which he gave to Sasuke. Sasuke, sensing Naruto's plan, hurled the fūma shuriken at Zabuza, who easily grabbed it from the air. To his surprise, a second shuriken was hiding in the shadow of the first due to Sasuke's Shadow Shuriken Technique, and Zabuza was forced to leap over it to avoid being damaged. Once past Zabuza, the second shuriken turned into Naruto, who had transformed himself. Naruto threw a kunai at Zabuza, who, unable to dodge it while maintaining the Water Prison Technique, was forced to release Kakashi from his prison in order to avoid the attack.

With Kakashi free, Zabuza was forced to commence their battle, and the two used multiple Water Release techniques against each other. Due to his Sharingan, Kakashi was able to take the upper hand and defeat Zabuza with Zabuza's own attack. Just as Kakashi was about to make the final blow, two masked ninja appeared to kill Zabuza by impaling Zabuza's neck with several senbon. After revealing themselves to be a hunter-nin sent to kill Zabuza, they disappeared with Zabuza's body. Kakashi, momentarily satisfied with this turn of events, decided that it was time to continue escorting Tazuna home, Kakashi feeling he was about to collapse due to chakra exhaustion used the last bit of chakra he had left to summon his ninken Pakkun, seconds later he passed out as a result of his overuse of the Sharingan, unable to give out any orders to anyone.


Yeah the last like 500 words of this chap was straight out of narutopedia I really didn't feel like writing out these fights or interactions cause they played out just like the show for the most part. Besides you know Pakkun and the second hunter-nin