
[80] "The Power of unaffiliated"

Wooin moves forward without waiting to be called, and directs his gaze towards Jiwoo and Jihye without turning back. "See this, it will be worth it," he tells them with confidence in his voice.

Woonyoung Ki yawns as he walks over and plants himself in front of Wooin with disinterest, but just then the starting whistle blows.

Woonyoung relaxes and closes his eyes, showing a carefree attitude that the fight has already begun.

At that moment, Wooin seizes the opportunity and launches an attack blast that hits Woonyoung's face directly.

The explosion resulted in his face being damaged, covered in blood and with an angry expression.

Those present are stunned by the speed and strength of Wooin's attack.

Woonyoung angrily raises his aura to respond, but quickly Wooin's aura rises even higher and he launches several bursts of power that impact Woonyoung's entire body, leaving dark particles with red edges floating in the air.

The instructors are amazed by the sheer power they are seeing, while the young spectators are startled and shocked by the impressive display of skill.

"What the hell?" exclaimed a young man in the stands, stunned at the spectacle he was witnessing.

"Who is that boy?" asked another, unable to take his eyes off the intense combat.

"How could a young man with so much power not have been on the radar?" commented another nervously, clearly impressed by Wooin's skill.

Woonyoung is breathing heavily, his body severely wounded and the pain enraging him, a purple aura appears around him as he raises both hands, and four dark spheres begin to condense.

But to everyone's surprise, before he can throw the spheres, Wooin's power particles expand and create ropes that bind him all over his body, leaving him immobile and his head still.

Wooin, with great elegance and tranquility, breaks the spheres with his power and in the next instant launches a great burst of energy. Upon impacting Woonyoung, he flies off and crashes into the stand, breaking it in the process.

Woonyoung is left embedded in the stand, unconscious and severely injured, his body still dripping blood.

"The winner is Wooin!" is loudly announced.

The young affiliates are shocked by what has happened, their mouths hanging open in silence as they stare at Woonyoung's severely wounded body.

"How is this possible?" mutters one of the young affiliates, unable to comprehend what has just happened.

"He's Halla's representative and he lost like that," comments another, while a third adds. "He completely crushed it."

Astonishment and surprise are palpable in the stands as everyone processes what they have just seen.

Wooin approaches Jiwoo and Jihye and says with a smile on his face, "It was worth it, wasn't it?".

The two nod with happiness and admiration for their friend.

Giwook looks at Wooin with a mixture of awe in his eyes as he thinks to himself. 'He completely overpowered him, his awakened power, control and combat experience, it was a one-sided massacre.'

The four teachers Suhan, Siyeong, Miyoung and Chul look at Wooin in awe.

"Woonyoung," Miyoung mutters in shock.

The other instructors fall silent, still taking in what happened.

"How could an unaffiliated like him slip under the radar? You can assume he's one of the best in the academy because of his display of power," Miyoung added.

"Next, Jiwoo of the unaffiliated against Sucheon of Baekdu," Siyeong announced.

Sucheon stands face to face with Jiwoo and says with a cocky smile, 'At last, I got you.'

Jiwoo looks at Sucheon and thinks, 'Sucheon, I heard from Jisuk and Subin that he is strong.' He sighs and his face shows confidence and seriousness. 'Ares and Kayden said that I had to have an advantage if I can be my enemy's power and be aware of my surroundings. Apparently, from what the other Baekdu members say, it's very possible that Sucheon has the same gravity power as me.

Sucheon, with an arrogant voice and attitude, says, "Do you think you can beat me, like your little friend did to Woonyoung?"

"Although he is strong, I am Sucheon Kang of Baekdu and I am not on the same level as that weakling," he added haughtily, releasing his aura and power.

The beep sounds and Sucheon launches an attack instantly, but it is dodged by Jiwoo with ease.

Sucheon is surprised to see Jiwoo disappear.

Jiwoo connects a punch on his face and then, with very fast punches, connects a small series of punches on Sucheon's face.

"Shit," Sucheon said angrily, as he creates a gravity field around Jiwoo and he backs away, keeping his distance.

Everyone present is amazed at the great speed Jiwoo displayed, as Sucheon tries to recover from the blows he received.

Sucheon looks at his bruised face and infinite anger grows in his body. 'Damn it, I'm going to kill him,' he thinks furiously.

Sucheon increases the gravity and Jiwoo kneels down and feels very heavy in his body.

Sucheon laughs arrogantly and says, "That's it? Pathetic."

With his gravity, he lifts and throws Jiwoo to the ground, but to everyone's surprise, Jiwoo supports himself with one hand and one knee on the ground, raising his head and looking at Sucheon with a serious expression on his face.

With a smile on his face, Jiwoo remembers the weight training he went through.

He disappears and appears behind Sucheon, punching his face and kneeling on the battlefield.

Furious, Sucheon releases a gravity shockwave in all directions, not controlling his power. Jiwoo disappears and recoils, coming away with minor cuts on his body from the attack.

The other teachers reacted quickly, blocking the shockwave of Sucheon's attack, while looking at Jiwoo in surprise.

With much anger, Sucheon looked at Jiwoo and raised his arm, a spiral is generated in Jiwoo's stomach.

"Aaaah!" shouted Jiwoo, as he felt a twinge in his stomach and noticed that his mouth filled with blood.

He also noticed that his clothes in the area of the attack were soaked in red.

Sucheon tried to attack Jiwoo again, but the latter noticed how an energy was generated in his stomach and, in a matter of seconds, it disappeared at high speed leaving a void behind, a spiral was formed where the energy used to be.

Sucheon opened his eyes in surprise to see Jiwoo in the other corner, his hand on his stomach.

'Don't lose your concentration, mentality is very important in a fight. You have to harass your opponent,' Jiwoo said to himself.

Jiwoo removed his hand from the wound and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Sucheon saw Jiwoo throwing a punch and dodged it, but when he tried to counterattack, Jiwoo gave him no reaction time and harassed him with a series of consecutive attacks, giving him no time to breathe or counter.

The instructors watched the confrontation in amazement, incredulous at how the fight unfolded at that moment. Jiwoo was fighting in a gravity field, as if unaffected, which left the instructors stunned.

As a last resort to push Jiwoo away, Sucheon released a gravity blast towards Jiwoo, who disappeared and left a considerable distance between them. The two stared at each other as the sand showed a long crack from the impact of Sucheon's blast.

'Very powerful, that was close,' Jiwoo thought as he let his gaze linger on Sucheon.

'How can this be happening to me, I'm Sucheon Kang,' as he thought he released all his unchecked gravity into the surroundings.

'You're dead,' Sucheon roared angrily as he prepared to launch another attack.

Those present were shocked as their bodies felt heavy due to Sucheon's gravity field, while Siyeong showed a displeased expression as she watched the confrontation.

Jiwoo took a deep breath, relaxing his body and circulating his force control, which caused a small blue aura to envelop him.

Suddenly, Jiwoo disappeared from his place leaving everyone dumbfounded, even the instructors, and appeared in front of Sucheon, breaking through his force field and throwing a punch charged with electricity. As the punch connected, the electricity spread to the surroundings, producing a great gust of wind and a loud boom that left everyone stunned.

Everyone watched as Sucheon was blown away by the impact of Jiwoo's punch and fell half-dead to the floor of the training area, with visible signs of having been severely injured.

Jiwoo struggled to his feet, with his arm shattered and burns on his body, as Wooin helped steady him on his feet.

There was silence in the combat arena, showing the shock and amazement of those present at what they had just witnessed.

After a moment of silence the arena filled with murmurs and people talking.


[Pov Kayden]

Kayden watched the hidden battle, a devilish grin on his face, as he thought about what he had just witnessed. 'Jiwoo is growing at an incredible speed, mastering the technique taught by Ares. However, with my control of the force it is a lethal attack for anyone. In time, he will realize that this technique can penetrate anything and he must perfect it. Although Ares taught it to him, he does not use it and it is his duty to perfect it. You were able to grasp the technique with the few tips I gave you, but you still have a long way to go'.

Kayden's figure fades into the distance, while Jiwoo feels exhausted but triumphant.


[Han Seongik's office]

Han Seongik was surprised to see how Wooin defeated the Halla representative without difficulty, leaving him completely crushed.

With a cold and unperturbed face, Jiyoung fixes his gaze on the screen, showing no emotion.

Ares lets out a thunderous laugh. "Hahahaha!".

"Unbelievable, isn't it! Who would have thought this could happen? The students you were so proud of ended up like that," Ares added.

With seriousness in his voice, Han Seongik expressed. "I didn't expect to meet a child like that."

"Oh, now comes the fun part!" exclaimed Ares excitedly.

Han Seongik and Jiyoung turn their gaze towards Ares, but soon turn their attention back to the confrontation. As it progresses, they are more and more surprised by the skills displayed by Jiwoo.

Han Seongik rests his gaze on Ares for a few seconds, but then turns his attention back to the confrontation. 'That boy is completely dominating Sucheon,' he thinks to himself. 'Although he has received injuries, they are due to his lack of combat experience. But once he gains more practice, his skills will surely improve in all areas.'

Jiyoung, for his part, can't help but think. 'Jiwoo's growth is simply amazing.'

Suddenly, a voice interrupts them. "What is Jiwoo doing, does he want to drag out the fights to get more experience in fights against other awakened ones?".

Ares' words caused both of them to frown in annoyance and discomfort.

Han Seongik thought quickly. 'Did he tell her that, who could have told her something like that, well probably Ares.'

Ares' words indicated that he wasn't paying attention to what the others were saying, and was concentrating on the screen. 'Oooh, he finally got serious.'

Suddenly, Han Seongik and Jiyoung turned to the screen to see what was happening. They saw Jiwoo, surrounded by a faint blue aura. In an instant, they lost sight of Jiwoo, only to see him reappear in front of Sucheon, punching him in the stomach and generating electricity....

Han Seongik could not hide his astonishment at what had just happened on the screen. He stared at Jiwoo's last attack with a serious and concentrated expression on his face.

Ares stood up from his seat quickly and headed for the door with determination.

Before Ares reached the door, Han Seongik interrupted him with a quick question. "Where are you going?"

Without turning around, Ares opened the door and said. "I saw what I wanted, I don't need to stay here any longer." He then closed the door, leaving the office in silence.

Jiyoung stands up and says. "Mr. Han, the future of our country depends not so much on a group leader like me, but on the potential of the awakened youth of this country."


[A/N: Please read what's next

I'm going on vacation for two weeks minute!

From today I will upload chapters on Monday, Thursday.

There will also be goals, so when we reach 20 stones of power I will upload an extra chapter, another one at 50 and 100 stones of power.


I'm going to set up a Patreon for you to support me and you'll get chapters in advance like 50 or so and I'll also upload my next Fan Fic there first and then to Webnovel when I have 50 chapters.

The Patreon recommends me to put the subscription at 3$.

Should I create several subscriptions...so 1 dollar (10 extra chapters), 3 dollars (30 extra chapters), or not?

I don't know if this is correct or what the price should be.

Tell me if the price is correct or should I change it and to which one?

Upcoming novels:

I have other Fan-Fic with the ideas and characters created and several chapters already planned, I would only have to write and I could upload the other novels to Patreon and when I go for chapter 50 upload it to Webnovel and keep that difference. (The novels are from Hajime no Ippo, HxH, One Piece, Naruto, another one from Eleceed).

I also have ideas for novels of my own, but I'll leave that for when I have the story more planned out.

I want you to give me your opinions on which Fan Fic I should start writing, I'll read them.


From today I will upload only one chapter per day. When I reach 20 power stones I will upload an extra chapter and the same will happen when I reach 50 and 100 power stones.

2060 Words.

Next Chapter "Days after".