
Elder Rose ( One Piece SI )

Brock died in unfortunate Nuclear explosion, and was reborn in One Piece World, with a wish he was granted. But as Selfish, and Egoistic he is by Nature he knows these are far from enough to satisfy himself. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for the ones created by me for the fan-fiction. The book cover does not belong to me neither do any Pic in FF so If the creator wants me to take it down, leave a message in the review area and I will do so.

Gurumaster · Cómic
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6 Chs

03 | Birth 

"Birka, I feel, along with the environment, that I should know this place." "Where have I heard it?" I tried hard to recall everything but remembered nothing; perhaps I need a few more hints to figure out where I am.



"It's been nearly 5 months since I developed Bio-Clock." I wondered to myself. I thought I was conscious from the start of fetal creation, but I guess I was mistaken.

My baby body has already grown to a mature stage, and I can feel my body systems starting to act on their own rather than being dependent on Mother; My birth is near, I concluded.

Another intriguing thing is that I may have affected my fetus's development, so I try to lean as much as possible towards my previous body type, which I am comfortable with. I may lose my wings, but I think I can live without them, and I still love my swimmer figure.

My perception and sharpness have also improved significantly; I can reliably perceive objects within a 150-meter radius and roughly within 400-meters, but I had to concentrate very hard, and my fetus brain can't sustain such large amounts of information yet, leading to sleep.

I also discovered that my perception is able to penetrate through dense items; while progress is still being made, I can already see through foam or thermocol-like objects.

My emotional perception has a radius of 40 meters, so I'm guessing I could easily earn millions as a god-level psychiatrist in this life. I'm still attempting to affect those feelings, but with no results or extremely sluggish progress so far, and I can only influence mom and dad when they're hyper.

(A/n: I am not a biology student, so please excuse any errors.)



I can feel it today, the date when I will finally see the New World, Mom, Dad, neighbors, and many exciting things. I also know for certain that I am special in this world, but not unique. I can make this much progress because I was trapped in the womb, unable to move, with no one to talk to, and the effort I put into perception was only to distract myself and keep myself sane.

If given the option and the chance to redo it, I would rather skip it and lose my sixth sense than go through such torturous training. I am not a masochist.

Something only happens once, and who knows when I would have woken up to my sixth sense, even if I was aware of it?

"Aah AAAAH, it's coming, Fuza, call Sister, AAAAah, hurry up!" shrieked Melinda, I can feel Father flying in a certain direction.

I can feel the embryonic membrane squeezing me, as if to say, "Time's up, buddy." I can go through the exit up here; I feel immense anguish and so much suffering, but I don't resist because I know it will be counterproductive. I waited with patience.

Pain gradually worsened, to the point where I lost control of my bio-clock, which was like instinct to me, and I lost track of time; my baby fetus literally has 0% pain resistance.

Soon after, I made up my mind: I don't care whether I become brain dead or have a mental problem as a result of this; I'm putting my entire concentration on perception since I feel terrible, angry, and frustrated when I lose sense of my surroundings.

Soon after, I struggled to regain awareness of my surroundings; I could hear several heartbeats, footsteps, and voices close by, as well as a horrible headache. I am already worried about how difficult delivery will be; these people simply do not have adequate medical equipment.

I guarantee that if every area in this new world is like this, at least 30% of infants or mothers will die during the delivery period.



I'm so suffocated that I can't breathe. 'Huh, did I even need to breathe?' Another thought entered my mind as I felt pain in my buttocks. I wanted to yell, scold him/her, and scream at the unexpected pain, but it wasn't enough; I felt another smack and air blown roughly into my mouth.

"Wwaahhh, Waahh!" I screamed to myself, "I can finally breathe, my body feels so light now, I just want to sleep now, I'm so tired," and "May God never give a baby consciousness in a fetus."


[ POV Change ]

It was a starry night, with beautiful full moonlight beaming on one of Birka Sky Islands luxurious houses. The strange thing was that being able to see the moon directly at night was rare, like one in thirty, given that the moon is usually obscured by the presence of White-White Sea.

Strange world, isn't it? But shortly after, the silence was shattered by a cry from an infant in this villa, which was obviously Brock's cry.

"Hey, finally both bitch and little devil are asleep," sister1 murmured, a little disappointed and jealousy looking at Brock.

"Hello, sister, we can only blame Melinda bitch for our rough treatment, who told an inferior race of Blue Sea to marry Fuza, one of our Birka Sky Island's elite angels."

"I'm not sure why Fuza married her, a slave, when he had dozens of options," sister2 commented maliciously as she gazed at sleeping Melinda.

"Well, we can torture her, but only after Fuza-kun goes on his annual expedition with King GanFall, I really want to see how her fate differs from that of her other sisters in Red Street." Sister3, who appears to be the ruler of the trio group, was excited.

The three sisters recall how, led by Fuza, their force decimated pirate ships and took every precious object available.

Despite the fact that they solely target ships flung near Birka by knock-up Stream and have unauthorized entry from Heaven's Gate.

Trio Sisters, as usual, played the role of poisoning, providing support force under Fuza command, Pirate forces are already tired from their journey to Birka, their bullets, arrows, and other weapons are useless against elite angles who can fly and are granted Mantra technique, it was essentially a one-sided massacre.

However, the commander of the pirate ship where Melinda was held captive used a similar technique as Fuza mantra, though they still won due to their numerical superiority, this was one of the few encounters where Fuza had to go all out.

When Fuza found a very beautiful girl, Melinda, held captive in a different chamber, who happens to be Princess of RumHaven, known for their unique wine and 132 years of history, he chose to marry her.

When Trio, along with others, watched their Object of Worship Fuza captivated by Blue Sea Flower beauty, satisfied with her status, their hearts sank, all their hopes were dashed, and soon resentment began to fill this emptiness, "How dare a foreigner take fuza-kun away from them?"

Birka soon had a small anti-Melinda alliance that would not miss any single opportunity to torture Melinda. Of course, the only thing stopping them from killing her is Fuza's fury.

How wronged Brock was, who thought his rough birth was because of insufficient advanced medical equipment, Perhaps this is special care travelers receive from the world.
