
Touching Hooch's wood..en brooms.

Neville goes pale and clammy while stuttering out "T-the C-cruciatus curse sir."

Moody's lips upturn into a knowing grin, "Correct. Mr Longbottom would you come up to the front please."

Neville does so and steps beside the table which has a fresh insect standing on it. Moody licks his lips and flicks his wand at the insect, "Crucio!" his expression turns vicious and cruel as the insect flails and squeals under immense pain and duress. Neville who's closely watching this starts to shiver uncomfortably, his eyes moisten as he tries to remain composed. Clearly his unusual state is recognised by at least somebody as Hermione shouts for Moody to stop. The man seems to ignore the initial shout before gaining control over himself again, he classes over the class and sees various people looking terrified or uncomfortable. Even Draco Malfoy was pale and he'd probably heard stories from his father about various dark spells and artifacts.

Ciri herself was curious of the spell and it's uses, as someone who's from a world where death, destruction, unconscionable violence and horrific deeds happen on the daily. Not to mention monsters literally wandering the wilderness snatching anyone that's brave enough to approach. While yes, the spell did seem unnecessarily cruel it may have applications in distracting foes or even crippling them for an ally to finish them off. She mentally grins at the idea of using it on Eredin or indeed Avallac'h.

Another person who was shaken by the curse was the Boy-Who-Lived-And-Also-Got-Tortured, his personal experience was not a good one, as clearly seen by the tremors as a result of it. As someone who'd be on the receiving end of it (And from the same person, though he'd never know that) he was very aware of what the insect was feeling... He'd not wish this on his greatest enemy, he thinks glancing at Ciri before turning back. Moody excuses Neville who slowly walks back to his seat.

Harry "You ok Neville?" he asks, worried for his friend.

Neville just smiles sadly and nods before sitting down at his desk.

Moody walks over to Hermione, "Now, maybe you'd like to give us the last curse Miss Granger?" Hermione shakes her head with a tearful expression.

Moody hums, "How about you Miss Rivia?" he says dropping the bug on the remains of the last insect that'd stepped onto her table.

Ciri isn't sure but remembers the most common curses shot at her and Reima during the world cup, Bombarda, Crucio, Reducto... But the most common was "Avada Kedavra." she states aloud.

Moody grins, "Indeed, you'd know from your encounter with Death Eaters in the world cup wouldn't you? Fortunate you weren't hit by one ey?" he says slowly before exclaiming "Avada Kedavra!" a green bolt hits the Insect which causes it to flip on it's back and perish without a sound.

"The killing curse, favourite of You-Know-Who and the rest of his servants. Only one person is said to have survived it, and he's sitting right here in this room." he says while focusing his gaze on Harry. He glares at him for what felt like minutes but backs off while taking a swig of his flask.

Moody "I want two parchments on the history of the Unforgivable curses and instances where they were used in the last two decades by next week! Class dismissed!" he says which causes the students to quickly leave. Ciri cleans herself and Snuffles up with a few cleaning spells before making her way down to the Great Hall as she has an hour break before the next lesson starts... Looking closer at it, it seems as if she's supposed to have two hours break but maybe they've added another class to help them catch up, she ponders to herself, "I mean, how boring could flying be?"

An hour or so later Ciri finds herself walking beside Reima towards a woman with Eagle-like eyes that remind her of a Witchers. In-front of her lay many brooms that match the same number of kids around them, all of the children nearby seem to be first years...

Reima "So, how'd your first lesson go?" he asks curiously.

Ciri "It was interesting but I feel as though Professor Moody shouldn't be teaching teenagers..."

Reima nods knowingly to himself, he hadn't told her he was an impostor yet as it'd be a disaster if she were to blow his cover.

Ciri "And you?"

Reima shrugs, "This worlds Potions resembles our worlds Alchemy with a few differences, the most glaring being the effectiveness of wizarding potions when compared to the Witcher versions. I mean, they can literally regrow bones here over night or create Truth serums, if we were to bring back methods in producing these we'll have an incredibly advantage over the Wild Hunt, not to mention the rest of the world. Not only that but these people can literally brew liquid luck, LUCK! First of all, how is that possible, and second, the implications of luck being a measurable thing are staggering."

Ciri smiles, half listening before replying. "So, all in all good?"

Reima purses his lips at her inattentiveness at his enthusiasm but nods anyway, "Pretty good."

Madam Hooch "Is everyone here? Good. Now I'd like all of you to stand with a broom on your left." she says before glancing at Reima and Ciri who've still got Snuffles with them.

"Could you both put your pet down while we're doing this? Flying can be quite dangerous even at the best of times." she says with more lenience than she'd give most other people, mostly because of Mr Ludvig's affliction that mirrors her own.

Hopefully you guys liked the chaps, Ciri and Reima are finally going to get to fly. Maybe Reima should steal Voldemort's method of flying in future? Who knows.

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts