
Magical Farm!

With the combination of the Place of Power and Anastacia's bonfire the ambient magic around the city, and mountain range, in general, had increased an incredible amount. Every person with even the slightest magical attunement felt it immediately. Yen, Triss, and Keira thought that a magical explosion was about to happen due to the density of magic, but were assured an hour later when nothing substantial happened.

All three sorceresses were astonished at the evolution that the land had gone through, it'd only been a couple of weeks and already the potential of this place was unmatched by any other city in the world.

There were some things that were badly affected by the boost in ambient magic however, the magical lights amidst the streets all started releasing a blinding amount of light due to them not having a restriction on how much ambient power they should take in. Of course, this was quickly fixed by Rickert who scrambled to get it fixed, sprinting like a madman through the city while occasionally stopping to fiddle with the gems.

Of course, the good outweighed the bad heavily, with Asgore now taking care of most administrative tasks, Reima was free to continue to try and design a rune cluster for the magical plants and herbs he's got stored away in the painting of Ariamis. With the ambient magic increased so much it wasn't difficult at all to get a working temperature regulator, plus the magic would probably increase their potency and growth.

It wasn't long before Reima and the House Elves had set up a farm near Kaer Morhen, it was surrounded with a stone fence topped with sharp iron prongs that'd stop anyone from attempting to climb over it, these plants were incredibly valuable and it wouldn't do to have someone try and steal any, thus why it was placed so near Kaer Morhen.

Quelina and Vesemir were at the scene as the House Elves began to plant the various species he'd gathered from the HP universe. The former was excitedly asking question about each different plant she looked at, Vesemir was chuckling as just as Reima had explain her query she'd move onto the next.

Quelina "What's that!?!" she exclaims as a House Elf pops in with some sort of tree sapling, planting it just inside of the stone fence.

Reima "That's called a "Whomping Willow, they'll be used to protect the other plants." he says.

Vesemir "Protect?" he asks curiously.

Reima nods, picks up a stone and lightly tosses it at the tree, one of it's thin branches snapping at the rock and flicking it away.

Quelina "Wow!" she mutters.

Reima "Did you guys check out the library while I was gone?" he asks.

Vesemir nods, "We did, I must say what an incredible place you've got there Reima... I found book on things I didn't even know existed, and those potions? Why, alchemy is about to become the most sought after art in the lands." he says.

Quelina "I want to try make the Draught of Living Death." she says.

Reima "I'd practise with easier potions before that... I doubt I could even brew it properly to be honest, maybe if I had a couple tries I'd get out a passable one. Maybe you'll even brew a Felix Felicis one day."

Vesemir "Hmm? I've not read about that one yet."

Reima grins, "It's a potion that increases your luck."

Vesemir gapes at him in surprise, "Truly?"

Quelina "When will we be able to get started Reima?" she asks, her gaze tracing across the freshly planted seeds.

Reima "Well, I've got some plants already prepared. I'll have some House Elves give you some, try not to be wasteful with them though, until these grow I don't want to use all of our stock." he states.

Quelina beams and hugs his waist, "Thank you!"

Reima pats her head, though his attention is drawn away by a red hed approaching them.

Triss walks up with her hand on her hip, "Miss Quelina?" she asks tentatively.

Quelina lets Reima go and looks at her, "Yes?"

Triss "I was wondering if you'd be willing to teach me Pyromancy?" she asks, her arms now crossed.

Quelina shakes her head, "I'm sorry, but I've other things to do... My sisters are better than I am at Pyromancy as well, wouldn't they be the ones the ask?"

Triss frowns, "Well, I've asked them already but they refused." she says forlornly.

Vesemir "Hmm, perhaps you need to be subservient to the sisters before you're eligible to learn the art?" he ponders, thinking about the Chaos Servants.

Reima shakes his head, "That's not it... I think, that there simply isn't a good place to train it, that and the risk of death is incredibly high. Though the fact that Quelaag and Quelana might consider Pyromancy something to be kept away from outsiders would be another reason." he explains.

Triss sighs, "Is that so? I've been asking all around to try and learn it, it looks like a useful skill to know but no one is willing to teach me."

Reima "I've been meaning to ask you Triss, what do you intend to do here?" he asks.

Triss looks at him with brows raised, "What do you mean?"

Reima "I mean, you should be over with the other mages in Kovir by now..."

Triss "I simply wanted to learn the art of Pyromancy before I left." she says.

Reima "Then, would that be a reason not to teach you? You're a friend but risking you teaching others prevent any of us from taking you in."

Triss frowns, "I can't simply stay here, I have responsibilities to the mages, and to Kovir now.

Reima "Then leave. We can't teach you Pyromancy if you are working with another country, it'd be foolish." he says rather callously.

Vesemir "Forgive me my dear but what Reima says is common sense, not only would it reveal our secrets but it would also put you at risk, should anyone find out you have knowledge about our magics." he says politely.

Triss "I see... Then, I might do just that." she says and begins to leave.

Reima "Hang out, you've been here since the start Triss, why did it take you so long to ask Quelina to teach you?" he asks curiously at what she'd been doing the whole time.

Triss turns and smiles at him, "I learned it from being around Kaer Morhen so much, interrupt Vesemir in a lab at your own peril." she states and leaves.

Vesemi scratches his beard, "She's got a point." he says.

Premier producer of magic potion in the world!

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts