

With Gauner O'Dimm gone, and most of the Elder Vampires having already been killed, Reima was free to sit back, kick his feet up and relax... Well, relax as much as you can for a King. He'd spent quite a lot of time with his friends who he'd unfortunately neglected while attending to his duties.

To make up for it he'd taken a couple weeks off from doing any work and hung out with them, he spent time with Priscilla, watching anime with her and Alphys and even assisting her when she said she wanted to try to make her own anime.

He'd spent time drinking with Kuretz and Zoltan, getting up to mischief, and having to apologise for and repair all the trouble they got up to in a drunken stupor. Spending time with Arie, Lambert, and Eskel, giving them armour and weaponry that'd help them when they're hunting monsters in the Dragon Mountains. He'd not forgotten Vesemir either, giving the old man a huge garden filled with many herbs that he could grow and tend to in his off time.

He attended the Two Gods church services to see how Anastacia and Rhea were doing, being dragged into giving a sermon to the trainee's in the church as well as the followers who'd turned up to listen. Reima had never been all that into the religious side of Ichor, feeling like they were simply just misrepresenting who he was and what he does... He wasn't a paragon of justice, nor was he infallible, he was just a relatively powerful being who does what he wants. Regardless, the community brought together under his and Solaire's name was cheerful and festive, so he let bygones be bygones... Even if their presence in the city had inadvertently led to the collective states ruled by him being called "The Holy Empire"... He didn't actually have a name in mind so he just ignored it for the time being, he could change it if he wanted to, but felt it was kind of too late for that.

After seeing how well the church was doing he went up to the Chaos Temple to see if the progress of the Pyromancers, as well as seeing his old friends within the group. He greeted Quelana, Eingyi, and the rest of the Chaos Servants, noting that there were a few more flame-based monsters present... Apparently, due to how successful the Fire Elemental had been in the covenant, they'd elected to add more to their ranks.

With him having visited the Church and the Chaos Temple, it'd be impolite if he didn't turn up in the Absolver Temple as well. He blinked there and met with Risryn who'd been personally tutoring a young man who seemed to have good prospects, even if he was quite weak right now. Risryn led him through the temple, introducing him to all the new trainee's that hoped to become Prospects.

The current Prospects had quite a lot of people wishing to finally take of their masks and be free to die peacefully, they'd decided to keep them on until suitable replacements could be found however, leading to the large amount of trainee's. He also met Talem and Kalini here, greeting them and spending some time conversing with them about innocuous subjects.

Reima didn't forget to visit Dusk, Logan or Griggs either, Logan and Griggs were tutoring apprentices of their own within the tower attached to the library... Though, Harry Potter would sometimes invite them in to explain their magic to the Hogwarts students.

Dusk still seemed hung up on him though, her crush still having not faded during all this time... It was to be expected, she had spent centuries thinking about his accidental promise to marry her. He didn't think they were suited for each other, which was why he'd always pushed her away, feeling like any relationship they could have would end relatively quickly. Atleast now he had an excuse that he loved someone else.

This trend of unrequited crushes continued as he spent time with more people, and while he tried to not acknowledge it, Quelina couldn't help but air her dissatisfaction with the fact he'd taken her sister in some sort of unofficial relationship while ignoring everyone else, declaring that if he could handle Quelaag and Ciri, he could handle many more.

He knew she was right, but also felt that if he added any more to the current situation he was in, it'd all go down in flames. He, Ciri, and Quelaag had achieved some sort of balance, the latter in a comfortable subservient position that allowed her and Ciri not to clash.

After many, many days of trying to explain his reasons, Quelina eventually relented... Though, he would still occasionally get the faint taste of Amortentia in any drinks she gave him, he chose not to mention this to anyone...

He spoke to Iorveth and Saskia, the couple wishing to continue training the Scoia'tael before retiring... Iorveth quite old already, and Saskia wished to spend the rest of his lifespan together, knowing that she'd likely live a couple millennia longer than he ever could.

Reima also tried to sit down and have a meal with Ciaran, Sif, and Sieglinde, but every time they did he, Sieglinde, and funnily enough Sif would always end up drinking far, far too much. Leading to Ciaran having to carry them back to their homes during the night.

He had also visited Hogwarts to see everyone, spending a few minute talking with Fleur and Bill, even if it was incredibly awkward, he'd expected to see Luna here but had forgotten he'd sent her off with Nerissa to Yokai Acadamy. He actually saw Keira Metz, Triss Merigold, and Margarita in a few classrooms within Hogwarts, teaching their respective subjects in-order to get Witches and Wizards familiar with this worlds magic. They might even teach here long-term depending on how it all went. He made sure to greet Harry and Hermione while he was here, he was still trying to get the former to help him with unlocking the Death energy within his soul so he could use it like he could Chaos, Humanity, and the Elder Blood, formally known as "Void".

Reima also made sure to spend time with Geralt and Yennefer, them being the closest thing he and Ciri had to parents made it important to both of them to keep in touch. Once or twice a week they'd meet up for a meal and converse about what they'd been up to, Yennefer always hinting towards Ciri about thinking about kids. Both Geralt and Reima noticed it, but decided to keep quiet... They'd be in a whole load of shit if they even whispered a word contrary to it.

I'm just rounding us up to get ready for the next arc, hopefully I haven't forgotten anyone, though, I feel like I might have?

Niggrosscreators' thoughts