
Bitter Reunion.

Reima appears in the Great Hall of Hogwarts, the flash of Turquoise causing many to shout in fear, while others seem to recognise it. Reima looks around, taking note the bad situation many are in, their clothes are torn, their skin bloody, bruised, or missing all together... This was not the Hogwarts he remembered.

A frail, almost starving looking first year walks up, stumbling as he does so. "Are you here to save us?" he asks innocently.

Reima "Save you from what?" he asks, confused.

"Everything." he mutters.


Reima looks around, extending his Observation Haki to find Fleur... Eventually finding her standing in the large crowd watching him with her hand placed over her heart, his titanate shard clenched in her fist. "Yo, Fleur!?" he shouts, wondering if she'd forgotten him or something.

The crowd around her makes room, allowing the duo to walk towards each other, Reima holds his arms out to hug her but she looks away and bows at him slightly.

Reima "Is something wrong?" he asks, admiring how mature she's grown in only a year apart.

Fleur shakes her head, "No... It iz just... Thingz are different now." she says looking up to him, Reima having reached the limits of his growth a couple of months ago, reaching 6.5ft in height.

Reima "We're not lovers anymore, I know, but we're still friends right?" he shrugs.

Fleur gives him an unsure look before finally nodding, "Yes, we are."

Reima "Right... So, why'd you call me?"

Fleur "Ze world... It's... Dead." she says, choking the words out.

Reima puts a hand on her shoulder comfortingly, "Dead?"

Fleur slowly nods, "Ze Non-magicals... Zey found out about us, we tried to start talks... It was going well, but a group of ze last blood purists assassinated ze president of the United States..."

Reima "Nukes huh?" he mutters, already knowing where such actions would lead. "Then, how is the school still standing?... And where's Dumbledore?"

Fleur "Dumblydore used all 'iz power to keep ze wards up, sacrificing 'imself to keep us safe." she says with moist eyes.

Reima frowns, "Then, you've been stuck in Hogwarts for how long?"

Fleur "I do not know anymore... But we are running out of food, zat is why I called for you."

Reima "Why'd you not call me sooner? You know I'd come running."

Fleur brushes his hand off, "Becau-"

A tall ginger-haired man walks through the doors of the great hall, followed by Hermione Granger. "Fleur? We've got the enchantments going, given enough time we could-... Sorry, am I interrupting something?" he asks, eyeing Reima but not immediately recognising him.

Hermione "Reima? What're you doing here!?" she exclaims, rushing over like a frizzy-haired missile.

Reima doesn't answer he question, still just keeping his eyes on Bill, already knowing why Fleur was acting weird around him. "Yo, I'm Reima, I'm sure you've heard of me." he says holding his hand out, completely ignoring Hermione.

Bill nods, keeping a stern expression. "I have, some suspect you're the cause of the end of the world... Funny how you turn up out of nowhere completely fine."

Reima shrugs, "Yeah, I doubt a nuclear bomb would hurt me... But I've been busy elsewhere."

Fleur is hugged by Bill, her expression awkward and tense. "Zis is my boyfriend Bill Weasley..."

Bill smiles, "Fleur is the most amazing person I've ever met, lucky you decided to run away instead of taking care of her like you should." he says, Fleur jabbing him in the side with an angry look.

Reima grits his teeth before grinning, "Yeah, as I said, I was busy... There's no hard feeling though, I hope you don't get upset with Fleur when she calls my name at the most inappropriate times." he says, Bill's face turning red as he clenching his fists.

Hermione "Stop you two, the worlds ending and you want to fight each other!?!" she exclaims.

Reima shrugs, "I'd win, but I see your point..." he says, Bill not saying anything as he remembers that this is the guy who killed Voldemort, all the death eaters, and an army of vampires at the same time.

Reima "So, anyway... The bombs dropped, Dumbledore died, and you're all trapped in the school... Where's Harry anyway?" he asks, taking another glance around.

Hermione "Well, he-"


The doors to the great hall are shoved open yet again, a ghostly figure in black rags enters, the hood blocking their face from being seen.

Reima "The fuck's a dementor doing here?" he asks, beginning to walk over to it while channeling the Dark Hand.

The Dementor quickly steps back at the sight of him, pulling down its hood and revealing familiar green eyes.

Reima "Harry?" he questions.

Harry "Y-yes it's me!" he quickly answers, not wishing to be in Reima's line-of-fire.

Reima crosses his arms and chuckles, "Never thought you'd be into Emo shit, though, you coulda fooled me with how you were acting last year."

Harry's cheeks go red, "I'm not emo!"

Reima tilts his head to the side, "You sure? You're dressing in all black and have even ditched your glasses for contacts." he says pointing at him.

Harry "I don't have contacts!... And I'm not bloody Emo!" he shouts.

Reima "Did Hermione dump you or something? No reason to turn to the Edge side." he says sarcastically. "Next thing you know you'll be casting Edgy spells, and announce yourself the new "Edge Lord" or something."

Harry slowly shakes his head and sighs, "I've not missed your humor Reima." he says, walking up and attempting to shake Reima's hand.

Reima slaps his hand out of the way and hugs the teen, picking him up and squeezing the life out of him. "Long time no see Harry!"

Harry "G-get off!"

Reima puts him down, "Sorry mate, I was denied a hug earlier so I had to make up for it... It was you or your girlfriend." he says pointing Hermione.

Harry nods, the sides of his lips upturned at the way Reima's acting, making the situation look and feel less severe than it actually is.

Yeah, I know some of you aren't gonna like this, but Reima left the HP world and wasn't likely going to return anytime soon. Fleur has her own life to live and can't be pining after him until she dies of old age :P

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts