
Ambrose eating Ambrosia

"Greetings, Brother. It seems however that you've come without an invitation..." Talicia says as she glares at the profusely sweating Hacan. His nerves more on edge from her expression than his mutilated comrades.

Hacan "S-sister! What a-a, coincidence! Yes, it seems as if I've accidentally stumbled onto yo-AHHH!"

He suddenly screams as both of his arms are torn off by an a livid looking Ambrose, "Foul wretch! Do you think us fools?" he spits, "Bringing seven men with you and you expect mercy? Give me one reason why I shouldn't drain you dry!" he says as his fangs elongate, visibly poking from his lips.

Talicia "Now, now dear... I'm sure there are other ways to... Acquire information from him." he says while licking his lips.

Ambrose "Have you forgotten we are under siege from wizards? We will need to find a way to escape once the Wardstone is destroyed."

Ciri tries to cut in through their heated conversation to suggest that Reima would be able to teleport them all elsewhere but she's irritatingly ignored, she scowls but feels something tug the cloak she's wearing, she turns and sees a tense Nerissa staring up at her.

Nerrisa "If you wish to be heard you will need to be more forceful... I've glimpsed Reima's abilities and believe you." she says, putting aside her dislike for the young woman temporarily.

Ciri nods, "Hey! Yo-" she's cut-off as the prone Hacan starts screaming, everyone seems stunned by this due to them not touching him... If you exclude tearing off his arms.

Bright red runes draw themselves across his skin, becoming clearly visible through his black clothing. He vomits a pink goo... No, wait those are his intestines? Gross. He seems to be in incredible pain as Ambrose kick him to the far corner of the room as Reima sprints into the Cellar and stands half a meter away from the glowing, screaming man. Ciri puts up a powerful Quen shield around Nerissa and Talicia in preparation for whatever is about to happen.

Ambrose shouts at Reima while forcing blood from his wrists and creating a wall of crystaline blood that looks similar to rubies, "GET AWAY FR-" he doesn't manage to finish his sentence as Hacan's body finally erupts, a red flash is all Reima sees as he's enveloped in an explosion that completely obliterates the Manor's foundations.

Outside :

The large group of Auror's had finally gotten through most of the flames, above them a giant cloud of black smoke can be seen from miles around due to the forest fire. Amelia was worried that the muggle authorities would be arriving soon, luckily for her bush-fires are not at all common in Britain leading the Fire-services to have no clue on how to tackle such a big and random disaster. Suddenly something rocks the ground under all of them, something is blasted out of the ground and flies a few meters below rolling to a stop in-front of the group of Aurors. They all look at it apprehensively but all jolt back when it suddenly screams, standing up it reveals itself as a black haired man with red eyes... Or formerly black haired as while he stands in direct sunlight all the flesh on his body immediately starts to melt inwards, his hair is singed off and he screams in agonising pain.

The man better known as Ambrose can barely hold on for a minute under the suns rays, no matter how powerful he is, the sun is his antithesis, he, a person capable of single-handedly tearing down the foundations of vampire society with his bare power alone, slowly succumbs to his races arch-enemy. He sends a final glance to the caved in Manor and prays for his families safety before finally collapsing inwards, turning to ash.

Amelia looks at Moody "Are vampire suppose to last that long directly under the suns rays?"

Moody shakes his head, freeing a wayward bead of sweat that had appeared on his forehead. "Absolutely not, whoever it was I'm glad not to face them after dark."

Rufus Scrimgeour doesn't convese with them and takes a command of the Auror's, he orders some to search the estate and others to try help quell the fires. They needed to get this situation under control, they already had almost all of their Obliviator's going around and zapping any and every muggle around.

Rufus doesn't follow the Auror's inside the Manor, fearing that he'd be killed by the vampires who no-longer have to fear the sun indoors. Instead he inspects the foundations of the Manor to try and find out what caused it to collapse, he himself wasn't an expert on engineering nor did he have a clue what he was doing... But it was readily apparent what had caused the building to collapse, a massive explosion, judging by the left-over residue probably created by magical means. He reports this to Amelia who first, questions why he isn't inside with the others and second scolds him for not properly grouping the Auror's into teams before sending them in, afterwards she immediately demands that he follow the men inside and "Do. His. Job!"

As Amelia watches the man cautiously walk inside the building she scowls and turns to Moody, "How he hasn't done something demonstrably incompetent yet is beyond me."

Moody "During the war he'd always hide at the back, there was a battle in Hogsmeade where almost everyone else had been stunned, killed or incapacitated while I was the only one left standing... That's where I got this gem." He points to his mangled face and Amelia finds it difficult to distinguish which scar he's indicating, he continues despite her polite confusion. "I'd just finished those masked bastards when I trip over a body, at first I'd thought nothing of it, that is, until it flinched... Looking down I see Rufus's cowardly mug staring back at me, shaking like a child and smelling of piss." he spits on the floor in disrespect, "That piece of trash got awarded for his services afterwards as well!"

Amelia "I've heard similar stories but, he's in the pockets of the head's of prominent houses... The previous and current ministers wouldn't dare provoke their ire."

Yeah, just so you guys know... I imagine Ambrose as being as powerful as Dracula from Castlevania... Ok maybe not as broken but While he doesn't have as many unique abilities I'd say he's around half as strong as Gwyn's weakened form in the Kiln. And I killed him off like "Snaps" that.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts