
Well I Care


"Do you do this on purpose knowing I'll come barreling down your door!" I slammed the door shut behind me as he grabbed a towel to wipe his face and down his chest. 

His grin had me seeing red as he shrugged then threw himself down on the black couch. He first chugged down a bottle of water then smacked his lips together. "What did I do this time? There's always something with you mate."

"Do you think it looks good for the national team that the Captain was seen practically naked with one of Lottie's friends?"

My statement seemed to slightly surprise him. He stood up, went over to his fancy glass desk that looked like a hazard and grabbed his phone. He was silent for a few seconds as I was sure he was checking his name on the internet. Confusion first filtered through his face before exhaustion. "I didn't tell her to take those pictures. I was passed out drunk."

"You shouldn't be passed out drunk in the first place! You're meant to be an example to the boys on the pitch and I'm sick and tired of having to come and put you in check."

"No one ever asks you to put me in check," the burst of anger out of him had me surprised, "That's what parents are for and last time I checked they don't care. No one cares. It's only trending because of who I am and how I look. Has nothing to do with rugby and as long as we're performing well no one is going to care."

"Well I care," I marched to his desk. His crystal blue eyes looked at me with bafflement. "You're meant to be a role model."

"Role models often disappoint," he spat, "You were my role model and you've spent every single day since I've met you making my life a living hell. So don't come and tell me what role models are supposed to be like because from my experience they're pretty shite."

I wanted to throw my arms some more and complain but even if you were a complete monster Edward's words would have you rethinking your approach. It was well known Edward looked up to me. The first time I remembered I met him he was eleven and his Dad, Edward, had organized a quick meet and greet. I was twenty back then, fresh into the national team but I knew the World's richest man wanting to meet you was a big deal. 

He was a cute boy, incredibly pretty. I had confused him for a girl and that did not have me on the best footing with him originally but I quickly worked up from that. 

"I was excited you know when you joined the team," I answered, "Everyone was."

He stared me down before shrugging, "You have a strange way of showing excitement." A tense silence flooded the room before he sat up quickly hiding the sliver of sadness I saw spread on his face. "I'll tell our attorneys to put a statement together to deny my involvement with Holly. I will as well apply that she is sued for posting pictures which expose me in a compromising situation. I didn't give my consent for her to take a picture of me half naked. Hopefully that will keep the angry hoards of fans that exist in your head at bay."

"It's not my imagination Edward," I frowned, "You don't understand how a single incident can ruin your career."

Before he could respond the door of his office burst open. Long blonde curly hair, face just like Demyan's but with smoother contours and a dark shade of red lipstick coated her lips. A black lady suit with a silk white blouse and nude high heels made her tall model figure look even more intimidating. 

Vasilisa was the one Chernyshevsky-Coleman sibling that struck fear and by the look in her eyes she did not look happy. What in the world did the family eat for all of them to be that beautiful?

"Good morning Connor," she kindly greeted me. I quickly responded before her glare focused on her brother. "How dare you go to a party without telling me!! You know we have to make everyone sign an NDA when they are in your presence?"

Her heels clicked on the marble floor before she dropped a pile of papers on her brother's desk. "It was Demyan's idea," he sighed. 

"Demyan isn't a rugby captain. Do you want to lose your career because you don't know when to keep it in your pants," she pulled out a gold pen from her handbag and handed it to her brother. "Sign the documents, I've already spoken to the attorneys, Dad can get the pictures removed from the internet so you don't have to worry."

Edward simply nodded as he signed what seemed like hundreds of pages before handing it back to her. "Happy?"

"Thrilled," she faked a smile, "Don't do anything stupid. Tonight is Ethan's party and Dad expects us to be on our best behavior. He's already tense enough about having Demyan and Ethan in one room without tears. Be a good boy for once in your life."

"I will," he mumbled. Vasilisa came over to press a kiss to his cheek before she grabbed the papers and just as quickly as she came walked out. 

"Is she normally like that?" I raised my eyebrows long forgetting what Edward and I were even talking about. 

"The iron lady?" he smirked, "Pretty much. She's a machine. When it comes to NDA's, law and publicity she's on top of everyone. A beast at it too. If she wants to destroy you she absolutely will."

"Must be a great asset," I nodded. Being a part of one of the world's richest families seemed to be a lot more stress than I sometimes thought. 

"Want to head out for lunch?" he suddenly said, pulling me out of my thoughts. 

"We don't do lunch," I folded my arms across my shoulders. 

"Well I'm hungry and you look like you could eat. Even though you are my enemy you're the only person available."

"Thank you for making me feel so special," I growled. 

His grin was intoxicating, "I try my best."