
I Knew You'd Come Over


"Oh my soul!" A loud scream pierced through the air making me sigh in frustration. This is exactly why I needed an office. I could not work from home without hearing a scream, a gasp or music from whatever new challenge Lottie was trying which I somehow always ended up being dragged into. 

Maybe that explained why I was always tense. There was not a second of my life when I was not bothered by something completely irrelevant to my life. Just as I opened up my desk drawer to retrieve my noise canceling headphones my office door burst open with a wild looking Lottie as she wore a bikini. It was winter; I really had no idea what was the point. 

"Holly and EJ slept together!" her smile stretched from ear to ear. 

"And why do you look so happy as if it was you?" I did not bother to meet her eyes as I felt my chest tightened. How many times did I have to hear who Edward slept with in my life! I was surprised the boy did not have ten children by now because he was like a rabbit. Anything that walked or breathed he went after. 

"That's not the part I care about, look!" she pushed her phone in my hands and with bored eyes I looked down as I held the pink sequin covered phone in my hands. The video was a bit dark but it was evident it was at Kyle's party. Edward's blonde hair was unmistakable as he sat on a couch with Holly straddling his lap. He was kissing her as if she was the only person in the room and her short dress left very little to the imagination. 

"Okay they were kissing doesn't mean they slept together," I handed her the phone with a sigh. She did not even bother to respond to me as she pushed the phone back in my hands after scrolling! 

I snarled up to her then looked at the screen again. There Holly was laying in bed, the sheet covering her body doing very little to hide the fact she was naked and the large tattooed arm thrown over her waist and bare chest behind her. That alone was a statement in itself and I felt my blood boil over. 

"Well congratulations to Holly. Get out I'm busy watching tapes for this weekend's match," I handed her back her phone. 

She crossed her slender arms over her chest, "You're really no fun you know that. You don't understand the importance of being on EJ's arm. It's the biggest career boost in the world."

"I don't care what it does," I glared, "All I know that he should be worried about planning this weekend's strategy not sleeping around."

"You know maybe if you were nicer to him, you'd be far," she rolled her eyes, "Don't be jealous."

"I never said I was jealous!" My reaction completely contradicted the statement as I slapped my wooden table so hard I was surprised it did not break under me. I closed my eyes for a second and breathed out before plastering a smile to my face, "Lottie, I am kindly asking you to please leave so that I can work in peace. We'll fan girl over Holly and Edward later." 

"No we won't, you say that every time," she simply spun on her heels and walked out without a backwards glance. 

I covered my face with my hands as I let out a groan. It took me a minute to centre myself as I focused back on the screen to learn our opposing teams match tactics. Yet no matter how many times I willed myself to focus I just could not. There was a pulsing in my head that was driving me mad that at a point I closed the video and went to the internet instead. 

I typed in Edward's name and there he was trending as usual. Everyone was bussing about the spicy pictures and Holly was milking every second of it. Every girl wanted to be the one who was dating the world's richest man's son and she was doing a good job at convincing everyone something there was happening. 

My heart thundered in my chest as I read article after article. Every time the pictures popped up my anger grew that I shut down my computer and went storming to the garage. 

It was 2pm and I knew if there was one place he would be was at his gym. It took me twenty minutes to get there and from my first step in, the gym staff looked incredibly tense. There was not a time I came here without them hearing Edward and I screaming at each other. 

Edward's gym had all the bells and whistles. It was the fanciest thing I had ever seen with the perfect blend of street style incorporated into the design. I knew he only had this one. His absolute pride and joy. He allowed the entire national team to use it for free but I never ever came here to exercise. I would have rather spend money on the gym five blocks further than let him believe I was willing to take freebies from him just because he offered. 

I knew the layout so well that I found his office and because I had access I slipped through the security spots with ease. You would think after all the times I had come here to attack him he would have blocked me by now. 

Without knocking I opened his door to find him dressed in shorts and black sneakers with no shirt as he pulled his body up by the golden pull up bar stand he had installed in his office. His blonde hair wet from sweat and his shorts riding ridiculously low I wondered if he knew the drawstrings had a purpose. 

From the moment he heard me, his head turned in my direction before he gave a smile that surely would have driven Holly crazy. "I knew you'd come over."