
Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Finding himself in the world of pirates, Wexford gained the ability to clone the Pirate Kings of the parallel worlds. Garp, who has dominated the four seas; Katakuri, who led the Charlotte family to rise to power; and the king of the underground world, Doflamingo. Thanks to his ability, a number of parallel worlds Pirate Kings, gathered under the pirate flag of Wexford. > Release 2~3 chapters per week > Bonus 1 chapter in the week this novel reach 300 power stone > Bonus 1 chapter every 10 five stars reviews (fake account not count) Support my Pa tr eon for more chapter! htt p s://ww w.p atreon.co m/SoulGod (delete space) This is translation of novel with the same name.

nyawdao · Cómic
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204 Chs

Only the Strong Can Speak

The Ice Age is Kuzan's big move; the killing power was massive. This ability could even directly change the terrain so that the seawater freezes and turns into flat land.

For Devil Fruit users, seawater had always been the biggest threat to them, but with the Hei Hei no Mi ability, Kuzan could ride his bike freely in the sea to and fro.

"Damn! I can't run."

At the pirate ship, Buggy, who had just put the boat down, looked at the sea that had turned to ice and was very chagrined.

"I should have left earlier."

Now the sea had all become ice; even if Buggy wanted to go, it was also impossible.

In fact, not only this part of the sea was frozen by Kuzan, as far as the eyesight of the marine and pirates, the seawater all turned into ice.

The waves were fixed in the air, and even the fish that jumped out of the sea was frozen in ice and exposed to the sun.

In addition to the sea's surface, Buggy Pirate ship was also being eroded by Kuzan's freezing ability. The freeze spread rapidly along the bottom of the ship towards the deck.

"It's coming up!" Buggy saw the deck was about to be frozen. If he came up, he would have directly frozen by Kuzan.

Doflamingo, whose expression had never changed from the beginning to the end, seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied with Buggy's startled personality. He took a look at Buggy, who was standing at the deck railing and jumping, and said, "Red nose, don't scream."

After saying that, Doflamingo didn't wait for Buggy to retort. He directly raised his hands, and the thin lines unobservable to the naked eye quickly flew out, shattering all the ice near the ship.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The ice that Doflamingo destroyed was not only in the area where he was, the thin lines he controlled kept expanding outward as if he wanted to directly destroy the Kuzan's Ice Age.

'Is this guy that strong too?' Kuzan frowned with some concern when he saw how easily Doflamingo had broken a large hole in his Ice Age.

One Garp was already too difficult to deal with. If there were still powerful pirates on the ship, then the marine of Loguetown would be in danger.

"Little guy, don't get distracted when fighting."

Just when Kuzan looked at the pirate ship where Wexford and others were, Garp had reappeared at his side.

As a more than eighty-year-old pirate, Garp's age was 30 to 40 years older than Kuzan, so it was no problem for him to call Kuzan' little guy'.

However, Kuzan was not satisfied with this name. When Garp attacked him again, Kuzan foresaw it coming and leaped upward to avoid Garp's heavy punch.

In the air, Kuzan looked down and mumbled, "Not every attack can hit me."

'Hmm? Where is he?'

When Kuzan spoke, the figure of Garp had disappeared completely from the ice below. Just as Kuzan was about to search for where exactly Garp was, Garp's voice came over his head.


Kuzan was startled. He was ready to dodge to the side at the same time the sound rang out, but in the air, Kuzan's dodging speed was obviously a beat slower.

Kuzan just leaned to the left, and Garp's fist landed directly on his back.


In the air, Kuzan was directly knocked down by Garp's fist, hitting the pier hard. The dock that was fairly flat instantly collapsed. Ice, debris, and wood chips flying around, making the nearby marine forces smashed by the unknown objects.


Whether it was the Marine Headquarters or the Marine Branch, they were shocked that Kuzan was hit continuously. This was the Admiral of the Marine Headquarters, the highest fighting force of the marine. How could he be beaten so badly in the East Blue? Could it be that the East Blue was going to rise?

Seeing Kuzan was smashed to the pier, Momonga could no longer stand. Although he and the opponent's strength gap was very large, this time, he must stand up.


Momonga drew out the long sword at his waist, his feet moved, and his whole body quickly ran towards the big crater smashed by Kuzan.

"Does Vice Admiral also want to join the fun?"

From the air, Garp fell lightly to Momonga's route.

Momonga, who was stopped by Garp, held his sword in both hands. Although his surroundings had been frozen, cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

After a short pause, Momonga said directly, "The guy who impersonated Vice Admiral Garp. No matter what you really want, the Marine Headquarters will arrest you."

"I don't need to impersonate Garp." The pirates Garp slowly walked towards Momonga, saying as he walked, "Because, I am Garp!"


When Garp's words fell, Momonga was struck out and flown. He didn't even get to see how Garp had struck.

However, Momonga wasn't smashed into the house behind like Onigumo. The frozen ground around him suddenly sprang up some ice streams to catch Momonga.

After Momonga was saved, the ice in front of him also quickly condensed into a human form, and Kuzan, who was lying in the pit before, had moved to a position.

"Oh, you actually still okay? It seems that the Admiral still has some strength left." Garp stopped walking towards the marine side after seeing Kuzan reappeared, "Do you still need me to send you a few punches?"

At this time, Kuzan's back was still vaguely painful because of the blow just now. Garp had a strong Busoshoku Hakini, so the Logia Devil Fruit ability couldn't take any advantage of him.

With elementalization unavailable, a physical arts master like Garp would be at the upper hand.


Kuzan spat the blood left in his mouth to the side, his eyes firmly looking at the direction of Garp, "As long as me and the marine is still in Loguetown, you can not enter the Grand Line."

Wexford, who came directly from the ship because Kuzan had frozen the sea, had come to the side of Garp. He smiled and said, "I can't enter the Grand Line? Sorry, this is not up to you. Even if you are a Marine Admiral, you can't do it."

"No one can stop us, whether it is the marine or the Seven Warlords of the Sea, or the Four Emperors of the New World. No matter who, as long as you are our enemy, then you will only be greeted with defeat."

Kuzan looked at the eloquent Wexford. Although he wanted to refute the opponent's words, in this situation, even if he was the Admiral of the Marine Headquarters, he could only be silent. After all, the opponent was too strong.

In this world, only the strong could speak.

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