

Jared POV

There is only so much lovey-dovey shit I can take when I've waited thirty-eight years for my own chance at love and yet I am still waiting for my mate.

I wouldn't say I'm much of a jealous person because I know I am truly happy for others when they find their soul-mates. It is an astonishing and life changing discovery but when it's plastered right in front of you, every second of every day for the last two weeks, then it gets to me a little.

I stare back at my sister as she sits across the kitchen counter from me, her eyes gazing dreamily into her mate, Jesse's eyes. They met two weeks ago and they have been inseparable since.

"Now it's your turn to feed me." Her eye drops into a wink as Jesse smirks in response, dipping a strawberry into melted chocolate and bringing it up to her lips.