
Early Invincible

“Mark! Mark, Wake up!” Wha-? “You’re going to be late for school!” Ugh, no. My late alarm hasn’t ringed yet. “Ring! RING!!” God dammit. I hate you! “CRACK” Oh… Was that hole always there? Wait, what happened to my nightstand. A hole is- Oh… “YES!” I jumped out of bed to make a pose, I’ve always dreamed I would do once this occurred. “Mark!” My glorious moment… ruined. Well, that doesn’t matter. My name is Mark Greyson, I’m fourteen and today I finally got my powers.

shotlolwin · Cómic
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

Dreaming always came easily for me, whether it was due to my vivid imagination of how I would be with super-powers or something else, it was pretty cool being able to control your dreams. And as someone who loves dreaming, especially a good dream, I also hate having to wake up before the dream ends. Worse, in the middle of a very vivid dream.

So it never came as a surprise to my family that I was irritated most mornings, alas they had no choice but to...

"Mark! Mark, Wake up!"


"You're going to be late for school!"

Ugh, no. My late alarm hasn't ringed yet.

"Ring! RING!!"

God dammit. I hate you!



Was that hole always there?

Wait, what happened to my nightstand.

A hole is- Oh…


I jumped out of bed to make a pose, I've always dreamed I would do, once this occurred.


My glorious moment… ruined. Well, that doesn't matter, today I was too happy to care. My name is Mark Greyson, I'm fourteen and today I finally got my powers.


"What's got you so happy this morning?" My mom kept sending me weird glances.

"Oh, you know, nothing much. I had a good dream and I got my powers, and I'm finally starting school aga-"

"Wait, what did you say?" Heh, mom's shocked face was priceless.

"Hmm, I said I'm happy to be starting school again and-"

"Mark! You know what I'm referring to!"

This time I couldn't hide my smirk. She noticed, of course she did, if her annoyed glare was anything to go by.

"Oh, yeah I got powers." I said using an unsurprised tone, I mean I knew, I was going to get my powers someday. So it wasn't much of a surprise, I was still excited about it though.

"Mark.. That's great! I wish your dad was here, I would love to see how he would react." Aaaand it got back to dad again. I love you mom, but you seem too addicted to dad.

"Anyways mom, I'm late I gottogo-"

"Mark! Don't speak with your mouth full!" I nodded as I swallowed my French toast.

"I love you Mom! I'll see you later!" I yelled as I ran out of the house.

I gave a glance to my surroundings once outside my house. Nobody on sight. Coast is clear, prepare for takeoff.

If dad can fly, "Hn!" So can I. With dexterity I never knew I had, with one swift motion I crouched and the next second, I was near the clouds.

"Woow!" It was the most amazing sight, I had ever seen.

The clouds were parting leaving a clear view of the city, slightly above, from my point of view, I could see the sun. I directly looked at it, unaware of time. Before, I could have never looked straight at the sun for more than a few seconds, it would irritate my eyes like few things could.

But now? Now, I could gaze at it as much as I'd like, and it was stunning. However, as much as I would love to forever look at the sun, time waited for no one. And I was already late to school.

The only reason, I actually decided to go to school today, was because I convinced myself that I would be able to see this sight as many times as I would like, for the rest of my, now ridiculous long, life.

With one look at the city, I located my school. Reginald Vel Johnson High School, today was my first day of class as a freshman.



Now, how do I get there? I can't exactly explain how, but thinking about where I wanted to go and willing my body to go there, actually seemed to work. I went slow at first, barely faster than just walking. Then, I realized, flying wasn't much different than being on land. When we walk, we usually don't use much force, when we jog we use a bit more, and when we sprint we use all our force.

I knew that since I got my powers, I became much stronger, as shown by the hole in my room. So I wouldn't exert all of my force to fly. Because I didn't want to accidentally exit the planet. Using about as much force as when jogging, I was already going faster than cars. Yes, that includes race cars. Yet, I intuitively knew this wasn't even half of the force I could exert.

That thought, sent shivers down my spine. Shivers, of excitement.

Landing was much the same as willing myself to fly upwards. I just had to will myself to fly downwards. It was ea-


"Ow! Oh, it doesn't hurt.."

"Did you hear that sound?" "Yeah, I think it came from over here."

And, that's my clue to leave. Quickly dragging myself out of the hole I had made in the earth. I made a few turns running at normal human speed. Until finally, I was in front of my school. Thankfully, since I could fly, I arrived 10 min before school started.

"Damn, it's big..." It truly was, this was at least double the size of my middle school!

"Ha, you are lucky I don't make that kind of jokes."

Surprised at the sudden voice that appeared near me, I turn around to find myself looking at clear green eyes, which had a hint of amusement and curiosity? She had long orange hair and stood at eye level with me, so most likely the same height. For a second, I was mesmerized, this was one pretty girl.

"Uhm, Hello! I'm Mark and you?" I took one step backward to make for space between us, I hadn't realized she was so close.

"Samantha Eve, nice to meet you." She stretched her hand towards me, and understanding the gesture, I shook her hand.

"Likewise," I replied after having finished the handshake. "Are you a freshman?" I couldn't stop myself from asking as I wanted to get to know her more. I didn't know whether it was because she was very attractive or something else.

"Yup, same as you."

Now, hold on.

"Oh? Why do you think I'm a freshman?"

"Well, you seemed very surprised looking at the school."

"I could be a transfer student."

"True," She finally conceded. "But you're not, right?"

"...No," She smirked at me. Fine, you win this time Samantha Eve.

"May I see your schedule? We probably share some classes together."

I nodded and pulled the schedule out of my backpack, handing it to her.

Her eyes, quickly scanned my schedule and every now and then she glanced towards her own. I silently hoped we at least had one class together.

"It seems we have Biology, Photography and English together."

Yes! We have three classes together, erg I mean- "Oh that's pretty cool," I responded.

That's it Mark, play it cool.

"We have Biology first, we should get going," She stated and proceeded to walk towards what I assume it's where the class it's located.

I was quick to follow. This had to be the best first day of school ever, I got my powers AND met a gorgeous girl, nothing could go wrong today.

First time writing an Invincible fanfiction, I have never read the compendiums, I only ever watched the show. However, I'm buying the comics soon, so please forgive me if some characters appear OOC (Out of Character). Hope you like this story!

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