
Early Invincible

“Mark! Mark, Wake up!” Wha-? “You’re going to be late for school!” Ugh, no. My late alarm hasn’t ringed yet. “Ring! RING!!” God dammit. I hate you! “CRACK” Oh… Was that hole always there? Wait, what happened to my nightstand. A hole is- Oh… “YES!” I jumped out of bed to make a pose, I’ve always dreamed I would do once this occurred. “Mark!” My glorious moment… ruined. Well, that doesn’t matter. My name is Mark Greyson, I’m fourteen and today I finally got my powers.

shotlolwin · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

I couldn't help but wonder if perhaps, just maybe, she didn't know where the class was. Why? Hmm, maybe it was because the bell had already ringed and I'm pretty sure we already passed by this classroom.

"Are you lost?" Enough was enough. I couldn't take it anymore, for some reason she hadn't asked anyone where room 229 was at, even thought it was obvious she didn't know where she was going.

"Lost? No way, I'm just showing you around school," She replied, her sarcasm almost visible.

"I would believe that, if we hadn't already passed by this place." Seriously, wasn't this the third time we passed that tree?

"Fine, how about you take us there?"

"With pleasure," I answered, confident in finding my way to the classroom way faster than all this time she had spent looking for it.

I just walked towards a large tree in the middle of a few buildings, where a group of older students were chatting. Samantha gave me an unsurprised look as she understood my intentions.

"Hey, excuse me. Do you know where room 229 is at?" I politely asked them. I had read tons of books where the seniors wouldn't mess with you, if you were respectful towards them. I had hope this would work.

"Yeah, it's over there by the blue fountain. Go around that corner and you should see it." A blond girl from the group was kind enough to respond. She was a good few inches taller than me, so when I first turned to her my eyes weren't exactly looking at her own and the shirt she was wearing definitely showed a bit more than what it was modest. I felt entranced by the view for a second too long, if the slightly annoyed glare she gave me meant something.

The other seniors didn't even bother turning their heads towards me and just continued talking to each other, like I was unimportant. Which I supposed is true, for now. Hmph, just wait until I become the most famous super-hero and everyone wants my autograph. Giving the older blond women a slight nod as thanks, I returned to Samantha.

"I found it, let's go," I gave her a smirk as I relished at being able to find it while she couldn't. Not that I thought she gave it her best, but still.

"Do you enjoy being given answers instead of finding them yourself?" She tried to asked me casually, but the semi-serious look she had on said otherwise.

Why did it feel as if she was testing me?

"Depends, if I'm late to class and I can't find the classroom, then yes I'm going to ask where it is." While she was serious, it didn't mean I also had to take her question seriously. And honestly what kind of question was that?

"Smartass," She frowned and started to walk a bit behind me. Damn, did I upset her that much?

I sighed, better answer seriously this time. "To be honest, I prefer finding the answer by myself. As there's that feeling of accomplishment when you do something that has merit."

"So you only prefer it because it makes you feel better?" She walked a bit faster, and now she was beside me again, a curious and observant look in her eyes.

"Yes," And that was the truth, if something made me feel bad, I wouldn't do it. Naturally, if something does make me feel better then it's normal to want to do it.

She gave me a satisfied nod, "Same here," And with that, the rest of the way to the classroom was spent in a slightly comfortable silence. If there was a test, I think I passed it.


"Ah, late students, there's always a few." A professor with the fakest smile I had ever seen, and I had watched various tv shows, 'welcomed' us in. "Please find a remaining seat," with a wave of his hand in a gesture to hurry us up. I gave a slight nod towards him as I went to find my seat. He didn't even acknowledge my small greeting.

Unfortunately, there weren't any free seats together. I choose one near the window so that hopefully, I would gain a protagonist's plot armor.

"Hey- Hey, you by the window," the whisper, that was almost too loud for it to be one, came from the guy sitting to my right. I turned to look at said student.

He had light brown hair, deep brown eyes which held a quality that I couldn't quite recognize, but annoyed me.

"Yes? May I help you?" I didn't really mean the slight aggressive tone that I said those words with, it just came out for some reason. It wasn't a surprise that he slightly flinched at my tone, while he probably wondered if he should have started speaking to me in the first place.

He blinked and it was like he shrugged my tone off, his grin remained fixed on his face.

Kind of wish I could punch it off.

Now it was my turn to blink as I wondered where that thought came from.

"My name is William Clockwell, we're probably going to be partners for this class, so I thought we should introduce ourselves." He gave me a wider grin as he stretched his open hand towards me.

We shook hands, his flimsy, slightly sweaty hand made me want to crush it.

It wouldn't even take a sliver of effort.

I reigned in my impulses and quickly let go of his hand.

"I'm Mark Greyson, nice, nice to meet you." I forced myself to said the word 'nice' twice, in an effort of trying to believe it myself. He was probably right and we would most likely be partners, so it would be good to have a stable relationship with each other.

Still didn't take away my urge to punch him.

"Alright class, we are going to spend the start of our class by introducing ourselves, one at a time we'll start with this row and-"

Class went terrible slow, my boredom probably the cause of it. I barely noticed that it was my turn after watching the student in front of me sit down after introducing himself.

Following his example I stood up as well.

"My name is Mark Greyson, it's a pleasure to meet everyone, hope we get along." With my boredom it was impossible for my voice to not have a slight monotonous tone, and honestly the class until now had been nothing but boring, you couldn't blame me for that. The teacher disagreed apparently.

"Well now, that's not a way for introducing oneself. Tell me something more, a hobby perhaps?"

"Uh, I like comics and music." How unique Mark.

"Well now, isn't that new. Are there any other hobbies you share with your classmates?"

"I don't think so, I-"

"Well now, maybe you should pay attention. Stay behind after class, I want to talk to you."

I gave a stiff nod as something in me wondered why I should take orders from a guy I could one-shot to pieces with just my pinky.

I sat back down with an annoyed sigh, looking at the clock in front of the class, it appeared to be moving even slower. Even time was mocking me.


I raised my hand slightly above the desk and brought it down towards it.

A small thud resounded from it. As I once again resisted the urge to punch the desk with all my strength, which most definitely would completely destroy it, cause a huge crater, and collapse the classroom.

I could feel my anger and annoyance slowly building up and knew that I would have to find someway to let out pent-up stress. For now though, there were still 34 minutes left in class, and five more hours from other classes. Damn it.