

unknown_20281 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
126 Chs

Chapter 85

His strength will definitely not be weaker than the current leaders of the fallen angels (Zhao Liao Zhao).

"I originally thought that the White Dragon Emperor would be the help of the fallen angels, but I didn't expect to be directly ruled out before the situation began—"

he muttered to himself.

At this moment, a hurried figure suddenly broke into the tent.

Just as he was about to scold, he heard the figure who came to report speak.

"Report! Lord Almors! Captured the traces of the four great archangels in the heavens, the 'power of God' Gabriel!"

"Gabriel—" The fallen angel named Almors was slightly stunned, and then his face instantly showed a look of hatred.

Su Mu had previously raided hell, using a large-scale spell called "Rocket Rain".

Its prototype happens to be the power of Gabriel recorded in the Bible.

So, at this time...

Seeing the figure of the fallen angel named Almors leaving, the fallen angel who reported the letter straightened up indifferently, and then disappeared instantly.

Let him ignite this powder keg with his own hands. .

Chapter 145 Shadows come!

"Brilliant angels bathed in the light of the Lord!"

"And the proud birds who spread their black wings in pursuit of freedom!"

"My name is Gabriel, who was once called the power of God, and is the name of the Archangel who lives in the heavens!"

Awe-inspiring and resolute, but with a faint hint of love and lamentation, the beautiful female voice spread out between heaven and earth with holy brilliance.

The soft silver moon hung above the sky, and the twelve-winged holy angel raised his hand and pressed his chest with a sincere expression.

"In the name of Gabriel, I implore you to calm down your anger for the time being, put away your troops, and listen to my advice!"

Her figure, her awe-inspiring figure, instantly caused a commotion below.

As long as it is an angel or a fallen angel, there is no one who has never heard of her name.

The holy angel named Gabriel is the object of the admiration of all angels, and the fallen angel is also from the fallen angel.

The many angels who were angry and restless before were instantly swept away.

"Lord Gabriel is finally here! Great!"

"With the power of Lord Gabriel, we will surely win!"

In contrast, the fallen angels were more flustered and lamented.

"Gabriel... It's really an unforgettable name, how could this lord come here so quickly?"

"Lord Gabriel... The brilliance I once witnessed in the heavens is still unforgettable to me. Now am I finally going to stand on the opposite side?"

Gabriel was mournful, unfolded his soft and white twelve wings, and hovered quietly above the sky, quietly waiting for the commotion below to subside.

Although the angels were excited because of the arrival of the reinforcements, they could not wait to start a fierce battle with the opposite side, but they also obeyed the orders of the archangel and suppressed their fighting intentions.

After a brief commotion, the fallen angels were finally willing to believe in this woman who once admired in their hearts, and listened attentively.

In Almon, the Mountain of Cursed, with eighteen leaders at the head, the first more than two hundred angels swore an oath to bind each other, and from then on spread their black wings and went against the gods.

"Since then, for thousands of years, there have been endless wars."

"We have lost so many companions that we used to get along with day and night, but now we can only recall their voices and smiles from ancient books."

"The same is true for you, Sam Yaza, Ulakaba, Ramir... The eighteen leaders who once led you and guided you, how many people are left besides Asachel?"

"War is our means of getting what we want, not what we want."

"However, the millennium of war has lasted, and I have not gained anything, but have lost a lot."

Gabriel closed his eyes, folded his hands on his chest and prayed silently, and the two parties below who were incompatible with each other gradually became silent.

"I have long been used to parting and losing while waiting in the war - but this does not mean that fighting (cjfi) is the normal state that we should indulge in!"

Gabriel looked firm and shouted.

"Whether it's an angel or a fallen angel! Please restrain your soldiers, and put the sword back in its sheath temporarily! What we need can never be obtained by means of war!"

"Sprinkle hatred, and what you can get is more hatred. Sprinkle grief, and what you get in the end is more grief. You pour violence, and in the end, only more violence is rewarded!"

"Stop, stop fighting each other."

"I am fond of my departed comrades in every possible way, and I hold grudges for taking away my comrades. However, this is not a reason to pursue war and indulge in strife."

"Just because I know very well that if I act for the lost companions, then we will lose more companions. If we wield the sword for the good things that have been destroyed, then we will lose more!"

The angels were shaken.

The fallen angels slowly put away the light guns in their hands.

War is a bottomless fire pit, so why keep adding fuel to it?

"I swear in the name of the Lord—" Seeing the many angels and fallen angels who had been persuaded by him, Gabriel looked pious, "The light will fall on the angels, and it will also fall on the fallen angels. "

The tense arrogance and the smoke of the war seemed to disappear suddenly with Gabriel's sincere words.

Silently, the personnel on both sides prepared to withdraw from the place, forgetting the previous conflict.

Seeing this, Gabriel suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

She is not afraid of war.

She will not hesitate to step forward and engage any enemy if she needs to.

However, she had a genuine dislike of war.

The beast of war, whether in the human world or among fallen angels, angels, and demons, has never been controlled by the initiator or the participants.

It will tear apart all that is good, all that is cherished by people.

Hope that peace still belongs to us—

Gabriel prayed so sincerely.



The roar burned with hatred, completely dyed with murderous intent.

The anger contained in this voice was dense enough to shock everyone.

If I had to say it, it would be inseparable—it seems to be proclaiming, proclaiming that after today, only one of us will survive.

The scorching Gale Blade seemed to be scorched by anger far exceeding the critical value, making a mournful roar.

A dangerous sword so broken that it seems to be broken at any time.

The female angel named Gabriel was immediately stunned, and the sudden attack of hatred and killing intent made her tremble slightly.

This most indignant killing intent can only be encountered in the never-ending battles of ancient times.

Today's events will never end so easily.

His brows and eyes became sharp in an instant, and an aqua blue sword of brilliance appeared in his hand.

"Almors, I didn't expect you, who had long hated war, to reappear on the battlefield—"

The most high-ranking existence among the fallen angels.

One of the eighteen leaders who first led more than 200 fallen angels to spread their black wings, an existence on the same level as Azazel.

It is worth mentioning that this is an ex-friend who once coexisted as an angel, but eventually went astray.


"Why do you hate me so much—"

Holding the sword of water blue and staring at him, Gabriel asked seriously.

Gabriel is confident that his strength will not be lost to the opponent.

"Warning, get out of here. It's pointless for me to wait here to fight!"

The battle between the two sides, even after a few days or even months, may be difficult to tell the winner.

At this time, two high-level combat powers are involved in each other, which is not a wise move for heaven and hell.

However, the other party, who also knows this, has no plans to retreat here.

The other party's killing intent was unshakable, as if declaring that no matter how much she paid, she would still fall here.

The odds and tactics are all ignored.

It's like saying that all the spirits that need to be planned in the face of this guy have already been eaten up.

"How can you retreat before crushing you!"

It was like a scream of rage, like a dying cry of being sunk into a bottomless swamp.

Continuous sword flash, sword flash. The trajectories of running vertically and horizontally turned into dozens of death wind cuts in one breath, and attacked Gabriel.

"You are a vicious executioner with no morals! After doing such a wicked thing, you are still able to utter nonsense here without any guilt!"

Almors, who was wielding the Gale Blade in a desperate attitude, glared at Gabriel with eyes that looked at dirt.

"After destroying our homeland, are you still able to face us so calmly and pretentiously!".

Chapter 146 You are alive, we can't laugh

Why do you hold such resentment towards me?

At his chest, his heart trembled with an ominous foreboding.

As if he was being played by some kind of huge malice, some kind of conspiracy covering the whole world.

Compared with this huge malice, the malice that Fallen Angel Almors wanted to fight for his life was nothing but a breeze.

"Drink ah ah ah-!"

Gabriel held the aqua-blue sacred sword tightly in his hand, clenched his teeth, and made a labored sound that did not match the previous softness.

Uninterrupted, the slashes aimed at severing her head and severing her neck made her wrists numb slightly.

However, these are irrelevant.

Blocking a deadly attack with a stern attitude, Gabriel's soft cheeks showed a majestic look for the first time.

"If you still have the slightest hope for our future, stop me immediately! Al-Ermors!"

Gentle advice is useless, this kind of thing has been confirmed before.

Weak pleadings are even more useless. Unloading the strong carapace in front of the enemy will only result in being stabbed by the sword rather than in exchange for understanding.

Perhaps the only thing that can stop the other party is a harsh scolding.

"While we are working hard to remove the cloud of war, we are fighting for our lives here, Almors, are you crazy! Even if the glory of the Lord has been extinguished in your heart, the situation where your companions fought for it It should still be in your heart!"

In Gabriel's view, even if such remarks cannot stop the other party, at least it will make him hesitate.

Because this is a colleague who once served the glory of the Lord together, even if he falls from the sky, the essence of some deep-seated bones will not change much.

However, what Gabriel did not expect was that Almors' offensive not only did not ease in the slightest after hearing this, but instead became more violent.

"Hahahaha! Brilliant! The future! It's really high-sounding words, quite the style of the heavens!"

The Holy Angel's words of persuasion and sternness did not make the furious Fallen Angel's offensive hesitate in the slightest.

How could the already firmed killing intent be shaken so easily?

In other words, if her persuasion at this time can be effective, then Gabriel needs to really consider whether this is a disguise used by the other party to let him relax his vigilance.

"My final warning—" The pure white wings fluttered, and Gabriel's gentle face also revealed a firm determination, "Almors, get out of here immediately!"

If Almors or any of her died here at such a time, it would stir the already extremely sensitive nerves of the three clans.

In the worst case scenario, this might be the trigger for a complete explosion of the powder keg.

Realizing this, Gabriel clenched his teeth and looked sad and angry.


She has made up her mind that the battle will be triggered by herself.

Prepared the worst plan to kill the opponent here.