
DxD: Soul System

Ichijou Ryu, eldest son of the Shuei Clan Yakuza and older brother of Ichijou Raku, finds himself with memories of a past life. Now he connects this new world of his as a mash-up universe of DxD. A Soul System awakens with him, giving him a unique way to power up in the danger-filled world. He will need to get it together as the balance of each power keeps tipping. What challenges await him? How strong are the threats? Will he be able to cope with the sheer inconvenience of spontaneously transporting/reincarnating/transmigrating into different worlds to answer a soul call? How strong will he become? How long will the chapters be for that world before going back to his main? --------------------------------------- The MC may be a reincarnated soul, but because I wanted him to fully integrate himself into that world, he retains the personality he cultivated in the world. I'm not some 4D chess kinda dude, so the antagonists and all those cunning people in said animes will maybe fall short so I'll try my best. He will obviously have bullshit luck and stuff. ---------------------------------------- Alright, so critique is welcome. Please Comment as well. I'll do my best to upload. It might be looking like either 3 or 4 chapters a week, that's the goal. 2 would be the minimum. If you wanna join my discord, here it is: https://discord.gg/fDkpHrbP ---------------------------------------- This is a Fanfiction. I do not claim ownership or credit of any of the works here or their characters, only My OCs, so go support the authors of those light novels/manga. I also do not claim ownership of the art for the cover page, lmk if you find them.

Luigi_Lightning · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
63 Chs

Chapter 34: Experiments, Corruption, & Smoldering Embers

"Master!" Jibril cries out, latching onto me. "It's been so long since I've last seen you!" 

"Right, a day is rather long since your summoning," I answered as I adjusted myself and tweaked my gravity a bit so I wouldn't fall, though Jibril was holding me, it never hurts to have a stable hold. 

She let go after a while and we positioned ourselves a bit away from the mansion. I took glimpses of our surroundings and noticed the stark contrast to the human realm. The forest that surrounded us had trees with bark with an ashen grey color, the leaves were a pale yellow with a greenish tint. My eyes swept the ground beneath us and I took notice of the cracks and the reddish-brown color. An arid place, but it does look like it holds enough nutrients to support this forest. I then craned a bit to look at the sky above us. It was a blackish purple with a moon but no stars, most likely the work of the Satans, since they wanted it to be similar to the human realm for the reincarnated devils. Wonder how it's maintained though, magic?

I stopped looking and made sure our presences were hidden with our abilities and skills as we narrowed our eyes at the activity from the glimpses in the window. 

"Has anything happened in the time it took for me to get here?" I asked. Hmm, it's too bad I can't look through walls. 

"Not from what I've seen, master. The scientists are rather busy making some liquid from some rather odd-looking monster ghost things," she answered. 

I let out my Aura of Infinity and spread it over the mansion, picking up countless signs of life and a terrible aura of death. It clung to me almost like wanting to devour, but flexing it a bit drove them away. "I see what you mean, groups of them are in a laboratory standing over countless beakers and magical tools, but ghost thingies...?" Flashes of memory hit me and I tremble at the implication of what I remember. So they got a hold of phantoms huh, and from the way I feel those malevolent specters, they appear to hold some likeness to devils. Almost as if they were... demons.

I speak no more and again look over at the quest, wincing a bit because of the continuous malevolent aura emanating from the mansion. It's true I can't do anything about it inside the mansion with my infinity but the natural soothing aura I emit near me is purging the negative energy. There is a lot though, and with how deep it has been merged with demonic and other types of energy it's making it extremely hard, no wonder it was trying to devour it when I let my aura roam free in the mansion. 

[Emergency Quest] { DxD Mash-up Home-World } -

[ Description/Objectives ] : Save the two Nekomata sisters, Kuroka and Shirone. Prevent Kuroka from leaving her little sister. Prevent Shirone from hating her big sister, Kuroka, and tell her the truth about what Kuroka experienced. 

[ Bonus! ] - Purge and Purify the tormented and tortured souls trapped inside the abominations. Cleanse the rogue fused monsters (Yokai#+Phantom%+Demon). 

[ $Secret#&Objective% ] - [ Unknown ]

[ Rank ] : B+ - A 

[ Remaining Time ] : Break of Dawn

[ Rewards ] : Black Tail-Ribbon of Titaness Strength (Mythical Rank) , White Tail-Ribbon of Harmony (Mythical Rank) , 150K Soul Points, Jar of Soulfire -Violet- (Legendary Rank) ]

Alright, it is go time. "Let's get started Jibril, stay out of sight, but near me, I was able to track them down. They seem to be sleeping."

"I'll protect you! Let's not make this any longer than we should..."

I nod at her words and begin to float alongside her as we make our way over to one of the windows near a hallway. I squint into the darkness and grabbing hold of Jibril, teleport within. These skills of mine are cheating, stealth missions are a breeze. Without another word, Jibril holds onto my shirt and we begin maneuvering our way through this creepy house. Spiderwebs and cracked wooden walls are prominent, and though there is decor it's filled with gashes and fading away. I suppose it doesn't matter to them, with what I'm, picking up from my aura, this is perfect to disguise what they are doing here if it ever gets discovered. It'll be swept under the rug because it has always been in disrepair. 

Well, whatever. I'm purging this once and for all so it doesn't matter. I do remember to commit everything to memory and let Jibril know to gather the documents that are relevant to what's going on, just in case the higher-ups ask. Unless the stuff is continuously being updated on the hairpin Shirone has? 

Moving forward and making our way through the winding hallway we are almost there until I notice that the big sister, Kuroka is gone. Pushing my aura further reveals her to be in an office, so we waste no time and head to the little sister. 

I engulf the room and then we proceed to knock. "Hello, is someone in there..." I said quietly making sure to mask the noise to the others except the sole occupant. 

There was a hesitant pitter-patter of feet nearing the door and then a soft hopeful voice greeted me, "Uhm... who are you? Is nee-san with you...? She told m-me not to talk to strangers..."

"We saw her getting taken away and are here to help..."

The click of the door sounded and a small face peeked out, standing at around Raku's height. Her prominent white hair was done in a bob cut with two bangs at the side of her face, and curious but wary golden eyes stared up at me. I didn't make any sudden movements, only smiled and ever so slowly floated down to her height and said, "...sorry for disturbing you... I'm a bit of a selfish hero who was reckless and broke into this... mansion. Do you need help...?" I asked in a soothing voice, or at least as much as I could. 

She stared, her eyes peering deeply into my own. She occasionally sniffed and I felt a sudden spark of power within her light up and her eyes sparkled a bit until they began pooling with tears and with a deep breath she croaked out, "...my big sister... please... please help her. She... looks so tired... she doesn't play anymore... she can hardly smile... please..."

She opened the door fully and took hesitant steps back, but once we were inside and had closed it behind us, the tears began streaming down. Jibril and I looked at each other and without any prompting we embraced the small Shirone in our arms as she wailed. 

It took a while for her to calm down, and every time I made sure everything was okay where Kuroka was, they appeared to be talking, but it was best if I left now to investigate stuff and get to her quickly. I looked at Jibril and she nodded back at me so I then turned to Shirone. "Hey, Shirone, it's going to be okay, I promise. I'll go save your sister, so wait for me right here with Jibril, the pretty flugel lady..."

Shirone kept sniffling, but she noted a bit of urgency creeping into my voice. She began worrying, but I grabbed her hands in reassurance. She trembled and looked reluctant in seeing me go, but stared at me with some spirit. "Okay! I'll wait, help Kuroka-nee-san, Ryu-san!"

We had long since introduced each other and I explained as lightly as I could the situation, but it was rushed. I nodded at her words and turned to the door. I masked my presence and empowered myself so I could investigate and blast my way to Kuorka. 

Now I began using my aura to dig deeper into what's going on around me, I didn't really take note of it before because I was zeroed in on the two nekos position, but holy fuck. 

It was then the wails began slamming into me, slamming into my soul, I wobbled in the air, almost knocking over a vase, but I caught myself and held onto my head in confusion. 

What the fuck was that? 

My soul then throbbed in anguish as the continuous cries of torment bombarded my aura and clung to my very being. My gravity canceled and I went to my knees as I struggled to keep myself off the ground as the blasts of fear and terror seeped into me. It was so much pain, so much to take in. What the fuck what the fuck... I wheezed and then I scrambled for a spell that I learned from my Angelic Fae Arcanist skill, Serenity Whispers. 

I curled up on myself, trying to block out the screams as I concentrated on the words of the spell. The streams of knowledge came to me as I mentally worded everything through my shaking. Everything was spinning, but the warmth of the flames within my belly kept me stable. I wasn't able to hear Ddriag or Eve, why? No, stop, there's no time, so I pressed on with the chant. 

'Amidst the shadows, where anguish reigns,

Where terror grips and fear remains,

From realms of light, we call thee near,

With whispers soft, banish every tear.

Serenity Whispers, from fae divine,

Let your gentle murmurs intertwine,

With grace and peace, your essence bestow,

On troubled hearts, let tranquility flow.

Wrap them in your soothing embrace,

With every word, bring solace and grace,

Dispelling darkness, bringing light,

Guiding souls through darkest night.

From chaos born, to calm restore,

With Serenity Whispers, forevermore.'

A soft pulsing pink-yellow light covered my body, it gently embraced me, my very soul as it smothered me with fluffy wings. My cold sweat ceased as I was finally able to breathe calmly, my heart stopped its incessant beating, as well as the consistent shouting, stopped. I could no longer hear the wails or the anguished cries of suffering souls. They were there because of how attuned I am to them apparently, but the soft glow on my body was able to drown them out. I thanked the heavens for allowing me to fuse skills and get a hold of this spell. But why the hell was I able to hear them so clearly? Is it because of my soul system my skills or just my race? Maybe a combination of all three??

I want to ask Eve, and I know she will have an answer, but I can't stand around any longer. I hurriedly make my way over to Kuroka's position. I did hear a buzz of Ddriag's and Eve's worry, but I mentally reassured them. I then noticed things started to escalate since I was able to notice the pressure Kuroka exerted. Because of that though some troublesome things started happening. 

Before I was able to look at it, I caught wind of its presence, breaking free from a warded room that was near the office and by coincidence made its way over to me. I eyed the looming shadow hovering before me, it grinned ominously and was in the form of a rotund bat with arms that dangled in front of it and a massive scorpion tail behind it. Movement from behind caught my eye, but it seemed it was able to sense it as well because its tail shot out and pierced through the poor devil's body. I winced at his gurgling screams of pain as he tried to use his demonic energy, to no avail. It slowly began reeling in its tail until both it and the body were hovering over it. It opened its maw into a wide void with rows upon rows of teeth and as the body dropped down a saw-like noise followed then the drowned-out screams of pain.

I narrowed my eyes noticing how its power began increasing, slowly the demonic energy that was oozing out of its body began streaming back into it. Soon a malevolent aura began emanating from it, a phantasmal mirage covered it with wisps of violet energy springing to life around it. 

A sickening crunch followed, and then the laughter. The oh-so-terrifying laughter. I ground my teeth at the villain-like transformation. I didn't have time for this!

The body began to morph and twist in incomprehensible ways as it touched the ground and began taking on a more human-like appearance, but far more ghastly. It kept its mouth wide in an eerie smile, with its tail and now misaligned arms and legs. it had those void-like eyes with red-tinted pupils filled with madness. It cracked open its mouth and spoke in a garbled mess but it got the message across fine. Its shriek was maddening and filled with glee as it sped right to me. 

I close my eyes, compacting the aura to cling to my body as the new ancient art steadily streamed into my mind. I copied the movements, and with my eyes slowly opening I saw myself narrowly moving out of the way of the tail. The monster's face twisted in surprise and at that point, I heard something crush the wood behind and beneath me. I let out a breath and with a pulse of power rocketing toward both my arms they lit up with cobalt blue dragonfire, as soon as they did I snapped the fists and swung. The words Emperor's Flaming Right Hook sprung to mind, but the shriek that blasted my ears took my attention. And before I knew it the demon was then sent crashing onto the wall, impacting multiple rooms.

Another chant manifested in my mind and the words came streaming out, 

"O righteous fury, from heavens high,

Descend upon the wicked nigh.

With bolts of lightning, fierce and bright,

Smite the darkness, reveal the light.

In the name of virtue, justice true,

I call upon thee, power imbue.

Strike down the foes who dare defy,

The holy cause, they shall not lie.

With divine wrath, their sins repaid,

Let justice reign, let evil fade.

Smite the Wicked, with righteous might,

Bring forth justice, banish night."

A bolt of lightning radiating a pulse of holy energy manifested itself hovering over my flame-coated fist, I didn't bother to look at it much longer as I set my sights on the monster getting up with flames bursting from its body, I grabbed hold of the bolt fusing my flames on it and set it loose. A clap of thunder boomed as it sped toward its target. The monster looked upon the lightning and with a furious shriek manifested a bolt of its own powered with its aura. By then the bolt was upon it and electricity illuminated the dozens of rooms as its painful wail echoed. The explosion was deafening but I didn't look back and just spread out my aura again to scout and purify the malignant negative energy. I also ceased the dragonfire on my fists, though the monsters getting out would be bad, thankfully my aura is slowing them down so I could purge them when I get Kuroka to safety.

My ears perked up, and though there was lots of noise, with a bit of an alignment with my aura, I was able to make out shouting that came from Kuroka's position. Shouts and insults directed at her and then the threats steadily streamed into my ear, noting the distinct male voice and linking it together with her supposed master, my anger rose up steadily. Dammit. 

I banished the violent thoughts and when I did, my mind latched onto the devastation brought by the spell I unleashed. And right after I thought about the long-ass chant. Ugh, they're such a pain. Hopefully, I can trim them down as I get used to using them. But it might work out if I could use them in tandem with my ancient martial arts. I feel at peace when I use them, I wonder why. 

No time to think about it, I sprung to action and raced toward the office's hidden laboratory.

As I did, I once again spiraled into my thoughts about the malevolent forms I saw beginning to emerge from the rubble just now. Those were formally yokai, weren't they? The anger that was simmering in my stomach began to claw its way up to my throat, but I ground it down. These experiments have to stop and getting angry over it won't help these people move on. They were powerful enough to corrupt and take over the devil, so it doesn't matter if I get rewards, purging and purifying them is the least I can do to help them. 

Thoughts about the families that were torn apart bounced in my head as I barreled my way into the room and crashed forward onto the hidden entrance. Magic circles had lit up, but with a thought I was able to brace against them with my brand-new scales lessening the magical damage. A cloud of smoke emanated from me and the pressure descended upon me, it wasn't powerful perse, but it did have an impact and in that moment I saw the teen, Kuroka, shape her claws into a reaper-like scythe of death. Noting the repercussions of her killing her master I was quick like a cat- heh- and I poured my magic and shapeshifted my arm into a dragon claw coated in cobalt blue energy. Within that energy- that disperses on contact- I coated it in one of the spells I had rapidly chanted the words for called Fey Illusion- in case this happened. It basically masks her intentions from other beings and obscures her location from enemies, in this case, the devils. It also comes with the added bonus of covering up what we did here in a ward, and because of its angelic nature, most devils will have a tough chance. Unless it gets destroyed, regardless, she flinched at my interference, but our attacks landed in tandem, reaping the lives of both devils into sliced-up parts of their former selves. 

She was about to get a word in, but the words I had heard the bastard say moments before she unleashed her power were bouncing in my head. My aura is handy like that, or is it my enhanced senses? Regardless, my mouth opened unconsciously, 

"Disgusting, you actually enjoyed doing these inhumane experiments and took pleasure in their pain? What's your problem?! Just because of your greed… ah right I killed him already…" I was about to continue, but I saw her wince at the hostility in my voice, so I awkwardly turned to her and once again continued in a cooler tone of voice. 

"Ahem, sorry for intervening, I'm Ryu. But this is for the best, I was able to disguise your magic signature since if you had killed him by yourself the Satans would've been notified and you would've been branded a stray devil. So, by killing him together I was able to disguise it as some experimental accident. It would've not only put you in danger but your sister as well, if you had left her. But tell me, was leaving really your only plan? Anger clouded your judgment, which of course I don't blame you for, but it's important to keep in mind what you want to protect if you do get caught up in your emotions. You're Nekoshou right, you should be in tune with nature and feel the auras of others so don't let your guard down," I said as I moved a bit away from the corpses. She appeared to be entranced and staring at me with caution and wonder. Thought the caution disappeared and when I wondered why, I caught her taking peeks at the top of my hea- Oh. 

Is that really the reason why? I guess it helps in this situation, but still, why not feel calm at the tone of my voice? Sheesh. Though the light is dim here, I am able to get a look at the neko girl in front of me. She's around Suzaku's age I'd guess, so teen was the right description when I saw her, though who can say once I hear it from the source. Her long black hair is slicked with sweat and has been singed in places, it hasn't been treated in months I'd say. I wince at the thought. Her piercing gold eyes were staring straight at me, or at least my ahoge. I also notice the state of her ragged kimono, more like ripped pieces of cloth now, but I'm sure it was once pretty since it was a low-cut black one that covered her. Though it was hard to make out since her hair was black I did catch sight of two cat ears twitching as well as the swishing of her two tails behind her. 

I then started to notice that my words appeared to be registering within her because she snapped out of it and grimaced. But it seemed it wasn't enough for her because her expressions kept changing, despair was beginning to set in so I sighed in exasperation and went up to her. 

As she was getting more and more lost in her self-deprecating thoughts, I held back a bit and swung both my hands onto her cheeks. Not the brightest idea, I know, but we were in enemy territory. I heard her yelp, but I just sharply told her, "Hey! I know you must be reflecting or criticizing yourself but we have to get to your sister and then get out of here. I know it's all overwhelming, and you may not trust the words of a stranger but I am here to help you both and escape this place."

Recognition seemed to light up within her and then acceptance. I nodded and awaited her response. She looked up at me with grim resolve and said, "Okay! Let's go… nya!" I noticed the nya at the end, but she didn't appear to comment on it so I didn't and nodded at her approval. I let go of her face, but as soon as I do an attack I barely register blurs onto us and it takes up all of my instinctual energy to throw my hand up. I hear my scales back, and moments later pain set in, and as my blood splatters over us, I unintentionally shout, "SHIT, this fucker had something in place?! Jibril come quickly, get these two out of here!" It took an immense amount of willpower to keep myself from screaming because the blob of slim with razor-sharp teeth dug into my skin and got latched onto it when I manifested my scales, both after and before. I suppose they unconsciously manifested before taking the hit, but then I summoned them again when the pain registered. The fucker just gained more a holding onto my arm.

I noticed her about to do something, but before she did, hundreds of magical circles surrounded us, wait, I then looked closer and it wasn't us that these circles were engulfing but the bastard that had latched onto me. It was a sick abomination made up of slime, with countless spikes jutting out of it. It chomped harder and I winced at the pain. Fuck, alright, gotta get this thing off now, why the hell am I even hesitating?

I shut my eyes tight and began muttering the chant, I didn't notice anything happening but from the colors, lightning up my eyelids, and the yelp from Kuroka was any indication I'm guessing the magical light was beginning to seep its way into the bastard. I detected no signs of life, was it reanimated with the phantoms and demons?! I didn't stop the chant for Divine Ignition though, and when I was done, I opened my eyes and saw brilliant crimson flames light up my arm. It smothered the monster and a continuous stream of golden sparks of light bombarded him as it illuminated the area. Sweat cascaded down my cheek as I heard its wail when the flames burned it. Flakes of its body faded away, but I clicked my tongue in annoyance when I noticed it regenerating. It had let go though, so that was a plus. Second later my healing kicked in and I was good as new. 

Before I could continue the attack I heard a rumbling, seconds after the magical circles ceased lighting him up. With my aura, I took notice of countless portals ripping the space around us where grotesque beings with human-slime-like appearances dived into the slime that was still screaming in agony by the flames coating its body. The flames were smothered though, thanks to the specters covering it with a wispy-like substance, soon after they began fusing with him as crazed laughter echoed all around us. 

At the corner of my eye, I saw Kuroka grabbing hold of my shirt as she trembled in terror. I couldn't blame her. I took a look and yup, I'd be terrified too. So many types of misshapen and distorted phantoms and demons manifested around us. Information sprung to mind and I noticed the difference in the energy surrounding them. Their forms differ, but so do their skill sets and powers. And with variety comes danger, especially unstable mutations, and fusions. I grimaced at the thought. 

I was glad that they didn't so much as glance in our direction, though. They were laughing, howling as they leaped onto the slime. Its form began distorting. I narrowed my eyes noting the distinct difference between phantoms and demons. The phantoms had ethereal energy emanating from them- with their bodies either being animal-like or like an inanimate object- coating them in a somewhat dark purple hue while demons- who had more of an amorphous and distorted body type- had this toxic black energy surrounding them polluting the energy around them. Miasma was the word that sprung to mind. 

I felt it was an appropriate description because it unnerved me and it was that energy that made it hard to purify since it devoured the energy around and absorbed the power. Regardless, there were many streaming out. Phantoms took the form of animals, but either with hunched backs or elongated limbs, there were even instances of them being formed from animated objects, like the distorted-looking vases and paintings. The demons, though amorphous with either hundreds of eyes or limbs, were also taking a human-like quality, but as more of an illusion since the faces were ghoulish and wailing. 

But then there were the more sinister ones. I shuddered when I caught sight of a few that still had that distinct human-like quality, but as they walked they appeared to be glitching, almost as if they were a byproduct of something, then the liquid the scientists were making sprung to mind. I looked closer and within their bodies, I was able to see volatile energy that was fighting for dominance.

I gulped my disgust and sorrow. Kuroka clung to me harder when we both a couple of eerie creatures that had an inky black appearance filled with spots, jagged spikes, floating appendages, and tentacles, but it was the maddened glee in their laughter that gave us pause. 

Eventually the former devil now slime began transforming and becoming bigger as the creatures fused into its body. It swelled up and we had back up all the way to the end of the entrance, and it seemed like it wouldn't stop. I had to pause when my subconscious dragged the metaphorical boss music from the back of my mind and began blasting it. I get it. I get it. It's an unavoidable fight. But this... was not ideal. 

I then heard Kuroka speak up. "W-we have to r-run R-ryu! It's not safe, let's go!" She shouted and pulled at me. But I didn't move. I couldn't. The soothing spell was being broken down by the continuous wails of the souls that were being continuously tormented inside the slime body. 

I turned to her, clasped my hands over her shoulders, and said with an even voice, wincing at the phantom pain on my arm, "Someone will pick you up, I can't... let this stay in this world. I have to purge it. I have to cleanse it, I have to purify their souls... You can feel it can't you, their wails of terror and cries for help..." My voice began taking on a more somber tone, but it didn't matter. The cries rampaged and tore down my defenses. I noticed her turning her attention onto the being swelling up in power and saw a glimmer of sadness in her eyes. 

Before she could say anything else, I felt the presence of my summon and internally sighed in relief. "Jibril, thanks for getting her too, now take her and get out of here. Make sure to hide back home, not sure how long this will take..." I said to her but she only scowled in concern. I shook my head at that, I know it's not ideal but I needed her to do this for me.

At the corner of my eye, I saw Kuroka about to protest, but she caught sight of the terrified-looking Shirone and Jibril. Instead, the voice came from Jibril. "But master, I can smite this and be done with i-" 

The girls were about to pay attention, so I hurriedly cut her off and said firmly, as I turned toward the abomination, "Go."

The words got caught in their throats because I heard nothing and only felt the fluctuations of space being torn apart smoothly. With I sigh, I whispered to myself, "Not when they're pleading for help. I gotta answer their call..."

I spared a glance behind me and confirmed that yes, they were gone. I didn't feel the burning drive to go all battle junkie, the sorrow within my soul stomped on the passion and excitement. Just as well, because I need to cool myself.

I know this was a stupid decision, Jibril could have burned them to a crisp, and it'd be over. But that doesn't sit well with me, maybe it's some sort of sick pride or selfish righteousness, but I want to help them. I have to purge this abomination and bring salvation to those tormented within. I am just a naive kid, with some bullshit powers, and a whole lotta of responsibility, but well this is me taking responsibility for this idiot's experimental research.

The blob continued its grotesque transformation until it took on the form of a typical demon with curved horns and a massive upper body with rippling muscles, but it had this specter-like body that seemed to phase in and out. Limbs made up of animal appendages and tentacles burst forth from its skin, but there were also hundreds of eruptions of gnashing mouths springing up from its body. Honestly, this was fucken bad. Normally, it's easy to purge phantoms and demons, the holy radiance and sealing can solve it, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that when they are able to manifest themselves and obtain a physical form along with the powers available from said being they are absorbed. Well, that shit becomes a pain. Who knows how much of a disaster it can beco-

My inner talk ceased as I heard a small wail, and then several others. They were high-pitched, nothing like the ADULT ones I've been hearing. My heart stopped and my soul froze over. 

I tried to suppress my emotions. It didn't work. In defiance, as a young pure dragon, I internally roared in anger at what I was hearing. Dulling or suppressing them wouldn't work and they wouldn't help either, but the choice was taken from me when those crystal clear voices echoed within me and stirred the bubbling anger that my dragon side took control over. I tried tugging at the calming effect represented by my demi-god side, but because it was only a psuedo-race, it could not hold back the rash and rage-filled side of my dragon race, especially one so young. 

It took me all I had to keep my thoughts in place, but they bubbled toward me with more ferocity. 

It was a child, no, multiple children. I... I knew they used people and I knew they would stoop low to use children, Kuroka being one of them, my rage hasn't calmed since then, but these are far younger, and all I could hear and feel was their pain. 

Pain at the world, the sorrow of losing their family one by one, and the gut-wrenching pain of being forcibly fused to a malignant being. Their souls were barely formed, they just started their lives and they were being smothered by a semi-conscious being that was using the soul and body as fuel to manifest. I could feel it all. And it took an immense strain on me to hold back the tidal wave of heart-breaking sorrow and burning and righteous fury smoldering within me. 

I wasn't, couldn't, didn't want to stop. It was too overpowering. I wanted to smack some sense myself and regain control, but this was too much, the raw emotions were seeping into me. My dragon side vibrated in fury and roared and asked for vengeance. Some part of me agreed and honestly, containing this rage will do me no good in the long run, it's controllable to an extent, so giving myself into it shouldn't make me lose myself. I trusted the instinct that said I'd be okay. My skills needed to be tested, including the more dangerous ones, and now that it was in a secretive and safe location... With a bastard enemy that deserved to take the brunt of it, I was all the more willing to go through with it. 

Waves of sorrow interrupted my thoughts. 

More wails. More pain. 

Something cracked. 


[ No, Ryu! Don't let it consu- ]

Eve and Ddraig were about to say something but they were cut off. 

My attention was then caught on the voices hammering my soul. They clawed and gnashed at my very being until something shattered. 

The fury swallowed me.