
DxD: Soul System

Ichijou Ryu, eldest son of the Shuei Clan Yakuza and older brother of Ichijou Raku, finds himself with memories of a past life. Now he connects this new world of his as a mash-up universe of DxD. A Soul System awakens with him, giving him a unique way to power up in the danger-filled world. He will need to get it together as the balance of each power keeps tipping. What challenges await him? How strong are the threats? Will he be able to cope with the sheer inconvenience of spontaneously transporting/reincarnating/transmigrating into different worlds to answer a soul call? How strong will he become? How long will the chapters be for that world before going back to his main? --------------------------------------- The MC may be a reincarnated soul, but because I wanted him to fully integrate himself into that world, he retains the personality he cultivated in the world. I'm not some 4D chess kinda dude, so the antagonists and all those cunning people in said animes will maybe fall short so I'll try my best. He will obviously have bullshit luck and stuff. ---------------------------------------- Alright, so critique is welcome. Please Comment as well. I'll do my best to upload. It might be looking like either 3 or 4 chapters a week, that's the goal. 2 would be the minimum. If you wanna join my discord, here it is: https://discord.gg/fDkpHrbP ---------------------------------------- This is a Fanfiction. I do not claim ownership or credit of any of the works here or their characters, only My OCs, so go support the authors of those light novels/manga. I also do not claim ownership of the art for the cover page, lmk if you find them.

Luigi_Lightning · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 33: Sacrifice & Salvation...

Kuroka's POV 

"We'll come and fetch you for the next experiment soon perhaps. These other fusions are taking up most of my time, so make yourself useful and continue practicing. Now, hurry up and get out of here! Your presence will distract me!"


It hurts. 

It burns me from the inside. But it's okay, I can endure. It'll be worth it. I'll prove capable and then they'll forget.

They'll forget, won't they?

I hope they do. I'll put up with all their despicable experiments to ensure her safety. They promised me.

But the doubts continue to grow within me the longer I'm here.

The groans and wails of pain eching around this section of the mansion are frightening. What could they be doing? There is far less yokai, are they also getting experimented on? Why? What would be the purpose of those terror-filled wails though, the injection doesn't hurt that bad, right? Unless they are purposefully making it painful, their cruelty is obvious and they see us as nothing more than tools. 

Their eyes are scary. I suppress the shudder as I continue making my way down the hallway, pressing down my ears as I hear the scratches and pain-filled groans of what seem to be people shuffling around the rooms. It sounds like they're immobile or can hardly move around, and sometimes the rooms dampen the noise, but it's obvious explosions of some kind of attack are set off at random. 

What... could it be?

I shake my head. They made it explicitly clear to never ask or question anything. To suppress my curiosity if I know what's good for me and my sister. I almost lashed out when they said that, but I reigned myself in. But I swear if they dare lay a finger on her… 

I reignite that resolve within myself as I near the bedroom I share with my dear sister. I have to look fine. Who am I kidding? I've already started to lose the strength to talk… to smile… to laugh… to eat… I just sleep the day and night away while I watch Shirone play silently with a sad expression on her face. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry… 

Though I am growing stronger and approaching my dear 'master's' strength, it doesn't change the fact I am neglecting my time with Shirone… The injections sap the stamina out of me and I have to sleep in order to properly cycle the power. 

She knows something is wrong, but I suppose she doesn't want to seem like a bother… such a foolishly thoughtful sister. 

"Hey Shirone-chan… I'm back… nya…" I force out a smile, in spite of the pain. I can hardly remember the day when I started using the nya when I speak, but it perks up my sister, so I don't stop. 

"Nee-san! Can you play with me… today?" She looks up at me with those golden eyes filled with hope and it tears me apart since I will have to turn her down… again… The pain is far more intense this time, they changed the dosage and infused some questionable experimental liquid as well...

"Aha, sorry Shirone-chan… training really wore me down today nya… I'll play with you… soon," I said as I stretched out my hand to pat her silky white hair, but stopped mid-way when the pain caused me to flinch so I retracted my hand only to be faced with Shirone's disappointed face. I'm sorry...

"I understand… I'll be a good girl and wait, nee-san…" she said with a small innocent smile, but I could see the hidden sadness in her narrow cat pupils. 

I could only watch as she headed towards her toys in a gloomy manner while I looked down and started heading towards my bed. Flopping down on the mattress and letting… sleep… take over... 

Days passed by and they never called for me. I was able to play with Shirone for quite some time, but the dreaded time came at last. I sensed a presence near our room and a voice called out to me. 

"Kuroka! It's time for your training! Get out here! We're behind schedule as it is... Dammit... More failures, but soon soon we will see some results..." 

I hear my obnoxious devil master, Krever Naberius, call out to me. I was in the middle of a nap with Shirone, but I couldn't make him wait so I reluctantly opened my eyes and with grace befitting of myself leaped out of my little sister's arms and landed at the front of the door. I turn to look at her face that sniffs the air, so I quickly go to her and pat her head. 

I curse in my head over his incessant yelling that prompted me to get up and disturb her. She begins nodding off once again, but not before I hear her mutter, 'Hurry back nee-san.' I smile and turn to the door once again.

"It's about time you got out of bed, damn cat. We don't have the whole night, let's get this over with in order to see the results," he said with a sickening smile on his face when I opened the door and stepped outside, carefully closing it to not make any noise. He is no doubt feeling giddy over almost making a breakthrough or does he want to try something new? He gets like this sometimes and I shudder at the people who get in his way or subjected to the experiments. 

I followed him down the hall on the other side where the scientist did the experiments. I was curious, but then I began to remember when we entered his office. I reigned in my fear as I closed the door behind me and took a glance at what he was doing. He was standing by one of the shelves that make up this room and a bit away from his desk which was placed at the back, in front of the entrance. 

He proceeded to tap multiple books on the shelf, and before I knew it, multiple magic circles illuminated the room before opening up the secret entrance to the underground research facility that I had come to personally know at the beginning of my 'trials.'

"Hurry up, I want to see if the labor of that bastard is actually worth it. If not, we will have to restart this whole thing," he said with bubbling anger at the mere mention of restarting the experiments.

"...Yes…" I choke out, not because of pain but because I'm trying to resist the temptation of killing him and fleeing together with Shirone. It should be possible, right? I got stronger after the last dosage, but why are we back here? This is also usually reserved for when he wants to fus- Oh no... 

I start to tremble. But anger begins to cloud my eyes when I remember his sick smile when he threatened to use Shirone. 

Power surged forth from within me, and I could feel my magical power overpowering this pathetic excuse of a master in front of me. Perhaps I'm around a High-class Devils power? I am already proficient with Senjutsu and Youjutsu and with the addition of this, I'll be able to strengthen it… though my control over this power will need to be adjusted…

"Dammit!! Dammit!! What the fuck are you doing?! Don't just waste it like that! It'll destabilize the whole thing! What a failure! You've become unstable, even if we continue you will stay at this power level and will not be able to reach Satan class! Hurry up and take a seat, this incompetent scientist is going to infuse a compatible phantom and demon into you. It wasn't easy keeping them trapped, but demonic energy seemed to appease them somewhat...." He practically shouted and I had to press my sensitive ears down and only opened them when he began mumbling incoherently about finally being able to achieve something today if all went well.

I hesitantly took a seat, ready to lash out at a moment's notice, and at the corner of my eye, I saw a man standing before two energy-powered cages. One housed a peculiar spirit-like cat thing with swirling rounded eyes, a wide grin, and a gnashing purr. It glowed blue and was a silver-ish white color with comical whiskers that appeared painted on. The other was black as the night, an eerie thing with ghost-like whisps around it, its mouth took up most of its face and was eerily grinning in my direction. Its eyes were as black as the void with the faintest of red as pupils. It had floating claws at the sides of its body its neck being thin and long and its body elongated with serrated spines running along its back. It was terrifying. 

They were both intently watching my every move as I controlled my breathing from my seat. The man then began to chant in some strange garbled language and the cages glowed an eerie blue color with wisps of violent red. The two specter things inside froze for a moment, as if they were suspended, and then began shrieking in distorted voices, I practically yelped and yowled at the incessant and painful noise, slammed down on my ears with my hands and any sort of cover as I tried to drown it out, to no avail. 

After what felt like years, the cries stopped and all that was left in the cages were globs of the former monsters that appeared to try to reform to their original form, but failed when the cages lit up. Rage and hatred were boiling within their eyes, no longer were they staring at me, but at the two men who were there before me. 

"Fiesty fuckers aren't they. Gotta be thankful we were able to nab a brilliant mind like you to understand that ancient tongue, who knows how hard it would've been. Usually, the fusing would be far more crude, but well only the best get to be used like this with yokai as the main body and the phantom and demon as the attachments. I wonder what form it'll take," He turned his cruel gaze onto me and I shivered at the void inside of them. He was insane. I then turned to the other but it was much the same, he saw me only as a tool to progress his research, and no longer was I viewed as a living breathing being. 

As I began to hyperventilate, my ears twitched at my 'masters' next words. "Heh, in the end, it's too good to pass up... look at how far you've gotten, guess we'll have to use that sister of yours and continue to improve the experiments," he said in a crazed voice. 

I froze. No longer listening to the ramblings as my eyes pulsed with power, my claws extended and ripped the seat handles. He paid no attention to me and the scientist was busy looking over the two cages to pay any sort of attention to me. What the hell did he say?

Shirone will be used too...

He promised.

No, that was a lie. I knew he was lying through his teeth, but I held out that hope that he was going to honor it if I got stronger and forgot all about her.

The rage that bubbled within me that had simmered for all those years when he conducted those experiments was let out as well as my continuous surge in power, suppressing the idiots before me. You won't touch her. You will never lay a hand on her. Not now, not ever.

They were staring at me with wide eyes, their pale faces were trembling, but courage seemed to seep into them when used their own power to try to suppress my own. Foolish.

Do you really think that's enough with how far you took me as an experiment? You yourself know how strong I have become so why are you laughing? Did you forget your little concoction that you had me injected with days ago??

I slowly got up, my full killing intent on the fools who were trying and failing to stand up to me.

Were you looking forward to inflicting pain upon us…? Do you want to die that badly…?

But those questions never left my mouth, I had no words to say to them and I would rather not listen to anything else. 

I'll kill you both. 

I'll kill you…

Red lit up my worlds as the growth continued, the two blobs seemed to become agitated and used the volatile energy I was emitting to escape, absorbing it and steadily breaking the cages. Hatred oozed off of them, but they seemed to be looking farther away at an invisible enemy with the occasional glance our way as if designating us snacks for later. I put it out of my mind and my attention was back on the old men. Who cares if they escaped? As long as I kill these two and anyone else in my way, my sister will be safe.

Steadily, the restraints they had placed upon me broke like shattering glass. My newfound power began to ooze out of me, overloading my surroundings and overpowering theirs. 

My eyes were locked on the insane bastards. My pressure locked them in place and as I tilted my head down, my hair obscured my face and by any indication of their rising fear my eyes might've been glowing eerily. I will protect her. I took a step.

I'll do whatever it takes. Another step.

Even if it means killing my own master. The final step. And being branded a stray. I lift up my claws, pump them with my power, and bring them down mercilessly. I see a flash at the corner of my eye and I panic thinking it's their reinforcements, but no, through that tiny gap, I make out a reptilian-like claw with a beautiful blue glow, striking the bastards in front of me in tandem with my claw. I felt the blood splash, painting the walls, me and the newcomer. I felt no guilt in swiping the life out of my tormentor, but a weird feeling welled up because it was kind of interrupted by someone else. I'm glad they didn't stop me, and as my eyes adjusted it was a young boy, around my age with distinct facial features. Emerald green eyes, that appeared to have a slit-like pupil, a bouncing ahoge, fangs, and some scales covering him, but who is he? 

Before I could ask, I heard his firm voice resound throughout the room, not directed at me- at least not the first part- but to the bastard lying dead before us.

"Disgusting, you actually enjoyed doing these inhumane experiments and took pleasure in their pain? What's your problem?! Just because of your greed… ah right I killed him already… Ahem, sorry for intervening, I'm Ryu. But this is for the best, I was able to disguise your magic signature since if you had killed him by yourself the Satans would've been notified and you would've been branded a stray devil. So, by killing him together I was able to disguise it as some experimental accident. It would've not only put you in danger but your sister as well, if you had left her. But tell me, was leaving really your only plan? Anger clouded your judgment, which of course I don't blame you for, but it's important to keep in mind what you want to protect if you do get caught up in your emotions. You're Nekoshou right, you should be in tune with nature and feel the auras of others so don't let your guard down," was what the boy, Ryu, said as he stood over my former master's corpse. Though his voice carried power and grace, he looked less intimidating because of his twitching ahoge on top of his head. 

I... I could've… no he's right… What's the point of mastering Senjutsu and Youjutsu if I can't properly control myself… Protecting her now… is just short-term… if I had left her alone…. I…

As I was getting lost in my own self-deprecating thoughts, I felt a sharp sting on my cheeks and a shout, "Hey! I know you must be reflecting or criticizing yourself but we have to get to your sister and then get out of here. I know it's all overwhelming, and you may not trust the words of a stranger but I am here to help you both and escape this place."

He's right. I can't wallow in my own thoughts. I have to think about Shirone. I have to… trust my instincts on this one about him… 

"Okay! Let's go… nya!" He only nods and lets go of my face. But as I take a step forward I hear a sickening crunch and blood splatters on my face, not mine but his, and before I could shout, he yells out, "SHIT, this fucker had something in place?! Jibril come quickly, get these two out of here!" 

All around us hundreds of magical circles surrounded us, no, not us, but the body that had morphed into an abomination made up of slime that had its sharpened teeth shut firmly on Ryu's arm. He was wincing in pain, but I could do nothing. Move your body! Help him!

He began muttering something, but the circles below us lit up fiercely as they engulfed the man who was supposed to be dead. He didn't stop though and a moment later, brilliant crimson flames lit up his arm with golden sparks of light illuminating the area as it bathed the grotesque slime-like body of the abomination. It wailed and burned as flakes of its being wasted away, but it kept on regenerating and as it did a rumbling sounded as the magical circles ceased lighting him up. Portals sprang to life as countless beings with human-slime-like appearances dived into my former master's body, fusing with him as crazed laughter echoed all around us. 

Different types of beings manifested around us, but paid us no heed. Specter-like forms with wailing faces, distorted animals with elongated limbs, phantom-like creatures with the appearances of humans yet they appeared to be glitching, and then some eerily smiling abominations that cackled with maddening glee as they dove into the blob that started getting bigger. 

"W-we have to r-run R-ryu! It's not safe, let's go!" I shouted at the boy when he finally got the thing to let him go. But he turned to me seriously, wincing at every moment all the while.

"Someone will pick you up, I can't... let this stay in this world. I have to purge it. I have to cleanse it, I have to purify their souls... You can feel it can't you, their wails of terror and cries for help..." He said with a sorrowful gaze. I turned my attention to the being and he was right, I could feel the souls that were trapped. Conscious but trapped in an ooze that prevented their escape. It was pitiful, but this is dangerous! What if...

"Jibril, thanks for getting her too, now take her and get out of here. Make sure to hide back home, not sure how long this will take..." I heard him say. Before I could protest I was floating with a terrified-looking Shirone and an angel-like pretty woman who looked concerned at Ryu. "But master, I can smite this and be done with i-"

He only turned back to the abomination and firmly said, "Go," And as she was preparing some sort of spatial spell, I heard the whisper of his voice carried over to me, "Not when they're pleading for help. I gotta answer their call..."

hello hello!

this one was faster only because I already had content for it and I only needed to expand and change it up a bit. It was supposed to be split pov, but I was like nah, let's go with everything being in Kuroka's pov.

what do you guys think about it? Any suggestions? I like it and I like her voice, but anything I should add or expand on, like certain things about the experiment?

anyways the other chapters will be a breeze too since its actionish, but we'll see.

sorry if it takes a while though.

hope you guys like them!


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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