
Dxd I have a training simulator

The story of a 'what if' Riser against Issei and married Rias.

Amp_Onup · Cómic
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12 Chs

9. Phoenix vs Dragon

In the artificial space made for Rating Game. The sky and ground were covered it cracks, however it still barely stayed together.

After that last final attack thrown into each other, the entire space shook and nearly got casted into the Dimensional Space due to the sheer pressure.

Thankfully Maou Sirzechs swiftly made a move and helped Grayfia reinforce the artificial space, but even they barely manage to hold on.

At the middle of the battlefield there is no visible buildings or trees that remained, only a single person that remained standing after ending that final clash.

The person who remained standing is a handsome blondeman that looked like in his twenties. His whole body is covered in extreme hellfire. Wings, claws, and talons, manifested of fire from hell in his body making him look like a deity.

The man looked like he doesn't even suffered any wounds from that intense attack earlier.

"Rias Gremory the King retires. Winner Riser Phenex."

Grayfia's voice signaled the end of the game.


In the place where the Gremory and Phenex houses watched the game, they just witnessed an entire spectacle.

"I'd say that Riser-kun really surprised me. Are you aware to the extent of his power Lord Phenex?" The Gremory head, Zeoticus Gremory, said to the man beside him.

"I'm aware that he's hiding something based on his Rating Games. But I didn't knew he reached such a level." The Phenex Head gave his honest impression.

Riser Phenex has just achieved something his ancestors had never been able to do before. Where members of the Phenex bloodline would transform exactly the same as the Legendary fire Bird in the legends, the Phoenix.

It's a power different from his eldest brother who were also called a genius.

"Though that may be, your daughter has a good servant. He's the bearer of that Sacred Gear isn't he?"

"Welsh Dragon. I couldn't believe that that loathesome existence actually came to our side until I saw it." Gremory head acknowledged it.

A terrifying existence has joined the side of the devils.

"To overcome such a trial to face the Welsh Dragon and the powers of Destruction, your son is impressive to achieve that feat."

"I'm proud that he's my son."


The next day.

With the help of advanced technology and healing magic, the participants of the game were able to stand up on their feet the very next day.

In front of the vanity mirror, Rias saw herself dressed in white.

"It's an engagement party, but this is a wedding dress right?"

"That's correct."

Whoosh a large teleportation magic circle appears from the ground and handsome man in a tuxedo appeared.

"Lord Riser, you mustn't. This is off-limits to men."

"Don't be strict, I just want to be the first person to see my bride dressed like this." Riser approached.

"I am not your bride yet." Rias said.

"Hmph, you suffered defeat in the Rating Game and lost the bet. It's only the matter of time before the marriage arrangement." Riser said.

"Well then I already get what I came for, I'll see you again later."

And the he teleported away.


In a huge hall that seem larger than the entire Kuoh field, the place is decorated well with chandeliers and candles.

The whole place are filled with High class Devils invited from all over the Underworld. There are delicious high quality food and drinks served around too.


Then suddenly out of nowhere, a shout echoed through the entire hall. It gathers all the attention of the Devils around the hall.

"Issei." Rias looked shocked seeing him.

"Keke, even with that overwhelming defeat you suffered, I knew you would come Hyoudou Issei." Riser snickered.

Rias heard him murmuring to himself. She alsowas surprised looking at him. Riser knew that Issei would come?

"To all the Hugh class Devils here! And Buchou's brother, Maou-sama! My name is Hyoudou Issei from Kuoh Academy! I have arrived to take back Buchou, Rias Gremory-sama!"

"Hey, you! Do you know where this is–..."

"Issei-kun, Leave this to us!" Kiba said, he's wearing a white tuxedo which just made him even more handsome.

"You are late." Koneko who's wearing a cute dress also came.

"Ara ara~ you finally showed up." Akeno who is wearing an expensive looking kimono comes in to stop the guards as well.

"Buchou–Rias Gremory-sama's virginity belongs to me!!"

"So you came... Hyoudou Issei." Riser snickered, predicting that the plot is still gonna go despite the different ways the Rating Game ended.

"What's the meaning of this, Riser?!"

"Hey, Lady Rias. What's the meaning of this?"

Relatives and authorized people are making unsettled faces and they are panicking.

"It's an event I organized." Sirzechs came to step in.

"Onii-sama?" Rias looked shocked.

"I wanted to see the power of the Dragon, so I asked Grayfia."

"Sirzechs-sama?! You can't do something irresponsible like this!" A person among the crowd complained.

"So Sirzechs-sama, you are saying that the last game wasn't fair?"

"No, no, not at all. If a Maou such as myself says such a thing, then I would be making the old nobles look bad. The connection between the Hugh class Devils is important after all." Sirzechs says with a smile.

"The Sirzechs, What do you want to do about it?" A middle aged man with a crimson hair asks the Maou. He's the current Gremory Head, Zeoticus Gremory.

"Father. I want to make my cute little sister's engagement party into a flashy one. Dragon versus Phoenix. Don't you think it's having a battle between legendary creatures. There aren't any entertainment that can surpass this."

Everyone in the hall seems silent with the Maou's words.

"Dragon user-kun, you have our permission. Riser, can you show your power once more right in front of Rias and I?" Sirzechs said.

'So they became aware of the power I once last showed off during the game. Maybe they want to see the full extent of it's power.' Riser gave a fearless smile.

The Super Phoenix transformation is something that he acquired for hundreds of years of training in the simulator. Riser achieved to awaken his bloodline's potential and manifest it into his own power.

"Very well. There is no way I can decline Sirzechs-sama asks me. I will show this last performance that I'm worthy as a groom." Riser said with full confidence.

"Dragon user-kun,what prize do you want when you win the match?"


"What are you saying?!"

Several relatives starts criticizing Sirzech's offer.

"He's a Devil, so we need to give him something fitting for it since we are asking him to do something for us. Now then. I can give you anything. A peerage? Or the most beautiful woman?" Sirzechs asked Issei ignoring the protest of the people around him.

"I ask you to give Rias Gremory-sama back." Issei answered.

Sirzechs made a smile when he answered without any pause.

"Very well. If you win, you may take Rias with you." Sirzechs gave his full approval.

"Then Sirzechs-sama, if my opponent could get rewarded for this, then to be fair can I presumptuously asked for a reward myself then?" Riser asked respectfully, but is subtly aggressive for this one.

In the original, Riser didn't ask for any rewards when he wins this fight. It might be because he's too arrogant, or Riser didn't want to appear too greedy with the Maou and might invite his displeasure.

"I suppose that would be fair. Tell me Riser, what do you want as a reward." Sirzechs asked unhesitatingly.

Riser smiled after getting what he wanted. He will benefit greatly from this.

"Then in addition of having the Gremory's backing when we consummate this marriage, I would also like to ask Sirzechs Lucifer-sama's to sponsor me, Riser." Riser said.

"My word!"

"Riser's request is little too much, but as devils it's greatly beneficial for him."

As a High class Devil, Riser is restricted by the rules and traditions of the old nobles. However if he had a personal backing of the Maou, then a lot of small problems would be away.

Sirzechs as the Maou couldn't explicitly support Riser even if he became his brother-in-law, since Sirzechs is a Lucifer not a Gremory.

Now if Riser could win this, then this will greatly benefit Riser's status and influence in the Devil's faction. He might even get promoted to an Ultimate class.

"I see, is that so. Then you have my word."


The center of the Hall was cleared in a hurry.

The Devils in the hall standing on the side watching with keen eyes.

Rias's servants are sitting in the same place with her. Sirzechs sat nest to Rias.

On the other hand at the Phenix House's side have Riser's family relatives, the servants, and Ravel his adorable little sister there.

Rise confronts Issei in the middle of the space. He had a confident face.

"Please start!"

The devil in charge of the battle gave the signal to start the match.

Riser's aura rose as wings of fire and talons on his feet manifested. His hands covered with fire pointed at his opponent's left arm that has already transformer into a Sacred Gear.

"I already know all you're capable of. A Sacred Gear that keeps doubling the power of the user, the Boosted Gear. It seems you also gain a new power that can transfer your multiplied power into an object or your allies." Riser said.

In the Rating Game the function to give his allies the multiplied power shocked the audience to the core. After all that kind of power is absurd, and can only belong to the legendary Longinous class Sacred Gears. But they didn't expect that Riser could still manage to emerge victorious, which gave them relief in their hearts.

"Buchou, I will finish it in 10 seconds." Issei said.


Rias made a doubtful face.

"You sure talk big for someone who just lost before. Well I sure do look forward to this." Riser said sarcastically.

Issei grits his teeth madly.

"Buchou! Please allow me to use promotion here!"

Rias nods at his request.

"Promotion! QUEEN!"

A surge of demonic power came into Issei, his aura rose sharply. However it's a trifling amount to even be a threat for Riser.

"Buchou! I don't have the talent with sword like Kiba! I'm not a genius like Akeno-san at using Demonic Power! I don't have a crazy strength like Koneko-chan, nor do I have a heaking power like Asia! Even still, I will become the strongest Pawn!"

"For you, I will even beat God! With this Boosted Gear! My only weapon! I will make sure that I will protect you!"

"Shiiiine!! OVERBOOST!!"

"Welsh Dragon over booster!!"

Issei is now equipped with Red Armor from head to toe.

"Kuhahahaha!!" Riser laughed like full villain.

"Really impressive, Rias's Pawn. To stand here before me once again to fight for your master's sake, I admire your courage." Riser made an exaggerated applause with the clapping sound echoing the entire hall.

Issei made a puzzled look at Riser's friendly words.

"There's no need to be hostile with each other so much isn't it? Once I marry Rias, we're ultimately going to end up in the same family after all. Rias's Pawn, tell me your name." Riser said.

Issei was a little surprised by Riser's attitude.

From the beginning he was only thinking of Riser as an enemy that needs to be defeated in order to grant Rias's wish to break off the wedding.

Though Issei was super envious of Riser's harem of female servants, Riser wasn't a hateful guy. Riser is just another lecher like him. Plus he's also a very devilishly handsome man.

Ultimately the only negative feelings Issei had for Riser is jealousy. Riser didn't kiss his female servants in the clubroom just like what happened in the anime and humiliated him so there are no deep grudges with each other.

"My name is, Hyoudou Issei! And I will be the one to kick your ass so that won't happen, Riser Phenex!" Issei declared.

"Hmph, I shall remember your name. However, whether you can snatch my woman from me or not depends if you have the ability or not!"

"Hyoudou Issei, I haven't forgotten how you insulted the Phenex name. And for that you shall be punished for your foolish actions. I shall show you the might of the Immortal Phenex!" Riser's aura intensified. Now there's a layer of deep orange aura covering his body, his forehead began to ingite into flames and his eyes made an unfathomable glow in them.


When the countdown started, the Issei in scale mail armor conjured a massive demonic power on his palms. It was so enourmous it took half the size of the entire hall. It even shocked Issei, he immediately shoots it to Riser right away.

"Trifling attack." Riser said didn't even takinh the attack seriously.

Riser's right fist glowed with burning heat and punched straight into the mass of demonic energy destroying it directly with his bare fist.


Seeing that his attack were ineffective, Issei charges straightforward to Riser. The propeller behind his back gave him a massive boost of explosive speed giving him G forces.

Riser outs up a battle stance and took the charge head on and proceeds to give a big headbutt to the helmet of the armor.


The sound of steel crashed to another hard object echoes.

Issei flew away and crashed into the wall and created a huge hole. His helmet received a huge crack barely keeping itself together.

Meanwhile Riser remained unscathed from that intense crash.

"Amazing, I never thought that Phenex brat could take this much power head on." Ddraig who is secretly observing the battle from the Sacred Gear looks impressed.


Issei got up immediately shaking off the damage with pure willpower.

"Sekiryuutei, looks like that's all the power you've got." Riser's aura changed emitting rainbow color. His demonic aura changed in quality as everybody in the hall could feel it in their skin.

A giant pair of wings of fire appears on Riser's back, there's a whirlwind of fire surrounding him making the entire hall like a true living hell.

It's so strong that the Devils in this hall created a barrier to protect themselves from collateral damage. They could barely even keep it up.

"Prepare to get burned to ashes."

"The fire of the immortal bird Phoenix can also leave massive damage to the scale of the Dragons. It isn't a good idea to continue being hit by it." Ddraig gave his advice to Issei.

"There's no way that I will perish from a crappy fire like yours!" Issei ran towards him while shouting.

The propeller behind his back releases fire made up of demonic power.

Riser also boosts himself forward with a flap of his massive wings.

Issei made a direct hit to Riser's face, the impact caused by his punch shook the entire hall.

Riser's punch wrapped in hellfire also hits Issei's face,cracking the face of his helmet even more.

At the centere of the hall, Riser and Issei started exchanging punches. Blow after blow exchanges like a huge storm just appeared.


As they continued to exchange blows, Riser sensed danger upcoming from Issei's next punch.

Riser repositioned himself, and proceeds to counter with a spinning kick with flaming talons clashing directly with the punch.

"A cross. So you have a cross. You've really done it now." Riser charges his right palm with his aura creating dense fire that it looked similar to a mini sun. "Don't you think badly of me Hyoudou Issei-kun."


Riser drove it straight to Issei's breastplate and it plunges it, burning it from the inside. The red armor disappeared leaving Issei's body unprotected.

The cross that seemed to have been knocked of during the pervious attack flew from his grasp.

"Guhaa!!" Issei vomits out a chunk of blood from that attack as he suffered internal damage.

"Hey Dragon Emperor! What's the meaning of this? It hasn't been ten seconds yet! Why has the armor disappeared?! Wait, are you telling me the price I paid only let me use it this much?" Issei complained to Ddraig internally.

"No. The price you paid to attain my power was enough. But that last attack that Phoenix boy gave you exceeds the damage capacity of the Armor." Ddraig said.

"Give me the armor one more time! What do I have to pay this time? My eyes? My leg? I will give you anything?!"

"Using the armor in this short period of time is impossible for you now." Ddraig's words dashed all hopes Issei had.


Issei was grabbed strongly on his collar. Riser lifted him up from the ground while having his neck choked. It's painful.

Riser smiles at him sarcastically.

"I praise for doing this well Hyoudou Issei. You really did well. However if only you hadn't provoked me and atepted to snatch my woman, you wouldn't have to suffer like this." Riser said.

"I have already taught you a lesson, and I'm already satisfied. I will also forgive your transgression of bringing a cross in this. I will train you after I became Rias's groom. You will become a strong Devil. You dreamt to have a harem for yourself didn't you? I'll also teach you that."

Issei couldn't even move his mouth to answer back.

"Now it's time to put you to sleep. You will lose consciousness for a short while. By the time you wake up, the ceremony would have finished safely. You don't want to suffer any more than this right?"

Issei reached out from his pocket sneakily. And he brought out a small bottle of holy water.

"Over there, it should be Holy Water right?"

Issei's eyes felt that his plan was found out, but he still didn't give up.

Riser snatched the Holy Water from Issei.

"I'll show you how trifling all of your efforts to me."



"What are you doing Riser?! Put that down right away!"

Riser opened the cover and poured it straight on his mouth.

Every Devils from the hall gasped in shock and they became loud. For Devils, Holy Water are fatal poison to their existence that could kill them without a trace.

Issei was shocked that Riser voluntarily ingested the Holy Water. Seeing the opportunity Issei transferred the remaining doubling power from his Dragon Hand into the effects of the Holy Water.

However everyone looked at Riser in shock once again. He didn't scream or even flinched a little consuming the Holy Water directly and remained unfazed.

"Ahh, such a low level Holy Water will only extinguish my Stamina and Will. If it was any other Devils they might have already perished, but you've picked the wrong Devil to use it on." Riser laughed throwing the bottle on the ground.

His stamina and willpower oafter hundreds of years of simulated training has already been so enormous an ordinary Holy Water couldn't extinguish it all. That's the result of tempering himself for hundreds of years.

"Now sleep."