
DxD: Heavenly Life

A young man suddenly wakes up in a forest. With nothing but a money-grubbing system for company. Gods? Devils? Angels? Monsters? Humans getting dunked on? "Truly, Poverty is a Shinobi's greatest enemy..." Mutters a voice in despair. Desclaimer: I do not own. Naruto. Neither do I own hush school dxd. Don't forget to comment and suggest.

MechanicalHeart101 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Chapter 11: Am I in Naraka? (Part 3)

Hey guys.

New chapter here. Extra long as an apology for being away for a while. Don't forget to comment.

Hope you enjoy. Peace!


"The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history." - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel


Raito P.O.V:

'I-is this heaven?'

How strange... I am fairly certain that I took a train to the underworld. How could a sight so beautiful exist down here?

Jewels of every hue adorn the treasure trove, their facets catching the light and scattering it like a kaleidoscope of color. Rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and diamonds glimmer amidst piles of precious gemstones, their beauty rivaling that of the stars themselves. Golden coins and artifacts lay interspersed among the gems, their ethereal glow adding to the overwhelming sense of wealth.

Everything a poor and humble Shinobi like me could ever dream of.

Heck, I doubted the average Jonin back home had seen this much gold in their lifetime.

My heart thrummed with desire, but first things first. The mission always comes first.

Glancing around the room, I ignored its second occupant as she attempted to reach a wisp, only for it to dexterously evade her grasp and move further away. This, however, did not seem to dampen her enthusiasm judging by how she immediately made another attempt.

The vault was rather large, thus it took a while. However, I soon found my target.

The [Phenex Tears].

To give a physical description, it appeared as a strange-looking liquid contained in small, transparent vials. Little in quantity, consisting of small, translucent droplets with a faint golden hue, reminiscent of liquid sunlight captured within such a fragile vessel.

The limited quantity in each vial made me question...

"Do members of the Phenex house really need to cry in order to make these?" I muttered aloud...

Apparently not quietly enough because my hostage, in a much happier mood, immediately responded with a chirp.

"Momma said it's a family secret." Was the reply directly from beside me.

'How foolish.' It appears that she thinks this is some sort of game... Maybe I could use this to my benefit. Thus, I play along.

Hopefully, something would slip.

"Really? Why?" I asked.

"Because it's special." She replied like it was common knowledge. However, at my questioning look, she expatiated.

"Momma said that if we tell, we would lose what makes us special because bad people would come and take it away."

That is true. I have to admit.

"Oh." I replied, visibly surprised. "It is quite an impressive thing." I took out a scroll from beneath my shroud.

"Your mother must be a smart person." I idly commented as I worked, silently edging her to keep talking by pretending I was interested.

"Yup! She's the smartest person in the world." She chirped happily, giving an expected yet obviously wrong answer like it was the truest thing in the world.

"She sounds like she cares about you a lot," I continued, hoping to draw more out of her. "What else does she teach you?"

"She teaches me everything! Like how to read and write, and even some magic tricks," she said with a proud smile. "Momma says I have a special gift and I need to learn how to use it properly."

"Magic tricks, huh?" I replied, feigning interest. "Can you show me one?"

The girl's eyes sparkled with excitement as she nodded vigorously. "Okay! Watch this!" She held out her tiny hands and concentrated.

A small flame flickered into existence before dancing across her fingertips.

It dexterously moved between her fingers before coming to a stop, and then with a cute scowl of concentration on her face, the flame flared up to twice its size in magnitude and intensity.

For a moment, the flame wavered dangerously, its heat radiating stronger, threatening to grow out of control. Panic flickered in her eyes, but she quickly regained her composure. With a deep breath, she focused intently, and the flame shrank back to its original size before disappearing entirely.

I watched, a bit impressed despite myself. "That's amazing. You really do have a gift." First time I've seen such usage of demonic magic up close. Of course, not counting the cases where the user was trying to kill me.

That level of ease in manipulation of an element would be all but impossible for children her age back home. Heck, some Genin wouldn't have the skill required.

Of course, there was the fact that devil magic runs on imagination, thus making it a bit unfair of me to compare.

It also made me a bit thankful that people back home didn't have access to something like this.

In the end, a child was a child, and a Shinobi was a Shinobi.

"Thank you!" She beamed, the flame disappearing as quickly as it had appeared. "Momma says I'll be really powerful one day, just like her." She beamed, and I responded with an idle 'Hn.'

Losing interest, I continued my inspection of this very large vault.

Walking around, I fell into a comfortable rhythm of tossing anything interesting I found into scrolls. 

'Scrolls have a maximum volume. A pity. I only have a limited number of empty ones left. You can't seal a scroll inside another scroll, and traveling light is always advisable...' I sighed as I gazed longingly at all the remaining unstolen treasures scattered everywhere. I knew I wouldn't be able to take it all.

Still, both hostage and thief fell into a comfortable lull with the latter ignoring the former while occasionally responding with a few grunts and 'Hn's.'

It would likely have gone on for a while longer, but then...

Then she asked something that made me stop in my tracks.

"What about you, don't you have a Momma?" She asked curiously.


As she posed the question, her words hung in the air.

At that moment, a picturesque scene came to the forefront of my mind unbidden. It was accompanied by a flood of uncomfortable sensations, as my body forcibly recalled something that it shouldn't have.


'Red. A mane of red. The most beautiful color I had ever seen.'

Red. Her hair was red. Mine was black like His.

Her red hair was the reason we were not allowed to stay together.

Yet as I sat on her lap overlooking the village from our own little corner, she began to hum.

It wasn't any fancy song, and it was one I had heard countless times before.

Speaking of a bright red star who had lost its way.

I idly wondered if that star was red enough to compare with her.

As she stroked my hair and hummed, I felt myself drifting, carried away on the gentle currents of her voice. Each word was a gentle caress, soothing away the cares.

I forgot that tomorrow would come, and then He would come.

Tomorrow would come, and I would be taken away.

I would be enrolled in the Shinobi Academy.

I would not just graduate; I would perform outstandingly well as was the responsibility of a clan heir candidate.

I would eventually become a pillar of the Clan.

Tomorrow would come, and we'd separate.

Yet at that moment...

I was at... peace?

Was this what peace felt like?


My accumulated years of experience in the art of walking suddenly faltered. My knees buckled for a moment, unable to support my weight. Thankfully, it was only for a second, and I got it back under control almost instantaneously.




Yet the damage was done.

I missed a step and stumbled into a shelf, nearly knocking it over.


Objects crashed to the ground around me, a cacophony of noise that echoed through the room.

And now I was in a bad mood. Seems like she has gotten too comfortable. I'll have no need for her once I'm done here.

I carefully kept a snarl off my face, instead channeling it into something more productive...

"[Shadow Clone Jutsu]."



'Two. That's how much I can spare.' I irritably thought.

Despite me keeping it concealed as much as possible, I'm sure she felt the shift in the mood, which is why she suddenly became a lot quieter.

Wordlessly, the clones got to work even without my input. There's no hesitation. Their task was already in mind from the moment of their creation.

With cautious steps, I approached the display, my fingers tingling with anticipation as I reached out to claim my prize. The artifact felt cool and smooth beneath my touch, its weight reassuring in my hand as I carefully lifted it from its pedestal.

"Alright, pick whatever you can and put them on the scroll in a pile." I instruct my hostage and she complies, nodding and rushing towards the closest Gold dune. She then returns with an armful of precious objects and dumps them on the scroll.

I ignore the way she gasps in amazement as the items disappear and leave only smoke.

Interested in the parlor trick, she rushes off to grab some more.

I watch speechlessly.

Whatever remaining discomfort I felt was quickly fading away at the thought of an occupant of the house so zealously helping a thief rob her own family.

'Back to work.'

/////// Intermission ///////

The clones and I worked in silence, our movements synchronized as they methodically filled the scrolls with the treasures of the vault.

I myself made may to the pedestal at the center of the room and took the few vials of precious liquid resting on top.

After carefully sealing them in a special scroll, I then continue to an inspection of the place. Like any sensible thief, I would normally book it immediately. However I have my clones looking out and they are the epitome of competence.

I trust them.





"Are you almost done?" Looks like someone has gathered their nerve again.

"Almost," I replied curtly, my focus unwavering. "I'll soon have no other use for you. Then you'll be free to go. Stay put." I instruct. I'm almost done here.

But then an alert from the transmission Jutsu comes in. And my clones hasten in their tasks.

'Damn you Clone two...' i inwardly curse.

Thirty seconds later, we are done. All scrolls are turned over to me and the clones disperse, each with a *Puff* in order to reduce the burden on my Chakra.

"Alright Blondie, here's what's going to happen. "

"Hnn. Don't call me blondie. I'm Ravel! Ravel Phenex."

"Ok Rovel." I inwardly derive a minute sense of satisfaction as her face scrunches up in frustration, however time is of the essence.

"I'm going to need your hand for a moment."

She absentmindedly obliges and extends her hand.


Faster than her eyes can track, a blade flashes and a small cut appears on her hand.

"Ow!" She yelps and attempts to withdraw her hand. But the deed is done.

A few drops of blood pools into a vial of ink and mixes. I let her hand go, idly noting the speed at which the wound vanishes.


It mends itself releasing steam in the process and is gone within the minute.

'The speed of regeneration is faster than Jinchuriki.' I observe as she runs her hand and fives me an admittedly cute teary-eyed glare.

"Sorry blondie."

Flashing a hand-sign a paintbrush appears in my hand with a puff of smoke. Using the brush, i stir the vial. The Red mixes into Black.

"But Daddy's here. And he doesn't look too pleased to see me." I offhandedly comment as I work attempting to increase my pace.

"Huh?" She questions tilting her head. However her query is answered in the next moment.


The solid vault door. The same one which had given me so much trouble earlier exploded inwards sending the heavy pieces of wood, stone and dust in our direction. I idly press her head downwards and crouch myself as the pieces fly over our heads, crashing into one of the many gold dunes behind sending gold, jewelry and gems cascading downwards in mini avalanches.

The dust coming from the entrance, washes over a majority of the vault causing me to lift up a section of my shroud, covering my mouth and nose.

My hostage Ravel Phenex isn't so lucky. She descends into a fit of coughs and I hear footsteps head in our direction.

Flashing another hand-sign a scroll appears in my hand with a puff of smoke.

Rapidly opening it, I smear a line of blood stained ink over the scroll covering the symbols and registering the DNA.

'A shame. This one took a bit of time to make...' I sigh regretfully. But it was necessary. Prideful and all, from what info I could gather from my now dismissed clones, Rosar Phenex, the girl's father, was admittedly formidable.

Closing the scroll, I flash a few more hand-signs and channel Chakra into the scroll. Multiple matrices activate in succession as the [Seal] begins its work.

'Its done. Now I just need to stall until its complete.'

The Scroll disappears in a puff of smoke.

I glanced around swiftly as the dust dispersed, my Sharingan glowing an ominous red as it inspected the various corners of the room, making out symbols that would have remained unseen to anyone else.

The footsteps were growing louder, more distinct.

"There they are!" he shouted, his voice booming. "Rescue the young Lady and Seize him!" someone commanded.

A group of armed guards stormed in, brandishing various weapons. Some stood back as magic circles appeared on their hands, poised in preparation but not firing just yet.

Finally, the dust settled.




And then he came in...

His eyes immediately locked onto us, narrowing with recognition and fury. However, compared to the guards, his seemed more... tempered.

The more zealous of the guards attempted to approach, led by what I guessed was their Captain. She was tall, young looking (twenties?) with a strange shade of blue hair and lividly purple eyes. Another observation of mine was that she was mad. Very much so. Yet it was a form of anger fueled by fear. She was... scared?

It puzzled me for a moment, but then I recalled the consequences for failing your duty down here. Well, not too much if you were a pure-blooded aristocrat. However, when you are a reincarnated devil, things are... different.

I hope I don't need to emphasize how different.

She was probably a reincarnated devil. I could sense strength equivalent to a high class from her. This didn't matter though; she had failed her duty because of a human of all beings.

Their value of their lives is directly tied to their masters' opinions, no matter how fickle they may be.

This operation has been exposed for too long. It could no longer be covered up using the usual methods.

I could practically read the DevilNews-TV headlines tomorrow:

"Traitorous Reincarnated Filth colludes with an outside faction, allowing a group of high-class human mages, all equipped with holy-aligned sacred gears, access to attack the Illustrious Phenex Manor. Attempt foiled single-handedly by Rosar Phenex in an immense display of mastery over the legendary Phoenix's Power. Perpetrators apprehended and executed a few hours ago.

Can the reincarnates still be trusted to have a more dominant place in devil society? Or will they always, at their core, be inferior creatures, always ungrateful despite the generosity bestowed by their masters?"

Maybe less wordy than that. I've noticed censorship and bias are a bit weaker down here.

Plus, no one would even ask how so many humans managed to make it all the way to the Phenex territory despite all the high-class pure-bloods manning their borders and train stations. Reincarnates take the L on this one.

Oh look. Is that resignation on her face?

"Halt, vermin! Surrender now, and you shall be given the relief of a swift death," she commanded, her voice quivering despite her attempts at firmness.

Never mind.

He motioned for his guards to stay back,

"You... I will deal with you later." The Phenex Head all but snarled at her. She nodded solemnly, the seriousness of the situation finally sinking in.

His presence exuding an air of unshakable authority. The guards, wary yet obedient, held their positions, their weapons still at the ready. The tension in the room was palpable, a silent standoff waiting for a single spark to ignite the chaos.

My Sharingan continued to spin, analyzing every possible move, every potential threat.

And then he spoke.

"So, you're the mongrel causing all this trouble." His voice was calm at firs, yet it carried an unmistakable authority. "A mere human daring to challenge the might of the Phenex family."

"Illusive as your abilities are, they will not save you here."

Rosar Phenex advanced towards me, slowly at first. Each step he took seemed to reverberate through the room, a prelude to the impending confrontation.

"You invade my territory..." His hands clenched into fists, sparking and releasing embers that scorched the hard earth beneath him, the ground hissing as it burned under his wrath.

"You steal from my family." His eyes blazed with an intense fury, burning blue like fire, casting eerie shadows on the walls. The heat radiated from him in waves, making the air shimmer.

Ironically, Ravel Phenex let out a whimper, quivering and hiding behind my form. I raise an eyebrow as I was reminded that she was still a child, despite the powerful legacy she carried. Besides, I have to admit. He did look pretty intimidating right now, a towering figure of rage and fire...

Yes. He is scary.




He doesn't measure up to the Bijuu.

Seeing his own daughter hiding from him only fueled his fury. I was suddenly impressed by devil physiology. That much aggression contained in one body would have given anyone a stroke. Any human at least.

"And now you endanger my daughter?" he roared, his fists igniting with a fierce, fiery aura that flared up around him like a living thing, snarling and snapping at the air.


The room began to quake, a small amount of loose debris falling from the ceiling, each piece hitting the ground with a soft thud. The walls trembled, and the intensity of Rosar's power seemed to pulse in sync with the quaking floor.

Ravel is left quivering like a particularly blonde chicken.

"I suppose an apology would not cut it..." I comment arms steadily hidden under my shroud brushing my pack, I idly count my remaining equipment and supplies. They were... enough.

Thus I can form a strategy.

"You will not live to see sunrise. I will deal with you myself. Honor yourself with that... Worm." and then, under the watch of all his guards, Rosar Phenex attacked.

I respond by turning back to my hostage. In a fluid motion, our eyes meet and my quick Genjutsu takes hold.

She stills as her pupils dilate.

Leaping forward over her in a somersault, I perform a twist in the air and round house kick her towards her father.

He hesitates at the figure flying towards him and that chance is all I needed.

By the time he could look back up after setting his daughters sleeping form on the ground, two balls roll towards his feet. They explode with surprising intensity for their diminutive forms, dousing the entire vault in smoke.




The spectating guards did not take it well. Hacking and coughing in confusion.

You kidding? There's no need for a fight with an Ultimate-class. Not necessary. Ive already completed my goal. Now, I could just get away.

I perform a hand seal. My clones are not just good thieves, they are good, multitasking thieves.


As the smoke clears, the walls come alive with a series of etched symbols stunning all who see with a mysterious form of beauty. But before they can be admired, they detonate and the ceiling of the once proud Phenex Manor vault comes down with a rumble. 


A conflagration reaches towards the purple sky, blasting the falling debris into nothingness and dousing the vaults occupants in ash and dust.

'I'm a bit surprised. He moved faster than I thought he would.' I observe as I rushed through the hallways.



A distorted voice roars in fury and the vault I had just left explodes. A wave of fire passes through the immediate vicinity turning solid rock into sludgy substance in seconds. Thankfully I'm far away enough that I'm not scorched.

I quicken my feet as I chew on a [Soldier Pill].

A figure dressed in Fire rushes out of the dust and gives chase.

///////// End chapter ///////