
Dungeon Sovereign

Abandoned by his parents, Kalle struggled to support himself and his sister by working full-time after dropping out of college. When mysterious portals manifested across the Earth, unleashing fantastical monsters, Kalle found himself thrown into a dangerous situation as he had to keep himself and his sister safe. Not only from monsters that came out of the dungeons but also from people who got drunk from the power that they got from these dungeons. Fortunately, Kalle didn’t have to fight alone. An ancient god, one that the other gods feared, chose him as his successor and Kalle was given his power. The power to conquer dungeons and make them his. From goblins with wooden clubs to fire-breathing dragons, they would all be under Kalle’s command as he conquered more dungeons. But as he conquered the dungeons, Kalle began questioning the true origin of these enigmatic existences. Were they really a mere coincidence, or was there a greater cosmic force at play?

darran_ · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
39 Chs

Vile Creature (1)

Kalle went inside the golden portal and found himself in the dimly lit cave once again.

But different from before where his eyes wandered everywhere, Kalle quickly scanned the ground and searched for the damned jiggly creature that had eaten not only his foot but also his face.

"Found you!"

Kalle instantly found the light blue round creature bouncing not too far away from him, just like before.

However, he didn't go anywhere near the slime and instead took several steps away from it.

'Let's see how I can crack you up.'

Kalle then used 1 dungeon point to summon a simple goblin equipping a wooden club in its hand.

Kalle then commanded the goblin to simply smash the slime without using any skill.

And the result surprised him. 

When the goblin's wooden club hit the slime's jiggly body that seemed like it could pop with the slightest touch, the wooden club melted instead as it entered the slime's body.

Kalle expected the wooden club to at least bounce off of the slime's body just like if he ever tried to smack a bouncy ball.

But after seeing with his own eyes, Kalle realized that the slime's body wasn't a bouncy ball, but instead a vessel-less ball of water that maintained a round shape.

The wooden club just passed through the slime's 'skin' and went directly into its body before it got melted.

With his goblin losing its weapon, Kalle didn't waste a single second to unsummon the goblin so that the damned jiggly creature wouldn't be able to take another life.

Plus, he got 0,5 dungeon points from unsummoning the goblin instead of letting it be killed, so he better not waste any advantage he could get.

Kalle then decided to move on to his next experiment.

He summoned another ordinary goblin again and he told it to attack the slime again.

However, he didn't forget to tell the goblin to use enchant weapon this time before hitting the slime.

Once it was close enough, the goblin activated enchant weapon and brought down its enchanted wooden club.

And seeing the result put a smile on Kalle's face.

This time, instead of being swallowed by the slime, the wooden club succeeded in hitting the slime's 'skin' and it became hit-able instead of being a passable body of water.

The enchant weapon skill imbued the targeted object with mana, making it capable of doing stronger attacks and also coating said object with mana.

The mana seemed to be the one that made the difference as Kalle could feel with his extraordinary high mana sense how the mana from the wooden club clashed against the mana coating the slime's body.

Added with the additional strength from the skill, the slime's body soon popped open like a water balloon and it released the potent acid inside its body everywhere.

Or at least that's what Kalle thought.

After dying, the liquid that made up the slime's body became just like any ordinary water as it splashed onto the goblin's body and nothing happened to his little summoned creature.

Seeing what had just happened in front of him, the edges of Kalle's mouth began rising to his ears as he thought about getting his revenge on the damned jiggly creature.

Kalle then spoke aloud in his mind,

'Summon 20 goblins!'

The silvery blue portal then appeared once again, this time right in front of Kalle.

From inside the portal, 20 goblins, one by one came out of the portal as they filled the cramped space in front of Kalle even further.

But Kalle didn't care his breathing room got filled up with small green creatures.

All he cared about was one thing right now.

"Boys! Raise up your weapons! Enchant them with mana!"

All 20 goblins followed his command and they activated enchant weapon.

"We're going on a crusade! A holy mission to get rid of the pests of this world!

Nasty creatures that liked to eat people's feet!

Vile monsters that acted weak and cute only to melt your feet and eat your heads later!"

Kalle then cast a fireball and threw them over the goblins' heads, flying straight into the deeper parts of the cave as it lit up the cave.

Revealing the slimes that were quietly bouncing around on the ground and on the walls of the cave.

"I will be your light in this crusade! Don't fret getting cheated by these cowardly creatures!"

Kalle then commanded the goblins to charge.

"Charge away lads! And destroy every slime you laid your eyes on!"

With Kalle's speech ending, it became the signal for the goblins to charge forward and start smacking the slimes with their enchanted wooden clubs.

Kalle also kept his promise as he kept casting fireballs periodically to enable the goblins to see their next target better.

No matter how many slimes there were, against a small army of goblins that had been brainwashed by their master to only do one job, which was to eradicate the whole slime species off of the planet, the small jiggly creatures didn't stand a chance.

There were a few kamikaze slimes that threw their bodies towards the goblin's body and instantly melted it.

Leaving a gaping hole in the goblin's body and killing it.

But Kalle's goblin wasn't a creature that was made out of flesh and bones.

The second it died, the goblin turned to particles of light, enabling the goblin charging behind it to take away its place and smash the slime into nonexistence.

To make sure his army stayed strong, whenever the number of goblins whittled down to 10, Kalle summoned 10 more goblins to join the fight and continue their crusade as strong as ever.

Using his strategy, Kalle was able to bulldoze through the light blue slimes easily as he and his goblin army moved unhindered through the dimly lit cave.

Kalle thought that his army was unbeatable, an unstoppable force that no slime could stand against.

And that fact held true until they went inside a larger part of the cave.

There were numerous glowing crystals in this place, much more than the ones in the dimly lit part of the cave, making the large area brighter than the place before.

Inside that area, Kalle found another slime, one that didn't look the same as the slimes that he had defeated so far.

Its body still looked similar to the light blue slimes as it was also round and bounced on the ground happily like it wasn't a vile creature that liked to eat people's feet.

However, the color of its body was green instead of light blue.

Kalle gave the green slime a deadly glare, but the creature didn't mind him one bit and just continued bouncing around without a care in the world.

Kalle took it as a challenge.

"My proud army of slime executioners, charge!!!"

All 20 goblins charged forward towards the single green slime that minded its own business.

The goblins leading the charge were ready with their weapons enchanted and they would only need to swing them down.

However, different from before when the slimes only reacted to an attack when it was literally half a step distance from its enemy, the green slime reacted much sooner.

When the nearest goblin was about a couple of meters away, the green slime noticed its presence and Kalle could feel the green slime gathering mana in its body.

Then with one swift moment, the green slime cast a spell that pushed its body away from the nearest goblin at the speed of an arrow.

It even moved as fast as the fireballs that Kalle could throw.

As a result, the goblin could hit nothing but thin air when they all arrived at the slime's prior location.

However, the little vile green creature wasn't done yet.

As soon as it saved itself from the goblin's grasp, the green slime once again gathered more mana.

And this time, Kalle could feel a much more abundant mana being amalgamated inside the slime's body.

Kalle tried warning his army,


Unfortunately, he was too late.

When the slime released the mana and cast the skill, a horizontal wind blade, several times bigger than the slime's own body appeared right in front of the slime and headed towards the direction of the goblins.

The wind blade traveled so fast, even faster than when the slime moved its own body and it instantly took the lives of 5 goblins. Slicing their bodies apart.

Seeing the vile creature once again unleashed horror towards him, Kalle shouted to his army,


--------Author's Note-------

Since this novel is participating in a WPC, 10 Power Stones in a week = 1 bonus chapter!