
Dungeon Sovereign

Abandoned by his parents, Kalle struggled to support himself and his sister by working full-time after dropping out of college. When mysterious portals manifested across the Earth, unleashing fantastical monsters, Kalle found himself thrown into a dangerous situation as he had to keep himself and his sister safe. Not only from monsters that came out of the dungeons but also from people who got drunk from the power that they got from these dungeons. Fortunately, Kalle didn’t have to fight alone. An ancient god, one that the other gods feared, chose him as his successor and Kalle was given his power. The power to conquer dungeons and make them his. From goblins with wooden clubs to fire-breathing dragons, they would all be under Kalle’s command as he conquered more dungeons. But as he conquered the dungeons, Kalle began questioning the true origin of these enigmatic existences. Were they really a mere coincidence, or was there a greater cosmic force at play?

darran_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Legacy Dungeon (2)

Somewhere in the city where Kalle lived, the three thugs were currently huddled together as they kneeled in front of a man.

The man sat comfortably on a chair, but no features of the man could be found as the man wore a hood and a robe that covered his body from the top of his hair to his ankles.

Staring at the three men who kneeled in front of him, the man finally opened his mouth.

"What happened?"

One of the thugs, one that had awakened the ability to transform his hands into a bear's when mana appeared on earth, spoke,

"We were played with and got our ass kicked by some masked man…"

The man with the robe knew that people would start awakening their abilities after mana filled up the earth as he was told so by his patron.

But there shouldn't be a lot of people yet that could control their abilities properly.

For someone who could defeat one of the people that he had trained to use his ability, that means this unknown masked man must have been quite a talented person.

It could be that or he was also another apostle, just like himself.

"What is his ability?" The robed man asked.

The thug then answered, "I don't know… I didn't see him use any abilities. I only saw some things come at me before I was knocked out…"

The robed man looked at the two thugs kneeling behind and they soon answered,

"We saw what those blurs were. They were monster-like creatures that had green skin and they were only as tall as a kid.

However, we saw with our own eyes how they easily kicked our boss away. They are very strong…"

The robed man then thought to himself.

He remembered seeing videos on the internet and saw goblins were one of the creatures that came out of the red portals.

But seeing those videos, he knew that the goblins shouldn't be a strong creature.

With him teaching the thug to use its awakened power, he should be able to handle a goblin or even tens of them easily.

'Besides, how could that masked man be protected by those goblins?'

Then a thought came in his mind, 'Then it must be possible to awaken an ability to summon creatures…'

Thinking how helpful it was to have an underling that could summon monsters to fight for them, the robed man began considering roping the masked man to join him.

'Should I visit him myself then?'

When he started considering that, images started coming to his mind.

His eyes were in a trance when those images popped up in his mind and they only regained their color when the images stopped coming out.

After the robed man processed what he had seen and realized what he needed to do, the robed man suddenly kneeled on the floor.

He kneeled in the direction of the three thugs, but he wasn't kneeling towards them at all.

He looked up above and said aloud, "I understand my lady! I will do as you told me to!"

The robed man then stood back up and stared at the three thugs kneeling on the floor.

"Stand up! She has spoken!"

The three thugs then abruptly stood up, their backs standing as straight as a ramrod as they could feel pressure emanating from the robed man.

The robed man then raised both his hands and looked upward as if he were about to pray.

"O, divine lady, give us your blessings."

As the robed man said those words, his body began emanating a reddish hue.

It looked nice at first, but as the seconds ticked by, the reddish hue turned bloody red as the light bathed the room, turning everything completely red.

"Lady Hakmes has decided to grace you with her blessings. She will give you the power that you seek.

Now step forward and accept it!"


'You have died.'


Kalle stopped his screams when he suddenly found himself back in the middle of the circular room.

The first thing that he did after regaining his sight was to check his feet.

Kalle heaved a huge sigh of relief as he patted his own chest, finding that his two feet were safe and sound and not a single one of them went missing inside a jiggly creature's belly.

"I will never look at a slime the same way ever again…"

Although Kalle was happy that he did find himself alive and kicking after hearing the ominous message ''You have died' from the staff, he still couldn't help but complaint,

"Why didn't you tell me I would still feel pain!? It was painful as fuck!"

The staff calmly answered, 'You didn't ask.'


"You're goddamn right, it's my damn fault that I didn't ask."

Kalle then stretched his body and looked at the golden portal that still opened in front of the door with the glowing symbol.

He was told that the legacy dungeon was a place where he could gain more strength, and more power, to achieve what he wanted, which was to keep himself and his sister safe.

He thought that he would be able to conquer the dungeons inside the legacy dungeon with ease, considering he had conquered and claimed a dungeon on Earth without too much difficulty.

However, it seemed that the one who made the legacy dungeon didn't plan on giving him any freebie and he had to work hard for the power that he sought.

"I'm coming you damned jiggly creatures! And I won't make the same mistake again!"

Kalle then stretched and cracked his fingers. But before going into the golden portal, Kalle walked elsewhere first.

He walked over to the unhatched egg and caressed its tough shell.

"I hope to see you hatch soon, little one."

Kalle then went inside the golden portal once again, ready to pay back what the slime had done to him before.

He went in so quickly that he didn't realize that the egg in the middle of the room vibrated and tilted in the direction where it heard Kalle's voice come from.

But as if not finding enough power within itself, the egg soon returned back to its prior position and stayed there.

However, different from before, the egg now had absorbed mana that it needed to hatch from the legacy dungeon twice as fast as before.

--------Author's Note-------

Since this novel is participating in a WPC, 10 Power Stones in a week = 1 bonus chapter!