
Chapter 19

It was a few months into their Second Year, just before Christmas Break in fact, when Crabbe and Goyle slipped him, a note telling him to meet with them in an empty classroom after dinner. This was enough of an oddity that Dudley was more than intrigued enough to want to check it out. After all, it wasn't often that Draco's big bulky meat shields would deign to spend a moment longer than necessary in a classroom.

Though, Dudley had to admit that their friendship with Hermione had done them both wonders. Even Draco agreed on that front. The two minions were almost always convincing Hermione of this or that now, all thanks to her pushing for them to be just a little bit more bookish. Of course, Hermione hadn't understood what it truly meant for Crabbe and Goyle to be in Slytherin. She'd handed a pair of apes handguns by helping the two-low intelligence mooks get enough smarts to actually use their cunning against her.

Put on top of that that Dudley had managed to snag her at her lowest point and without any of the support structure that she'd had in the previous timeline, and this Hermione was shaping up to be VERY different from the Hermione he'd once known. Mentally, anyways. Personality-wise, she couldn't be more different. However, body-wise…

Well, Hermione was getting older. They all were, though she was a year older than all of them because of when her birthday was. The young woman was really starting to blossom into the brunette bombshell that Dudley had known from the previous timeline. That pretty face, those fat tits, that bubble butt and those wide hips… yeah, he could definitely see the makings of that woman in the Hermione he had grown so fond of now.

She wasn't quite there yet, but she had been the first one in their year to… sprout jubilees, so to speak. They had gotten bigger and bigger over the past three months too, and Dudley would have been as driven to distraction as Crabbe and Goyle both obviously were, if he didn't already have Professor Minerva McGonagall to act as a form of stress relief for him.

Regardless, undeniably intrigued by Crabbe and Goyle's note, Dudley finds himself walking up to the door of a classroom late at night… just as Draco is arriving from the opposite direction. Blinking at one another somewhat owlishly, they both cock an eyebrow in unison.

"Crabbe and Goyle?"

"Crabbe and Goyle. Do you know what they wanted us here for?"

"Nope, not a clue…"

"Wait, I think I hear people talking in the classroom."

The two boys both move over to the door and press their ears up against it, straining to hear what's going on. After a moment, they start to pick up the individual voices, and can tell that Crabbe and Goyle are indeed in there… with Hermione Granger as well, from the sound of things.

"C'mon, think about it Mione. A mudblood like you doesn't got many prospects… but we're your friends, ain't we?"

"Yeah, if you were a Pureblood, it'd be super important for you to keep your virginity or whatever for all the marriage contracts and shit like that."

"But since you aren't a Pureblood, you don't have to worry about that sort of thing. Which means you can have your first time with us, your best friends."

"Men that you can trust, too."

By this point, Dudley has grown accustomed to Crabbe and Goyle's… conniving voices. Their tones when they're on a warpath and trying to convince Hermione of something are very distinctive and impossible to misunderstand. And yet, they've had more and more success with her this year than ever before. That said, he couldn't possibly be hearing what he thought he was hearing, could he? It sounded like Crabbe and Goyle were propositioning Hermione for sex…

It was a bit earlier than Dudley had intended. He was always going to fuck Hermione eventually, of course, but then the more time went on, she became… well, not the trophy he'd always seen her as in his past life. Especially when Crabbe and Goyle were so easily able to run mental circles around her the more time she spent in their company.

Still, he was definitely expecting the two thugs to crash and burn. There was no way Draco's mooks could convince Hermione of THIS, and it showed their intelligence that they would even try. Sharing an incredulous look with Draco, he could tell that the Pureblood Scion was just as disbelieving and baffled as he was by what they were hearing.

"W-Well… I mean… I-I did do some independent research… a-and everything I read seems to imply that you're right…"

"See, Mione. Even the books agree with us."

"Yeah, it's just the way the world works, ya know?"

Books? What books? No, more than that, why did Hermione sound like she was seriously considering this? Was this actually happening?

"Y-You said the other boys would be here soon, r-right? It… it would be a nice Christmas Present, my first time being with you four. You'd be g-gentle, yes?"

Holy fuck. Holy fuck, she was actually talking herself into it. Even in Draco's wildest dreams, he hadn't thought this was possible. Had Crabbe and Goyle enchanted Hermione or something? Had they drugged her? He wouldn't put it past either boy, though them slipping something into her food was more likely than one of them actually managing to cast a spell that could muddle her mind. All the same…

"A-Alright. I'll… I'll do it. S-Should I… should I strip for you both? D-Do you want to see what I look like naked?"

Dudley can practically hear the shit-eating grins that Crabbe and Goyle must be sharing in their voices as they speak.

"Yeah. Totally."

"Uh huh."

Sharing another glance, Dudley and Draco spend a moment in silent conversation. It basically boiled down to 'Is this really happening?' and 'Yeah, I guess it is', and 'Shall we?', and 'After you'. Sharing smiles, the two of them walk in, Draco leading the way as they find Crabbe and Goyle watching Hermione pulling her shirt over her head, having already shucked off her robes and begun stripping.

This means, when she finally removes her shirt and can see again, Draco and Dudley are just there, causing the brunette witch to 'eep!' and cover herself with a blush. They don't have to even say anything though… Crabbe and Goyle are leading the show and they both laugh at Hermione's reaction.

"C'mon Mione, no point in covering up when you haven't even shown us the goods yet!"

After a moment, she seems to realize how silly she's being and slowly lowers her hands, revealing her bra-clad chest. It's a testament to how much she's grown in the past few months that she needs a bra now, and it's already looking like a fairly snug fit, like she's already outgrowing it.


Dudley and Draco remain quiet, even as Hermione, their perfectly cultivated mudblood witch, gets naked for all four of the most important men in her life. In the other timeline, this girl had gone on to grow up to be one of the most independent, brilliant women Dudley had ever met. And he did NOT mean that in a positive manner. The only guy she got submissive for was Harry, and the way his cousin could just… make any girl drop their panties for him had always annoyed Dudley. Especially since Hermione had felt so out of any normal man's league.

Well, not in this timeline. In this timeline, this Hermione had such low self-esteem and was so reliant on them as her only friends in all of Hogwarts that she was the kind of girl who was in any man's league… including guys like Crabbe and Goyle. As she drops her bra and then lowers her panties down her legs, blushing up a storm all the while, Draco's thugs drop their own trousers, exposing their rock-hard cocks.

Not to be left out, Dudley and Draco do the same, and Hermione slowly sinks to her knees as she finds herself surrounded in a half circle by four young men, each with a dick that's throbbing and twitching out of desire for her. Blushing but also smiling tentatively, Hermione takes ahold of two of them and bites her lower lip as she shivers in anticipation.

"A-Are all of these f-for me. They're… they're just as big as my books said they would be. Um… w-what should I do now?"

This is Crabbe and Goyle's show, Dudley has decided, and a shared glance with Draco tells him the other boy has decided the same. So, they stay quiet and let the two lowest IQ people in the room boss around the highest IQ.

"Stroking is a good start, Mione."

"Yeah, you're a natural."

"But there's four of us and you only got two hands."

"So, you're going to have to use your mouth too."

They phrase it like its common sense, in the same way Hermione did when she was convincing them to do their homework in their First Year. If she realizes that they're using her own tactics against her, the brunette witch doesn't show it as she just nods hesitantly, eyes going slightly crossed staring down the cock right in front of her. It just so happens to be Dudley's.

Was it on purpose, that Crabbe and Goyle ended up on the outside of the half circle, leading to Hermione grabbing their dicks and ending up face to face with Dudley and Draco's? Probably not, but either way it means that despite the two bigger guys setting all of this up, it's Dudley that gets first go at Hermione's warm, wet mouth as she leans forward and takes him past her lips, her eyes drifting shut in the process.

Dudley groans, even as she bobs up and down his shaft. Crabbe and Goyle groan too, as her hands slide up and down their lengths, jerking them both off on either side of her. The only one left out is Draco, but of course, Hermione isn't allowed to ignore him for long.

"Don't, ooh, don't neglect any of your friends now, Mione!"

"Yeah, you only got one mouth, so you'll have to work it double time!"

Nodding seriously, Hermione pops off of Dudley's cock and moves over to Draco's. From that point on, she alternates between sucking their dicks while jacking off Crabbe and Goyle, thoroughly engaged in her own blowbang. Dudley can't believe it, to be honest. Sure, he'd set this in motion… but admittedly, it'd become something he was completely unprepared for. Hermione Granger, happily offering up her first time to four Slytherin boys in an empty classroom right before Christmas.

Her pretty face looks up at them as she sucks their cocks and jacks them off… and in the end, none of them can last forever, nor do they want to.

"F-Fuck Mione, getting close!"

"Unngh, me too!"

"M-Make sure to take it on your face!"

"Y-Yeah, wizard cum is super good for your skin!"

Dudley is fairly confident THAT isn't true, but Hermione is too lost in her own little world to argue the point. Even if she'd wanted to, Crabbe begins to cum a moment later, and Goyle follows suit. Draco is next, with Dudley pulling up the rear. But then, he is technically the oldest and most experienced, having come back in time and also given his relationship with their Transfiguration Professor.

Regardless, the end result is that Hermione's face and tits end up positively coated in four loads of cum as the four Slytherin men all bukkake their Gryffindor mudblood friend with malicious and wicked intent. They're all grinning and sharing glances as Hermione blinks rapidly to get the cum out of her eyes, gasping and swallowing some of their seed as she looks up at all of them.

"Fuck, I'm definitely saving this memory in a pensieve later…"

Dudley is pretty sure he only hears Draco mutter that under his breath because they're side by side. Certainly, Hermione doesn't hear him say it, or she would have probably said something in response. Instead, the incredibly messy brunette grabs her wand and taps it on her chin, cleaning herself up with a single cleaning charm.

It's clear from Crabbe and Goyle's disgruntled groans that the two meatheads hadn't considered that possibility, but they're at least smart enough not to talk down to Hermione over it. Looking up at them all, she blinks and blushes as she fidgets there on her knees before them.

"U-Um… I want to give you all my first time… but only one boy can be true f-first, right? Would it… would it be alright if it was Dudley? You're all my friends… but he was my first friend in this world."

Dudley appreciates that, he really does, but pecking order dictates that Draco get first go. The boy is the Pureblood Scion of House Malfoy after all. Asking him to wait while Dudley and Hermione fuck is a bit much…

Except Draco just smiles and waves a hand airily, responding before Dudley can say so.

"Sure, not a problem. Though I expect you to put that pretty little mouth of yours to use on me again while he's fucking you. We'll do a spit-roast."

How someone as 'noble' and sheltered as Draco knows what that is, Dudley doesn't know. Hermione doesn't even recognize the term at first, but she blushes near-incandescently once they've manhandled her into position. Probably not what she wanted for her first time, but she doesn't complain as she's bent over a desk to support her weight while Dudley moves into position behind her, and Draco moves into front.

She's sucking his cock already by the time Dudley places his own cock against the dripping wet lips of Hermione's cunt lips. She's more aroused by all of this then he would have thought. But then, it's obvious now that Crabbe and Goyle have been building up to this for months. He really hadn't thought the two boys had it in them.

A moment later, and Hermione has HIM in HER. It might not be how Dudley envisioned conquering Harry's best friend and girlfriend from the former timeline, but it has an appeal all its own, he must admit. Plunging into her depths, taking her virginity, hearing her let out a gurgling cry around Draco's cock as her pussy clenches around his dick… oh yeah, this is pretty great.

He exchanges a knowing grin with Draco over the top of Hermione's head as they spit-roast her between them. His hands on Hermione's burgeoning feminine hips, Draco's in her hair. The two of them thrust forward in unison, and Hermione gags and groans around Draco's cock as she clings to the desk for dear life in the meantime.

Dudley was reminded of what he'd told Draco before, way back when. How he'd convinced the other boy that Hermione would be of value to them, if they just put some work into teaching her how to behave properly, as her mudblood status decreed. Not even Dudley had known how it would all turn out, but he was more than happy to take credit for Crabbe and Goyle's work. Certainly, from the way Draco gave him a respectful approving nod over Hermione's undulating figure, it was easier for the Pureblood Scion to believe that this was all Dudley's master plan all along, then to believe that Crabbe and Goyle had somehow pulled the rug out from under all of them.

Speaking of the two boys, they move into position on either side of the desk and lay their cocks back into Hermione's hands. In no time at all, the young woman is stroking them both off again, even as she gags on Draco's dick and clenches down nice and hard on Dudley's. The classroom is filled with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, of boys groaning as the girl in their midst works hard to make them all… happy.

After Dudley cums inside of Hermione, he pulls out and switches positions with Draco, who uses his own wand this time to clean their fuck toy up back there. Only once she's pristine again does the Malfoy Scion thrust into her, pounding the little bitch like the proper mudblood witch she's been trained into. Dudley, meanwhile, allows Hermione to suck him off at her own rate, smiling down at her encouragingly as she tentatively licks him clean of their combined juices.

She blushes and averts her gaze whenever they make eye contact, but she also works extra hard at his cock too, so very… eager to please.

It's not long before Draco is splattering her insides as well. Things only descend into more perverse debauchery from there as well. After Draco cums, he and Dudley take a break… and watch to their amazement and amusement as Crabbe and Goyle spit roast Hermione between them next. She's small compared to the hulking thuggish boys, and they take advantage of that, pinning her with ease and pounding away like the apes they are.

But Hermione just squeals and takes it, like she thinks she has no choice… or rather, like she's made her choice, and is actually happy to do so. She's getting fucked in both ends by Crabbe and Goyle of all people, and from the look of things, she's actually enjoying herself. It's mind boggling, but also incredibly hot, and before the night is over, Dudley and Draco take another couple turns each, both using her mouth and her cunt and even her hands to get off again and again.

Thank Merlin for the fucking cleaning spell, because as much as Crabbe and Goyle might want to dirty up their mudblood a little bit, neither Draco nor Dudley are at all interested in physical sloppy seconds, and Hermione doesn't quite like getting messy either.

Still, at the end, when all is said and done, they do one last blowbang, one last explosion of four loads across their faces… and this time, Crabbe and Goyle have incidentally put Hermione's wand just out of easy reach of her kneeling position.

"You look great like that, Mione."

"Yeah, hey, maybe you should just rock that look for the rest of the night!"

"Show those Gryffidorks who you belong to!"

Draco and Dudley share another look as Hermione kneels there, staring blankly up at Crabbe and Goyle for a long moment. Surely this was where it ended, right? Surely this was where Granger drew the line?


Much to their shock… nope, that's not it at all. Hermione is blushing up a storm underneath her cum facial, but she puts her clothes back on all the same and takes up her wand all without cleaning herself off. Dudley and Draco are completely baffled, while Crabbe and Goyle are as pleased as punch as they all leave the room behind, parting ways with Hermione as she heads back to her dorm, and they head back to theirs.

It really doesn't make sense, unless Crabbe and Goyle truly did put something in Granger's food. Or maybe… maybe Dudley had the wrong read on Hermione all along. Maybe it wasn't that she was only submissive for Harry in the past timeline. Maybe it was that she could only truly be herself with him. The wizarding world was not a nice place to uppity mudbloods like Hermione Granger. Not unless a Pureblood like Draco took her under his wing and thus under his protection as he'd done.

In the previous timeline, without Dudley to make that happen, Hermione had clearly built up an independent, no-nonsense persona in order to protect herself from all the bullying. And Harry, who had been her best friend, had been a… safe option to vent her TRUE desires. Just as, in this timeline, Crabbe and Goyle of all people had become the safe option for Hermione to obey and submit to.

… Dudley lets out a bark of laughter at that, and while Crabbe and Goyle both look at him somewhat confused by the abrupt outburst, Draco just gives him a knowing smirk, the Malfoy Scion probably thinking the exact same thing. Well, not quite. Draco didn't know about the other timeline. So, he had no way of knowing what a massive fall from grace this was for Granger. He couldn't possibly know that they'd turned the brightest, most brilliant witch of their generation into their cum dump fuck toy with just a year and a half of friendship and affection.

From Harry fucking Potter to Crabbe and Goyle… if only the Hermione from the other timeline could see herself now.


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