"It's just… sometimes I wish I wasn't the only daughter in such a big family. On the one hand, I suppose I should be lucky that I'm getting SOME new things rather than all hand-me-downs like my siblings, but on the other hand, growing up with only brothers has been hellish."
Dudley slowly nods along as the cute red haired Firsty prattles on. It wasn't how he intended to spend his ride to Hogwarts, he must admit, but at the same time… well, of course he's going to take advantage of an opportunity to network with another cutie who looked like she'd mature into a gorgeous young witch in a couple more years.
Not to mention, this was going to be his first year at Hogwarts where he wasn't at the bottom of the heap. Last year, he had been part of the youngest class of Hogwarts. This year however, he was finally moving up in the world. That meant for the first time that there were students under him and his peers, and while Dudley had his eyes on a lot of the older girls ABOVE him, it didn't mean he was going to completely ignore the new baby chicks coming in. After all, this was his chance to make in roads with them, and to 'help' them out so that they were beholden to him down the road.
Of course, that was all nice and good to think, but in truth, this really wasn't his intention. But it was his own fault, especially since it was him who had insisted on arriving at the Hogwarts Express so early. He'd been intending to find a cabin for himself, as well as Draco, his goons, and Hermione. The five of them would just barely fit comfortably inside of a cabin thanks to Goyle and Crabbe's sizes, but Dudley was sure they could make it work.
Alas, before any of the four could actually show up, this young witch had appeared at his door, nervous and biting her lower lip in such a cute manner that Dudley couldn't just let her go. Admittedly, she also had freckles, and Dudley had always had a thing for freckles. When she'd checked the cabin and realized it was already occupied, she'd looked ready to move on, but with how dejected she looked on it, Dudley simply wasn't willing to let that happen.
He'd invited her to join him on the grounds that there was plenty of room, and the look of sheer relief on her face had been noticeable as she'd hurriedly scooted in and sat down across from him. Given how he was dressed and how she'd spoken so far, Dudley got the impression that she thought he was a muggleborn, simply because he was currently clad in jeans and a t-shirt at the moment. He hadn't exactly disabused her of that notion, mainly keeping the conversation focused on her and her alone. Luckily, like all girls, she loved to talk about herself once she got over her initial shyness and awkwardness.
So far, he knew her as Ginny Weasley, the youngest daughter of the very large Weasley family. Apparently, she was also the only daughter, and with seven big brothers… yeah, Dudley could see how that would be hard on anyone. Being the baby of the family certainly wouldn't help either, making it hard for her to do anything without feeling coddled.
Dudley could tell that just from treating her like a peer so far, he'd managed to get Ginny to warm up to him immensely. He felt like he was making progress with the young witch… so much so that when Draco's face had appeared in the window of the cabin door about half an hour ago, giving him a questioning look, Dudley had just smiled and shook his head a fraction.
Luckily, Ginny had been in the middle of a rant at the time and hadn't noticed Draco at the window. Giving the red head a once over, Draco graced Dudley with a smile that made it clear the Malfoy Scion thought his friend was being a horn dog once more. Offering Dudley a thumbs up, the boy had ultimately moved on and so far, he and Ginny hadn't been disturbed since.
Making a noise of understanding and pity in the back of his throat, Dudley lets out a sigh.
"That sounds really rough. I'm glad you're able to get at least some of your own things…"
Ginny smiles at that, patting down her clothing which is clearly fairly new and certainly not a boy's hand-me-downs. It makes Dudley think of his previous timeline… actually, this one too. Harry had always looked so weird in Dudley's clothing growing up, after all, his cousin was lanky, and Dudley had always been quite bulky. In recent years, he's worked damn hard to slim down a fair bit, but even then, he's still broader-shouldered then say, Draco. Not nearly as fat as Crabbe or Goyle though, at least.
"Yeah, it's nice. I suppose I can't blame Ron too much for that inferiority complex of his. As the youngest boy, ALL of his things are passed down from our older brothers. Even his pet rat, Scabbers, has been in the family for like a decade and a half now…"
Huh, that was interesting. Both Ginny's use of words like 'inferiority complex' (was she as bookish as Hermione, or just trying to impress Dudley?) and the mention of a rat living for a decade and a half. Brow furrowing, Dudley lets out a chuckle.
"Must be some rat. Magical, I guess?"
Ginny pauses at that for a moment and her own brow furrows, much more cutely then Dudley imagines he manages to make the look… well, look.
"Uh, no I don't think so?"
That gets raised eyebrows from the time traveler.
"Really? A fifteen year old rat? How does that even work without magic being involved somehow?"
Dudley may not have been the smartest tool in the shed in his past life, but he was nothing if not fond of second chances. He'd been working his butt off since arriving back in this time, and so something like catching the unnatural age of a pet rat… well, he supposed it came obviously to him. From the look of confusion and bafflement on Ginny's face, it's the first time the young witch is even considering the issue.
"Scabbers… he's not special, by any stretch of the word. At least, I don't think he is. He's so… useless. He's a rat. I don't THINK he's magical. Maybe I'll send my mom a letter asking once we get to Hogwarts."
Dudley just shrugs, not truly that invested one way or the other. Before their conversation can continue, the door opens and the woman with the sweets trolley sticks her head in. Dudley isn't surprised when Ginny only has a couple of knuts to spend. In the end, he goes ahead and spends a handful of galleons on getting them a little bit of everything. Not too much that conversation as a whole will stop, and certainly not too much for him, but enough to… grease the wheels so to speak.
Ginny doesn't take any convincing to accept his gifts either, the young witch's eyes lighting up as she happily takes the lion's share of sweets. Dudley can see it bright and clear when he looks at her… this is a girl who's absolutely starved for attention, specifically masculine attention. You wouldn't expect it from a girl who had so many brothers, but Dudley could imagine how it happened well enough.
As of last year, every single one of her brothers was either at Hogwarts or already an adult. She'd likely spent much of her time with her mom alone. Depending on their relationship, that was probably pretty rough.
"Where was I…"
Blinking, Dudley shrugs.
"We were talking about Ron's pet rat, Scabbers?"
"Right, Ron! Ugh, he's so annoying. And he's only got more annoying since he got to go to Hogwarts last year. I really hope he isn't too much of a bother THIS year… but I just know he will be. It'd all be alright of Harry Potter was at Hogwarts, but I heard he's not shown up yet at all. Things would be so much better with him around; I just know it…"
Blinking owlishly at that, Dudley ponders where the sudden mention of his cousin came from. Then it hits him, and he feels a bit like an idiot for not putting it together faster and earlier. This is Ginny. Ginny, with a brother named Ron. There was only one Ron in their year at Hogwarts, Ron Weasley… his cousin's best friend in the previous timeline.
And that made Ginny the youngest Weasley, Ginny Weasley… one of Harry's many wives. It's a testament to how far Dudley's come that the reminder of just how many women his cousin shacked up with in the previous timeline doesn't piss him off anymore. It used to, oh fuck it used to… but what does it matter these days? Harry Potter is dead and buried and will NEVER exist in this timeline.
Instead he, Dudley Dursley, has taken Harry's place. Harry Evans the squib will go on to live a completely normal muggle life, while Dudley is the one who gets to learn magic… and who intends to get all the girls.
Though, the more he thinks about it, the more he remembers the Weasleys, and Ginny Weasley specifically. There was something about her… about that family. Something Dudley was only tangentially aware of, as Harry's estranged cousin. The marriage between Ginny and Harry… was it entirely happy?
He thought he remembered something about wizard bloodline contracts, or something like that. Unfortunately, beyond the contracts that he'd used to give himself and his mum magic, as well as the contracts they'd signed with Gringotts, Dudley didn't know too much about that sort of thing. It was one thing to have the knowledge of how to steal someone's magical core downloaded into your head. It was one thing to have the goblins walk you through stealing the fortune of your relatives because they were greedy bastards and got a cut of the action out of it.
It was another entirely to understand how marriage contracts in the wizarding world worked. And… it probably wouldn't matter in this timeline, right? Unless somehow these bloodline contracts were capable of recognizing that Dudley was both Harry's blood relative AND had Harry's magic, and decided he fit the bill for them, or whatever. But Dudley wasn't even related to any of the Potters except for Harry, so how would that even work?
Well, he'd have to cross or burn that bridge when he arrived at it. For now, Dudley lets none of his realization show on his face as he allows Ginny to continue to rant and groan about her family and her life and her annoying brothers. It's easy enough to do, letting her talk shit and get it all out of her system. Making a friend of Ginny Weasley, well, it should only help Dudley going forward. The first of the Firsties that he eventually wants to take under his wing.
Eventually though, the Hogwarts Express begins to pull into the station at Hogsmeade, and after being given a fifteen minute warning to that effect, Dudley had gone ahead and put on the outer garments of his uniform, namely his robe and tie.
He turns around when Ginny gasps at him, eyes wide.
"Y-You're a Slytherin?"
Looking down at his robes, Dudley shrugs his shoulder.
"Yep. There a problem with that?"
While Ron Weasley hadn't actually done anything the previous year, he'd certainly talked a lot of shit about House Slytherin to anyone who would listen. Dudley supposed he shouldn't be surprised that Ginny looked conflicted at learning her new friend was a Slytherin. Giving her a warm smile, Dudley shrugs again.
"In the same way you're relieved to not have too many hand-me-downs from your brothers, I would also recommend you don't accept too many of their hand-me-down beliefs either, Ginny. Not everything they've told you about Hogwarts is likely to be completely and objectively true from every point of view."
Ginny seems to honestly consider that, before ducking her head.
"E-Every member of my family has been a Gryffindor so far… I d-dunno what they'd do if I wasn't one too…"
Shrugging for what feels like the millionth time, Dudley waves a hand dismissively.
"Then be a Gryffindor. The Sorting Hat will sort you into whatever house is best for you. One of my best friends is a Gryffindor, so it's not like you and I can't be friends if you're one too."
Ginny looks amazed at that, almost in awe as she squeaks out an entirely adorable response of 'Really?!' that Dudley just grins and nods at.
They continue chatting even as they make their way out of their cabin. As Dudley starts to show Ginny to where the Firsties will be gathering for their boat ride over to the castle, he catches sight of Draco, Crabbe and Goyle, and finally Hermione coming out of another cabin. To his amusement, Crabbe and Goyle are both hugging Hermione with one arm, even as the muggleborn witch giggles a little nervously and adjusts her uniform.
Looks like this Second Year at Hogwarts was going to be even funner than the first…
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