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(Note: I don't have much Knowledge of DXD everything I know is from either Fanfictions and Wiki. I will only write for fun so consider that your warning.) A Human that love's deceiving people got Reincarnated as Riser Phenex and through that he'll have Fun in reigning chaos in The world of DXD. (and Multiverse if I decided to really write this fully)

DespairHope · Cómic
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2 Chs

System Awakens

As the Door open, a child that looks 7-8 years old with blonde hair and Dark blue eyes walked out with elegance and refined manner befitting that of a Noble.

"I am thankful for everyone that had come to my Birthday party. I am Riser Phenex 3rd son of Adrien Phenex and I hope you enjoy this party" as Riser finished talking, everyone clapped their hands and everyone takes turn in greeting him and talked happily about him.

"Riser meet Zeoticus Gremory Head of the Gremory clan, The father of your future Fiance, although it's a bad time to inform you about having a fiance, it is something that me and Zeoticus agreed to if a girl is born few years ago." Adrien said to Riser a bit worryingly if he upset his son and ruin the party.

"OH~ you don't look so shocked and unnerved, why is that so Riser Phenex?" An astounding middle age man with a crimson long hair and light blue eyes, holding a glass of wine asked seemingly impressed.

"It is our duty to preserve and maintain the pure bloodline of devil race, so I expected this to happen a long time ago sir Gremory." Said Riser with conviction and elegance as he bow slightly to Zeoticus.

"Impressive, you raised a fine child Adrien, I hope for our future alliance grow stronger and to prosperity." Said Zeoticus to Adrien as he raised his glass of wine and drink it.

"Indeed I am happy at how Riser grow as well Zeoticus and to prosperity" Said Adrien as he acknowledged Zeoticus proposition and Raised a glass of wine and drink it.

"I thank you all for the compliments and I hope to meet my Fiance soon sir Gremory"

"of course whenever you have free time, you can come to our estate and see little Rias your fiance."

After their talking, others have come in their place to talk with Riser in giving him compliments and gifts in hopes for the possibility of Riser taking a liking to them and thus the party ensues.






After some time the party ends and guest started to leave, after the guest completely leave, the maids started cleaning up the whole place.

While the maids are cleaning Adrien called his son to his office to talk about his fiance and discuss what's his plan in life, originally he's going to talk about this when his son is around the age of 8-10 but since Riser is smart and unreasonably mature for his age, he decided to talk about this.

As Riser is walking to the office and talk with his father probably considering about the whole fiancee thing, He sees something in front of his eye that appears to be panel screen of those RPG panels, the only thing is it seems to be still integrating with him with a percentage of 99%.

"Hmm I feel that this system of mine will be finished today, I can't wait and see what kind it is, hopefully not one of those stupidly unreasonable system.' Riser whisper to himself as he arrives at the office of his father.

*knock* *knock*

"Enter" a gentle yet stern voice said

Riser entered the office and sees his father sitting with a look of seriousness. "Riser I called you here in concern about what you feel in having a fiance, although you said at the party that your okay with it, I want to know your thoughts about it." Said his father with a serious tone.

"Yes, I have read and heard about Sirzechs Lucifer or formerly known as Sirzechs Gremory had become an overprotective brother or Sis-con. So in my opinion getting a connection with the Gremory's will benefit us from a political stand point, although as the Satan Lucifer he can't be biased towards any clan including his former clan, I concluded that his feeling's will still influence him into favoring us abit more if Rias happily engaged with me." I answered with full certainty.

"It's Good that you understand the implications of this marriage and also Rias will most likely be chosen as heir of the Gremory clan as we devil's have a low fertility rate. So I expect you to make sure that she's going to marry you and not ruin this for us." My Father sternly said.

"Now that we're done with that, let's talk about your plan for your future."My father said happily.

"My plan is to get strong as much as I can and gain a high standing in the underworld. My dream is to someday become the strongest being in existence."

"Hmm it's a good dream, my only advice is to find hobbies other than getting stronger as it can be detrimental to your mental health which can cause into losing yourself."

"Yes father I will do as you said." 'Hobby huh, the only thing that I can think of is having some fanatics for myself or cult, yes cult is nice heh.'

After that we continue to talk about my progress in my training which I didn't think off in my monologue earlier.






Now that our discussion is done I head to my room abit excited as my system finally finished integrating.

As I arrived at my room I instantly called the system and at the panel it seems to be asking me a question.


Please enter what kind of shop you need right now: Abilities, Knowledge, Bloodline, Items.

After your selection others will be Locked until you reached a high set amount of System Coins and Buy them. ]

'What!!! I can only choose one, why?! ugh, is this really another one of those cheap ones that only restrict you because of something unreasonable.

[System answering User's doubts.

This system is created by #*$@# in which created a sets of requirements for users, as a lot of Users got cocky and dies pathetically due to growing fast in strength. And thus the creator created a sets of requirements to unlock all functions to weed out the weak and useless Users. ]

'Seriously?! ugh, I have to suffer because of incompetent fools, how annoying. Haaaaaah, Calm down Riser this is just to temper your will and a sign not to be like the rest and do something stupid if you become stronger too fast. That it so what should I choose, Abilities would be good for strengthening myself, Knowledge is something versatile as it contains information about everything, Bloodline will be good for racial empowering, And finally Items are a useful thing as it contains all Things that could be used for empowering, healing and devices to turn myself into other beings.'

"hmm it'll be a hard decision to make But the one I will choose is Knowledge as even though I could get strong quickly through abilities, I will need to practice them every time until I gain a satisfactory level as even though I can already use it because I bought it I will need to properly train how to use it efficiently and I don't have the time for training everytime I buy some Abilities, Bloodline are good for racial advantage but that's it, nothing more and I considered the zenkai boost to need a lot of Coins to buy it and Items are good for weapons, potions, and armor But what is the use of devices or gadgets if you don't know how to use it, And lastly the reason why I chose Knowledge is because through it I will know what's a best way to get stronger, as in the perfect training plan specifically for me and a lot more like knowing how to get an ability through training based on that knowledge, I would also know how to properly dissect someone and gain knowledge of how to research properly about beings and Many many more.' I whispered to myself thoughtfully.

"System I choose knowledge."

[Affirmative Knowledge Shop has been opened, thank you for your answer. ]

After confirming my choice I opened the knowledge shop and look through it, I see a lot of information about fighting style, genetic research, weapon smithing, and something I would've hope for it's about what really are Protagonists, sadly it had a pretty high price.

"System how can I earn coins"

[Answering Users question

You can earn System Coins through either converting worlds currency and exchange it for coins, or killing entities.

Converting Currency for System Coins has different conversion depending on how important it is to the society it live in.

Killing entities to obtain System Coins has different rewards depending on how strong it is, weak beings has a 1-1,000• System Coins. ]

'Hmm It seems that I have to convince my father to go to the human world after receiving my evil pieces, hahahaha Things are finally getting interesting.'


I'll warn you again that I'll only do this when I'm bored and I'll also warn you that I'm making things up as we go so my fanfic might deteriorate as we go.

To someone lazy like me, writing is hard as you can't think of what sentence is right to write and you don't plan things out so sometimes you wander what are you going to write and where the story will go.

DespairHopecreators' thoughts