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A young man is brought to the world of Miraculous Ladybug by Master Fu to help Ladybug and her allies. But the twist is, there's a different kind of Butterfly Miraculous in the Miracle Box that's completely different from the Moth Miraculous. Will Steel Butterfly fulfill his destiny, or will threats like Hawk Moth succeed? Chloe redemption. Future Bunnyx salt and redemption.

The_Fictional_Sema · Cómic
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41 Chs

Chapter 14: Timebreaker Averted

(Dupain-Cheng bakery, Paris, France, April the 3rd, 2015, third person POV...)

Marinette walks down the stairs to see her mother adjusting a flower in her hair, with Tikki following her.

Sabine notices Marinette and Tikki in the mirror and asks, "Well? With or without the flower?"

Marinette replies unsurely, "Uh, with?"

Sabine inquires in response, "You're sure it's not better without it?"

Tikki thinks hard and answers, "Well, I think you're looking good with the flower."

Marinette adds her two cents, "Either way, you look perfect, Mom."

Sabine replies back, "You know? It's not every day you celebrate your twentieth wedding anniversary."

Tom calls out from the bakery, "Marinette! Could you have a minute to come down here, please?"

Marinette runs over to where her father is.

Tom asks, "Well?"

Marinette looks around before asking for clarification, "Well, what?"

Tom clarifies, "My mustache, I groomed it. Is it too short? Should I shave the whole thing off? Maybe it's a little crooked on one—"

Marinette interrupts reassuringly, "You look perfect, Dad. Uh, except for one thing."

She points at his dirty baking apron, which he just so happens to still be wearing around his waist.

Tom looks at his waist and his eyes widen a bit as he states in response, "Thanks, sweetheart."

Then he runs off to change out of the apron.

Marinette replies, "Hehehe. No problem, Dad!"

Tikki laughs at the whole thing as she remarks, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No matter how many times I see some human beings being forgetful sometimes, I just can't stop laughing!"

Marinette and Tikki laugh together, unknowingly joined by Steel Butterfly in his lair as he laughs maniacally like a traditional mad scientist, "MWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Later, Marinette pushes her parents out the doors.

Marinette states, "You're both going to be late!"

Tom replies, "Now, don't forget Ms. Chamack will be coming by to pick up the Eiffel Tower cake in 30 minutes. I'm depending on you."

Marinette replies back, "No problem. Besides, if Alya calls me for anything, I can easily use a clone. Piece of cake."

Marinette's parents leave and Marinette closes the door as she's joined by Tikki.

Marinette remarks, "Wow, married twenty years. That's pretty cool, huh, Tikki?"

Tikki replies, "Yes, time flies when you're having fun and when you're doing your assigned tasks."

Marinette replies back, "Well, at least my homework's done."

Marinette makes her way to her room with Tikki flying alongside her.

In his lair, Steel Butterfly remarks, "Yes, indeed, Tikki. Time flies when you're doing work, when you're having fun, when you're pretending to have fun, and when you're doing absolutely nothing. But as all of us all across the omniverse progress further and further towards an uncertain future that looks only somewhat certain in God's Scriptures, suffice to say we might invent new ways to do work and have fun. But never forget, the moment you start pretending to have fun, you might have a little bit of real fun by accident."

Steel Butterfly sighs fondly as he thinks hard about what to write for his next journal entry while simultaneously keeping a close eye on the entirety of Paris just in case either Alix Kubdel becomes Akumatized or someone else becomes Akumatized in her place.

At the dining hall of the Grand Paris Hotel, Marinette's parents sit down to have their anniversary dinner.

Tom notices Alix Kubdel sitting at another table and waves at her, with Sabine following suit.

Alix waves back as her father Alim Kubdel notices.

Alix clarifies, "They're Marinette's parents. You know, one of the chicks I hang out with and go to school with?"

Alim replies, "Yes, I remember. They make the best bread in the whole of Paris, and I literally enjoyed the Christmas logs they gave us for Christmas last year."

Alim notices one of Alix's sneakers.

Alim asks, "Couldn't you have made more of an effort to dress nicely?"

Alix replies, "What do you mean? I took off my cap."

She points at her cap for emphasis.

Alim replies back, "But this is a special day."

Alix states in response, "Well, it's only a birthday."

Alim replies again, "(Tsking five times) No, this is a special birthday." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the fake Rabbit Miraculous Steel Butterfly and the other heroes made to throw Alix off-trail to initially prevent her from becoming Bunnyx and screwing up everything.

Alim explains, "This family heirloom was made by one of our ancestors many, many years ago. Like say, maybe five thousand or more, give or take. It's been passed down from one generation to the next, to be given to the youngest child on their 15th birthday. And today, it's your turn to inherit it."

Alix says in reply, "I have to say, its pretty sweet, Dad. But I've already got a watch, synced up to my smartphone."

Alim replies, "But sometimes, there is more to certain things than meets the eye. Let's just say that our ancestor was..." He opens the fake watch, activating the hologram projectors as he finishes, "...ahead of his time."

A digital non-magical hologram shows up and Alix gasps in awe.

Alim closes it before it can do anything else and says, "Of course, I'd understand if you'd rather have me buy you a new pair of rollerblades."

Alix replies, "No, Dad! I'm stoked to have it. It's awesome, thank you!"

Alix hugs her father and then her phone rings.

Alim asks, "Are your friends waiting?"

Alix answers, "Yeah, but I don't wanna bail on you. It's cool."

Alim replies back, "No, no, go ahead."

Alix stands up and puts on her cap.

Alim finishes, "Now, take good care of it."

Alix nods wordlessly and goes off to the Trocadéro to start the racing bet against Kim.

In his lair, Steel Butterfly smiles sinisterly as he turns to the camera and remarks, "Guess who switched out the other Rabbit Miraculous with a fake? Oops, I forgot; you saw the heist! Ha!"

Meanwhile, at the Dupain-Cheng bakery, Marinette is in her room learning how to make craft foam battle armor for a costume commission she got that was paying her really good.

Suddenly, Marinette's phone rings.

Marinette answers it and says, "Hey, Alya. What's up? I'm sorry, what? The bet between Alix and Kim? Of course, I didn't forget! I already made the banner for it! I know everyone's counting on me. In FIVE minutes? I'm sorry, no can do. I'm waiting for Nadia Chamack to stop by so I can give her the Eiffel Tower cake my parents made for her. No, Alya, chances are Ms. Chamack might show up earlier than twenty minutes. I'm sorry, Alya, but I'll have someone deliver the banner. Of course, I know its Alix's birthday. And tell her I said if she has some sort of special present on hand before the race, she needs to put it in one of her pockets so she can take better care of it. She has a pocket watch? Then tell her to put it in one of her pockets. Yes, Alix needs to know that her possessions are her own responsibility. Yeah, okay, bye."

Marinette hangs up with a relieved sigh.

Turns out, she had Miguel Guevara's delivery boy clone deliver the banner.

Once the delivery boy arrived in time with the banner, he called out, "Gift from Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

Alya and Adrien held out the banner for everyone to see and they all looked upon it with awe.

An unknown person calls out, "Oh, that's beautiful!"

Adrien remarks, "Marinette truly outdid herself this time."

Kim arrives and boastfully remarks, "You all picked the wrong side to cheer on. Looks like Alix isn't even showing up! Probably too chicken to race an extreme athlete like me."

Kim starts imitating a chicken for added emphasis.

Alix arrives and croons, "Spoke too soon, Kim. And I ain't a chicken. Either way, your ridiculous bets are over. I'm gonna leave you in the dust, meathead!"

Kim replies, "You're no match for me. My neck is bigger than your thigh."

Alya asks while laughing, "Hahahaha! Is that a good thing?"

The secret clone snickered as he said under his breath, "(Softly) Better get ready to pull out, mucus breath."

But nobody heard the secret clone and nobody knew that the insult was directed at both Kim and Alix.

As the clone starts to leave, Max explains thoroughly, "Let's review the official rules. There will be two laps around the fountains at approximately five hundred yards. The first one over the line's declared the victor! If Kim triumphs, Alix will relinquish her rollerblades to him. However, if Alix triumphs, Kim will be prohibited from making another dare for the rest of the school year."

Juleka Couffaine calls out, "We're through with all of those stupid dares!"

Ivan Bruel calls out, "Uh-huh, that's right!"

And Nathanael Kurtzberg calls out, "No more dares!"

Alix is pulled to the side as Alya whispers in her ear, "(Softly) Marinette said you have to put your birthday present in one of your pockets. It's the only way to be responsible for it and so that way, it won't get totaled."

Alix nods and puts the fake pocket watch in one of her pants pockets.

In his lair, a watching Steel Butterfly remarks, "PERFECT! AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It won't be long now before Bunnyx ceases to exist permanently! AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ah, but wait, I almost forgot; I have to train Alix to be a better Bunnyx so that way, if – and it's a major if – in the event the Cat Blanc timeline comes to be, the new Bunnyx will tell Ladybug and Cat Noir precisely what had happened and so that way, they can mobilize our forces against Hawk Moth and his allies. IN YOUR FACE, PRIMARY THOMAS ASS-TRUCK!"

Steel Butterfly then jolts as a memory resurfaces, the memory that he learned about in the season five premiere of Miraculous Ladybug back on his Earth in the summer of 2022: that Alix's father Alim secretly knew about his daughter's identity and supported her while knowing that giving her the Rabbit Miraculous on her birthday to help out her future counterpart during Bunnyx's first fight with Monarch and before the final fight with Timetagger needed to happen thanks to Lila Rossi as the second Hawk Moth.

Steel Butterfly softly growls like a tiger as he states, "And even so, Alim Kubdel is just as worse as his daughter, especially because she sent her father postcards from the future to the past explaining what was happening all the way to the Cat Blanc incident and so forth about the series all the way to season five. Motherf*****. If only he knew about all the things his daughter's future counterpart and their multiversal counterparts had done to keep their Rabbit Miraculouses no matter if their choices were right or wrong."

Steel Butterfly then says, "Computer! Prepare the SAFE."

The computerized voice that sounds like the Transformers War for Cybertron video game Omega Supreme replies, "Commencing SAFE holographic training arena preparations."

Steel Butterfly stomped towards the holographic training arena in a huff, the clanking sounds of his metal armored boots echoing across the room.

Back at the race, Max calls out, "On your marks, get set... GO!"

Alix and Kim start their race, with Kim on foot and Alix on her rollerblades while everyone cheers.

After about two minutes, Alix and Kim are still racing.

They reach the finish line with Alix in the lead.

The two cross the finish line with Alix still in the lead.

Alix calls out, "Yeah! Hahaha!"

Alix looks behind her and sees Kim panting as he finds out he lost.

Alix takes out the fake Rabbit Miraculous from her pocket and goes over to everyone else.

Kim states, "I call a rematch. That period of waiting threw me off."

On Adrien's video call, Marinette replies for Alix, "Nope. From what I saw, Alix won fair and square."

Marinette disconnects the call on her end and heads down to the bakery, where she runs into Nadia Chamack just as she was about to knock on the door.

Marinette opens the door and gets the cake for Nadia.

Nadia states, "Oh, thank you so much, Marinette!"

Marinette replies, "No problem, Mrs. Chamack. And before you ask, I almost forgot you were coming when I came to the door."

Nadia nods in understanding before walking away with her cake.

At the Grand Paris, Butler Jean brings Tom and Sabine's food to their table.

Butler Jean says, "Bon appetit."

Tom is about to pray for the food, but then his phone rings.

Tom informs Sabine, "It's Marinette." Tom answers, "Hello?"

Marinette says over the phone line, "Dad, mission accomplished. Ms. Chamack has got her cake as promised, stage two of Bunnyx ceasing to exist for the time has been completed, and Timebreaker's Akumatization has been averted."

Tom replies, "Excellent work, Marinette. (Whispers) Feel free to patrol today."

Tom hangs up and he and Sabine give thanks for their food.

Meanwhile, Steel Butterfly is in his lair, training himself against holograms of Bunnyx.

Steel Butterfly was having the time of his life by simply killing the holograms through different horror movie-style ways – not that Steel Butterfly enjoyed the horror movie murder styles to vent his frustrations against the former primary timeline version of the current Time Guardian of the Quantic Multiverse.

Steel Butterfly gets down to the last Bunnyx hologram, and he literally DECAPITATES the final Bunnyx hologram!

As the decapitated Bunnyx hologram falls lifeless to the ground, the severed head is caught in Steel Butterfly's hand and blood squirts out of the neck socket. As Steel Butterfly prepares his camera, he says, "Pose for the camera, Bunny B****." And he takes a picture of himself holding the severed Hologram Bunnyx's head. Then, the Bunnyx hologram and the blood both slowly dissipate into pixels. And Steel Butterfly starts laughing maniacally for two minutes straight.

In Hawk Moth's lair, Hawk Moth is fuming over the fact that he doesn't have a time travel-based supervillain to help him steal Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculouses and to do the same for Steel Butterfly and his crew.

Hawk Moth states, "You and Timebreaker slipped by me this time, Steel Butterfly. But one day, past, present or future, you and your allies will be destroyed! And I'll have Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculouses! I will be UNSTOPPABLE! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

The window to Hawk Moth's lair closes, engulfing it in darkness once again.

Meanwhile, at the Dupain-Cheng bakery, Marinette's parents have returned from their anniversary dinner.

Marinette is waiting for them at the entrance inside.

Marinette asks, "Hey! So, did you guys have a nice anniversary?"

Tom answers, "We sure did. Although, it was a good thing you were still here when Ms. Chamack came by."

Sabine asks, "So, how did the race go since you weren't there to see it in person?"

Marinette replies, "Oh, it was a good one. Kim lost, and therefore, there's no more bets for the rest of the school year!"

Marinette and her parents engage in a group hug with Tikki watching with a fond expression.

At the next patrol, the ten heroes of Paris celebrate their victory on top of the Eiffel Tower.

Steel Butterfly raises a glass of milk in place of alcoholic drinks due to his hatred of alcoholic drinks and due to two of their numbers being underage teenagers.

Steel Butterfly announces, "To the day that the original Bunnyx is permanently erased from existence! To brothers and sisters old, and brothers and sisters new! To our inevitable victory against Hawk Moth, Mayura, Lila Rossi, Cash, Techno-Pirate, Ikari Gozen, Ignoblia, and the many supervillain associates of their acquaintances! No sacrifice, no victory!"

The others chorused in unison, "Amen!" "Amen!" "Amen!" "Amen!" "Amen!" "Amen!" "Amen!" "Amen!" "Amen!"

Everyone drank their glasses of water, orange juice, apple juice, lemonade and/or milk.

(Steel Butterfly's voice-over POV as he writes in his Rorschach-inspired journal later that night in his lair...)

Steel Butterfly's journal.

April 3rd, 2015.

Happy Birthday to Alix Kubdel, aka Timebreaker, Bunnyx, Canigirl, and Bunny Dog if she's reading this journal entry at some point in the far future.

My respective task shared with Marinette was nothing short of a flawless success to prepare us for the future, for lack of a better term.

Marinette and I managed to successfully prevent Alix from getting Akumatized into Timebreaker for the first time, and therefore, Cat Noir and Plagg's temporary deaths have been averted. Along with the temporary deaths of everyone caught in the crossfire of the original Timebreaker incident in the original timeline.

Although, I'm gonna say right now that I believe it really is rather odd that Plagg would actually die considering the fact that Kwamis are said to be immortal like God and his angels. But I guess that when someone like Timebreaker has the ability to kill off anyone in existence in the manner that she can, especially including kwamis that are merged with their associated Miraculouses, that can prove to be a bit of a big problem. And what's also a bit of a problem is this: as shown in the Evolution episode of season 5, if Monarch attempts to fuse more than two or more than four Miraculouses and he attempts to overuse the powers of the Chinese Zodiac Miraculouses without detransforming to feed the kwamis in question, Monarch will not only suffer intense exhaustion, but also he'll be attacked by an electrical backlash that could potentially kill him and the kwamis, thereby revealing to the audiences of my Earth that the kwamis are SEMI-IMMORTAL.

But that's not important right now; what's important is that pretty soon, we'll be getting a new teammate, complete with the ability to travel through time to help us only as a last resort.

Don't get me wrong; I hated Bunnyx for what she did in the Cat Blanc and Evolution episodes as well as being unable to intervene when Felix stole the Miracle Box and handed it to Shadow Moth in exchange for the Peacock Miraculous and along with sending her father postcards in the past to make sure that her future as Bunnyx – including receiving the Rabbit Miraculous as a teenager in the Evolution episode – plays out in chronological order without Future Ladybug knowing about it or giving her permission in the first place, but I'm still aware that foreknowledge of the future and time travel can easily be abused by just about anyone, not just superheroes and supervillains.

And besides, just one hour ago, Master Fu said we still need Bunnyx in this timeline because attempting to replace her can easily bring attention to us by not only the Council of Time Guardians, but also from other time duplicates of Bunnyx who could prove to be just as worse as her alternate universe counterparts from the various fanfictions on my Earth who did everything they could to keep their jobs by changing the timeline. Just like that Archive Of Our Own fanfiction, Damian's Goddess.

And aside from that, Master Fu said that he talked with Fluff the rabbit kwami and she said that regardless of whether or not Alix becoming Bunnyx is a fixed point in time – which it wasn't the last time I checked – she has to become Bunnyx in order to prevent someone less qualified from ever choosing to abuse the Rabbit Miraculous for any reason. Up to and including revealing secrets in stark contrast to the original Future Ladybug picking Alix to become user of the Rabbit Miraculous simply because Alix Kubdel was capable of keeping secrets.

Bah! What a load of crap.

As evidenced by the Bringer of War fanfiction story from my Earth, when Bunnyx's original timeline and future are in danger of being erased, she'll try at first to lie to Ladybug about the circumstances of that future's disappearance only to resorting to trying to steal the Ladybug Miraculous to restore the future she thinks is better for her Earth if any other user of the Rabbit Miraculous busts the lie and reveals to Ladybug Bunnyx's true colors. Especially in regards to the fact that Bunnyx's actions could potentially allow Lila Rossi's lies to continue going on unexposed and unpunished to the point where she'd steal the Butterfly Miraculous to become Gabriel's successor as Hawk Moth instead of Adrien becoming Grayling. And that part would specifically happen if Bunnyx's lies are exposed to Ladybug by her permanent timeline replacement going by a different name that happens to be a synonym to bunny or rabbit.


Even before similar fanfiction stories depicting Bunnyx being fired or screwing up badly came to existence on my Earth in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2032, 2033, 2034, 2035, 2036, 2037, 2038, 2039, and 2040, Bunnyx will stop at nothing to keep her future intact. Even if it means erasing from existence alternative timelines in the same fashion as fanfiction stories from my Earth that feature even the Rabbit Miraculous being taken away and the former time guardian being forever cursed from using Miraculouses ever again, simply because she doesn't want her past or her future to be changed under any circumstances. Along with Ladybug permanently firing Bunnyx for not intervening with Lila's lies and believing them still specifically in the same Bringer of War story, apparently forgetting and/or ignoring that Lila was willingly working for the original Hawk Moth to kill Ladybug and Marinette.

Like I've said a couple of times before, at best, Bunnyx is attempting to play god with timelines. And at worst, she's acting like a villain, an entitled b****.

Hrrgh. In any case, the next Akumatization to avert is that motherf***** Theo Barbot, aka Copycat, a shapeshifter with the same appearance, powers and voice as Cat Noir who is deeply in love with Ladybug despite not knowing that she's only a teenager and he's a full grown man at either 16 or 18 years old.

BLEUGH! How utterly disgusting!

But all the same, I'm not gonna allow Copycat to frame Cat Noir for theft.

Either way, Copycat's not gonna get Akumatized. Not in my town. I'll make sure to that.

Anyway, the new design for my armored outfit Leppey helped me with sketching is finished at last.

A wonderful set of actual armored butterfly wings attached to my backplate without the jetpack, in a colorful assortment of black and white shades as a partial homage to Rorschach from Watchmen.

I am glad I decided to keep my sketchbook these past thirty thousand to thirty-two thousand and fifty-six years, and thanks to my divine ties, the sketchbook hasn't aged at all.

Now, I'm perfectly capable of designing sketches of new armored suits for the Chinese Zodiac Miraculouses as well as the Native American Miraculouses, the Miraculous Ladybug Fanon Miraculouses, the Miraculouses that possibly came from Miraculous Ladybug fanfictions from my Earth, and potentially the rest of the likely unlimited Miraculouses in the possession of the Order of the Guardians before and after the fall of the Order, and after their restoration in the aftermath of the Feast episode and incident in season 3.

Anyway, my new armored sketch is perfect.

It's truly a beautiful work of art.

It's truly an armor to protect me from bullets, knives, swords, axes, metal staves, battle hammers, forge hammers used as blunt weapons, crossbows, arrows, grenades, fires, burning that comes from entering Earth's atmosphere from space, other kinds of explosives no matter how powerful they are in large quantities, rockets, missiles, nuclear missiles, supernovas, planetary explosions, metal-eating acids, and many other things used as weapons in fiction and in real life.

And my visored helmet... true, it may be unchanged, but it's still truly a helmet that can hide me from the world and keep my identity safe while protecting my worn out senses.

A helmet which I can stare at in the mirrors of my lairs for hours on end if I could.

As all of you already know from my first journal entry, from the time of my arrival to this dimension and the Origins episodes thereon, I past-tense decided to write/type in everything that I see and experience here on Quantic Universe Earth 139, which can potentially contain a reading on my twenty-four seven mission to shed my murderous, demonic urges, to fight for truth, justice, and the American way on an equal level to Superman, and to ensure that every single antagonist of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir suffer the consequences for their crimes. Including those who allied with Lila Rossi in the future long after she became Gabriel Agreste's unofficial successor as Hawk Moth under my teammates' noses and under Grandmaster Su-Han's nose.

This journal, both paper and digitally saved, will become a file of my activities which I can take cues from and a backup agent to show God's army when they come to collect my soul on Judgement Day.

For now, I'll start my occasional night missions with one of my undercover reporter contacts and her attempted kidnappers.

But whatever happens, I'm going to make sure that no matter if Alix Kubdel becomes Bunnyx in this timeline or not, I'm going to make sure that I come prepared for when any of her counterparts invade my timeline to change it to suit them.

And besides, even if Alix doesn't become Bunnyx, everything I worked for is still in danger depending on whether or not any other version of Bunnyx will find out about my timeline.

Like I said, I need to be ready for when that day comes.

(Third person POV...)

As Miguel memorizes the sketch drawing that was the same as his original Steel Butterfly armor but with actual butterfly wings and no jetpack, he notices that Leppey added extra elements of knight and samurai armors as well.

Miguel calls out, "Leppey, Elegant Wings Live!"

Miguel transforms into the new Steel Butterfly.

After looking at his reflection in the mirror, Steel Butterfly flies outside of his lair thanks to a launching ramp leading to the roof.

Steel Butterfly notices that he's still equipped with the ability to make himself invisible, so he whispers, "(Softly) Shroud of Invisibility."

Steel Butterfly turns invisible and blends in with the clouds and the moonlight.

Steel Butterfly flies slowly over the streets and buildings of Paris while keeping an eye out for anything in front of him to prevent crashing into a bigger building.

Steel Butterfly stops short of one level of the Eiffel Tower, closes his eyes, and concentrates hard on his super hearing to listen on the sounds of the night to pinpoint the location of his undercover reporter contact, Joëlle Beaumanoir, and to make sure that she's safe from harm.

After hearing a scream from Joëlle somewhere in the Twelfth Arrondisment, Steel Butterfly flew as fast as he could, his wings alternating between flapping as fast as an actual butterfly's wings and staying spread broadly like the Transformers Fall of Cybertron Swoop when he speed boosts in flying dinosaur mode.

Steel Butterfly lands on a rooftop in the Twelfth Arrondisment leading to one of the few alleyways with at least one camera in it.

After decloaking, Steel Butterfly spots Joëlle surrounded by six men, three of them buff and three others wearing body armor.

And by the looks of things, Joëlle was about to be gunned down.

Thinking quickly, Steel Butterfly tosses out of his hand an Infamous 2 Ice Grenade in the form of a cluster grenade and the six criminals are frozen solid by the explosion of freezing ice.

Joëlle looks up and Steel Butterfly slowly descends thanks to his new wings.

Steel Butterfly lands softly, and Joëlle rushes up to the butterfly hero, embracing him in a bear hug despite the fact that SB was wearing a full suit of armor.

Joëlle states tearfully, "Thank you, Steel Butterfly!"

The butterfly hero replies while hugging his contact and friend, "You are most welcome, but you really should be more careful because I won't always be around to protect you and the others because of my job."

Joëlle nods against Steel Butterfly's upper left chestplate.

After calling the police, Steel Butterfly then says, "Let the police thaw them out. It won't matter if their body armors shatter like glass while still frozen; they're still unarmed thanks to their guns being disassembled for anything even more suspicious."

After the police went to collect the six criminals, Steel Butterfly flew home discreetly.

Steel Butterfly says in his soundproof lair, "Leppey, Elegant Wings Die."

Miguel emerges in his apartment three minutes later and checks the time on his digital alarm clock.

Seeing that the time was ten thirty in the evening, Miguel immediately goes to sleep.

The next day, as Miguel was walking home from one of the local gyms after getting his exercise in and after using the showers while being mindful of the possibility of the gym having to pay water bills, another new Akumatized supervillain shows up.

This villain was dressed in a mix between the various metal Batman armors and the various metal armors worn by the numerous identities of The Vulture, including the Adrian Toomes Vulture armors from Spider-Man: Homecoming and the 2018 Marvel's Spider-Man video game.

The Batman/Vulture hybrid knock-off declares while unleashing swarms of vultures and bats upon the citizens of Paris, "Hear me, people of Paris! I am Vulture Bat, and I want Jennifer Galtres here now!"

Miguel once again concealed himself in shadows as he watches Vulture Bat's vultures and bats attacking everyone and turning all manner of animals and insects into obedient metal robot replicas of the Transformers Generation 1 Birdbrain, the Transformers Generation 1 Ratbat, the Transformers Robots in Disguise 2015 Psychobat, and the Transformers Generation 1 Mindwipe.

The bat and bird robots went all across the city, attacking anyone who tries to flee or fight them, but only the people who did bad things to birds, including Officer Roger Raincomprix.

Anyone the robots and actual animals spared were duplicated into alternate gender versions of themselves, either siblings, cousins, or wives and husbands for those who were single.

Miguel remarks to himself as he appears in his lair without anyone being the wiser, "I sure hope I don't meet my gender opposite; I'm already in love with Ryoka and I already have siblings back on my Earth potentially watching this new version of the show, thank you very much."

Miguel then declares, "Leppey, Elegant Wings Live!"

Miguel becomes Steel Butterfly.

Steel Butterfly listens and concentrates on the thoughts associated with positive emotions.

Finding a spike of joyful adrenaline in the Akuma Shelter 2 blocks away from the 7th Arrondisment, Steel Butterfly immediately deduces that the source of joyful adrenaline is Noemie Bauchau, one of the closest associates of his firstborn son from his first marriage in 1459, his child in question having the same immortality and angelic powers that he has.

Steel Butterfly remarks before making a Tenshi and then sending it on its way, "Well, well, well. One of my son's closest associates is still around after all. Fly off, my angelic Tenshi, and Tenshize her."

The Tenshi merges with Noemie's flower pin and establishes the connection between her and Steel Butterfly.

Steel Butterfly says from his lair, "Thorn Peace, I am Steel Butterfly. I'm granting you the ability to manipulate plant life with thorns and vines to help you take down Vulture Bat's army. Along with that, you'll be given the ability to make indestructible plant soldiers that are 100% invulnerable to damage and can't ever be destroyed by pesticides, weed killers, or fire. Take out Vulture Bat's wings and utility belt, because chances are one of them or all three could be the Akumatized object."

Noemie/Thorn Peace replies, "I'll just take out all three of his armaments for convenience."

Noemie transforms into Thorn Peace, a hybrid combination of Thorn from the United Heroez, Poison Ivy, Layla Williams from Sky High, and a female version of Weredad.

Thorn Peace takes out a potted plant and creates her army to match Vulture Bat's army in numbers.

In the vicinity of the Eiffel Tower, Vulture Bat remarks as he holds Jennifer by her throat, "Now that I have you, I'm going to make you pay for getting me in trouble with my boss!"

Jennifer asks confusedly in spite of her small suffocation, "What are you talking about?! Who are you?!"

Vulture Bat retracts his helmet, letting Jennifer see his face.

Jennifer's eyes widened as she exclaims, "Gotzon Boësset?!"

Gotzon/Vulture Bat replies, "Not anymore, since your sneaky, corrupt, s***** lies got me fired!"

Vulture Bat suddenly has an idea to prevent Steel Butterfly from stopping him, an idea that not many Akumatized villains came up with due to the majority of them being children and adults of average intelligence depending on what they were taught by their parents and their teachers in the past.

Allowing two of his robots in bipedal mode to hold his victim in place, Vulture Bat draws his greatsword and decapitates Jennifer before bisecting her headless corpse.

Holding his now dead victim's head in his talons, Vulture Bat cackled in the same manner as the Transformers Prime Megatron cackling.

Seeing this from a distance, Steel Butterfly roars, "(Extremely loud) FOOT NINJA, ATTACK!"

Thorn Peace's army roared as they charged towards Vulture Bat's army with all sorts of melee and ranged weapons at their disposal, including gunpowder weapons.

And all the while, Steel Butterfly fly-charged towards Vulture Bat with his mechanical armor's shoulder cannons firing bluish-red energy blasts and rockets at his target.

Vulture Bat dodges the laser and rocket blasts before fly-charging towards Steel Butterfly, their armors and swords crackling with golden-white and blue electricity and reddish-purple electricity respectively.

Their cracking swords surge as they collide, with the two fliers engaged in a fierce sword lock.

Vulture Bat snarls, "I may not have the ultimate power needed to defeat you on my own, Butterfly, but I'm still powerful enough to take on any number of armies at your disposal!"

Steel Butterfly roars as he swings their swords around before slapping Vulture Bat's sword with his armored hand, shattering the narrow greatsword blade to pieces.

Vulture Bat is so shocked at what the butterfly hero did, and he doesn't notice Thorn Peace's army decimating his own army while at the same time, he doesn't notice Steel Butterfly and Thorn Peace slicing off his wings and utility belt.

At the moment all four of the current Akumatized villain hit the ground, three small Akumas fly out of Vulture Bat's utility belt and his wings before merging together to form a normal-sized Akuma.

Steel Butterfly purifies the Akuma and before he unleashes his Miraculous Butterfly cure, Ladybug states as she flies overhead, "No need, SB; you handled the difficult part. Miraculous Ladybug!"

Ladybug's Miraculous Ladybug reverts everything back to normal – literally – and Vulture Bat is transformed back into a French-Irish adult man of Bruce Wayne's height and muscle mass number.

Steel Butterfly immediately recognizes the man as Jennifer said by name, Gotzon Boësset, one of the most dirty tabloid reporters with numerous offenses, dirty dealing records, and cease-and-desist orders.

The revived Jennifer comes up to Gotzon and kicks him extra hard in the nuts as sirens are heard wailing.

Steel Butterfly comes up to Gotzon as he kneels in pain, and the butterfly hero kicks him hard in the face – not hard enough to send him flying o to cause extremely deadly pain, but hard enough to knock him out and leave a mark.

The police handcuff Gotzon and they take him to the nearest police precincts.

In the skies of Paris, Ladybug questions, "So, what was that all about?"

Steel Butterfly answers, "Jennifer Galtres was a private investigator and intrepid reporter for TVi News whose work led to Gotzon Boësset getting permanently fired from his job. And Gotzon? He's a tabloid reporter who's done dirty dealings and received numerous cease-and-desist orders while also turning out to be a repeat offender."

Cat Noir quizzes, "What's a repeat offender?"

Ladybug answers in short simple terms, "A criminal of different kinds who keeps committing crimes only to be constantly thrown in jail and only to keep getting released either for good behavior or because the charges didn't stick."

Cat Noir replies, "Oh. I see."

Steel Butterfly then says, "Yep, and this was truly the first time an Akumatized villain has successfully murdered the source of their Akumatization occurring. But thankfully, I had faith we would be able to revive Jennifer."

The heroes flew off into the sunset.