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A young man is brought to the world of Miraculous Ladybug by Master Fu to help Ladybug and her allies. But the twist is, there's a different kind of Butterfly Miraculous in the Miracle Box that's completely different from the Moth Miraculous. Will Steel Butterfly fulfill his destiny, or will threats like Hawk Moth succeed? Chloe redemption. Future Bunnyx salt and redemption.

The_Fictional_Sema · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 15: Copycat Averted.

(Quantic Universe Earth 139, Paris, France, April 7th, 2015, Steel Butterfly's voiceover POV as he writes in his Rorschach-inspired journal...)

Steel Butterfly's journal.

April 7th, 2015.

I was woken up at nine thirty by my digital alarm clock imitating the sounds of different intruder alarms in unison. And when my alarms didn't work, I was awoken by shouting outside.

When I woke up and freshened myself, I looked out my window to see transients.

I counted twenty-seven of them in total.

I must remember to begin looking for a shelter for these transients tomorrow.

And I must remember to begin looking for the perfect kittens to be added to my family at a later date in the event we manage to permanently defeat Hawk Moth the same way Ladybug and Cat Noir did in one of my favorite fanfictions from my Earth that featured Marinette and Adrien knowing each other's identities right from the very beginning.

Today, starting now based on what I can see through my clones whether or not I'm sleeping, this so-called City of Love is changing on the outside and the inside thanks to Hawk Moth abusing the power of the original Butterfly Miraculous in his goal to revive his wife.

I don't view the city of Paris in this universe as being even the intersection between black and white in terms of morality between good and evil, but this city is being dripping wet by the first few droplets of impermeable black ink and in no time flat, the rest of the metaphorical bottle of spare ink for a ballpoint pen will eventually come washing down in hot pursuit.

I may not be able to see it or smell it like Rorschach allegedly can, but I can see where the moralities and choices we make can easily meet in the gray middle.

And though human beings hesitate when making big choices, I am easily able to willfully freeze time long enough to think about the ramifications of my choices. That is, if I can distract my enemies from attempting to stop me.

In any case, I happen to have a brilliant yet simple enough plan to prevent Theo Barbot from becoming Akumatized into Copycat.

And that plan is to reveal that Ladybug is a teenager but without revealing her precise age.

True, it might have some repercussions, but unfortunately, it's the most brilliant plan to show Theo that his actions could've landed him in trouble with Ladybug's parents and with the Parisian Police Department.

Outside another window, I saw in an alley kids from Francoise Dupont High School's Art Club accompanying Alix Kubdel with spray-painting legalized street art.

I was confused; as far as I knew, only Alix Kubdel did street art whenever she got the chance as long as it was legal.

I memorized the other kids' descriptions, then prepared for work.

On my way out of my apartment, I ran into my landlady.

She gave me the usual praises regarding hygiene and rent.

There was an assortment of wrinkles around the corners of her eyes, looking to be two years old in regards to how long they were there.

And I knew that for men and women of her age, the wrinkles around their eyes usually means that they smiled a lot.

In one of the Arrondisments I didn't bother to check which one it was I was in, I saw Norbert and Pascale leaving the nearest diner I saw online that has good reviews.

They saw me for sure, and though they looked like they were pleased that I was attractive from the neck up and the neck down unlike Rorschach, the civilian counterparts of Distortion and Broadband Woman didn't know me because I wasn't wearing my armored suit.

Without my armored suit or even a video of me transforming into myself, nobody knows who I am.

Upon entering the diner, I treated myself to some actual caffeinated coffee because I was still tired, and you know what they say: desperate times call for desperate measures.

Normally, I avoid drinking coffee, but this time, I only allowed myself to drink coffee because I was still tired for some reason.

I must remember to investigate my tiredness further.

Upon being asked for my order, I politely asked for French toast, avocado toast, hash browns, bacon, a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich, scrambled eggs, a fruit salad platter, cooked ham, home fries, a bacon and cheese omelette, oatmeal with blueberries, a blueberry muffin, blueberry waffles, strawberry waffles, blueberry pancakes, strawberry and banana pancakes, an apple turnover, a cherry turnover, steak and scrambled eggs, a bacon and steak quesadilla, and orange slices.

Of course, I said it was for on the go to eat at home since I finished my coffee by the time my food was being made. And I also convinced the server that the order was for multiple people amounting to 9 people.

And guess what? The server bought it.

Everyone else in the diner just ignored me, and I preferred it that way.

I'd rather not answer any questions as to why I order large amounts of food for any meal and still manage to keep myself in shape. That is, if people ever found out that I can consume large amounts of food without gaining weight or becoming gluttonous.

When my food arrived in to-go bags, I left a humongous tip for the server as I thanked him for his services.

Upon returning to my apartment, I transformed into Steel Butterfly, gave thanks for my food, and chowed down while also pouring adequate portions of syrup on my pancakes, waffles and French toast.

After finishing up and cleaning up, I felt my breakfast become quickly digested and I felt my energy become a hundred times increased.

But now that I've had my breakfast, I must be sure to warn Marinette and Tikki about how Theo Barbot becomes Copycat and what we can do to stop it.

Which is why I'm heading there now via my ability to teleport.

In any case, I intend to make sure as well that Tikki has taught Marinette about the Miraculous power up potions to prepare for the Syren episode months in advance.

And if Theo still gets Akumatized despite my efforts, not to worry; we all came up with security questions to ask one another in case there's a duplicate of one of us such as Copycat, Copy Blanc – a Cat Blanc-inspired Copycat – Sentimonster Ladybug and Lady Misfortune. As well as any Sentimonster duplicates that Mayura and Shadow Moth wouldn't hesitate to create to throw us off while they both sneak in for the kill if we ever failed to apprehend them on Heroes' Day.

And believe me, having security questions in case we do end up in those situations, especially if we encounter Volpina in the future in the event we are unable to apprehend Hawk Moth on Heroes' Day, can prove to be useful to help spot imposters.

But of course, I'll also have to explain to Marinette what Cat Noir did that caused Theo to become Akumatized into Copycat in the original timeline.

I can tell you this, readers; like in some fanfictions from my Earth, Marinette's going to be pretty pissed at what I have to tell her about today's incident.

And if that isn't enough, I also have to make sure that Cat Noir's reputation doesn't get ruined just because of Copycat robbing the Louvre museum and getting away with it thanks to the fact that Copycat looks like Cat Noir in every way, including height, weight and muscular physique.

If my efforts fail, that's going to be a lot of hard work down the drain and my job is going to be made a tad harder.

Hhhaaa. What did I get myself into when I signed up for this superhero nonsense?

Oh, that's right; I signed up for this superhero business just because 1, I wanted to help my favorite heroes solve their problems in every way possible as listed in one of my previous journal entries. And 2, because Master Fu chose me to be the leader of the French Miraculous Superhero Team.

I would say I'm not in it for the fame, the glory, the superpowers making me nearly unstoppable and smart enough to be considered infallible, and so forth. But some part of me wanted to be in a spotlight for at least 5 minutes and not longer after that. But considering the fact that I always help my allies battle Akumatized supervillains in person, and considering the fact that Ladybug and Cat Noir don't exactly have the experience or the numbers to handle Hawk Moth's Akumatized victims on their own, and considering the fact that Ladybug and Cat Noir don't exactly have the full training in all forms of martial arts – including and excluding Mirakung-Fu – to be able to apprehend Hawk Moth, Mayura, Future Hawk Moth, Flairmidable, Argos, and certain iterations of Marinette, Adrien, Chloe, or Emilie using the Butterfly Miraculous as villains, suffice to say that my 5 minutes of fame are practically moot.

Nevertheless, I now know that some people will always end up famous, no matter how they achieve that fame. But one thing is certain: I will never abuse my fame for anything. Not going to happen whatsoever.

So, I guess this is goodbye for now. The next journal entry to come will detail whether or not we were successful in preventing Theo Barbot from getting Akumatized into Copycat.

(Dupain-Cheng bakery, third person POV...)

Marinette is on her balcony with Tikki talking about the power-up potions – the ones that Steel Butterfly still remembers so far.

Marinette asks, "So, do you and Steel Butterfly remember what the so-called green potion does?"

Tikki answers with a shudder at the end, "Yes. It grants a Miraculous user the ability to breathe underwater and the ability to swim more effectively and at faster speeds than usual. In terms of suit design, your armor will be given fish-like features such as flippers, fins, webbed fingers, and scale-like patterns. But thankfully, you won't have to worry about actually growing gills. Ugh."

Marinette sighs in relief before she inquires, "What about the blue potion?"

Tikki replies, "It bestows a Miraculous user an enhanced immunity to freezing cold temperatures below zero degrees and an enhanced proficiency in ice-skating. In terms of suit design, your armor will be given ice skates, snowflake and ice crystal accents, and an ice-like tiara. But the tiara appears only on you."

Marinette quizzes again, "And what does the red potion do?"

Tikki answers, "It grants a Miraculous user the ability to manipulate fire and an immunity to scorching heat. Because of this, you can easily walk across lava, swim across lava, or even enter the sun without being burnt to nothingness. In terms of suit design, your suit gains flame accents and fire-retardant and heat-resistant materials, including metal. At the same time, however, your hair will be on fire without burning up or it can be replaced with flames."

Marinette inquires again, "And what does the yellow potion do?"

Tikki explains once more, "The yellow potion gives a Miraculous user the ability to manipulate and control electricity at will. It wasn't initially put into usage until electricity-based technology continued getting invented in more ways than just the light bulb. At the same time, both yourself and your armor become one hundred percent invulnerable to electricity-based attacks and even any natural disaster created by God that involves lightning storms. It's mostly like your armor is given rubber insulation of the highest quality that can easily be made by either an angelic craftsman or by magical sources. Anyway, in terms of suit design, your armor becomes decorated with all things that use electricity, such as cords and plugs. And at the same time, the yellow potion gives you all sorts of superpowers that revolve around the use of electricity, including the powers of Cole MacGrath, Electro, Black Lightning, Static, Thor, and so forth."

Marinette asks once more, "And aside from those video game and comic book references to superheroes and supervillains who can manipulate electricity, what does the orange potion do?"

Tikki explains again, "It bestows a Miraculous user the ability to survive extreme environments equivalent to either the most inhospitable deserts like Death Valley or even being in close proximity to the sun. In terms of suit design, it's a combination of the suit from the fire potion and the space potion."

Marinette quizzes once more, "What does the pink potion do?"

Tikki answers, "The pink potion gives a Miraculous user the ability to fly at great speeds and the ability to withstand strong winds like if the strong winds were gentle breezes. In terms of suit design, your armor will be upgraded with flight technology and even an armored flight suit with added flight wing-like fabrics and metals. Either that, or you can just be given actual animal wings that work."

Marinette questions again, "And what does the white potion do?"

Tikki answers again, "Well, the white potion allows a Miraculous user to purify anyone and anything of any sort of corrupt or malignant sources of energy or matter. And that especially includes any of Hawk Moth's Akumas that he might've empowered to the point where your yoyo can't purify them on its own. In terms of suit design, your armor will be decorated like a combination of a doctor business suit and a radiation suit."

Marinette asks again, "And what powers are associated with the black Miraculous potion?"

Tikki answers, "The black potion grants the user the ability to become absolutely invulnerable with a magical suit of armor for those who choose not to visualize armor in their first and evolved transformations. And in terms of armor design, it depends on the Miraculous user's tastes and desires as well as what they really see when they visualize themselves wearing a suit of armor."

Marinette continues taking notes written in a combination of French and Cantonese, then she asks, "What does the gray potion do?"

Tikki replies, "The gray potion gives a Miraculous user the ability to be the master of a jungle, in addition to gaining the ability to control animals and insects in different ways. And that includes the ability to communicate with wild animals and wilderness insects. In terms of suit design, your armor will be upgraded with one of each different animal and insect aspects correlating to your animal and insect control powers."

Marinette questions once more, "And about the silver potion, what powers does it bestow upon any Miraculous users?"

Tikki explains, "The silver potion gives you the ability to control and create everything related to heavenly things like God's riches for His children. In terms of suit design, your armor will be decorated like the armor of a battle angel from Superbook, but with a full suit of armor that merges the designs and appearances of different knight armor pieces, in addition to granting you the ability to fly via angelic white bird wings."

Marinette quizzes yet again, "What about the gold potion? What powers does it provide for the Miraculous holder that transforms with it?"

Tikki responds with, "Well, the gold potion gives you the ability to manipulate and control technology to the point where you can outdo anyone else with the same abilities like Techno-Pirate. And it also grants you the ability to make technology evolve or devolve in order to combat any threats like the Antichrist of religious legend. In terms of suit design, your armor is given technological gadgets and technology-related armor pieces all made of magical technology."

Marinette inquires once again, "And what powers are given by the brown potion to the Miraculous owners?"

Tikki answers yet again, "The brown potion gives the Miraculous users the ability to manipulate wood in any way possible, including the ability to harden the durability of any wooden instrument or weapon you're using. In terms of suit design, your armor is given all different sorts of wooden aspects and other things related to wood, including trees."

Marinette asks again, "What powers are associated with the magenta potion?"

Tikki explains again, "The magenta potion gives you the ability to manipulate water in every way possible. Kind of like the green aqua potion, but also similarly different as with the green potion, you can't manipulate water. But anyway, in terms of suit design, your armor will be redesigned in the same style as the armors worn by Aquaman, Ocean Master, and Black Manta. Also in terms of suit design, your armor is also given the suit from the aqua potion and combines its design with the designs of several iterations of Atlantean battle armor as displayed in Aquaman-themed media, whether they're worn by Aquaman, Black Manta, or Ocean Master."

Marinette then asks, "Well, exactly what kind of powers does the cyan potion provide?"

Tikki responds with, "The cyan potion gives you the ability to manipulate air. In terms of suit design, your armor will be given the design aesthetics of different air and aerial animal-themed superhumans."

Marinette asks yet again, "Well, what does the violet potion do?"

Tikki replies again, "Well, the violet potion grants you the ability to manipulate metal and become encased in an indestructible metal suit that fits you in every way. In terms of suit deign, your armor will become extremely metallic and form-fitting to the point where you would resemble a combination of a female Iron Man, Batgirl, and a Ladybug-inspired Lady Shredder."

Marinette inquires once again, "And what does the periwinkle potion do?"

Tikki answers, "The potion bestows the ability to manipulate plant life and an immunity to all natural poisons and toxins known to man. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes decorated with different kinds of symbolisms of Earth's plant life."

Marinette quizzes once more, "And what does the lilac potion do?"

Tikki answers again, "It grants you the ability to manipulate all of the universe's elements of earth, fire, water, wind, metal, wood, lightning, ice, thunder, force, flower, shadow, light, sun, and moon. In terms of suit design, your armor will become decorated with all of the powers and armored outfits of many female heroes who can control all of the elements."

Marinette questions again, "What about the bronze potion? What does it do?"

Tikki replies, "The bronze potion gives you the ability to manipulate fictional environments for any purposes, including summoning various fictional heroes to help you out. In terms of suit design, your armor metamorphoses to closely resemble the outfits of any two to three fictional heroes you summon as well as symbolize relations to the fictional heroes' environments."

Marinette inquires again, "What environmental power is affiliated with the jade potion?"

Tikki replies, "The jade potion gives you the ability to make create and control sand, like The Sandman from Marvel Comics. In terms of suit design, your armor will be given heat-resistant and water-resistant sand armor that deflects all forms of damage possible, including bullets, water-themed attacks, and fire-themed attacks."

Marinette requests, "And what about the emerald potion?"

Tikki answers again, "Oh, it gives you the power of video manipulation. Steel Butterfly told me he made it himself. The potion allows you to have the same powers of video manipulation as Eugene Sims and Delsin Rowe from inFAMOUS Second Son. In terms of suit design, your armor will be given video angel and video demon armor that, when converted into matter, becomes merged with your normal Miraculous armor for as long as the transformation lasts."

Marinette questions, "And what about the diamond potion?"

Tikki responds again, "The diamond potion gives you 50 new superpowers of your choosing, whether you say the names of the powers out loud or you think about them. But the catch is that you won't detransform once any of the new powers have been activated. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes symbolic of the powers activated in question."

Marinette queries, "And what powers are used by ingesting the ruby potion?"

Tikki answers again, "Well, I believe that the ruby potion grants the user superhuman speed. Basically, you'd be able to run at extremely fast speeds. In terms of suit design, your armor is themed after the armors worn by various DC Comics speedsters over the years. But thankfully, you don't have to worry about burning too many calories."

Marinette sighs in relief and then inquires again, "Do your remember what powers are given to kwamis and Miraculous users who ingest the sapphire potion?"

Tikki replies yet again, "Yes, as a matter of fact. The sapphire potion gives you the power of superhuman strength the equivalent of Superman, but thankfully you won't have to worry about too much muscle mass. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes bulkier to adjust to your increased muscle mass."

Marinette questions once again, "And what powers does the obsidian potion have?"

Tikki answers once again, "The obsidian potion gives you the power to use your powers an unlimited number of times. But that would only apply to underage Miraculous users who didn't have someone like Steel Butterfly to upgrade their powers to the point of being able to use their powers an unlimited number of times. In terms of suit design, your armor is an assortment of different fabric and hard metal armors merged together to not only protect you from blunt and sharp attacks, but also to protect you from bullets."

Marinette queries once more, And what sort of powers are affiliated with the platinum potion?"

Tikki replies again, "Well, the platinum potion grants a Miraculous user the ability to manipulate superpowers at will. With this potion, you can remove superpowers, increase them, decrease them, redistribute them, bestow powers, transfer superpowers both ways, absorb superpowers, and so forth. In terms of suit design, your armor will be upgraded to the point where you're immune to any physical superpowers that involve physical attacks like swords and bullets, or even fists and anything falling on you."

Marinette quizzes again, "And what about the copper potion?"

Tikki answers, "The copper potion grants you the ability to manipulate gravity. In every way possible through the copper potion, you have the ability to manipulate gravity, to the point where you can allow yourself to fly in case your wings as Ladybug get destroyed. But little side-note: your wings as Ladybug are able to regenerate after you detransform, feed me, and transform again. Anyway, in terms of suit design, your armor is the same as the space potion suit, but with more added elements of knight armor and military armor upgraded for space travel."

Marinette asks again, "And what about the turquoise potion?"

Tikki replies, "The turquoise potion allows you to control the flow of time and grants you all superpowers related to time, just like how Steel Butterfly can travel through time and bring people into our timeline if needed. Anyway, in terms of suit design, your armor becomes armor stylized in the same uniforms as the greatest time travelers in history, including Doctor Emmett Brown, H.G. Wells, Tempus Fugit, The 13th Doctor, Marty McFly, and so forth."

Marinette questions again, "And what about the grey potion?"

Tikki answers again, "The grey potion allows you to control and create illusions, to the point where your illusions won't disappear if they're touched. And the bonus is that if you make illusions of people, fictional or otherwise, they'll have the same things that the real deals have. Including memories, personalities, mannerisms, powers, and skills. In terms of suit design, your armor is upgraded with mystical armor worn by warrior mages."

Marinette then queries once again, "And what about the powers provided by the teal potion?"

Tikki responds with, "Well, the teal potion grants you the ability to manipulate and create glass for anything. Your suit is given indestructible glass armor, like ceramic glass and metal armor, and you don't have to worry about getting cut by glass at all."

Marinette inquires again, "And powers are bestowed by the rose pink potion?"

Tikki answers, "The rose pink potion grants you the ability to manipulate life, such as reviving a good person from the dead in the divine, holy sense, bringing machines and other things to life, and creating life that ranges to simply giving an infertile couple a baby. In terms of suit design, your armor is upgraded to armor of light that can't be penetrated by anything, including anti-magic."

Marinette questions, "And what about the peach pink potion?"

Tikki answers, "Well, the peach pink potion grants you the ability to manipulate love. In terms of suit design, your armor will be decorated like a combination of Cupid armor and your normal Ladybug armor."

Marinette then asks, "And what of the scarlet red potion?"

Tikki answers, "Sadly, the scarlet red potion was invented by a rogue Guardian to give Miraculous users the ability to manipulate blood and the ability to give blood, as well as the ability to make blood."

Marinette exclaims in disgust, "EW! Blood powers?!"

Tikki answers again before saying, "Yes, unfortunately. But the best part is you can regain lost blood in any fatal stab wounds or in the event you get shot. And another best part is that you can manipulate blood to heal wounds in either yourself or someone else without needing to exchange your own blood. In addition to reviving anyone drained of blood by a vampire just in case someone somehow manages to make vampires real. Basically, that last part is intended for just in case vampires become real somehow. Anyway, in terms of suit design, your armor becomes a combination of your standard Ladybug armor, your spacesuit armor, your Cupid-style armor, and a female version of Vlad Dracula's battle armor in Ultimate Spider-Man and Marvel's Avengers Assemble."

Marinette remarks, "One thing's for sure: I don't intend to use this so-called blood potion any time soon."

Tikki nods in understanding.

Marinette then quizzes, Now, what about the powers affiliated with the beige white potion?"

Tikki answers, "The beige white potion allows you to manipulate, control, and create snow. With this kind of superpower, you can make snow appear in the winter, you can make snow melt for children who aren't happy with snow days, you can make snow cones, and you can do all sorts of things with the snow potion. You can even calm the intensity of a snowstorm with just a word. Anyway, in terms of suit design, your armor becomes decorated with snow-themed decorations and additions that make you immune to the cold."

Marinette queries, "And what about the seashell white potion?"

Tikki replies once more, "The seashell white potion allows you to manipulate crystals for different things, including making fancy jewelry and including using even diamond for added invulnerability since diamond is the hardest organic substance in the world. In terms of suit design, your armor gains scales and spikes made of crystals in different categories, and the rest of your armor becomes like the Lady Shredder's armor."

Marinette asks again, "And what about the power of the champagne white potion?"

Tikki replies again, "It grants you the ability to manipulate nature in many ways, but specifically for making new trees grow in areas and cities with plenty of trees, but not enough to combat the atrocious gases of modern vehicles. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes plantlike but still highly invulnerable to physical damage."

Marinette inquires yet again, "And what about the olive yellow potion?"

Tikki answers, "It grants you the power to manipulate and control the weather in various ways and for different kinds of benefits, such as making heatwaves more bearable and making snow days less hazardous for people traveling on the road. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes like the armors worn by superhumans capable of manipulating the weather."

Marinette quizzes once again, "And what about the power of the rusty red potion?"

Tikki replies, "It grants you the ability to manipulate energy of different kinds for different benefits. Including making new sources of energy as well as making limited resources unlimited, such as oil. In terms of suit design, your armor is upgraded with the motifs of different people who can manipulate energy."

Marinette asks again, "And what about, um, the vermilion red potion?"

Tikki answers, "This potion grants you the ability to manipulate lava without any disadvantages at all, unlike Lavagirl from that movie. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes as solid and hard as lava rocks."

Marinette questions out of curiosity, "What about the powers of the – what color is it again? – the maroon red potion?"

Tikki answers, "This potion allows you to get energy for your powers by direct exposure to sunlight, just like Superman. This way, even without Steel Butterfly's upgrades, you won't have to worry about your powers needing to be recharged after being used. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes like the Cosmic Armor for Superman."

Marinette asks, "And what about the light red potion?"

Tikki rejoinders again, "It grants you the ability to make force fields of varying levels of durability against different kinds of attacks. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes like Jade Turtle's armor, based on what Steel Butterfly's said."

Marinette queries, "And what about the Russian violet potion?"

Tikki answers, "The Russian violet potion grants you the power to create any superpower you can imagine, whether for yourself, or for someone else. And the best part is, with or without Steel Butterfly's upgrades, this power up potion doesn't run out of power no matter how many times you use your powers. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes merged with the outfits of people who can create superpowers, including Hawk Moth."

Marinette asks again, "And why is that, Tikki?"

Tikki explains, "Well, as Steel Butterfly surmised, Hawk Moth's Akumatization superpower and Steel Butterfly's Tenshization superpower both are involved in superpower creation, the ability to create virtually any kind of superpower you can imagine."

Marinette replies before asking, "I see. Now then, what about the royal purple potion?"

Tikki answers, "The royal purple potion grants you the ability to turn invisible to the naked eye. And because the potion is magic, no level of technology can detect you via night vision, infrared, or even to the point where you'd show up in magic-infused technology. Once you turn invisible for any reason, no one can see you except for fellow Miraculous users on our side. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes a hybrid cross between your normal armor and the armors of Moon Knight."

Marinette then says before questioning again, "Oh. Well, that'll prove to be useful if we need it. And what about the pink lavender potion?"

Tikki replies, "Well, the pink lavender potion gives you the ability to manipulate and create food. With this superpower at your disposal, you can make food appear to anyone starving in the streets and potentially solve world hunger if you wish. In terms of suit design, your outfit becomes equipped with food weapons and other kinds of things that food-themed supervillains and superheroes like Hot Dog Dan tend to use."

Marinette remarks before inquiring once again, "Hmm, solving world hunger with this potion does sound like an impossible dream come true. Anyway, what powers are associated with the grape purple potion?"

Tikki answers, "The grape purple potion grants you the ability to manipulate paper. With this kind of superpower, you can do all sorts of things with paper. Such as flying by turning yourself into sheets of paper to be blown by yourself, surf on paper, creating constructs out of paper, solidifying paper, using paper as a cutting weapon, teleporting by usage of paper, creating an origami, and even using paper to make spare amounts of money no matter where in the world you're in. Like, for example, if you were in New York City and you need money but you can't get a job, you can use any already existing sources of paper in your vicinity or you can create paper out of nothing to make money. Anyway, in terms of suit design, your armor becomes a mix of durable metal of magic origin and highly durable magic paper."

Marinette remarks again before asking, "Okay, so, I think I can come up with a couple of more good uses for paper manipulation. Now, what about the dark purple potion?"

Tikki answers, "The dark purple potion grants you the ability to teleport varying distances while getting the spatial coordinates right. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes uniquely suited to the armors worn by any superhuman or alien capable of teleporting."

Marinette then challenges, "And what about the power of the blue-violet potion?"

Tikki rejoinders again, "The blue-violet potion gives you the power of elasticity. With this superpower, you are supernaturally flexible enough to do things only Elastigirl/Mrs. Incredible is capable of. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes absolutely flexible enough to stretch as far as you can without hurting yourself while still retaining its original shape and dexterity."

Marinette asks again, "And what about the powers of the raspberry pink potion?"

Tikki answers again, "The raspberry pink potion grants you the ability to masterfully deflect all forms of attacks from anywhere around you, no matter if you're using your hands, a shield, or any kind of weapon made of metal. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes stylized in the form of every kind of knight armor invented over the years, before and after the invention of gunpowder."

Marinette questions yet again, "And what about the power of the Persian pink potion?"

Tikki replies again, "The Persian pink potion grants you the power of reactive adaptation. With this kind of superpower, you can adapt to any form of attack or superpower no matter the strength level and no matter how many times they're used, separately or in unison. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes merged with the designs of Superman's Injustice 2 battle armor and Wonder Woman's Golden Eagle Armor."

Marinette then queries out of curiosity, "Is there a blush pink potion?"

Tikki answers, "Well, yes. It grants you the power of supernatural thievery. Say for example, if we had any more Miraculouses in hiding and one of Hawk Moth's future allies stole said Miraculouses for him, if he forces the kwamis to reveal where Ladybug lives and while he's distracted, you can easily steal any of the Miraculouses back from him without him even noticing at all. But we should definitely only use this superpower to take away anything that our enemies – criminals, terrorists, supervillains, etc. – happen to possess that doesn't belong to any of them. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes more like the armors of the best supervillain/superhero pickpockets and thieves in history, whether or not they're real."

Marinette replies before asking again, "Well, that'll definitely prove useful during the Volpina incident, as Steel Butterfly surmised. And what about the powers of the aero blue potion?"

Tikki replies back, "Well, the aero blue potion grants you accelerated perception, the ability to process information at high rates of speed to the point where time appears to have slowed down. This is especially handy for dodging bullets, dodging knives, dodging swords, dodging darts, dodging arrows, and dodging disintegrating laser beams. In terms of suit design, you can customize your armor to be as durable or as flexible as possible for dodging things at high speeds."

Marinette asks once more, "And what about the powers associated with the Absolute Zero blue potion?"

Tikki answers yet again, "The Absolute Zero blue potion grants you the power of healing. With this power in any form of physical contact, you can heal anyone of any injury, no matter if it's fatal or not. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes flowing with holy fire, divine light, and electricity."

Marinette then questions, "And what about the almond red potion?"

Tikki explains, "Well, the almond red potion grants you two superpowers at the same time: the first is the power to shapeshift into the last person you saw, the last person you touched, or the last person you remember previously seeing. This is useful if you want to infiltrate an enemy army's fortress to spy on them for valuable intel or anything like that. But your cover will be blown unless you use the potion's second superpower: the power to replicate the accumulated knowledge and memories of anyone around you. This is especially useful for when you're infiltrating an enemy fortress and you either need to get past a security system of the highest caliber or to remember the memories of anyone you're disguising yourself as to avert all forms of suspicion. In terms of suit design, your armor shapeshifts to make you resemble the last person you saw, the last person you touched, and/or the last person you remembered previously seeing."

Marinette remarks again before inquiring, "Well, that is useful, nevertheless. And what about the power of the amber potion?"

Tikki explains again, "The amber potion grants you the power of claircognizance. With this superpower, you can gain all forms of information through hunches. But the best part is, unlike others who have this superpower, you can use this superpower while being able to control what types of information are given to you, you can use this superpower on anyone and anything with the exception of godlike beings like God Himself, and you won't have to worry about regulation neglect causing your conscious mind to overload. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes like the armors of Batgirl, Batwoman, Catwoman, Catgirl, Supergirl, Reign, and many other superheroes and supervillains who can gather information through various other means."

Marinette then asks, "And what about the powers affiliated with the amethyst potion?"

Tikki explains once more, "The amethyst potion grants you the powers and abilities of the various iterations of The Crow, including Eric Draven, Ashe Corven, Alexander Corvis, James Cuervo, and even Hannah Foster. But thankfully, you won't need to worry about returning to the afterlife or being undead or having to complete a mission for vengeance to use this power set. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes like the various armors and outfits that the iterations of The Crow – past, present, future, and so forth – have variably used in their quests for revenge."

Marinette challenges, :And do you recall what powers are associated with the antique brass potion?"

Tikki rejoinders again, "As a matter of fact, I do. The antique brass potion grants you the ability to manipulate darkness without becoming corrupted and without any other side effects. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes like the armors of Black Panther, Batman, The Shredder, and so forth."

Marinette then questions, "And what about the powers granted by the apricot potion?"

Tikki responds, "The apricot potion grants you the power to bring benevolent beasts to life, including the likes of angelic dragons that only exist in fiction based on mythology. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes dragon armor."

Marinette quizzes as she finishes writing down her notes on the apricot potion, "What does the aureolin potion do?"

Tikki dignifies with her answer as she says, "It grants you the power to control and manipulate Heavenfire, like the Angelic Ghost Rider from the ending of Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. In terms of its effects on you, you become more saintly, more willing to follow the Word of God in most if not all circumstances, and more able to communicate with God. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes more heavenly and more invulnerable with angelic armor motifs."

Marinette queries yet again, "And what powers are associated with the baby powder white potion?"

Tikki replies once again, "The baby powder white potion allows you to manipulate, create, and control animals of different kinds. Either for domestication or for serving as guards, or even for serving as animal reinforcements to a natural supervillain attack from someone like Majestia's evil sister Ignoblia. In terms of suit design, your armor becomes accented with elements of 14 different land and air animals."

Marinette asks once more, "What about the burgundy potion? What powers does it possess?"

Tikki responds yet again, "The burgundy potion allows you to manipulate gas for any reason at all, up to and including destroying bad gases in the vicinity of either a fire or of a factory's exhaust pipes throwing dangerous smoke into the atmosphere. In terms of suit design, your armor remains the same except for symbols representing all kinds of gas."

Marinette questions for the next-to-last time, "And what does the orchid potion do?"

Tikki answers once more, "The orchid potion allows you to manipulate flora forms aka flowers. Simply for either surprising your mother with a Mother's Day bouquet or for pulling a non-lethal prank on an enemy. In terms of suit design, your armor gains flora-style accents and additions to your armor."

Marinette queries one more time, "And what about the purple potion?"

Tikki responds with, "Oh, as it so happens, Leppey informed me a few days ago that the space potion is Miguel's favorite out of all the power-up potions. The purple potion, under normal circumstances, grants a ground-bound Miraculous user the ability to fly and the ability to breathe in the vacuum of space. But like the primary pink potion, the ability to fly with the space potion was supposed to be given to Miraculous users who don't have the ability to fly, such as Miraculous users with the aspects and appearances of flying insects and flying animals who didn't visualize wings in their first and later transformations and if they didn't earn the ability to fly after becoming adults. Anyway, in terms of suit design with the space power-up potion, your armor is upgraded with spacesuit armor plating, a jetpack with retractable wings resembling the appearance of a real ladybug's wings, and a helmet with a mouth guard that provides breathable air. I don't remember if the amount of provided air is actually unlimited or not, but I'll have to ask our mutual benefactor. That is, if I can get to him when I get the chance without anyone seeing me."

Suddenly, Steel Butterfly teleports behind Marinette with a soft metal clang from his metallic armored boots making contact with the brick ground of the balcony.

Marinette and Tikki turn around to see Steel Butterfly there.

Marinette asks, "What's up?"

Steel Butterfly answers, "Next Akumatization to avert is sculptor Theo Barbot, also known as Copycat, an Akumatized villain with the same appearance, voice, and powers of Cat Noir."

After explaining the reasoning behind Copycat's Akumatization and how to avert it, let's just say Marinette was not happy that her boyfriend would act so irrational out of jealousy without even clarifying with Theo about how old Ladybug really is.

Nevertheless, Ladybug and Steel Butterfly headed off to the Place des Vosges, where the statue unveiling ceremony is about to begin.

Theo Barbot and Mayor Bourgeois are facing the crowd with the giant statues of Ladybug, Cat Noir, Steel Butterfly, Lion Hunter, Blueclaw, Rhinocharge, Corvo, and Cat Knight covered with a big enough sheet behind them.

Mayor Bourgeois states, "I'm sure you've outdone yourself, Theo."

Theo Barbot, the man who will not be Akumatized into Copycat, replies, "It was my honor. And I can't wait to meet Ladybug. I definitely hope she'll autograph the photo I used as the primary inspiration for the statue."

Mayor Bourgeois checks the time on his watch and says, "Oh, my, it's nearly time. Ladybug, Cat Noir, Steel Butterfly and their crew should already be here."

Steel Butterfly calls out from above, "Ask and ye shall receive!"

Everyone looks up to see Ladybug, Steel Butterfly, Blueclaw, and Corvo descending from the sky in place thanks to their wings in place of winged jetpacks.

Lion Hunter came in running like a lion chasing a deer, Cat Knight came in running like a cat chasing a mouse, and Rhinocharge came in charging like a rhinoceros getting away from danger without anything to bulldoze along the way. Or at least a superhero version of The Rhino charging onto the scene without bulldozing anyone or anything in his path.

Surprisingly, Cat Noir also shows up, having finished his fencing lessons minutes earlier.

Cat Noir says to the crowd, "Hey, everybody!"

Steel Butterfly claps the cat hero's shoulder plate and remarks, "We're glad you could make it."

Theo then asks, "Wait, what about your superhero champions?"

Steel Butterfly replies matter-of-factly, "Oh, I only summon them whenever we face an Akumatized villain that requires utilizing a polar opposite with either the same powers or with the opposite powers. AND the heroes I create through the power of my Miraculous are only temporary."

Theo then turns over to Ladybug and asks, "Could you please autograph this? It's a photo that I used as inspiration for the Ladybug statue."

Ladybug humbly autographs the photo.

Theo states, "Thanks, Ladybug. I hope you know that we have one thing in common, and it's that we have devotions to the things we love."

Ladybug smiles a bit before stating, "Please don't get any ideas, Theo."

Baffled, Theo asks, "What do you mean?"

Steel Butterfly and Ladybug reply in turns, "Ladybug and I are aware that you love her." "But I'm a teenager in my civilian life."

That caused a lot of people to gasp in shock.

Even Theo was slightly appalled.

Theo then states as he looks Ladybug up and down, "But you don't look older than eighteen."

Ladybug responded with, "That's because the magic of my Miraculous somewhat slows my aging as long as I'm in possession of it. That combined with my current lifestyle makes me liable to probably live past a hundred years."

Theo then looked down in shame, knowing that he would've been in serious trouble for dating a teenage female superhero.

Steel Butterfly then placed his armored hand on Theo's shoulder as he announced, "When the time comes, you'll find your soulmate. But until then, you just gotta be patient. As long as you have God in your heart, all wonderful things will be made possible."

Theo took this into consideration as Mayor Bourgeois announces, "It's only proper for Paris to pay homage to those who protect us all from the forces of evil. Give it up for these statues of..." A drum roll sounds as the sheet reveals statues of Ladybug, Cat Noir, Steel Butterfly, Lion Hunter, Blueclaw, Rhinocharge, Corvo, and Cat Knight. Mayor Bourgeois finishes, "...our best superhero team, Ladybug, Cat Noir, Steel Butterfly, Lion Hunter, Blueclaw, Rhinocharge, Corvo, and Cat Knight!"

Everyone starts taking pictures with their cameras and/or phone cameras.

Steel Butterfly is analyzing the statues very carefully before stating, "It's nice. Uh, except for three things."

Theo asks, "That being?"

Steel Butterfly counts, "One, Cat Noir is a head taller than Ladybug. Two, I'm not taller than six-four. And three, Ladybug's wings are not that long."

Theo looks over the statues before sighing dejectedly.

Steel Butterfly perks up with a smirk as he snaps his fingers and a stream of magic butterflies fix the statues to resemble Cat Noir and Steel Butterfly's physical heights and to shorten the length of the Ladybug statue's wings. In addition to bringing them into the correct colors.

Everyone was so shocked that they continuously took pictures of the whole thing, with Steel Butterfly standing in a Superman pose, with his indestructible cape hiding his wings billowing in the soft wind.

Interesting side-note: Steel Butterfly decided to sketch himself with the same armor with the same armored butterfly wings but chose to omit the jetpack, feeling like that was something required for his space power-ups.

Suddenly, Steel Butterfly's armor started glowing a golden white and demonic blackish-red as he felt his powers recharging.

Everyone around the area – including a filming Alya Cesaire – were surprised to the point where they asked each other if they saw it, only to receive the same positive answers.

Ladybug asks her team leader, "SB, did you just... recharge your own powers despite not having used up your Miraculous powers all at once? How did you do that?"

Steel Butterfly replies, "Believe me, I didn't know I could recharge my own powers by force of will, so your guess is as good as mine."

Soon, the eight heroes of Paris left the Place des Vosges to continue their civilian obligations.

After arriving home, Adrien is approached by his father, who has a bit of a longing expression on his face.

Adrien asks, "Dad, what's wrong?"

Adrien's older sister, Jeannette Agreste, comes out from behind Gabriel.

Gabriel states, "Adrien, this is your older sister, Jeannette."

Adrien's jaw dropped in shock.

Jeannette walks over to Adrien and hugs him.

Adrien melts into the bear hug, even though his Miraculous enhancements were not active currently.

After everything was explained, Adrien and Jeannette got along just fine.

Of course, Adrien was mentally contacted by Steel Butterfly who all but ordered him to avoid revealing his true identity to Jeannette, as it would put her in danger of being a target of their respective father's never-ending obsession of reviving their mother.

Adrien mentally replied that he understood the risks now that he knows his father has family of his own.

But of course, Adrien couldn't help but mentally remark that it would be a shame if Gabriel's parents found out their youngest son was actually the magic-abusing terrorist of Paris.

Steel Butterfly retorted that even if Gabriel protested to his parents the reasoning behind his goals, they would be quick to remind him of the consequences of his wish that he so foolishly chooses to constantly ignore and that his actions as a terrorist warrant an immediate sentencing to spend the rest of his pathetic life in jail, and that if Gabriel's crimes progressed to mass murder, destruction of cultural, historical and religious buildings, and mass destruction, the United Nations would be forced to compel Paris to impose the death penalty for the first time in hundreds of years.

Even though Adrien didn't like it, he knew better than to argue with Steel Butterfly's pointers about the consequences of Gabriel's future crimes.

At the next patrol, Steel Butterfly granted Cat Knight the ability to fly in her normal transformations by usage of armored bat wings on her back plate.

At the same time, Steel Butterfly also granted Lion Hunter and Rhinocharge the ability to fly by usage of bird wings.

As all eight heroes flew across the skyline of Paris with their clones patrolling from the ground level, the flying heroes took to the skies spinning in flight, twisting, and loop-de-looping with their wings and their winged rocket boots.

In particular, Ladybug, Cat Noir, Corvo and Steel Butterfly literally held their other half's hand while in flight.

Of course, even Steel Butterfly somewhat noticed that Alya was filming the whole thing, sans the holding hands part.

Alya said with the camera in her phone filming the flying heroes, "Look at Steel Butterfly, Ladybug, Cat Noir, Lion Hunter, Blueclaw, Rhinocharge, Corvo and Cat Knight flying! I can't even believe what I'm seeing here, peeps! All eight of our primary heroes literally have the ability to fly! And if you include the likes of Broadband Woman, Simeon Says, Cupid, and Mellow Weather, in total, that makes twelve heroes so far that are able to fly! Oh, and look! Steel Butterfly just did a nose-diving loop-de-loop! Unbelievable!"

Steel Butterfly and the other fliers notice Alya filming and fly into visible range.

Steel Butterfly remarks jokingly and sternly at the same time, "Shouldn't you be in bed, young lady?"

Alya looks at the time and yelps, "Yikes! I gotta go, bye!"

Alya takes off running while the heroes of Paris fly back into the skies of the city where they laugh hysterically at Steel Butterfly's little indication that Alya was gonna be in serious trouble if she didn't get her behind back home.

Composing herself, Ladybug asks, "I get that it was half a joke and all, but was that really necessary?"

Steel Butterfly replies, "Yes it was."

Soon, the eight Heroes of Paris left to their homes on a good note as it was nighttime.

The next day, the heroes encountered another Akumatized villain: Barthelemy Allard, aka Green Swordsman, a green armored knight/soldier hybrid who was just recently kicked out of the French military for wielding a sword instead of a gun despite his protests against using guns in the modern age.

Surprisingly, despite the powers that Hawk Moth gives his Akumatized villains, Steel Butterfly was a grandmaster of using swords due to his fifteen to thirty thousand years of training. That combined with his time travel and supernatural learning abilities enabled him to take on the likes of even a grandmaster using the original Butterfly Miraculous in ancient China without causing any damage to the space-time continuum and without any further interactions that could disrupt the timeline.

As Steel Butterfly and Green Swordsman clashed swords, SB's crew was sitting on the sidelines with Ladybug and Cat Noir and they were all loudly singing the Saber Dance theme song.

Green Swordsman was definitely getting more annoyed, especially since Steel Butterfly joined in while the two combatants continued clashing swords.

Eventually, Green Swordsman managed to strike Steel Butterfly's chestplate, but the Akumatized Barthelemy's sword didn't even leave a scratch!

Everyone minus the butterfly hero was in shock.

Steel Butterfly's faceplate morphed to feature an evil smirk that had even Hawk Moth slightly frightened.

Of course, Hawk Moth will forever deny that he peed himself, and if Steel Butterfly caught a picture of it, everyone can be assured Steel Butterfly would most certainly post it on the internet.

As the sword battle continues, Steel Butterfly does the impossible by even Hawk Moth's standards: SB makes his sword spin Barthelemy's sword spin and then hits Green Swordsman's sword with his armored hand so hard that it shatters into a lot of pieces!

The Akuma flies out, and Ladybug quickly purifies it and releases the Miraculous Ladybug cure.

After another victory fist bump, Steel Butterfly slowly took off into the sky while his radio drones played the Superman II music number from the deleted Concorde scene.

Even the other heroes took off into the sky while humming along to the music.

After a few seconds, as the music started to swell, the eight Heroes of Paris hummed along to the Superman theme in unison.

Later on, Steel Butterfly made plans to prepare for the Akumatization of The Bubbler, and to prepare an impromptu birthday party for Adrien.

At the same time, Steel Butterfly pondered over whether or not he should tell Adrien the truth about Marinette's scarf for him.

Steel Butterfly muttered, "Even though some things still need to happen in chronological order, even this is more than unacceptable. I don't think letting Nathalie Sancoeur become Catalyst on Heroes' Day is more important than telling Adrien the truth. Sorry, Nathalie, but it looks like you'll be out of a job."

Steel Butterfly went to sleep, laughing maniacally in his sleep.

(Steel Butterfly's voice-over POV as he writes in his Rorschach-inspired journal in his lair...)

Steel Butterfly's journal.

April 8th, 2015.

First journal entry in the past twenty-four hours.

I defeated Green Swordsman, the seventh non-chronological Akumatized supervillain to replace a chronological Akumatized villain who's Akumatization was averted because of yours truly.

And I definitely made Hawk Moth pee himself when he saw that my armor was one hundred percent invulnerable.

Deny it all you like, Gabriel, but I'm pretty sure that Nathalie saw the pee stains in your red pants.

Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Anyway, the next Akumatization to prepare for is none other than Nino Lahiffe, also known as The Bubbler, Carapace with the Turtle Miraculous, Shell Shock as an Akumatized Carapace, one half of Oblivio, and Rocketear for his final Akumatized form.

I think that for the first and only time in this Miraculous War, I shall overrule and reprogram his first Akumatized form into a Birthday Monarch to give Adrien a small birthday party so as to avoid attracting attention from the Parisian Police Department, from the media and from Gabriel.

And then, after The Bubbler comes Roger Raincomprix, aka Rogercop, a RoboCop-inspired supervillain bent on getting his revenge on Andre Bourgeois for abuse of power by firing him for refusing to arrest Marinette for theft without any evidence of the crime being committed by the girl in question. And that in itself, I think it is highly unlikely to happen in this timeline because Plagg is more responsible, less gluttonous, and doesn't constantly eat Camembert cheese. And also because Andre Bourgeois is a much better Parisian Mayor thanks to me.

But whatever the case, I will make Rogercop meet his match against my own RoboCop.

It's only a matter of time.

But all the same, I wonder if I'll get used to life in Paris post Hawk Moth.

Don't get me wrong; I liked living in Paris fourteen years before Hawk Moth came. But I get the feeling that living in Paris post Hawk Moth is gonna be a bit difficult because nobody knows the differences between Hawk Moth's Akumas and the multi-colored Tenshies in the possession of Hawk Moth's more heroic predecessors. However, they already know the differences between Hawk Moth's Akumas and my Tenshies.

Unfortunately, I get the feeling that even if Gabriel is arrested, nobody will be able to trust Nooroo's more heroic owners the same way people trust me, at one hundred percent.

And all the same, as far as I've seen all the way to season 12 of the original timeline on my Earth, thanks to Lila Rossi and/or Felix Graham de Vanily Fathom, nobody who knows about the power of the original Butterfly Miraculous will be able to fully trust Nooroo's more heroic owners at one hundred percent ever again.

It truly is shame, because while Gabriel abused the Butterfly Miraculous simply for the goal of reviving his wife, Felix abused it in one timeline for reasons unknown to most audiences on my Earth, and in the more popular timeline, Lila abused the Butterfly Miraculous to get her revenge on everyone she hated or used for her own purposes – including the original Hawk Moth – for denying her the things she wanted for so long and for challenging her, in addition to abusing the Butterfly Miraculous to steal Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculouses simply to get the ultimate power to wish for anything she wants, often including in other timelines wishing for the life style that Adrien has.

Yeah, because of those two, nobody will be able to trust Nooroo again, no matter if they know about the kwamis and their being dominated by Miraculous users or not.

Thankfully, I'm very persuasive in just about anything related to trusting someone whose powers were being genuinely abused by different villains, even without evidence. And that's mainly because of my foreknowledge and my abilities that revolve around showing people the truth of my claims.

But that's also because of the fact that among my thousands of superpowers is my Absolute Persuasion ability, the ability to sway even good-hearted people to my opinions and my way of thinking. But considering that Ladybug and Cat Noir among others need to do what they have to do when it comes to being superheroes, no matter if they like it or not, I don't usually use my power on them both, not that much.

In any case, I quite enjoyed somewhat traumatizing Theo Barbot by revealing Ladybug's NEARLY accurate age group without completely revealing how old she really is.

Thankfully, my efforts to prevent Theo from becoming Copycat were all successful.

Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

All the same, I hope Theo will keep in mind that Ladybug has Cat Noir as her soulmate. That is, if that information ever comes to light in the aftermath of Hawk Moth's trial and imprisonment.

In any case, I wonder if there are some of my contacts and people I know who will be willing to replace some of Marinette's classmates as Rena Rouge, Queen Bee, Carapace, King Monkey, Ryuko, Pegasus, Caprikid, Coq Courage/Rooster Bold, Traquemoiselle/Miss Hound, and Minatourox.

At the same time, I wonder if there are some of my contacts who would be willing to use clones of Nooroo and his Butterfly Miraculous as versions of Hawk Moth and Scarlet Moth under different names, as well as Duusu with the Peacock Miraculous as versions of Mayura under different names. Maybe even clones of both the Butterfly Miraculous and the Peacock Miraculous as Shadow Moth under different names, as well as versions of Scarlet Shadow under different names. Maybe even better, using clones of Nooroo, Fluff, Trixx, Wayzz, Pollen, Longg, Daizzi, Roaar, Ziggy, Orikko, Sass, Mullo, Xuppu, Stompp, Kaalki, and Barkk along with their Miraculouses in two Miraculouses only unifications as my way of mocking Monarch's insanity and greed while ensuring that said Miraculous users only use the two Miraculous unifications to prevent the same disasters of the Evolution episode from happening again and also to spite Gabriel and Tomoe Tsurugi for inventing the Alliance Rings.

Who knows?

Maybe I'll be fortunate enough to forge my own gigantic superhero army to take part in the various wars and giant battles to come. Maybe even the Battle of Armageddon thousands to millions of years in the far future.

Maybe I'll get really fortunate, maybe not. But like I said, I ain't holding my breath.

But anyway, I'll be honest about something I should've mentioned: I visited one of the former villains of New York City because she attended the funeral of one of my contacts. I could tell more about that, but I can't concentrate. I'm too tired. No sleep since Monday.

I walked home past the trash cans full of rumors of war that would soon prove to be true. And all of these questions are waiting for an answer in all this blood, lightning and thunder.

On Friday, it will be time to prepare for the Akumatization of The Bubbler and the opportunity to reprogram him into Birthday Monarch.

For now, though, I need to sleep.