
Dragons are OP!

A place where magic exists. Even though I'm not an otaku I'm excited as heck. Wishes? I want to be a dragon, Cause they are OP Yes I also wish to be extremely handsome. What will I do in this new world? Get myself a harem of course. System will help me get stronger so I can even get Goddesses in my harem. Hahahahahah, My harem is open for all, as long as you are beautiful, you are welcome. And what gives me the confidence? Cause I am a Freaking Dragon! And dragons are OP!!!

Kimochiwarui · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs


As we teleported into the coach, the coachman was stunned for a while. "Take me back to the palace" I ordered. To which he did not reply, but rode us back to the castle without saying anything.

I was looking at the scenery while we were returning. Suddenly I remembered something.

"Hey Amalia, did you run away or hide from something, Like an enemy or even a disaster." I asked her as I remembered about the (Surviver) title.

"There was such an incident, and that is the reason we were staying in the Celestial Garden. 4months ago, a fight broke out between an old monster and a powerful Dragon. I lived with my grandma, Mom, my little brother and big sister. Our village was called Belef. It was really a peaceful village, every day would pass normally. But when the fight broke out, it was all destroyed by the old monster's attack. My grandma used last bits of her energy to send my mom, me, my sister and brother to random places. Coincidentally I met Sister Lumi a month ago."

She said as sorrow filled her eyes.

I moved forward, pulling her to sit on my lap. She was small and petite, so it really was no problem. I rubbed her back as I hugged her. Saying comforting words in her ears. While all this was happening Lumi was looking at us with eyes filled of jealousy and relief.

"Why don't you tell me how the old monster looked like, I'll help you with revenge okay?" I said will patting her head slowly. She seemed to enjoy it so I continued.

"I only saw its figure, it was around 15 metres tall and carried a club. That's the only thing I saw before I was teleported. I don't know if grandma survived or not" She said while tears rolled down her cute face.

"I won't say that I'll bring back your grandma but what I can do is train you so that you can become powerful enough to beat that monster" I said while smiling at her.

She nodded as she hugged me strongly. Showing her trust in me. If this girl shows trust in me then I can't leave her like this.

It's been such little time since I've come to this world and I've meet such beautiful women. I really am lucky.

As I was thinking about how lucky I was, I saw a huge crowd in the middle of the street. I was learning about this world so I was curious what was going on. I told the coachman to stop and walked out. I told Lumi and Amalia to stay in the coach as I walked towards the crowd.

I heard sound of swords clashing and people cheering, it was likely a duel between two people. Although dragons could use magic but they forbade using higher step magics because of being to powerful. They learned swordplay from humans and were soon accustom to it. So it was common to see two dragons fighting with swords.

"What's going on here?" I asked a guy standing close to me. "Apparently a Human has challenged sir Saku to a duel, even though humans are the creators of swordplay they should not think too high of themselves." The guy seemed quite angry that the human had challenged a sword expert.

I walked forward to get a better view. The people were all looking at the duel so they did not notice my face. *Phew looks like this time nobody will faint. I thought to my handsome self.

Taking a look at the duel going on. It was indeed impressive from normal people's perspective, but I was too strong so it looked too slow to me. I was about to turn away when I heard the human yell while swinging his sword with quite impressive power.

Saku the dragon swordmaster was also fast at dodging but before the immense power he fell down, wounded. I shook my head. No technique, he only uses brute force to win.

While I was disappointed, the people around me were quite shocked. The human looked at me and gave the same reaction, dazen. But soon recovered as he asked "Hey mister what's the problem. Do you disagree with my technique?"

I was unwilling to be involved but seeing that he threw himself at me. I wasn't going to let this opportunity slide. I walked towards him as I said "Yes, I am disappointed. Your sword technique relies heavily on strength rather than on your flexibility or speed." I said while looking into his black eyes.

The crowd finally noticed me, then looked at my face. My handsome face, as if carved by God himself. Nobody could resist it. Even Stella called me darling, it's too much for these mortals. Some of the girls fainted, it wasn't new to me so I ignored the reactions.

"What is your name human?" I asked while releasing my powerful aura. He was shocked by the strength but decided not to show it on his face.

"Mani" He introduced himself

"Aaron Schweler" I introduced myself as well

*Thud. the people all fell down to their knees.

"Your Majesty" they all said in unison.

"Is it the crown Prince? I heard that he was handsome, but the word handsome does not do him justice at all" the girls whispered as they stated at me with drunk eyes.

"Your Majesty, I failed you. I couldn't protect the honour of dragons. I am ashamed of myself." Somehow Saku kneeled with his injured body.

"No, I don't think this is your fault, a duel between two warriors is bound to have a winner. It was just that you were not the winner. Although he has only brute strength he was indeed stronger than you. Losing to such an opponent is not a shame at all" I looked into his eyes as I said.

"Thank you for forgiving me your majesty" he said with an expression of gratefulness.

"Did you want to say that I am a Barbarian?" he shouted at me.

"Insolence, how dare you speak such words to his majesty" Saku stepped forward as he said

"Stop it" I interjected.

"Your majesty" Saku said as he stepped back.

"So your name is Mani huh? you have no skill but only strength. This makes you vulnerable to skilled masters." I said while I stroked my chin "I hope you won't disappoint me" I think I should check his stats just in case.


Name: Mani Sul

Level: 11 (18.20% progress)

Age: 39 Years

Race: Human

Strength: 24

Agility: 14

Stamina/HP: 43/215 (1STA = 5HP)

Mana: 0

Charm: 69

Skills: None

Title: [Weak]


Decreases the damage recieved by 5%


Those are quite low compared to Amalia. Looks like Stella was correct. Elves are indeed powerful.

Aiming his sword at me, Mani ran towards me yelling, "I will show you how power compares to skills, 3rd step magic Strength boost! Sword skill Ground Breaker!"

So this is what 3rd step magic is like huh, it's quite weak. I wonder what 1st step magic can do if 3rd step is so weak.

Mani ran towards me with his sword while swinging it down directly aiming at my face. He was full of openings that I could use as a weak point. But I decided not to. I pulled my katana out of the scabbard. "So thin and weak, this blade will shatter away with only my fart" Mani said while grinning.

I paid no attention to him as his sword came closer. Although I had never used a sword before. The knowledge I gained from this body was enough to defeat him. Using the hilt of my katane I neutralised the attack.

People were shocked at my strength. But Saku was standing with mouth agape. Others may think it was my strength that I used to stop the incoming attack but he understood that it was pure skill that I used to defeat him.

Cold sweat formed on Mani's forehead. He neutralised my attack so fast. But he can't match me in speed. He thought as he was about to swing his blade at me again. But when he saw my blade just millimetres away from his neck, his legs gave out as he fell down.

'This level of speed and precision! it takes Atleast a millenium to master it his majesty the crown Prince is only 200 years old. As the rumors say, He is a monster not only in strength but also in skill. Looks like he is way stronger than people think.' Saku thought as he was shocked.

"I L-Lose" Mani stuttered.

"You still have a long way to go if you want to challenge me" I said as I put the katana back in the scabbard.

"The sword is so beautiful! Together with his handsomeness it looks like a God has come down on earth." The crowd was stunned.

I walked past them as I made my way to the Coach. "What happened Aaron?" Lumi asked in curiousity.

"A person named Mani challenged Saku to a duel, and he won" I chuckled

"So what did you do?" This time Amalia asked.

"Kicked his ass"

"Sounds just like you" Lumi smiled

"I did not want to fight him but he threw himself towards me so how could I resist." I tried to act innocent.

"Of course" Lumi rolled her eyes

"Looks like we are here" I said as the coachman stopped the coach.

"Come on then" I called both of them.

"Is it really okay" Lumi asked

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it's the royal palace, how can we come here." Lumi was worried.

"You are my friends and soon to be someone, so don't be so tense" I winked at Lumi

Understanding the meaning she blushed heavily and hid her face, while I walked Amalia to the palace holding her hand.

"Looks like I have to take care of your sister instead of you"

"Ah sorry" Lumi apologized as she caught up with us.

This was the first time I was completely seeing the royal palace other than the guys memories. It really looked grand.

I asked one of the servants to call my mother.

Soon, a mature looking woman came running.

"Aaron where were you? Get ready soon for the banquet." she said in hurry. Soon she noticed Amalia and Lumi. "Who are these two beautiful girls? Looks like my son has brought two wives at once. As expected from his handsome face!" she said with sparkling eyes.

"They are my friends that I brought for some reasons. Lumi can be your daughter-in-law but Amalia is too small right now" I told her.

Lumi blushed while she heard those words, but Amalia was pouting. "I am not small, I am 140 years old. I am old enough to marry, but Lumi Onee-san is too old for marriage." She seemed quite angry.

"W-What? I am old?" Lumi stuttered at her sister's words.

"Enough you two, Mom please let them stay for a while." I Asked mom

"Fufufu~ how can reject my two beautiful daughter-in-laws" she seemed quite happy with those girls.

"Where is his Majesty, mom?" I wanted to see father as soon as possible.

"He's up there" she pointed at the sky.

"What's he doing flying like this?" I asked while pointing at my father's giant figure.

"He's just doing the usual"

Although dragons stayed in humanoid forms most of the time. Sometimes they needed to spread their wings to elevate the stress for maintaining the human form.

"Looks like I need to have a talk with father in the sky" I said while I turned into my Quasi-dragon form.

"Son!" suddenly mom called me.

I halted the flight and asked "Yes mom?"

"I forgot to tell you but your fiancé will come to the banquet as well" She said with a smiling face.


Happy reading :P


Hi :D

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