
Dragons are OP!

A place where magic exists. Even though I'm not an otaku I'm excited as heck. Wishes? I want to be a dragon, Cause they are OP Yes I also wish to be extremely handsome. What will I do in this new world? Get myself a harem of course. System will help me get stronger so I can even get Goddesses in my harem. Hahahahahah, My harem is open for all, as long as you are beautiful, you are welcome. And what gives me the confidence? Cause I am a Freaking Dragon! And dragons are OP!!!

Kimochiwarui · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


As I walked into the training field, I realised that I would not be suitable for my skills, but I could use some combat training.

"System" I said.

[What is it dear?]

I heard a familiar voice reply. I was stunned, it was Stella's voice. It really was!

"Stella, is this really you?" I asked

[It's me but not exactly me. I am a fragment of the real Stella's soul]

"I really can't believe this, but why did you keep quite from the beginning?" I really was confused.

[I did not want to disturb you while you were gathering your 'Harem' dear] She replied in a warm yet cold voice, which sent shivers downy spine.

"Ugh, whatever. But why do you call me dear?"

[Don't you like it dear, then what shall I call you? Master. Master sounds better.]

"I did not mean that, we have barely met once and you are calling me dear?"

[Don't you remember your last wish? That I am yours]

*Ugh, I completely forgot. "Ahem, let's continue where we left, then." I tried to convince her that I knew the fact, but I could still feel the murderous aura.

[Okay dear]

"Then can you please explain me how this system works?" I inquired

[Of course darling, as you saw before, there were stats, such as. Strength, Agility, Stamina, Mana and charm.]

"Yes, I read those, and I think that maybe I'm too OP but still, I forgot that I have omni-eyes that I can use to check out information about others." I said as I tried to use it on Amalia who was frozen. And I used my magic to stop time around me as soon I heard Stella's voice. I don't want to reveal about my system to anyone, atleast for now.


Name: Amalia Del

Level: 37 (27.7% progress)

Age: 140

Race: Elf

Strength: 110

Agility: 210

Stamina/HP: 450/4500 (1Sta = 10 HP, for Amalia)

Mana: 820

Charm: 4500


(I am cute)

Increase charm of user by 200% for 30s. If charm of the user is more than the target, then target will get stunned for 3secs.


Title: [Surviver] [Kind] (+3more)


Won't get killed by a fatal attack if HP is more than 30%


Enemies will not want to hurt you



"I am cute? what? there's a skill named that?"

I read only the ones that caught my interest.

"Surviver? this seems useful. But from my experience, one will get a title only if it has happened to the person. What did she survive from? I'll ask her later. And she looks kind so it fits well."

"Her stats are very low compared to me. I guess it's due to her being so young" I muttered.

[Don't be fooled darling, The Elves have some of the highest stats in this world, her stats are not low but your stats are too high.]

"Got it, but what is that beside her level" I asked in curiousity

[That's the experience bar dear, once it reaches 100% you will level up. You gain experience from doing daily chores or some activity, but the amount is very less. You can get more exp from training your body or fighting somebody. Killing enemies grant you the highest exp but since every being in this kingdom is in a peace state, you won't get to kill someone.] She explained.

"So my only option is to spar against other students in the academy huh. Looks like I need to join it soon."

[That's a thing for another time, now I will explain the stats]

[Strength represents the amount of power you have in your body, it does not simply mean how hard you hit. More strength means you can focus it on your legs, so your speed goes up.]

[Agility is how flexible you are as well as how good your reaction is to sudden attacks. The more your agility, the faster you can run and dodge attacks.]

[Stamina is converted into hp, it is also how much work you can do without getting exhausted while doing it. HP is how much damage you are able to take. it depends on the person. Like for you the conversion rate was 1 : 25. but for Amalia it was 1 : 10 which means that your body is stronger than hers.]

[Mana is your magic supply, it also determines how strong your attacks will be. Some part of your soul has been converted to mana. it's a negligible amount, but for this world it's an overwhelming amount.]

[Charm depends on your looks and personality, it does not have any affect on combat, but it has many other external uses]

"That sounds useful, can I use it in combat?" it sounded like I was playing a game.

[Of course you can, if you take any damage, it will show in front of you, it will also show your Mana consumption and how much you have left, you can recover mana faster by meditating]

"That's sick! it just sounds like a video game" I was super excited.

[That's all darling, you can speak to me anytime by calling my name]

"Okay then see you later Stella" I said as I turned off the interface and resumed time.

"What is it that you wanted to show us Aaron?" Amalia asked while looking at me with expectant eyes.

"Amalia, are you well-versed in combat?" I wanted to know that since I would be using the system.

"Yes, I was taught magic by my grandmother while I know a bit of hand-to-hand combat tricks as well" She replied

"Well then, come attack me with all you got!" I said.

"Huh, why?" she said while titling her head sideways.

"Just do it."

"Okay then, here I go!" she said that as she came running towards me. I did not guard or anything. she hesitated but soon attacked me.

(-1 Hp) those letters were written on the interface. I choked on my breath for a minute. *Selene said that elves were strong, but I recievedided only 1 damage, doesn't that mean I am too OP. Yes, I knew it being a dragon was the right choice. I internally shouted in happiness.

Amalia and Lumi were also shocked. Amalia knew that she was quite strong but today her pride was crushed. Lumi on the other hand was just wondering how I did not even flinch from such a powerful attack. "H-How is that possible" Amalia said in shock. I walked towards her and patted her head while saying "I was just testing out your strength, looks like you are powerful enough."

I summoned a pocket version of Mini-sun. then I threw it at a mountain that was more than 50 km away. The mountain was shaved off clean from the land. It was no more, there was no traces of it.

"13th Layer magic!" Lumi exclaimed. "But I have never seen this spell, you did not even chant. What is it's name? Why are you so powerful? who are you?" She asked asked a series of questions.

"It's called..." I thought for a moment before answering "Magma ball" I quickly made up a name before answering her. I was cringing at my own naming sense.

"As for why I am so powerful, I can't tell you.

My indentity is a bit comlex.." I was talking with her when I saw 3 figures in the sky flying towards us.

"13th layer magic! Which old master is it that just used a 13th layer magic here?" One of them asked us.

I raised up my hand. They looked at me and gave me the same old mesmerized gaze.

I was used to it so I did nothing. They soon recovered and asked "Who are you?"

"Can't you see who I am?" I shouted while flashing my birthmark on my wrist.

"The house of Schweler!" They seemed frightened.

"Why did you come here?" I asked them instead.

"We detected strong magic fluctuations. As we are from the Magic Research team we were excited to meet the mage who did that, as soon as we found out that it was 13th step magic we flew here" they seemed nervous.

"We failed to recognise your majesty, but could you tell us your exact Identity?" They asked while shivering

"Crown Prince" I announced


They fell down on their knees and said in a pleading tone "Please forgive us your majesty. Please don't kill us" They were too frightened. Even Amalia and Lumi were frightened by my identity.

"Don't worry, I'm not that harsh you know, Now get up" I said in a jovial tone to ease them.

They dared not disobey and stood up quickly. "I have to say that your majesty is the most talented person to be born in this span of 10000 years." One of them said while looking at me with eyes filled od admiration"13th step magic by the age of 200. Maybe your majesty will be able to cast those forbidden spells as well" He continued with an excited tone.

"Calm down, you said that you were from the Magic Research team right?" I asked them

"It is true my majesty, we discover new things about Magic so that we can make it easier for mages to cast spells." the previous person replied.

"Then do you know something about Magic Academies? In the human kingdom?" I was curious and I wanted to go to one as soon as possible.

"Yes your majesty, the Red rose academy is the best Academy I can think of, that is in the human kingdom. But why do you ask?" He seemed a bit curious.

"You see, I want to see how humans are, as your future ruler it is my responsibility." whatever I said was an excuse, the real reason I wanted to go there was to fight and become more OP!

"I see, your majesty is wise" He replied with utmost respect.

"Okay then, Go back and tell your partners that I was an old heavenly dragon that was wandering around, and by the time you reached here, you could only see it's silhouette." I wanted to continue with my training so I told them to go.

"Thank you Majesty" they said as they left.

I turned to look at Amalia and Lumi only to see their mouth agape. "We failed to recognise your majesty" they said as they bowed down as well.

"Don't worry and stand up, you are my friends, no need to call me Majesty. Just continue calling me Aaron." I said to ease them.

"Thank you Aaron" Amalia said.

"hmm" I nodded. "Shall we continue then?" I said while looking at them.

"I don't think that we are strong enough to rival you. please spare us" Lumi said jokingly.

"Okay then, but do you want to go to the Magic Academy with me?" I asked them

"Yes Aaron!" Amalia said while jumping in joy. While Lumi nodded with a faint blush.

"Then come with me to tonight's banquet, I'll talk with my father his majesty regarding this" I said while looking at them.

"Okay then, off we go." I said while snapping my fingers to teleport us in the coach.


Stella is now a Pocket Waifu.

I always wanted one...

The updates will get slower for the next few days. I was not going to upload a chap today but I had a bit of time left so I decided to make one... anyway, thanks for reading as always. I love you guys <3

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