
Dragonoids: League of Myths

This is the story of "what if the side character is the main character." Giljen is an unfortunate human, who went missing for four days... And within those four days, a lot of unbelievable turns occurred in the place he got trapped in. The only way to got out therein was to fulfill the quest. In his return, the myths that supposed be in only myths will set forth with assistance. This is the story of a side character, who is the main character at the same time.

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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Re;

A/N: I'm going to change the Time-Chamber to Space-Chamber.


"I'm finally home."

The wind of the place he'd have longed for the longest time anyone could imagine, finally grasped him. The moment the newborn dragonoid went out from the portal he had opened, the scent of nostalgia occurred to him.

As his surroundings went back to normal, the dark clouds around him let a raindrops fell recklessly instead of snow.

The red haired figure still wore the same clothes since he got sent to the Space-Chamber. Thanks to the—

"Hey, you mentioned to me before that you don't have a name, right?"

[Yes, master.]

"Now tell me, do you wish to have one?"


"I see. Just like I thought, even if you claimed yourself to be just a divine artificial intelligence, it's still doesn't change the fact that you could express such "feelings.""

"Is this the outcome of traveling inside of my memories and dreams?"

[Master, I...]

"No need to hold back."


"I see... From now on, you will call yourself, Dorothy."

The red haired figure could felt any forms of feelings that the divine artificial intelligence expresses because they are one. And everytime it fell into silence, he could tell the confusion of it. However, that confusion is something doubting in a good way, like how the lonely one longed to be treated the same way.

[Thank you, master.]

The red haired figure could felt Dorothy was feeling euphoric. Perhaps, this was also the result of becoming one of him.

The red haired figure both put his hands inside of the pocket of his black hoodie jacket. His clothes was still the same, since he got sent to the space-chamber. He was still wearing his blue jeans, black buckled boots, and back hoodie jacket. Thanks to Dorothy, his clothes still didn't perished in the process of the unworldly events occurred to him from one another.

Knowing his auntie full well, the red haired figure didn't waste time to search for her. With his draconic golden eyes, he could see from long distances.

With knowledge he acquired from the heroic elf, the red haired figure make sure no one would be able to see him with the help of magic.

Shortly after, his draconic gaze noticed a greenish-white glow from the body of an individual, who seemingly saw him awhile ago.


The red haired figure couldn't believe on what he just saw, because someone he knew full well was emitting a familiar glow with unique signature.

The red haired figure quickly flew towards to that individual and landed before her. The woman was taken aback when suddenly a red haired angelic being appeared before her.

The being had sharp-features red glowing wings, red hair with a pair of golden eyes, and pearl-like skin. His figure was emitting golden light and he was giving a majestic presence.

'An...an angel?'

Kiana with her trembling body kneeled on her way, hoping her prayers had been finally answered. She was both afraid and startled, but still hoping so.

"A-auntie, it's me."


Kiana recognized that voice well, it's Giljen, the person she had been searching nonstop for four days.

Seeing his auntie with an extremely tired look kneeling down as if was praying, Giljen quickly approached and grasped his auntie with such gentle care.

The red wings on his back vanished as he folded it, then helped his auntie to stood-up.

"What happened to you? Why do you look like this?"

"It's a very very long story. But first, let's go home. Someone might see us here."

Not even the shadow of the strong-willed woman could be seen in Kiana. She was vulnerable, and that was the result of his absence for the past four days only. However, when she recognized Giljen, her had lit up once again. Although Giljen was giving a different vibes, that doesn't matter to her, what's more important that Giljen is finally in her presence. That's all important to her.




In the house Giljen and Kiana treated home, the two was facing each other on the dining table.

Giljen told to Kiana about what he had been through and even shared the story of him about becoming a dragonoid.

"So while it's been four days here, there already past millions of years." Kiana really found it hard to believe.

"Yes." Giljen didn't denied it, but he was feeling awkward.

"You're old." Kiana said, nonchalantly.

"Yes and no." Giljen didn't denied the fact and denied it as well.

"Huh? What do you mean with that?" Kiana was confused.

"While it's true I spent my life there for millions of years there, but I'm still extremely young?"

"Young? How?"

"To conquer the space-chamber I need to defeat those monsters being generated therein. It took more millennia to conquered."

"Furthermore, in that place, I don't age."

"I was about to finally go home when suddenly, something odd occurred. It was indeed a devastating experience. I spent millions of years inside of that cosmic egg."

"And now? I don't know even know if I'm still a human."

"I see. So that's how it is." Kiana, do she really found it hard to believe, just accepted what Giljen stated. Seeing his new appearance, she really couldn't denied it.

Giljen, though his emotional state was not the same anymore, shows weakness in the presence of his auntie. He was afraid to be rejected and be treated like a freak.

Kiana didn't really cared about that. While it's true, she had become a little hesitant towards him and was still adjusting and adapting.

Kiana noticed Giljen's troubled look. Holding her fear back in her heart, she held Giljen's hands. "Don't worry, you're home now."

Giljen displayed a gentle smile on his face as he looked at his auntie and gently touched his auntie's hand. "Thanks...for accepting me despite being a freak."

For some reason, hearing him saying that pierced Kiana's heart. The doubt and fear in her heart was replaced with irritation. She was irritated to herself.

"What are you saying? You're not freak!" She denied, expressing her acceptance towards Giljen. "You're not freak, okay?" She shook Giljen's hands, convincing him.

Giljen visibly trembled and said: "Yes, I am not."

"By the way, what you will gonna do with that appearance of yours?" Kiana asked. "We couldn't just dye that beautiful red hair of yours, you know."

Now that Kiana mentioned it, it was indeed a big problem. Exposing himself in the public with his current appearance is a big no. He couldn't just rely on invisibility either because he thought: what if there is someone out there is capable of such thing in this world? He doesn't even fully understand the concept of his power, yet.

Now that he looked at his auntie, closely... He noticed an unusual aura from her body. It was greenish-white glow. Kiana seems to be unaware of that. However, without him knowing, Kiana was currently seeing a holographic window that suddenly appeared before her.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Kiana asked, confused, as she felt Giljen's draconic gaze.

"N-no, nothing." Giljen awkwardly denied and turned his gaze away.

'Dorothy, any suggestions?'

[Yes, master could still go back to his former form...after all, you have almost exhausted your power. However...]

[There will be a little changes on your former appearance afterwards.]

'A little? Changes? What do you mean?'

[Master's soul and genes undergoes into mutation. It was the result of being trapped in the cosmic egg along with heroic elf for millions of years.]

'I see. I hope my normal appearance could still be considered humane.'

[It is, master.]

'Then let's wait.'

Seeing Giljen seems to be thinking something, Kiana looked at him perplexedly and decided to just watch him.

Now that she calmly looked at him, closely, Giljen features was indeed perfect in any angle. It could be said that his appearance was magically the most ideal. Any facial expression he expresses was majestic and could charm even a man.

Suddenly, Giljen stood-up as if comprehending something. Then soon, his body emitted golden light that slowly replaced with white glow.

Kiana covered her eyes with her forearms, struggling to see and looked at Giljen. The light slowly faded then soon, as the state of her eyesight was recovering from the dazzling light, she slowly saw a black haired teenage boy. It doesn't took her long to finally see the changes of the appearance of Giljen.

Giljen's red bright hair became jet-black (even darker to his usual black hair), and his pearl-like skin became flawlessly smooth and rosy pale. His face and features still extremely resembling the Giljen she knew, but it's still changed and became even more ideal and perfect.

He looked like a young elf with no pointy ears, but with human ears instead. His usual brown eyes that just became draconic golden eyes, had become neon silver filled with vigor.

He was really magically beautiful... And with that appearance, just like in his angelic-draconic form, he still could charm both men and women.

Because of the genetic influence of the heroic elf, Giljen's draconic golden rose nails changed into something similar to the elven nails, perfect with sharper fingers. However, it was silver instead to which made Giljen looked dissatisfied and worried.

'Is this one of those little changes you mentioned?' Giljen asked, while looking at his perfect silver nails.

[Yes, master. As you can see, even I don't have the power to turn you back into your former appearance.]

[This is also the effects of becoming one with the heroic elf. What the changes in your soul; appeared on your spirit, what the changes in your spirit; appeared on your flesh.]

[Thus, this all I could do. Furthermore, as I had mentioned before, I did a lot of adjustments in your stats by sealing the power of the Star Dragon you possesses. And this is now your base form.]

Giljen did really nothing when he transformed back into his current form. It just looks like to Kiana he was about to do something; in fact, he really did nothing. All he did was to wait as Dorothy suggested until his draconic form worn-out, since he had almost used all of his powers to opened a portal that would led him to the place and location he desired.