
DragonBall Xenoverse Rebirth (Hiatus)

"What happens when a college student is accidentally reincarnated 3000 years after the story of dragon ball... FInd out on the series dragon ball Xenoverse Rebirth" A/N: ive been trying to find a good xenoverse fanfic for a long time, and most of them were last updated in the year 2017 and i couldnt find any good db xenoverse fanfics in webnovel, the best one i read was "Dragon ball: It's about time by flameclawxx" and it's last update was 2021. So Imma try and do a well enough fanfic. Also i didnt play xenoverse, i only watched the playthroughs cause i gots no console and my pc cant run games like that. So this is most definitely an au to not get people pissed at me messing up with the continuity and all that jazz. Enjoy.

Lagzalot · Cómic
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17 Chs

The Techniques

Fennel POV:

Looking around, finding possible techniques that can be quite useful. So far, I picked up kaioken to somewhat even the playing field. Next I took was, big bang attack, Kamehameha, and of course spirit sword. I wanted to look for final flash. But seeing that it wasn't available, I decided to go and search for new fighting styles here, Don't get me wrong, the turtle school is great and iconic

But that's also what's bad about it, as most people here know the fighting style, so they will know how to counter it. Rummaging around the techniques, I saw an old and dusty book, it has a weird composition as it seems to be only held with string and made from a weird type of paper. It doesn't seem to look like anything interesting. So I picked it up, "Renewal taekwondo, huh?"

Odd name, since that it was here for at least a couple of years if not decades, no one has touched this book, let alone read it as the librarian herself doesn't seem to know it exists. "I guess this is good enough for now." I tell myself, going back to the librarian, I gave the books to the librarian to check them out.

"Uhh, hey miss librarian. Can I keep this book?" I ask her and showed the book to her.

"Hmm, where did you get this?" She asks, "In the fighting style section. It seems that no one even knew it existed." I reply, "Seeing that it doesn't seem to be useful due to the age of the book itself, I guess you can have it. Not many people even go to that section anyway, the students always just use a variation of their race's fighting style." She said. After checking the books out, I w

Returning to my dorm room, and putting the books on the table. I sat down and said.


<Son Fennel>

Race: Half Saiyan

Age: 12

Hp: 500/500 (You are probably going to outlive your child)

Ki: 900/900 (You are capable of larger techniques now)

Stamina: 36 (Man's capable of running for at least 7 hours nonstop)

Strength: 45 (You can now break houses made of concrete)

Speed: 60 (You can now join goku in his journey to defeat king piccolo)

Wisdom: 59 (Well, ain't you a smarter one... What? That's it)

Intelligence 40 (Bigger brain goes brrr...)


Soliloquy- 69/100

- Your skills can now follow Shakespeare's hamlet to the T, and even improve it. The act of talking to oneself.

Common Sense- 59/100

- Having a good(?) grasp of what reality should be.

God Ki - 0.1/100

- The ability to manipulate and use God ki, user is too weak, so the skill is barely useable

Ki Mastery- 34/100

- The ability to manipulate ki


-energy blade


-ki shielding

Turtle School Martial Arts- 51/100

- Martial arts created by the legendary Master Roshi, which continues the teaching of his master, Mutaito.


Zenkai boosts goes dummy huh, and my skills also improved drastically. Looking at the books on the table, I started training and learning the big bang attack first, so I can have more range.

~4 days later~

Today is Friday and I have successfully learned all the techniques I borrowed from the library. But the biggest gain in my opinion is the learning renewal taekwondo. Whoever invented this fighting style deserves a freaking reward, and also should a have a whole mental hospital reserved for that person, I refuse to believe that whoever created this was sane.

The training regime for this style was borderline insane. To the point that I almost slept during classes on how tired I was. Because of this, I somehow ended up as being branded as the "loser" of the class. Not only because of my low power level, but because of me not paying attention on lectures.

Though after a few days, I somehow got some acquaintances from Beet's side. He introduced me to his other friend Mint, and his sister, Usagi. Apparently, his father was the one who named Usagi, due to her being more human than saiyan, while he was named by her mother due to his saiyan like appearance.

Usagi has a bubbly personality, a natural extrovert, she has golden hair, that is styled into twin tails, and blue eyes wearing a standard school uniform. And because of her personality, she was easily regarded as our section's diva.

Meanwhile, Beet's has spiky hair, resembling Goku's hair in his Super Saiyan form leaning to the side, and his eyes are brown. He normally wears a crimson dogi, a yellow long sleeve shirt with matching shin wraps, a teal belt, and black shoes with white accents.

Mint's is a timid and quiet girl that has a bob cut with a ponytail and bow to tie her hair, and her eyes are green. She wears a similar Gi like goku's, but her colors are predominantly green, and the turtle symbol on the back is absent.

Meanwhile, I have an exact copy of goku when he was a kid, but I wear a gray dogi, a long-sleeved black undershirt with a turtleneck, a red sash, black pants and pointy white boots. (a.k.a. goku black's drip.) Why? Because it looks awesome.

"So handsome, What made you tired today?" I hear steps closing towards me. "You know, same as usual." I reply, not even looking at her. I feel her soft breath near the side of my neck. Due to the sudden shock, I turn towards her. "Woman, you are too close to me." I say with a bland face, and putting my hand in front of her face. She squeezes my hand hard, I showed nothing of my face except a blank gaze as I release her face from my hand. She also lets go of my hand.

Holding my hand, 'Damn, that hurt like hell.' I thought to myself. "Hmph, that's why you shouldn't hold a face of a woman." She pouts. This obnoxious woman's name is 21. Yes, her name is 21. Whenever we meet, it always ends up like this.

Although she looks like an innocent, weak and frail little girl, wearing a white lab coat, and red and black square pattern dress. As they say, never judge a book by its cover. She is arguably one of the strongest people in this class.

"That's bad Fennel-kun." Mint says as she agrees with 21. I don't get it, why would someone worry about being touched in their face. Not like they can do anything about being punched in the face other than punching the enemy back. Shrugging my shoulders, I let the topic go, there's no point in understanding their priorities.

Seeing that I was physically tired, they let me rest and talk to each other. I close my eyes, 'status' I said mentally.

<Son Fennel>

Race: Half Saiyan

Age: 12

Hp: 990/990 (You can probably tank a hit or two from bombs.)

Ki: 1,103/1,103 (You can be sure that you ain't spending your ki in a somewhat long fight)

Stamina: 41 (Man's capable of running around the city for 1 and a half days non-stop)

Strength: 59 (You can now break houses made of steel)

Speed: 69 (Man's is as fast as a MiG 25 Foxbat)

Wisdom: 64 (Man's is capable of having a solid debate with Socrates)

Intelligence 49 (Chad brain goes brrr...)


Soliloquy- 69/100

- Your skills can now follow Shakespeare's hamlet to the T, and even improve it. The act of talking to oneself.

Common Sense- 39/100

- Having a (not really) good(?) grasp of what reality should be.

God Ki - 0.9/100

- The ability to manipulate and use God ki, user is too weak, so the skill is barely useable

Ki Mastery- 54/100

- The ability to manipulate ki


-energy blade


-ki shielding

-ki sensing

-kiai techniques

Turtle School Martial Arts- 52/100

- Martial arts created by the legendary Master Roshi, which continues the teaching of his master, Mutaito.

Kaioken- 26/100

-Technique that was created by king kai. The ability to boost your power level but has the consequence putting more strain to the body

-Currently can go up to 3 times with little strain

Re Taekwondo- 20/100

- Martial Arts style created by Jin Taejin, the style owns a wide variety of kicks aimed at the upper parts of the body, using the rotation of the body as a source of power. However, the users of this martial art often utilize a full arsenal of punches not seen in real life Taekwondo, along with the softness/hardness concept of Chinese martial arts and the "bobbing and weaving" of boxing. RE Taekwondo also has many takedowns that often start with the "hook" kick snaring the victim with the back of the leg in the limbs or the head, making them lose balance.

(A/N: This is the wiki description)





-Hoe Grab



Seeing my status, I feel like most of my hard work during this past 4 days were very advantageous. But before I seem to pat myself in the back mentally, I hear the instructor say something. I open my eyes, I focus on hearing the instructor.

"Alright guys, today you guys will be sparring with each other. It will be a fight till you can type of scenario. I will randomly pull people in this box, and once the person wins, they can either continue fighting, or substitute until your name gets called up again, or You volunteer to fight." The instructor says.

"Ready yourselves, after 10 minutes we will go to arena 4." He says as he sits down. Most of the students are panicking and the saiyans are being thrilled. But the only thing in my mind, is, 'Heh, this will be interesting.' Smirking at the upcoming event.

After a couple of minutes, we arrive at the arena, It looks similar to the arena from the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament. As we go to the side of the arena. We see a box, probably containing our names.

"Alright Guys! Let's start the tournament." He said as he pulls two random papers in the box.

"The first fight is Beat vs. Cole!" The proctor announces.

'This will be interesting' I thought to myself, excited at what Beat is capable of.


Ello! It's a me, Lagz! I'm back with a longer chapter than usual, I got some free time today, so I could, make up for the little chapter I did yesterday. Also, I made him use Renewal Taekwondo. The reason? Because I like God of high school, also I don't see much representation of it in Webnovel, so I took the liberty and added it here. I also changed his age from 5 to 12, because I realized too late that I made Fennel too young for the story. And the school saga will only last 4 years, if Fennel was 5, then he will become a time patroller at the age of 9. That doesn't make sense, so I changed his age to 12 so atleast when he graduates, he will be at 16. Sorry for the sudden change though. And yes, I also added sailor moon, because why not.