
Dragon Savior A New Beginning

It is a story about a young girl who dreams of finding a place where she belongs. Her world is inhibited by fascinating beasts that have grown in the land for Millennium, and they can soar in the air like it was nothing. The dragons are her friends, and they have been around for millennia, creating Nations. There are two types of nations: one that watches over these magnificent beasts, and one that doesn't. The story highlights the dangers of evil lurking in the world, and the protagonist must decide whether to follow the right path or face the consequences of her actions. The story serves as a reminder of the importance of balancing good and evil in our world.

The_GamerStar · Fantasía
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50 Chs

The diminishing glow of the flame

Curious, Aeron approached me. He started, his voice filled with a touch of contentment, "That was an incredibly fruitful conversation, don't you think?" 

A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips, revealing his relief at being spared from dealing with the matter at hand. Just as Aeron was starting to enjoy his seemingly favorable position, Starfania swiftly struck his hands, her disapproving glare extinguishing any trace of levity in the atmosphere. After the awkward silence, a feeling of tension hung in the air. Aeron desperately tried to lighten the mood by letting out a nervous chuckle. 

"What? I was just joking!" he exclaimed hastily, pretending innocence to minimize any possible misunderstandings. Not impressed, Starfania sighed in exasperation and rolled her eyes, showing no signs of being persuaded by Aeron's weak jokes. She sarcastically replied with skepticism, "Oh, absolutely! I totally believe you."

 However, even with the temporary disagreement, laughter quickly-emerged between the two friends, showcasing a mutual understanding and camaraderie that bound them tightly. Hand in hand, they journeyed down the well-trodden path leading to the cherished place that had become a symbol of comfort and harmony in their souls: the bleachers in their school's stadium. Their gazes were fixed on the captivating panorama that unfolded before them: the meticulously manicured grounds of the school and the vast expanse of the sky above. Their hands intertwined, smiles spread, giving them rare peace and contentment after a long time. As they indulged in each other's presence, time ceased to exist, their dialogue effortlessly transitioning from one subject to another. Time passed unnoticed, creating a cozy and intimate atmosphere around them. 

 However, the presence of an unavoidable separation hung in the air, dampening the previously joyous atmosphere that surrounded them. Departing with a pang of sadness, they summoned the courage to say their goodbyes, treasuring the beautiful memories created on that magical evening, and carrying a renewed sense of hope deep within their hearts. As they neared the entrance of the school, each prepared to begin their respective journeys home, Aeron turned to me with a heartfelt and compassionate proposition.

"Shall we walk home together?" he asked softly. Taken by surprise by the unforeseen yet delightful suggestion, I promptly consented and responded, "Absolutely, but would it be possible for us to make a brief diversion beforehand?"

The silence was pierced by a sudden pause, only to be shattered by the resonating sound of Aeron's voice. 

"Absolutely, we can definitely make that happen," he replied, his eagerness to be accommodating apparent in his tone. Filled with exhilaration, I beamed with a vibrant smile and exclaimed, "Alright, let's embark on this adventure!"

 I strolled along a rugged path, marveling at the quaint shops nestled along the way, until I reached a magnificent bridge with a mysterious cave beckoning in the distance. As I entered, my eyes were immediately drawn to the intricately carved walls, while the scent of musty air filled my senses. Amazed by the cave's beauty and historical significance. Aeron wondered what makes the cave so captivating. I replied "surprise" and came to see an old friend. Suddenly, I became aware of a profound transformation in his demeanor. With utmost care, I delicately clasped his hand and comfortingly assured him, " You know, if you don't feel at ease, it's completely acceptable for you to opt out."

 With a tremendous sense of relief, he exhaled audibly and gave a slow, affirming nod. Feeling comforted, his fears subsided as he smiled back. 

"Surprisingly," he replied, "I actually do want to come with you." 

I nodded in agreement, offering a comforting squeeze to his hand. "So, we'll face this challenge together. I'll be by your side, supporting you all the way."

As we moved forward side by side, I could feel the mixture of nerves and unyielding resolve emanating from him. 

" Always keep in mind," I said confidently, in an effort to inspire, " that no matter what challenges we face, I am fully prepared to tackle them head-on. In fact, I might even employ some creative problem-solving techniques, such as thinking outside the box, or even throwing my shoe if necessary! "

 Aeron couldn't help but burst into laughter, causing his face to turn a vibrant shade of red. He couldn't help but wonder why she had to say that. He took comfort in knowing that she depended on him being there. He would always be there to assist her in case anything went wrong. She was appreciated for her effort to lighten the mood with a joke. It significantly alleviated the tension and tranquilized his nerves. 

" I'll be there for you," he replied with a sigh, as his flushed face gradually returned to normal.

" I have always been confident that my best friend would never let me down. True friendship is all about providing support and protection for each other. " With gratitude in my heart, I embraced him tightly, conveying my sincere appreciation. Aeron was constantly by my side, never venturing too far away. We continued forward, our footsteps echoing in the silence.

" Hey, look! There's a light up ahead. We should go!" Aeron exclaimed excitedly. 

As he rushed towards it, I promptly exclaimed, "Hold on!" Aeron ecstatically lifted his hands skyward, celebrating, "At last, a glimmer of light piercing through the darkness of that cave."