
Dragon reborn: A New World Adventure

Zarathrax, the strongest of the Draconic species to ever be born on the planet of Infernum, died on the battlefield, fighting against the dragon and demon races. He died, but he had no regrets. He took revenge on the people who executed his parents and also saved his comrades. But just when he thought he had died, he woke up only to find himself in the hands of a strange humanoid species whom he had never seen on Infernum. Huh? That's strange. I am sure I died. Where am I now? And who are these people? Zarathrax now reborn as Cassian talen, sets out to find out more about the world he was reborn in and regain his true power. Though this time he has a companion, who'll help him with this task. **A note for the readers** [I have no experience in writing and this is my very first work.] [My story may be boring or not well written but I'll still try my best to write a good book] [English isn't my first language, so I apologise for any grammatical mistakes in advance.] [I'll update when I have the motivation or free time to write, since I am still a minor and have school life] Lastly....... [Have fun reading this book, if you still decide to read it. Also, make sure to leave reviews and comments. It will help me improve my novel further and even myself as an author.]

EvilEye_ · Fantasía
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11 Chs


Dragons. A powerful and fierce race. They are the ultimate symbol of power and destruction. Not only are they an unstoppable race but also extremely wise and cunning. With their deep understanding of magic, they can use all sorts of magic effortlessly.

Demons. They too are a powerful race like dragons and are the ultimate symbol of chaos and evil. They can use a wide range of abilities such as shape-shifting, illusions, mind control, and possession. They are also extremely proficient in the use of dark magic.

But what would happen if these two races were to give birth to a child who had all the positive characteristics of both races? One can only imagine how powerful and dangerous it can be.


Chapter 1: The Draconics

The planet of Infernum, It is a place where different kinds of beast races reside. Some animals walk on all fours, while others are humanoids. At the pinnacle sit two races: the demons and the dragons.


For a long time the demons and dragons were considered as the most powerful races in the entire world, though they were not on good terms with each other. 

They fought many battles in the past trying to dominate the other race, but it always ended in a draw. Right now on the planet Infernum, the power is balanced, with neither side more powerful than the other.


But that soon changed when a dragon and a demon gave birth to a child. A child that was unlike any other.


 Upon birth the child's parents could feel the power inside of it and decided to keep their child a secret from the world. Who knows what would happen if the world were to know about that child.

But little did they know, they weren't the only ones to have such a child. Aside from them, there were four others, and they too decided to keep the existence of their child a secret.


But secrets do not last long and eventually the world learns of their existence. 


By the time the world found out they were already 1000 years old. Though they were still young, they were more powerful than any normal dragon or demon. 

Worried, their parents were successful in hiding all five of them together, but they themselves got caught in the process. Their parents were immediately executed for breaking a taboo by marrying someone of an enemy race.


The children waited for their parents to come back but they never did. In the end all five of them decided to venture to the outside world to find their parents. Learning of their parents execution, the children were enraged and went on a rampage and killed hundreds of demons and dragons. Due to this the world came to know of their true power.

They were unlike any dragon or demon. Since they had the characteristics of both races, they were too powerful. They could even take the form of a dragon or a demon. and had a wide range of abilities. The world called them Draconians because they were a mix of two races.


For the first time the dragon and demon race felt threatened. The power balance of Infernum that lasted for many centuries finally shifted and now the world was after these children.

Several search parties were formed, and everyone had their own goal. Some wanted to wipe them out of existence because they feared their power. Some wanted to make their powers their own. Some wanted to use them as weapons of destruction. But little did they know that their plans would never succeed.

All the search parties formed were killed, not even their bodies remained. The demons and dragons seeing this decided to form a temporary alliance to get rid of the Draconics.


Zarathrax. The leader of the Draconic race. Zarathrax dearly cares for the other four Draconics. Ever since their parents died, he took care of them and never put them in any danger. Although Zarathrax is malevolent and vicious towards others, he has a soft side for the other Draconics.


Currently they were having a meeting on how to deal with the problem at hand. They heard that the demon dragon alliance is gathering a huge army to get rid of them. Although they were powerful, there were only five of them. They cannot possibly defeat an entire army of demons and dragons on their own.

Zarathrax was the first one to speak.


"We do not need to confront the army. All we need to do is take out the high ranking officials of the demon and dragon race since they were the ones who gave the order to kill our parents. Upon the death of the high ranking officials they will temporarily cease all their activities and that will buy us some time to plan our next actions." " Although, if they already know our hideout we will have no choice but to confront them."

"From what I can see, they will be ready in a week's time, and we have until then to prepare." Now, listen carefully to what I am about to say. I shall act as a decoy and fight the army while you all go to their base and attack the officials. There will be some guards, but most of them will be in the battle, so I believe you all can take them out and, after you are done, run. "Go into hiding; do not return to the battlefield." Said Zarathrax


"But that's basically suicide. How can we leave you alone to die‽" Said Noir.

"What Noir says is right." We cannot allow you to fight them alone. "If we die, we die together." Said Draxion


"Yes we too agree with both of them. We will stay here with you." Said Zorathia and Draxia


Zarathrax was worried about the others and didn't want them to die, hence he decided to send them on a less dangerous mission and then to hide away.


"Why are you all being so stubborn. Just do as I say and don't worry about me." Said Zarathrax.

"Fine, we will do it, but only in one condition." "We will return as soon as our mission is completed, and if you do not accept our condition, we will continue being stubborn and stay here," said Noir.


"You have to agree now Zarathrax". Said Draxion chuckling.


*Sigh*. "Fine I accept your conditions" said Zarathrax sighing.


The whole group started cheering at Noir. Looking at them happy Zarathrax couldn't help but feel sad that they were all going to die soon.

Just what did they do to deserve all this? What did their parents do to be executed like that? Right now his feelings were conflicted. He was feeling happy to see everyone so lively, but at the same time his blood was boiling over the fact that the killers who killed their parents are now after their lives as well.