
Dragon reborn: A New World Adventure

Zarathrax, the strongest of the Draconic species to ever be born on the planet of Infernum, died on the battlefield, fighting against the dragon and demon races. He died, but he had no regrets. He took revenge on the people who executed his parents and also saved his comrades. But just when he thought he had died, he woke up only to find himself in the hands of a strange humanoid species whom he had never seen on Infernum. Huh? That's strange. I am sure I died. Where am I now? And who are these people? Zarathrax now reborn as Cassian talen, sets out to find out more about the world he was reborn in and regain his true power. Though this time he has a companion, who'll help him with this task. **A note for the readers** [I have no experience in writing and this is my very first work.] [My story may be boring or not well written but I'll still try my best to write a good book] [English isn't my first language, so I apologise for any grammatical mistakes in advance.] [I'll update when I have the motivation or free time to write, since I am still a minor and have school life] Lastly....... [Have fun reading this book, if you still decide to read it. Also, make sure to leave reviews and comments. It will help me improve my novel further and even myself as an author.]

EvilEye_ · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 2

A week passed. Zarathrax and the other Draconics were ready to execute their plan.

As Zarathrax had expected, the army knew of their hideout and was heading towards their direction. Most likely they sent some search parties to search for their location.

They were still quite a few kilometres away but Zarathrax wouldn't let them get close to their hideout. His plan was to attack them midway so that the others can escape to execute their real plan.

"Zarathrax. Be careful. Don't die. Hang on until we come back." Said Noir with a worried look on her face.

"Don't worry I will." "Make sure you guys are well prepared before you go."

Zarathrax left the hideout and ran in the direction of the army.

While heading there, he transformed into his dragon form. His dragon body was quite larger and more imposing than any other dragon of his age, with a muscular body covered in dark, scaly skin. His eyes were purple, and horns protruded from his forehead. His scales were a deep shade of black, with occasional flashes of molten lava all over his body. As soon as he transformed, he unleashed his aura, which was several times more intimidating than any normal dragon or demon. Although the army was a few kilometres away, they could still feel his aura and bloodlust, and some of them couldn't help but shiver.

Noir was still thinking whether it was a right decision to let him go alone but then Draxion eased her worries.

"Don't worry, I am sure he'll be fine. Afterall he is the strongest among us Draconics. We just need to make sure we get back in time to help him."

Noir nodded her head and the group quickly left the hideout.


"Commander I think the Draconics are coming this way." Said one the soldiers beside the commander of the dragon army.

"Halt. Everyone be prepared the enemy is approaching us. Do not look down on your opponent, even though they are five they are still strong enough to take down hundreds of dragons and demons." The commander said

With the commander's words everyone was prepared. But as soon as their enemy came into a visible distance they started to wonder why there was only one Draconic. Their army consisted of at least ten thousand demons and dragons yet they send only a single Draconic? Are the Draconics looking down on them?

They couldn't understand whether the enemy was just stupid or if he was really confident enough in his abilities to confront an entire army. Either way, the shiver they were feeling previously was no longer after seeing only a single Draconic instead the whole army started whispering among themselves.

"It's just only one. Where are the others? Are they hiding or something?"

"They really think a single Draconic can take down an entire army of ten thousand dragons and demons?"

"Those brats are too cocky. Just because they took down some of our people they think they are the most powerful race now."

"Stop whispering among yourselves and prepare to attack" The commander of both the armies gave the command.

"Yes sir." everyone shouted

A second passed...


A Huge explosion took place in the middle of the army and a huge portion of demons was wiped out.

"Huh? What happened? What was that noise?"

Everyone turned their heads towards the source of the explosion and remained silent for a few seconds as they couldn't comprehend what had happened all of a sudden.

Just then one of the dragon in the sky shouted.


Just then, everyone turned their heads to look in the sky and they could see a large figure-- bigger than most of the dragons present there-- descending from the skies. They instantly recognised who it was. It was Zarathrax, the Draconics leader.

But what confused them more than anything was when did he appeared above them? They were sure he was right in front of their eyes and was still a few kilometres away from them then the next second he was above them and even took out a huge portion of their army.

But this confusion didn't last long as everyone snapped back from their thoughts and prepared themselves to attack.

The dragons went high up in the sky to attack Zarathrax while the demons would use their magic to attack from the ground.

Zarathrax was surrounded by the dragons while they prepared to attack him with their magic from all sides. It was difficult for him to escape this one unscathed as he was surrounded by thousands of dragons from all sides not to mention the demons attacking him as well.

"Haha, you think that surprise attack would work on us? This is the end for you brat."

Zarathrax used all of his power to fly away from the encirclement and barely managed to avoid the attacks. He was injured in the process but he survived.

"Tch, I was planning to use that surprise attack to my advantage but looks like it failed. I'll just have to do this the regular way."

Zarathrax gathered a large amount of mana to use Grand fall.

A large meteor could be seen falling from the sky. It covered the entire army in shadow as if it was nighttime.

The army down below without wasting any time started casting all of their most powerful magics to get rid of the large meteor. Using this distraction to his advantage he started taking down the dragons first. He used his fire magic whose flames were black in colour due it containing some demonic properties, but these were not normal flames as they were more powerful than any other flames to exist on Infernum. They would continue to burn until the opponent no longer exists and it is impossible to extinguish this fire.

One by one the dragons started falling. As soon as the flames would touch their body they would cease to exist. The army was falling, their numbers were decreasing little by little but there were still a lot of them remaining.

Zarathrax then used Grand fall once again only this time, the summoned meteor was even more powerful that the previous one. The army had only just dealt with a meteor when another one was heading straight towards them. With no choice left they decided to escape the area.

Their numbers were only decreasing by the second. The two commanders seeing this decided to call for reinforcements. The elders had given them a magic item just in case something like this happened and they were glad they did. Upon activating the item a ginormous magic circle was formed. It was a teleportation circle used to teleport large numbers of people.

The magic circle lit and then several demons and dragons came out of it. The numbers didn't seem to stop as they kept pouring out until eventually it stopped.

It was an army of millions of demons and dragons led by the elders of both races.

Upon taking a closer look at the battlefield, they could see a very large crater on the ground with several small craters around it and two large meteor broken into pieces. The ground was completely scorched, fire and lava could be seen everywhere with smoke and dust clouds. It was as if a disaster had struck this place.

In the sky they could see a single Draconic killing their army men one by one yet not a single one of their them could lay a hand on him, and to think all of this caused by a single Draconic.

The elders had lived for millions of years and it was not their first time seeing a Draconic. In the past many such cases had occurred but those Draconics weren't as powerful as the current ones and they were dealt with in secret, but these are different, not only are they powerful but they do not seem to have any weakness that any dragons or demons would have.

Previously when the Draconics went on a rampage and killed hundreds of dragons and demons, they knew that they were different and hence they sent a portion of their army to the battlefield first to gauge their strength, then they would bring the real army to finish them.

The army of ten thousand was decreasing by the second and now only a thousand remain. The commanders were sweating profusely, they knew they were no match for the Draconic in front of them.

Seeing the elders arrive in the battlefield, they decided to flee in their direction. The remaining army followed their commanders. Now in front of Zarathrax was an army of millions of dragons and demons and the elders of both races ready to take him on.

But Zarathrax was neither scared nor did he back down, instead he smiled and said....

"Bring it on."