
Dragon Overlord system

"Congratulations on dying and coming back my dear husband " Hearing a beautiful voice say that Clay opened his eyes. What greeted him was not the usual white ceiling of his hospital room. Instead it a vast blue sky.

Black_knight12 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
31 Chs

Chapter 20

Clay was still looking through the store regretting his stupidity. Previously he ignored it thinking the only thing it would have was elixirs or something. Boy was he wrong. First off there were some pretty nice items. Even the cheapest item would make most starter players jealous. For example, there was a pair of dual magic revolvers that can fire spell bullets. Another was a suit of armor that would boost his agility.

The only problem he faced was the cost for them was listed for points he didn't have. From all of the web novels he had read, there was always some kind of way to get points they could earn. Confused Clay ask Eve if she knew what was going on.

"Darling the systems from stories in your world work on a different principle. The ones you are familiar with will give points to you as rewards for clearing objects or trading things. You can only get points by sacrificing mana or aura cores" Eve explained.

Now that he knew how to get things from the store Clay acted immediately. He grabbed one of the boar's mana cores and had the system absorb it. The result was he had enough for the revolvers. Once he bought them both guns appeared in his hands. One was an extremely dark gold with a sword on the side of it. The other was a whitish silver cover in the runic inscriptions ancient dragons used.

Using his dragon eye skill Clay carefully looked over them both.

[Fafnir: A golden gun forged by a powerful alchemist using the remains of the greediest dragon in history. Named after the dragon it was forged from Fafnir can absorb the user's aura to enhance itself. It can also add curse effects to bullets fired from it.]

[Albion:A revolver lucky enough to have been forged from the remains of the white dragon. As it was made from the remains of Albion which was known for its magic prowess. Thanks to that this revolver is gain a boost the more mana you give it. In addition, it can give bullets fired purification effects.]

Unfortunately, that was all he could find out at the moment. Thinking he needed a better way to appraise things he checked out his new friend in the store. Lucky for him the store was broken into different parts making searching easier. Soon he found exactly what he was looking for.

[Skill scroll Dragon's eye of truth:The eyes of most beings have strange and unique powers. Dragons are of course no exception possessing the eyes of truth, domination, and destruction. With the eye of truth, you can not only see information on the target but also through most illusions]

Once again after he bought the skill scroll it appeared in his hand. As he did before with humanization Clay learned the skill and immediately tried using it.


Weapon type:Magic gun



Mana Capacity:30,000

Mana conductive:SS

Innate skill:Cursed rounds-When the user fires a bullet from the gun he can decide to place different kinds of debuff curses.]


Weapon type:Magic gun



Mana Capacity:30,000

Mana conductive:SS

Innate skill:Holy rounds-Bullets from this gun can be fired with purification effects.]

Clay smiled at his newfound partners imagining their future together. Although his skills didn't give him knowledge about wielding them he still was excited. There was something about the idea of making his fights have stages that pumped him up. He remembered an anime he watch that had a main character who was only decent at using a sword. But used one anyway unless he got serious.

His business finished Clay spent the rest of the night meditating. As he did there was something he noticed. His mana and aura both changed not in quantity but in quality. While he was meditating a crazy idea popped into his head. Once again influenced by his previous world he came up with the idea to compress his energies. Excited he brought up his idea to Eve who was shocked.

"To think he would come up with this kind of idea on his own. Even supreme beings would only have this thought when it was already too late" Eve said mentally.

"It is possible however you have to start early otherwise risk failure. The good news is you are at the perfect level to do it. The bad news is I can't tell you how" she responded outlook.

Clay thought about it and decided to give it a shot. First, he took all of his mana and gathered it in his core. He then wrapped it with his aura and started to squeeze. The pressure he put on the mana slowly went from a gas state to a liquid. From it, he could feel it is even more powerful than before. While this was going on Eve was watching with pure excitement.

"I can't believe he has done that which everyone said is impossible. From my understanding, no one has ever pulled it off until now plenty have tried though. The result was usually blowing up because their bodies were unable to contain it. Darling on the other has an even higher vitality than most meaning he could do it" Eve thought.

It was not long before he managed to turn a quarter of his mana into liquid. He immediately noticed that this liquid mana gave more bang for his buck. Clay tried casting a spell with it and realized he didn't even use a portion of a drop. That showed just how pure his mana became. Using his current excitement Clay continued compressing until the next morning. He stopped because of two reasons one was everyone was up and the other was his body had a slight pain in it.

According to Eve, this was because the amount and quality were more than his body could handle. She then recommended he hold off compressing his mana and he should focus on his aura instead. Clay agreed with her since his aura helped strengthens his body. That would have to wait however for now he needs to eat breakfast and get back on the road. After everyone ate they climbed onto the carriage to continue their journey.

During this time Clay started to compress his aura which also changed color. The gold grew even darker with a hint of red. Thanks to that his body became stronger by leaps and bounds. To the point, he could generate wind pressure from a punch.

"Seriously dude every time I look away you end up becoming more ridiculous" Zeke complained.

"Aw no need to flatter me, bro" Clay joked.

"It was not supposed to be a compliment but whatever. Still, I was wondering why not focus on the mage path" Zeke questioned.

Clay Ignored him while thinking about an interesting idea. Too bad it would have to wait until later for now. Instead, he worked on his aura and mana control, and what better way than for him to use Fafnir and Albion? Using aura to enhance his movements in the forest he used his guns to hunt.

(AN:Sorry for the late chapter I have been trying to think about where to go from here. Finally, I decided to go for the classic academy Arc. First, though we have Clay meeting the dragon at long last.)