
Dragon Heart System

After his whole village was erased, Simon who fell into disappeared dreamed of a great dragon. You're my heir, with those words and the power he got, he started to slowly seek revenge.

JinVonRey · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Military school entrance exam!

Less of a truck and more of an armored bus, Simon looked around him at the other recruits. They looked a lot like when he was heading toward the magic test, except they were quieter, with a lot more seriousness in their faces. If he had to compare it, Nerds and athletes.

Espers focus on academic knowledge as it's the principle of magic, while soldiers focus on physical power.

He had heard that the army is lacking espers, as most of them chose to be with the esper university because of the higher pay, especially Blue mana users!

It wasn't uncommon for people to just finish the obligatory two years in the military and then switch sides to the esper university.

This has caused a lot of conflicts between the two factions, each fighting to stay in power!

Simon quickly found an empty seat close to the window where he sat down, he has already packed all he needs inside his inventory. From preserved food to water, some spare clothes, and a secret gift that Dina gave him.

I wonder if her giving me that was legal? I just hope she doesn't get in trouble for that!

Simon could clearly tell it was hot, the blazing sun was out and the bus was just stuffy. he couldn't wait for this bus-truck thing to start moving. Where do they make those anyway?

The other thing that drew his attention was the attitude of the soldier standing at the door. He was acting suspicious, glancing at Simon then back outside then back at Simon, he was clearly nervous. Simon glanced outside as to what is causing him to act like that.

There was nothing strange outside, except Dina waving her hand cheerfully.

It can't be here, can't it?

"Leon, Tell the director if something happened to Simon, I will come to pay him a visit!" Dina said with a happy face, on the other side, Leon's face turned pale.

He stayed silent, ignoring Dina's words as the truck started to slowly move.

What did Dina do to him? Simon wanted to ask but decided to keep to himself. No matter the circumstances he was a recruit and Leon was a soldier, he can't step up to him and ask.

With that, he decided to shift his attention toward his system as they were on the way.

Obviously, Only Simon could see the system screen, he had confirmed this before so he started checking his Skill menu.

He had two skills none of which were combat-focused.


{Second tab: Skills}

[Available skill points: 0]

[Skill: Dragon heart Level 1]

[Skill: Fire resistance Level1]


There isn't that much for me to do, except read it. Then the thought came to him.

Even though it's hot I don't feel that uncomfortable, was it because of [Fire resistance] skill? Does it resist heat in general or just fire? Simon kept thinking as he slowly dozed off. The exhaustion from the training has gotten to him.

After a few hours, they finally reached the testing ground.

A barren wasteland, no signs of life wherever he looked, except the hundreds of recruits standing there beside him.

Simon was getting a bit nervous, what if he failed as he did with the Magic exam? Those thoughts never left him, especially when he remembered that his system didn't offer him any combat skill.

This time he didn't even know the nature of the test, the recruits were quite diverse, some of them really stood out.

For example, when Simon looked around he saw a girl wearing a dress, looking like a princess out of a fantasy story. Did they pick her up from a party or something? This is a military test, does she know that? This was his first thought.

Soon his attention was has drifted to something else that was coming closer, a faint rumbling can be heard in the distance.

Chop! Chop! A helicopter approached them from the sky, coming so close to the ground it scared the recruits thinking it was about to land.

They started whispering, excited thinking they were about to be given a ride to the school that was nowhere in sight!

"It's 15:03, the test will start at 16:00!" A voice boomed from the helicopter, the student fell silent listening.

"The school is located 10 Km to the west, anyone who arrives late will be considered disqualified automatically!" The helicopter left without elaborating further, leaving the recruits in a panic.

"What was that? They can't be expecting us to run there!" One of the recruits shouted.

Suddenly the student started to run toward the school, they have realized that the test have already started, And they don't have that much time!

Simon opened his menu and put the 2 stat points he got from the daily quest into Body. He now has 18+1

Getting ready to start, he took a bottle of water from his inventory and took a sip before returning it. It wasn't going to be easy.

Do they really expect us to run there? We barely have an hour! Simon looked around him thinking of a way to act besides just running.

"STOP!" He heard the Voice of a girl shouting, as he looked in that direction, it was that weird girl with the dress.

Her eyes were glowing faint green, "Green mana user?" He knew instantly as he had studied it when he was preparing to take the magic exam.

When people use magic, their eyes glow with the corresponding color! Red for life force, blue for magic force, green for spirit force.

Two recruits stopped in place as they heard her order. As if possessed they saluted her!

"Carry me to the school!" She gave a clear order and the recruits replied in unison.

"Yes Ma'am!" They carried her on their shoulder and started running.

Now that Simon was looking carefully it wasn't just her, a lot of people are using magic, it was obvious from their glowing eyes.

The bizarre sights continued, people flying, running at high speed, sliding on the ground, as well as those who just started jogging.

This world was no longer as he knew, he started to slowly understand why espers are important by just looking around him! Being able to use magic was just overpowered!

Without wasting any more time he got ready to start running with a crouching stance, unbeknown to him, his eyes started to glow red.

He started running at full speed, In his mind, he was thinking about if it was even possible without magic, he easily brushed that thought from his mind.

I can't fail this test as well! I have my own power now! He kept running and running. hoping that his 18+1 Body stat will give him enough stamina to push through this hurdle!

Time passed slowly, one by one the recruits gave up until a select few made it in time.

"Time is out! Time is out!" The voice came from the helicopter, signaling the end of the first test.

Simon barely made it, he fell on his knees out of breath. Without the energy to even look around, he just sat there to catch his breath.

What were they thinking? No regular person would have finished this!

"Get ready for the next test, Get ready for the next test!" another voice came from inside the school walls.

Can't they just give us a break?

I didn't know trying to do three chapters a day was going to be this hard! I hope you liked this chapter stay tuned for tomorrow

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

JinVonReycreators' thoughts