
Chapter -17

The fierence battle has Come to an End.

Two Gods were Deceased by hands of Strongest Red Dragon Emperor.

The fragments of Verethragna were flying in the air.

His Pride has Shattered.

He didn't died.

He is a Living Idea. His physical appearance was only Destroyed.

"Congratulations Red Dragon Emperor. You have been Slayed your very first God. Thankyou very much for Giving me my first defeat. Be unstoppable . . Be Victorious on your every future battles. Untill we meet again." Those were the Last of Verethragna Before he vanished into the Vast Cosmos.

"Hold yourself Son!" Ddraig immediately Spawned from the Gear and holds only his son.

Clark who was suffering from Immense pain in heart was unable to walk,talk or basically anything you can think.

"CLARK!" Yurishia and Lucretia can been seen from afar who were running towards the Duo.

"Shit! . . Why . . It hurts!?" Clark asks during the immense pain.

"Hang in There . Your Body is Rejecting your Heart. Let me transfer some KI" Ddraig said as he placed his index finger on Clark's chest exactly where his heart is, Then he pumped his fiery KI inside his heart. Which Caused his Colliding Aura to Safeguard the heart.

Even tho it wasn't permanent.

"Clark! Are you okay?" Yurishia asked in a Worried tone.

"Nah . . I am not" Clark replied with a Smile now he is standing on his two feet due to the pain being subdued.

"Who . . Are you!?" Lucretia asked after looking at Ddraig.

"I am Ddraig the Heavenly Dragon and His Father" Ddraig replied.

His Answer made her jaw Hanging on the spot.

'So the rumours were true!' She thought to herself. But before she can Think.

"So . . You were Revived too?" Ddraig said to Shift which shifted her attention to a Certain individual.

"Revived!? . You hurt me Ddraig . . I was alive all this Time . . Taking my sweet ass time. To get stronger . . Faster. . . And better " The individual was none other than Crom himself.

He was walking towards the party with visible malicious intent.

Rapidus stomped his feets on Ground and decides to become the Shield of His Owner.

Ddraig wasn't worried about himself. He was more worried about the weaker individual that includes Clark himself.

His relationship with Crom wasn't at the best Obviously.

In the past, Crom Cruach was controlled by Balor, the Evil God from Irish Mythology. After Balor was defeated by Lugh, Crom Cruach went around to observe the human world and the Underworld as part of his training and experience. Afterward, he left the land where he resides due to finding the intrusion of Christianity an annoyance.

Eventually he met Ddraig and starts to Challenge him aside from Albion.

Which Ddraig find pretty annoying in past who busy to Collect information at that time.

Ddraig stated many time he is the most annoying opponent he has faced till date.

The main problem with him was due to being a Evil Dragon he has immense pain tolerance.

And he can Continue fighting without even his arms,One of his limbs, wings and Maybe even after losing 45% of his body mass.

Just like a Damn Zombie.

He has to guess that He never got laid and is only Interested on Fighting or Training.

Not that He can blame. Everyone doesn't Get's beauties like Ddraig himself.

Which is the reason Ddraig used to avoid him at any costs.

Ddraig can sense that he is On equal term with Clark who is Slightly weaker than Ddraig himself.

But If What He stated is Correct he must have Trained for 2000 Years.

Experience and Skills are something that cannot be replaced with Any form of Wealth.

He is a Serious threat and He would like to avoid fight at Any cost.

Clark who was somehow standing was nervous at the current situation.

'Why! Why all of this TIME! Why is this Happening!' Clark screamed inside himself, his blood pressure was falling quickly.

Clark tried to Open portals.

His Kryptonian powers weren't working.

He tried to used his Space element.

To only find out that his Seven Chakras were messed up.

He can't do anything at all.

His vision is drowsy and body temperature is dropping on Faster pace than he can imagine.

It definitely wasn't the result of Fighting Verethragna.

It was his heart that is killing him.

"Is that so? As you can see . . My host is in Troble . . It will be wise for both of us to draw back." Ddraig had to hide the fact that Clark was his son. He can't let him get on his nerves.

The situation is more vital than he thought.

"Hmmm . . I can see that . . But what if . . I don't?" Crom said as He flared his Dragon aura.

It was a Different type of Aura than Ddraig himself had.

It was Black, Sinister . . Filled with Malicious intent.

He was Indeed the Strongest evil Dragon.

He should have been titled with one of the strongest Heavenly Dragons if he wasn't a Evil Dragon.

He surpassed Both Ddraig and Albion combined from the past.

His Flames were stronger than Ddraig so strong that Even Boosted Flames won't be able to Overpower his own Signature Black flames.


That would have been Only possible if It was Ddraig from 2000 Years Ago.

Compared to him Ddraig got Stronger in around a Few months of Training.

With Better Equipment. And

Most Importantly He and Clark has many Friends and family who will do anything to protect them.

The Area burst with Two more powerful energy signatures.

It was none Other than Lucretia and Yurishia.

"If that's the case I Lucretia Zola, strongest witch in history and. . . Red Dragon Emperor's mistress shall be your opponent " Lucretia declared while she was holding multiple Grimore and artifacts.

"In name of Black cross . . I , Yurishia farnandol will become Sword of Red Dragon Emperor and be your opponent " Yurishia also declared.

Ddraig just smirked cause he knew it didn't ends here.

Rapidus flares out his Flames covering the field with his Dark pink flames. He was ready to kill.

"Ho .Ho . Is that so?-" before he can speak anymore.


He heard a Roar.

Upon looking up at the sky

He witnessed a Rather majestic view. A 50 meters long western Drogon whose scale is Light pink in Colour and has 3 pairs of Wings made of feathers like birds have. She has 4 horns coming out of her head and her entire body is filled with Hairs and feathers.

If Crom can recall his memory that's definitely a Fairy Dragon but what he found shocking is how can a Fairy Dragon have 6 wings!

Great Red and Bahamut themselves has only 4 wings!

Usually fairy dragons aren't stronger than a Avarage Dragon King and there were some fairy Dragons who had 4 wings. Cause he personally killed one but the Aura that Dragon is Emitting! Is just abnormal. Is she heavenly dragon level? He had to wonder.

"Try to touch my son Crom and I will Fucking kill you" Said the pink Dragon in heavy voice.

"Mira! . . You . . Are alive? And He is your son? I see. . that explains a LOT!" Crom gasped.

He did met Mira in past cause of he thought he can make her fall for him. But he did got his ass whooped by her.

It isn't a pleasant memory to remember.

Lucretia and Yurishia are definitely startled by appearence of her. None of em has seen a Dragon of this unique.

Mira lands behind Ddraig forming a Barrier around Clark.

Using her healing magic.

"Mira Clark's Dragon heart is Causing problem . I hope I can leave him to you" Ddraig said to Mira and he lays down Clark on Mira's Gigantic hands.

"I can but Clark is simply too powerful I won't last more than 10 minutes!"

"We don't need to wait that long" Ddraig said as he can sense another presence around him.

A magic Circle appeared and a woman walks out of the magic Circle.

She was none other than Urvashi. She was wearing her battle attire with a sword in her hand.

"I am here Clark my Boy, I will protect you" Urvashi said to Clark who was out cold.

"An apsara!? That's unexpected " Crom said under her breath.

"By any chance are you Legendary apsara Urvashi!?" Lucretia asked.

Urvashi looked back at her and said "Yes, I suppose who are you?"

"A-ah! FORGIVE my Rudeness I am Lucretia Zola, it's a pleasure to meet you in a Person "

"We can chat later . . After we deal with that dragon"

Crom was feeling rather excited from Incoming individuals.

He knows handling two heavenly dragons will be the last thing he will do.

Not to mention what Lucretia has on her arsenal.

Before Crom can.

"I gu-" before Crom can Talk he sensed a Danger Incoming he immediately jumped from the place to find out Multiple attacks of Different attributes clashed on the spot he was standing on Pin point accuracy.

"Norse magic!?" he asked.

He scanned the place To find out a Young woman with blond hair and incredible beauty lands infront of where Clark was.

Valkyrie!? Apsara? He was confused from the power he was sensing.

"Sweetie!? You alright!?" She immediately rushed to Clark without thinking. She shooks him many times but she got no response from him. To think such a strong individual was out cold.

"Ddraig! What happened to him!" she asked the mighty dragon.

Ddraig who was standing in front didn't looked back cause don't want to lose sight from Crom.

"It's a long story Elsha, I will explain later" Ddraig said as he flares out his Aura.

The pressure was so Much that body of Weaker individuals will just give up on living. In fear or simply they can't handle the power releasing from Ddraig.

"Ddraig so he is Your Successor huh!? That explains why your so Enraged . . Don't worry you know me that-" again he can't finish his words

Cause he received a fury of punches from a mysterious figure that Spawned in fron of him.

Crom immediately backs up from the mysterious figure. To find out she is a Girl.

The person was Akeno herself.

"How come I not sensed her? What is she? Angel? Devil? No Fallen angel?" crom is now genuinely confused from the individual's aura.

"Ara? My punches didn't affected you? Guess I am still weak to affect a Evil Dragon" she said to herself.

"Just who are you?" Crom asked in curiousity.

"Me? I am Akeno Himejima . . Girlfriend of Super Dragon Emperor, But that's not the point I am afraid you have you get past through me If you want to touch my Darling that's it" Akeno said as she released her wings.

Crom was taken aback from her wing's colour and from the identity of her.

"Ah . I see so You are Maiden of Apocalypse? You really live up to your title cause There isn't a Fallen angel . . No any being from Christianity who can Punch this Hard exception being Super Devils."

"Ara Ara, I take that as a Compliment but You should Get out of this Place otherwise "

A massive electric bolt hits Crom causing a Massive Explosion.

"You will get electrocuted Ufufufu~" Akeno finsihed her sentense with a little giggling.

From the sky Another ear piercing Road can be heard.

Revealing a blue Ancient Dragon who is bathed in Lightning Aura flying in the sky.

It was none other than Aria herself. In her dragon form in all glory.

When The smoke cleared it revealed a Crom who was covering himself with His wings and his aura.

He appears to be unharmed.

He flapped his wings. To clear the smoke further releasing a Massive wind gust.

"Hell yeah! A Dragon Queen? This day wasn't boring! Just how many years has it been? My blood hasn't Boiled this hard" Crom said as he saw aria taking her place near Clark.

"So Crom . . As you can see I am Not alone anymore. You still wanna continue?" Ddraig asked.

"I would have loved to. . But the thing is I can't. I have things to do And I also got necessary information about you and your . . . Successor." Crom said as he starts to walk back from where he came from

"But before I go . . Let me tell you Girls . . All of you lack Fire power" Crom said as he disappeared from the sight"

Leaving the individuals.


Unknown to all of them they were currently being watched by Certain individuals.

"So that's was papa's first fight after returning to earth huh!?" Said a young man.

He had a messy hairs,tall and Masculine figure and heterochromia tic eyes,Right eye being blue in colour and left eye Purple.

"Your right Jadon even tho if It wasn't for his heart he would have fought better." said another young man

This man appears in his early twenties and has blond hair and same heterochromiatic eyes one eye being blue and other one Purple.

"Hmph~ Papa didn't even used his Draconic powers to beat him! Neither he used his Kryptonian powers it was Rapidus who killed Him" said another young man

He was taller than both had longer hairs than both individuals but his eyes were black in colour compared to his two siblings.

They were observing the entire fight from beginning to end.

"Jeez Aaron calm down how can you be so hot headed all the time?" said a Rather alluring voice

The source of the voice was a Young woman with a erotic figure. She has black hair and red eyes. She was sitting on a boulder to see the events.

"What do you mean by calm down? I am calm! Can't you see that those fuckers tried to KILL father! How can I calm down!" Aaron defended

"Bro calm down if something actually happened to father we would have disappeared long ago" the blond boy named Edwin said.

"Haaa~ that's true! How about we go down and help father?"

Jadon who was busy watch over them spun back and said.

"You wanna get mess up the time line! If we move a Chair here who knows what will happen in future? And I am pretty sure Grandpa will beat up all of us!" Jadon said.

"Ufufufufu~ Jadon geez you think too hard! Chill sometimes you know! What will happen if we go down and say them that we are Children of Our father?" The woman suggested.

"Bruh! Oppelia! Do you know what you are saying! Do you even know what will happen if they come to know that who your mother is! Grandpa will die of heart attack! And we are here to complete our School project! Not to mess up timeline " Jadon said in annoyed voice.

"Hmph~ why are you shouting on me? Say to Azazel sensei who told us to collect info about how we were born!"

"That damn Crow always does shits like this!" Aaron said

"We could have Asked Papa about it! It's not like he is shy or anything!" Edwin said

"Bruh How can I ask about my father how was I born!" Jadon said

"You could have asked Mother Akeno about it, I am pretty sure she wouldn't have minded telling you" Aaron said

"Fuck no! Who knows what mom will do if I asked her! Mom will tease the hell out of me! And why didn't you asked your mom about it?"

"Ah I asked about it she told Me She got pregnant when-"

"STOP! FOR FUCKS SAKE STOP!" Jadon screamed which stoped him from spilling beans.

"Why do I have a Feeling that we are came here to know what we shouldn't know about?" Edward asked.

"Cause We SHOULDN'T! I had to stole time machine from fortress for this shit!, Whose Idea was it?" Jadon asked.

Aaron and Edward pointed their fingers towards Ophelia

"He~He~" she playfully stuck out her tongue.

"Don't he~he~ me! Papa is gonna beat us up" Jadon said while holding his head.

"Gosh your worrying too much! I will save both of you don't worry too much" she said as she got up from the spot she was sitting.

"Ne? Jadon . . You are Both eldest and strongest of all Siblings . . Do you think you can win against father on his Teenages?" Ophelia asked which In response Aaron and Edward looked towards him.

Jadon who was being questioned was now in deep thoughts.

He thought for a while. Looked back at his father who was unconscious.

"No . I don't think so" Jadon replied.

"If we ignore his heart issue . Father would have still moped the floor with me . He is just . . Too powerful!" Jadon said making all of them nod in agreement.






