
Dragon God of Domination

The story is about a Boy named Clark Kent who is also happen to be wielder of Current Boosted gear. He was almost going to die during his birth but Ddraig managed to save him by Changing his heart with a Dragon heart, turning him into a Pure Blooded Dragon. What he will do next? Find out All of these Characters in this Story Belongs To thier Respective owners I merely wrote this Story for Fun

Power_King_4153 · Anime & Comics
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Clark stood up from his seat he took a nap in and stretched his body and let out a yawn.

Clark looked outside and saw that it was raining heavily with thunder striking occasionally. Clark ignored the thunderstorm outside and started to dress himself. He put on his black pants and red shirt and wore a long black coat.

Clark walked out of the living room and

Walked around the mansion. It was a well build with a nice Victorian style design. It did give the same kinda vibes with the Avarage royal family but he can live with that. Clark checked several rooms and eventually founded a library. It was a small one but there were still a lot of books for someone to enjoy.

Clark thought about something, he should study up about his future opponent Verethragna. He is said to never have lost a fight. That is not a surprise really because he is the god of Victory.

'Hmm, how can I win against a god who specialise in winning?' Clark said to himself while looking through some books. He eventually found a book that said 'Legends of Persian gods'. So he took it and sat down and opened the book and looked through the pages looking for any information about this God.

Clark eventually founded the page about

Verethragna and discovered that he has 10 so called authorities.

'What is an authority?' Clark asks to himself but his dragon inside of him was to the rescue.

{Authorities are divine domains a god or any being with divine power rule over. For example myself, I rule over the divine authority of domination. Hence why I am called the heavenly dragon of domination. The same with Albion who rules over the divine authority of supremacy. Giving him the title the heavenly dragon of supremacy.} Ddraig explained making Clark nod.

'What about the dragon gods?' Clark asks making Ddraig quiet for a second.

{They are a different case because the domain they rule over isn't divine or anything. They symbolizing their own power. Ophis represent infinity, chaos and nothingness while great red represent illusion and dreams, Bahamut represents Annihilation and Apocalypse.They are different from any other beings in this earth and their powers are almost unrivalled. Of course only Trihexa is the only being matching their strenght.} Ddraig explained further making Clark nod in understanding.

'I see, so any suggestions how I deal with this God of victory? It is stating here that Verethragna is considered unable to be defeated because of his 10 authorities with one literally making him immortal.' Clark asks making the dragon hum to himself. Ddraig could understood his Son concern about this legendary being.

{The only way to defeat someone with power of that scale is to take away or negate making them powerless. But their aren't a lot of things in the world that can do that. But do you truly believe you need something like that?} Ddraig told Clark making Clark groan.

'I Don't want to take risks it's my first fight with a God if I get injured I will be scouled by my girlfriends! Isn't there anything that can Help?' Clark asks making the dragon think.

{If only Vritra was alive you could have asked him for help. His powers are perfectly suited for this kind of job but unfortunately he was defeated by indra and split in half in multiple sacred gears. For now I was nothing Son sorry.} Ddraig apologised making Clark shake his head.

'It isn't your fault.' Clark said and stood up and walked from the table he was sitting at and walked out of the library. Walking aimlessly. 'I just wished lady luck would help me out right now.' Clark Thought and closed his eyes and continued walking.

Eventually Clark made it to a dead end with a book case stopping his path. Clark eyes opened when he felt magic coming from the other side of the bookcase.

His curiosity got the better of him and Clark moved the bookcase from its original place and saw a wall with a magic circle on it.

'Strange.' Clark thought and raised his hand. He used his power of Apocalypse to destroy the magic circle revealing a new pathway through the hall.

{It appears that the witch was hiding something important. Even I didn't feel the magic circle up until you were less than a meter from the magic circle.} Ddraig said making Clark agree with him.

'Then let's find out, shall we?' Clark asks with the dragon nodding in his head. Clark walked through the hidden hallway.

Eventually Clark made it to a staircase that leaded towards. Clark didn't feel any traps around here. So he entered without much of a problem.

Eventually Clark made it to a dark room with a stone tablet laying on the ground. Clark raised an eyebrow in suspicion but felt no magic traps around here.

Clark picked up the stone tablet and saw a weird magic carving on it. Clark turned it around and saw no text.

'What is this Dad?' Clark asks the heavenly dragon.

{This is grimoire. A magic artefact with an ancient magic spell inside of it. Which one I am not certain yet.} Ddraig told his son making him hum.

'Strange. Lucretia just have sealed this Grimoire here to prevent others from finding it. Or she was just lazy in hiding it better.' Clark thought making Ddraig agree with him. But before he could talk futher the hole building started to shake.

{Son I can sense a very powerful aura outside!} Ddraig told his host making Clark nod and ran out of the hidden room and quickly ran out the mansion and before him was he could describe a titan.

It was a 50 meter giant with some strange armor and white hair. He had a two massive clubs and a dark aura around him. Clark was pretty certain that this wasn't Verethragna.

'Ah yes . . Additional Drama.'Clark yelled out making Ddraig eyes widen.

{Melqart!} Ddraig said in surprise.

'So he isn't a Kaiju' Clark asks making the heavenly dragon nod.

{Indeed, Melqart was an ancient god that ruled over many things. He was even said to fought against indra and survived. But he was killed millenias ago.} Ddraig said seriously.

'Don't tell me that Verethragna has revived him!' Clark mentally yelled out but saw that the titan god was slowly walking towards an other direction making the red dragon emperor worry what he might do next.

{Son I can sense that melqart is heading to the beach area. I can also sense an other god no to far from here and I have a feeling it is the god that you were planning to battle.} Ddraig warned seriously making Clark groan.

"Dammit. No time to waste!" Clark said and summoned his boosted gear.

"Clark wait up!" The voice of non other than Yurishia, yelled making Clark turn around and face the blonde knight.

"Yurishia the situation is getting worst and there is a new problem presented itself." Clark said and pointed to the massive walking giant.

"Yes I know. We need to hurry and deal with the gods before Italy becomes a wasteland." Yurishia said urgently.

"Very well let's go!" Clark said and raised his hand. "Balance Breaker"Clark yelled outloud and the boosted gear shined brightly and Ddraig's mighty voice roared outloud.

{Welsh dragon balance breaker!!!} Ddraig's voice roared and Clark was covered by a crimson aura and soon the famous armor of the red dragon emperor was seen in all its glory.

(Image here)

The aura coming from Clark almost sent Yurishia flying away by the raw force coming from Clark.

Clark turned to Yurishia and extended his hand. "Come let's go." Clark said making the Valkyrie nod and walked up to Clark. Clark released his balance breaker wings and took of to the sky with incredible speed and followed the walking giant god.

Clark and Yurishia just arrived at the beach area where the massive giant like god melqart has arrived. For a big guy he sure is Fast.

Clark let go of Yurishia and allowed her to stand on the sand of the beach. Both Clark and Yurishia looked up to the grey coloured sky with rain pouring down endlessly. In the darkened sky was an other figure floating in the air.

The figure had a pure white aura around it and had the body of a kid no older around 12 maybe?

The man had medium long purple hair and dark brown coloured eyes. He wore a fancy Persian cloth and lastly he had a stange symbol on top of his head.

Clark was certain that this figure was non other than Verethragna, Persian God of victory. The mighty god was not paying attention at the human and Kryptonian/dragon hybrid on the ground but kept his gaze at the massive god who he just had revived.

Verethragna looked at melqart with a battle hungry grin and said. "It has been a long time melqart. I hope you haven't been slacking off." Verethragna said with a making sound making the massive god growl.

"You dare revive me for the sole purpose to battle against me again?!" Melqart asked demandingly.

"And what if I have? What are gonna do about it melqart? Kill me?" Verethragna mocked and just dodged a slash from melqart who tried hit him with his massive club.

"I will end your existence cursed god of Victory!" Melqart declared fearlessly causing the rain to pour harder. Before anything else could happen Verethragna was suddenly hit by a powerful black lighting attack coming from nowhere.

*BBBBAAAANNNGGGGG!!!!!* And with that the god of Victory was send flying straight into the ocean.

Melqart looked at the side and saw a man wearing a crimson red armor. He recognise that energy and his eyes widen.

"Welsh dragon?" Melqart asked and saw Clark started to fly in the air and stopped next to the massive god.

"My apologies Melqart but I can't have you fight Verethragna." Clark said calmly but still had his guard up.

"And why is that red dragon emperor? What reason do you have to intervine in my battle with the god of Victory." Melqart asked in annoyance, not liking that his battle was interrupted before it even began.

"Simple, I can't have you fight here and have the people of Italy in danger because some gods decided to fight." Clark answered making the god giant growl.

"These puny humans aren't of any significance. They were born to die eventually, gods like myself have the right to do whatever we pleases." Melqart declared making Clark silently growl at the god.

'Ah fuck sakes, there goes my chance for negotiations.' Clark thought and prepared for a bloodbath. But both Clark and melqart attention shifted towards a massive golden boar coming from nowhere and started to march towards Clark who effortlessly dodged it but melqart was forced to stop the attack with his bare strenght.

"Damn to close for comfort." Clark said out loud and saw the massive boar stopped his attack towards melqart and looked at Clark.

The golden boar suddenly was covered in a golden glow and moments later the same kid stood there floating in the sky.

"My my what do we have here? The red dragon emperor." Verethragna said and looked at Clark with even a bigger battle hungry expression. Clark couldn't help but return the expression but it was concealed with his mask.

His Dragonic nature was Kicking in.

"My apologies verethragna but I can't have you and this giant fight here." Clark said making the god of Victory eyes let up a bit.

"And why may that be.... Dragon?" Verethragna asked making Clark chuckle.

"The poor citizens of Italy will suffer will without a doubt die in the crossfire of your fight. And I can't have that." Clark said making verethragna laugh.

"So the famous red dragon emperor who's feared by millions is now saving some puny humans? How comedic." Verethragna laughed while holding his side. He suddenly stopped and looked at Clark. "If you want to save those humans than you have to defeat me." Verethragna informed while drawing out sword made out of pure gold.

Clark felt a strange aura coming from the sword but he couldn't place his finger on it. But luckily Ddraig was there with his infinite wisdom.

{Cursed gold.} Ddraig said seriously making Clark raise an eyebrow.

'Cursed gold? What does that mean?' Clark asks mentally making Ddraig groan.

{It is what makes verethragna such a dangerous opponent against gods. That sword allows the wielder to damage any god or Divine beings. The only backlash is that you need to require knowledge of the Divine being you wish to attack for the sword to be effective.} Ddraig informed his host making Clark nod in understanding.

"Clark watch out!!" Yurishia warned making Clark look at verethragna and saw him ready to attack him with his sword. Clark quickly summoned Keplar's wrath and quickly blocked an incoming attack from verethragna.

"Impressive sword. It is demonic in nature." Verethragna complimented making Clark grin.

'eh!? Demonic?' Clark gasped inside as He looked at his sword which was Glowing Crimson

(Image here)

{Looks like he mistook it's Kryptonian aura as Demonic. Now focus On battle}

"Thanks but you haven't seen anything yet." Clark said and quickly used his enhanced speed to fire some attacks at the god but to his surprise verethragna was able to match his speed and even counter all the attacks.

Both appeared and dissapeared at god like speed with Yurishia unable to properly see them.

"So fast." Yurishia said in awe.

Melqart who was anything the fight turned his attention towards Yurishia and saw that she was left alone.

"YURISHIA!!!" Clark warned making the blonde knight look to the side and saw the giant god ready to launch an attack at Yurishia.

Quickly Yurishia reacted. "Armour of Yggdrasil!" Yurishia called out and dodged the attack from melqart that caused the sand of the beach to rise up and leave a massive crater.

She was covered with her Armour which had many Blasters coming from out from them.

Yurishia who was airborne quickly landed by a nearest building and saw the Melqart launching an other attack with his clubs. Yurishia knew blocking it is pointless and dodged the powerful swing.

'Damn that was a close one.' Yurishia said to herself and planned her next attack. She never knew she would be fighting at god like Melqart.

Yurishia fired a Torrent Yellow energy at melqart who was unfazed by the attack and took the opportunity to grab Yurishia from the air with his massive hand.

"Urgh!" Yurishia groaned in pain by the grip of the god. Clark who was still trading blows with Verethragna saw Yurishia being captured and his eyes widened.

"Yurishia!!!" Clark yelled but was soon send flying by a massive thunder bolt from Verethragna sending him straight to the beach creating a massive explosion. *BBBBOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!*

"Never look away from your opponent red dragon emperor." Verethragna lectured making the hybrid glare at him while being in pain.

"Urgh!!" Clark groaned while climbing out of the crater and glaring at verethragna.

Clark sends a Slash of Sword KI

The destruction was Massive.

But he dodged it.

Clark and verethragna were about


A massive crashing sound was heard and Clark attention shifted towards the sound and saw Melqart having smashed his hand at the ground with Yurishia with it.

Clark looked on with horror at the scene. His body started to shake a bit.

"No...." Clark could only say.

"It has appeared that the Valkyrie is dead. No like she was someone important anyway." Verethragna said casually but was caught off guard when he suddenly went flying by an insanely powerful black and red aura.

*BBBBBBBBBBBBNBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM* An earpiercing explosion erupted causing the hole town and all the buildings to shake violently.

{Ah Shit!} Ddraig cursed from Inside.

The air grew thicker, the sky turned darker and and the sun Turned Black in the darkened sky.

Melqart looked at the source of the aura outburst and sensed that something incredibly powerful in coming.

But soon he heard a voice that made his eyes widen.

A massive explosion erupted where Clark was and trees were forced from the ground flying aimlessly in the sky. The poor birds that happened to be near the literal tornado of aura where sucked into it and burned into nothing.

Where Clark used to stand was now a massive Reddish brown dragon with 4 dragon wings.

(Image here)

The wings had red markings around them. The dragon had two massive horns, and some smaller horns coming from his head with his teeth showing off. Ready to devour its prey. The dragon was covered with crimson red coloured Scales. He had nails of what it looked like made if Gold. And he had Burning red Eyes.

The dragon easily stood around 50 meters in total and looked ready to lay carnage.

The dragon that literally shook the hole world slowly tilted his towards the direction of Melqart and its crimson red eyes flared with hate. The dragon roared at Melqart and with God like speed launched itself at melqart who didn't see the attack coming was literally send flying at the other side of the city right into the sea causing a massive wave of water to erupt.

Verethragna was surprised at the strenght of Clark and was even more surprised that he was able to send melqart flying like he was some rag doll.

Verethragna saw that Clark was ignoring him and started to make his way to melqart. Not having it that the red dragon emperor was ignoring him. Verethragna transformed into his boar form and charged at Clark.

Clark who had sensed the attack coming didn't bother to dodge it and stopped the boar from going further. Clark who had stopped the boar with his massive hands. Effortlessly lifted the boar up and tossed him into the air.

"Die you deadweight!" Clark roared and fired a powerful blast from his mouth straight to verethragna a

Who was still in his boar form and was hit by a crimson coloured blast.

"Aaaaahhhhhh" Verethragna roared in pain and was send flying to a nearby mountain.

*BBBBBBBOOOOOMMMMM!!!* a giant explosion happened where Verethragna was launched by Clark.

Clark turned his attention to melqart who was able to stand up after Clark send him flying like a bitch.

Melqart roared at Clark and swong his massive club at Clark who took it like it was nothing and growled at the god.

"Calamity Claws!!"

Clark yelled out and Clark dragon hand started to cover itself with Crimson energy and Clark launched a powerful slash attack at melqart who was to slow to dodge it and was hit by the powerful attack leaving a deep wound.

"Uuurrgggghhh!!!" Yelling in pain from the attack melqart tried to punch Clark in the face but was unsuccessful and received a powerful tail whip from Clark causing the god to tumble over and fall to his knees.

Clark was his opportunity to launch the killing blow and flew up in the sky.

Clark gathered Massive ammount of Aura,KI and Mana and Gathered it In One spot.

{Son Now I realise Your Putting too much pressure on Your Dragon heart!} Ddraig yelled at Him but Clark Ignored.


Clark fires the Enormous ammount of Energy towards the God.

Due to Injury he can't move.

The poor God was Hit by it.

Vaporizing into Nothingness.

Clark Kent. Super Dragon Emperor has Slain his very first God.

But at what Cost?

Clark clenched his chest in a Sharp pain.

"W-What is happening!?"

{Told ya. I will explain later. Now don't use Your Draconic Powers, use your Kryptonian powers. I will support your Heart}

(Somewhere else)

"Urgh!!" A groan escaped the lips of a certain blond haired knight with dark blue eyes. The knight looked around and saw that she was in an ruined building of some sorts. She knight's attention shifted towards a figure who was standing nearby the window looking outside at whatever is happening out there.

"It has appeared you are awake knight." The figure said making the knight suspicious of the unknown individual.

She got a better look of the person and saw a handsome man in his late twenties with black and golden hair. His eyes were heterochromia with his left eye was black and his right was golden.

Yurishia prepared her rapier but the man didn't looked threatened at all. He just sighed.

"You can't defeat me, so don't even try." The figure said calmly.

Verethragna who had recovered from the attack had witnessed Clark literally eradicating Melqart from existence and knew he was next.

'It appears my original opinion about you were wrong child. Perhaps he will be the first being that will defeat me.' Verethragna thought to himself and prepared himself for the last battle of his life.

He transformed into his boar form and charged at Clark who saw the attack coming and launched himself at the boar. When they clashed Clark easily pushed back the god of Victory and delivered a powerful punch to the face making the boar scream in pain.

Verethragna quickly recovered from the attack and transformed into his human form and summened his golden sword and charged at Clark. Clark wasn't afraid and simply used his claws to block the attack.

"Urgh!!! Curse you Welsh dragon!!!" Verethragna yelled but Clark didn't even bother to listen and just used his tail and whipped him across the city. Verethragna crashed into a hill and caused a medium sized crater.

"URGH!!!" Groaning in pain the god of Victory looked at the mighty dragon with hate and was about to charge again at Clark but before he could he saw the massive dragon disintegrating into red and black particles and saw Clark in his base form with No dragon features out floating in the air.

He can Already sense a Weird Aura Around him.

His Eyes were Glowing red.

"What is the big idea dragon?!" Verethragna yelled making Clark look at him with a bored expression.

"You aren't even worthy of fighting my Balance breaker . So I decided to fight you in my base form." Clark said casually not caring that he just insulted a god.

"What!?" Verethragna asked in fury that this dragon was looking down on him.

"Are you deaf or something? I told you, fighting you in a form that could destroy the world and kill you with ease isn't fun.... So I have decided to fight you in my base form." Clark answered and summoned revelation and prepared himself for the last battle.

"You insolent fool!! Don't you know who I am!?" Verethragna asked making Clark yawn.

"A delusional child with a god complex?" Clark answered sarcasticly making the god of Victory eyes widen in total fury and verethragna charged at Clark with his god like speed.

Clark didn't hold back either and launched himself at verethragna, using his own god like speed to match Verethragna. Both warriors clashed swords with each other like there was no tomorrow.

Eventually Clark started to get the upper hand due to using his Kryptonian senses.

{Use Torquasam Rao} Ddraig suggested.

Clark did Exactly that.

He had now Master Battle instincts. He casually pushed back verethragna and send a powerful kick right in the skull resulting in him being send to a nearby wall and crashing into it.

Verethragna came out of the rumble and glared at Clark with hate and send a powerful wind at his direction causing Clark to be send flying in the air but Clark easily Shrugged off it.

Clark smirked and covered himself with Red lighting and fired mighty thunderbolt at verethragna who was to late to dodge it and was hit head on.


"AAAHHHHHH!!! IT HURTS!!!" Verethragna yelled in agony and saw his skin started to burn because of Clark's red Lighting.

'So it does effect Gods' Clark thought to himself. It was the first time he saw his quantum Lightning working against a god. He obtained this While His training with Superman inside a Quantum singularity. Superman did told him to not use it unless it's absolutely necessary. Now he knows why.

{Indeed, it is simular as my crimson flames but enough fooling around. Finish of the god.} Ddraig said to his host making Clark sign.

'Yeah.' Clark answered and went to verethragna who tried to heal himself with his divine powers.

"Why isn't my healing working?" Verethragna asks himself in pain and annoyance. Clark who now stood infront or the god who was on his knees and give a good kick straight into the skull sending him a couple of meters futher away.

"That is the special thing about my red lighting. It is lethal against any race in existence. I didn't had confirmation untill now Tho." Clark informed and placed his foot on the downed God chest who was laying down on the floor with his face facing his soon to be killer.

Verethragna looked at the Crismon red eyed of Clark and started to cough violently.

"So *cough* this is *cough* What defeat *cough* taste likes? *cough* *cough* *cough* verethragna asks while coughing violently.

"Indeed it is. Even a god of Victory is still capable of tasting defeat." Clark said and raised his Sword and pointed it towards his neck.

"*cough* maybe so... *cough*It isn't over yet." Verethragna said and the same moment a bright white light appeared from behind Clark and when he turned around he saw a horse made out of pure white flame running towards him.

And before he knew it.

It send Clark flying away.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA HOW DOES THAT FEEL RED DRAGON?" The God Laughs like a Maniac as he thought his victory was certain.

"CLARK!" Yurishia shouts as she wants to go check on him.

But she was stopped By the Unknown dragon's aura.


"You will die, causing him more problem"


"hahahaha do you really think that will work against him? Nah He is a Unique Dragon it won't do shit. And if it did. . . He won't be able to be by Opponent." he said with a Smirk

Yurishia gave a perplexed look.

"Just who are you!?"

"I go by Crom church . ."


"You feel that!?" Aria said in worried tone.

"yes I do . . But . . Why my mate mark is buring?" Elsha said as she felt a Burning sensation where Clark Marked her.

Aria became Horrified cause she also feel the same sensation. It means only one thing.

Akeno bashed open the door inside their room. She was taking rest cause of The Dicking she received last night.

"Aria! Elsha I-I think Clark in is danger!!" Akeno said who was almost verge of Crying.

"I told him I should Go!" Aria grinded her teeths.

"STOP CHATTING WE STILL HAVE TIME ON OUR HANDS! LET'S GO!!" Elsha ordered as She enveloped herself with her Yellow Aura.

Aria spawned her dragon wings and was bathed in her Blue Aura.

Akeno spawned her 12 Wings to Fly. Then she received a Incoming transmission from Rias. Which she decided to Ignore.

"We will go too!" Urvashi and Mira shouted in Union.


On the other hand

Clark was unfazed by the attack.

Verethragna noticed it and Clicked his tongue. As he ordered his Horse to attack again.

The horse tried to Attack Clark again. But.

It stopped dead on his tracks.

"W-What happened!? Why isn't my powers are working!? Why isn't he attacking!?" The God was shocked which was revealed by Clark soon.

"Cause of this. Clark holds the Grimore which he found not so while ago.

"M-Magic of. . . Stealing!?" The God gasped.

"Precisely It can Steal A God's powers. . . I could have stolen your God juices . . But Then Again I like this Horse" Clark rubbed the head of white horse with his Hands.

"Now you shall become My familiar. . I will Grant you my Powers" Clark said as he starts to transfer his powers to the horse.

Clark used his Unused Chaos Fire element and Transferred it.

"NOOOO!" The poor God felt like someone stole Her girlfriend. Which wasn't actually the case

The horse became black and His white Flames turned Pinkish red.

After absorbing it. He became a Bicorn.

(Image here)

With red Glowing eyes and Armour covering his body.

"Now your name Shall be . . Rapidus "

{That's some lazy shit there}

"Rapidus finish your job" Clark orders his new familiar as He roared in Joy.

He never felt such surge of Power before. He is freed from the prison.

He rushed towards the God.

"WAIT . I MADE YOU I-" The Bicorn kicked on his face leaving a Infamous Horse marking on his face.

Much to God's humiliation.

The Bicorn Beats the shit out of his Creator.

"Fuck! . . I am. . dying by my Own Horse's hand! Red Dragon! DAMN YOU!!!!"

Before he can finish his sentence The Bicorn used his flame thrower.

Buring Verethragna.

Into Nothingness.

And Thus . . . He became God slayer.





