

"Thanks, fo yo help." Michael said handing Streak and Elektra a list of items. Looking around the abandoned building. It looked completely spotless and brand new. "Now all we have ta do is make this boy look homely fo' the dogs'."

Wiping the sweat off his brow Michael smiled. "What ya think?" he asked, Elektra and Streak.

"It looks like a gymnasium for dogs."

"Perfect." Mike said walking upstairs. Placing his hands on the wooden floor. "Imma need your help wit this." Synchronizing with his Dragons he pictured grass coming out of the floor. 5 Star Seal: Bed of Grass." Three circled five-star pentagrams appeared. Connecting and forming a triangle grew into the whole room was covered with grass.

"You're getting quite good with your magic father." Elektra said.

"I aint gone lie, I couldn't do this without ya'll. If you didn't explain to me about circles, triangles, and the five star which I bang anyway my magic would be outta deah. On the bool I neva notice how spiritual some of my knowledge was."

"Well it is the universal law that likes attract likes and your gang beliefs widely meets up with the ways of the universe more than you know."

"Yea and on da cool, this old man told me when I was locked up the Bible is where they got some of the knowledge."

"Read it." said Elektra. "Not just the Bible but books period. At least until you become one with the divine, then all knowledge will present itself to you when ready."

Nodding his head Mike said. "Aite bet. Now wassup wit' training."

Leaping out the window Streak shouted, "It will be better off if we train somewhere you will have plenty of space."

"Yesterday we broke down to you the way the Universe works. Today we will explain to you how to transition in between dimensional rifts." Pausing for a second King stared at Elektra. "I think you should explain this to him."

Shrugging her shoulders Elektra said, "okay." Creating a sphere that hovered above her hand she sat contemplating the best way to explain the next portion. "Okay so the universe has twelve dimensions." Creating eleven more spheres she connected them together. "When I connect them together, what do you see?"

Staring at the new sphere that was formed he noticed that in the center of the sphere was a space which created another sphere. "A thirteenth sphere." He blurted out.

"Correct, this thirteenth sphere is God or the infinite spirit and Outside the big sphere is God. Alright so all matter is made of light and releases a certain frequency, so if you match frequency with the matter you can go through it reaching the inner dimension of the matter."

"Wait hol up, what." Michael said lost.

"I think I got this." Streak said squatting he begun to draw in the dirt. "The circle on the outside is God or the infinite spirit and the cross within it is the light or you can picture it as a human. The circle within the cross is also God or the heart of the light. If you picture yourself going into the inner part of God, you can enter another dimension. The heart represents the frequency of love, happiness, and peace which is the state you will need to be in, in order to make the jump."

"Ohhh okay I get it." Mike said nodding his head and crossing his arms. Placing his hand over his chin. "So, what you are saying is, if I place myself in a loving and happy state, I can enter another world because all worlds are created from love which is within us and outside us. Right."

"Correct through love and happiness you can connect with all things for all is one and one is in all."

"Aite cool, cool." Michael said nodding his head. "So how do I go through matter."

"By breaching the speed of light which we are all made of." Elektra replied.

"Behhhht. Got ya. Wait so that means all the particles of light I see whenever I connect wit' my inner Dragon are possible rifts?"

"Yep" Elektra answered.

Replaying everything he was just told Michael didn't know if it was because he was high or what, but he noticed something. "So, if God is within us don't that make us like part God."

Clapping his hands Streak let out a small laugh. "Correct all humans are the sons of God but because of your EGO ya'll are unable to witness your true potential."

"How come?" Michael asked curious.

"Because your emotions and mind. Humans tend to emit lower frequencies such as anger, jealousy, hate and so forth that hinders them. Then because the limitation put on the mind through experiences through growth and the lack of the word of God which enriches the spirit. So, until humans can control and unite these three aspects and open up the third eye their lives will continue to be limited."

"Okay so…"

"That's enough questions for now if you want answers search for them and you should find."

"All I was gone say is that if a giant bomb of weed was dropped on the earth, we prolly would be at peace and could obtain this."

Laughing at this statement Elektra said. "yea especially if everyone acts like how you do when your high."

"Hell, yea I do be all smiley and friendly and shit." Michael said agreeing with her.

"Your theory is somewhat correct, but you would still have to connect the mind, body, and spirit. But anyways." Getting back on track King asked. "Have you figured out what you are going to do."

"Yea but first imma need a sweet." Mike responded.

Island of Jungaere

Waking up Michael saw nothing but hills, grass and a few trees here and there. Stretching he took a deep breath, taking in the scent of the land. "Grass, Grass, water, Grass, tree." Michael said sniffing the air looking for some form of life. "What's that?" Sniffing the air like a hound he followed the scent.

Shaking his head and blowing out the stench as he got closer to the source Mike spotted the creature from a distance. Its skin was blue and covered with fur and t had a monkey like tail with a crystal lodged inside its palm. Running towards the creature it disappeared.

"Hol up wait." Michael shouted looking around for the creature as he arrived at the spot it was standing. "Damn, it coulda at leas' gave a brother some direction." Shrugging his shoulders Mike reached in his pocket to grab the rest of his blunt when he noticed that he couldn't see part of his foot.

Stepping backwards he could see his foot again. Tilting his head, a bit and placing his hand forward he watched it disappear. "Whoop, whoop, whoop" he said playing around taking his arm in and out watching it disappear he jumped through on the fourth. "Scoop!"

Staring at a castle on top of a hill he noticed that the area was surrounded by more trees and even smelt different. "Ope it's time to eat." Michael said rubbing his hands together. Fleeting towards the castle Michael slowed down and begun to walk as he entered a city on the out skirts of the castle. Feeling the presence of people around him he couldn't believe anyone could survive in the post-apocalyptic looking city. "Don't mess wit', me I won't mess wit' you." Mike mumbled to himself as he continued the walk towards the castle.

"What Kingdom do you hail from!"

"Dese nuts" Michael yelled trying to walk pass the guards.

Blocking the path with their spears they asked him again. "What Kingdom do you hail from?"

"Say Bo let me in." Mike commanded taking in the scent of the food inside the castle walls. "Come on mayne I'm just tryin' to grab some ta eat and somewea' to sleep real quick Bo."

"Go find a place of lodging inside the city."

"Say mayne I'm trying to lodge inside the castle walls."

"We are going to ask you only once to leave." One of the guards said sternly.

Trying to avoid from causing a scene Michael took a deep breath staring at the red and green furred guards he noticed that they too had purple crystals lodged in them. One in the shoulders the other in its forearms.

"You think you can scare us with some eye trick." One of the guards said angrily.

Feeling his fangs and claws extending Mike felt as if he was being summoned. Counting down from five in order to maintain control he talked to himself. "Think mike, think how do I…" Moving unexpectantly he stabbed both guards in their neck with his index finger.

Grabbing their necks both guards, crystals glowed as they prepared to attack but they were taking over by paralysis. Ingesting a sample of their blood, their memories flooded his mind. Blowing smoke into their faces he said. "I come from the Delgarian continent I'm hea' bout the Princess."

Removing their spears, the guards, crystals lit up once again causing the doors to burst open. "You may enter." They spoke in unison.

"Thank ya" Mike said entering the castle. Bowing the guards did not respond. "Ope time to hit dat banquet up now."